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  1. New


    eskeci do code //SKULL int player; if (player && player->skullred == 0 && player->skullwhite == 0 &&(player->skullwhite == 0 || player->skullred == 0)) { player->skullwhite++; } //SKULL
  2. New


    alguém pod me ajudar com esse erros ae? São 5 erros!
  3. New


    Descobriu alguma coisa dos erros
  4. New


    Vlw Ramon obrigado pela ajuda
  5. New


    não é uma dúvida são varios erros q da quando eu compilo as sources com esse code ae! sources q eu uso pra compila: ---> SOURCES <---
  6. New


    Por Favor sou novo aqui no Forum e preciso de uma ajuda, tenho q adiciona alguns codes em umas sources, mas sempre da varios erros então queria saber c alguém adicona os codes pra eu, por favor, esse codes são de um jogo chamado OpenTibiaServer, o code server pra adiciona skull nos players segue o code abaixo c alguém puder me ajuda eu agradeço muito , Game.cpp in the checkplayer function under if(player){ [code] std::vector<Creature*> list; getSpectators(Range(player->pos), list); if(player->unjustkills >= 3 && player->skullred == 0){ player->skullred++; } if(player->skullwhite >= 1 && player->inFightTicks > 6000) { for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i){ Player* hond = dynamic_cast<Player*>(list[i]); if(hond){ hond->onSkull(player, 3);}}} else if(player->inFightTicks <= 6000){ if(player->skullwhite >= 1){ player->skullwhite -= player->skullwhite; for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i){ Player* hond = dynamic_cast<Player*>(list[i]); if(hond){ hond->onSkull(player, 0);}} }} if(player->skullred == 1){ for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i){ Player* hond = dynamic_cast<Player*>(list[i]); if(hond){ hond->onSkull(player, 4); }}} under if (attackedCreature->health <= 0) { above the exp code //add unjustified kill if(player && attackedPlayer &&(attackedPlayer->skullwhite == 0 || attackedPlayer->skullred == 0)) { NetworkMessage ServerSay; std::stringstream bericht; bericht<<"Warning! The murder of "<< attackedPlayer->getName() <<" was not justified."; NetworkMessage msg; msg.AddTextMessage(MSG_SERVERSAY, bericht.str().c_str()); player->sendNetworkMessage(&msg); player->unjustkills++; } under player->sendIcons(); if(attackedPlayer) if (player && player->skullred == 0 && player->skullwhite == 0 &&(attackedPlayer->skullwhite == 0 || attackedPlayer->skullred == 0)) { player->skullwhite++; } under if(target->health <= 0) { //add unjustified kill if(player &&(targetPlayer->skullwhite == 0 || targetPlayer->skullred == 0)) { NetworkMessage ServerSay; std::stringstream bericht; bericht<<"Warning! The murder of"<< targetPlayer->getName() <<"was not justified."; NetworkMessage msg; msg.AddTextMessage(MSG_SERVERSAY, bericht.str().c_str()); player->sendNetworkMessage(&msg); player->unjustkills++; } above if(damage != 0) { creatureApplyDamage(target, damage, damage, manaDamage); if (player && player->skullred == 0 && player->skullwhite == 0 &&(targetPlayer->skullwhite == 0 || targetPlayer->skullred == 0)) { player->skullwhite++; } player.cpp (the places should be obvious) skullwhite = 0; skullred = 0; unjustkills= 0; void Player::onSkull(Player* player, int type) { client->sendSkull(player,type); } pn = xmlNewNode(NULL,(const xmlChar*)"skull"); sb << skullwhite; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "white", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); sb << skullred; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "red", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); sb << unjustkills; xmlSetProp(pn, (const xmlChar*) "unjustkills", (const xmlChar*)sb.str().c_str()); sb.str(""); xmlAddChild(root, pn); player.h in public int skullwhite, skullred, unjustkills; void onSkull(Player* player, int type); ioplayerxml.cpp else if(str=="skull") { player->skullwhite=atoi((const char*)xmlGetProp(p, (const xmlChar *) "white")); player->skullred=atoi((const char*)xmlGetProp(p, (const xmlChar *) "red")); player->unjustkills=atoi((const char*)xmlGetProp(p, (const xmlChar *) "unjustkills")); } protocol74.cpp void Protocol74::sendSkull(const Creature *creature, int type){ NetworkMessage newmsg; newmsg.AddByte(0x90); newmsg.AddU32(creature->getID()); if(type == 0){ newmsg.AddByte(0x00); // remove skull }else if(type == 1){ newmsg.AddByte(0x01); // yellow skull }else if(type == 2){ newmsg.AddByte(0x02); // green skull }else if(type == 3){ newmsg.AddByte(0x03); // white skull }else if(type == 4){ newmsg.AddByte(0x04); // red skull } newmsg.WriteToSocket(s); } protocol74.h virtual void sendSkull(const Creature *creature, int type); protocol.h virtual void sendSkull(const Creature *creature, int type) = 0; OBS: se alguém quiser me ajudar eu passo o coloka as sources q eu uso em um Host pra download
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