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Inserir Publicidade (div) Flutuante No Mkportal



Já tentei de tudo e não consigo. Será que tem como colocaro a DIV flutuante e fazer com que apareça uma vez só? Coloquei no index.php, mas como o mkportal ( utiliza o INDEX.PHP como base para todas as páginas internas a DIV flutuante teima em aparecer em todas essas páginas internas. Como fazer pra ela aparecer só uma vez, por exemplo, por hora. Ou melhor, como fazer para ela aparecer uma vez por sessão do IE ou outro browser qualquer.


Editado por maikeandre
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A sessão só será encerrada ao chamar session_destroy() ou se o usuário fechar o navegador, então basta verificar a existência da variável na sessão. Se existir, não mostre o banner. Se não existor, mostre-o e crie a sessão:

if (!isset($_SESSION) || !isset($_SESSION['banner']))
    //mostre o banner
    $_SESSION['banner'] = true;

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A sessão só será encerrada ao chamar session_destroy() ou se o usuário fechar o navegador, então basta verificar a existência da variável na sessão. Se existir, não mostre o banner. Se não existor, mostre-o e crie a sessão:

if (!isset($_SESSION) || !isset($_SESSION['banner']))
    //mostre o banner
    $_SESSION['banner'] = true;
Tentei fazer assim: mas não deu certo, deu erro no site.
200 - if (!isset($_SESSION) || !isset($_SESSION['banner']))
201 - {
202 -     //mostre o banner
203 -     session_start();
204 -     $_SESSION['banner'] = true;
205 -     echo "<div id=\"publicidade\" style=\"top: 53px\"><img src=\"filie_se_banner.png\" width=\"384\" height=\"416\" border=\"0\" usemap=\"#Map\" /><map name=\"Map\" id=\"Map\"><area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"159,357,227,375\" href=\"#\" alt=\"\" onclick=\"MM_showHideLayers('publicidade','','hide','Map','','hide')" /><area shape=\"poly\" coords=\"81,128,294,127,307,145,320,181,322,237,304,280,277,314,231,341,191,349,145,342,110,324,74,285,56,240,58,174\" href=\"\" alt=\"\" /></map></div>"
206 - }

O erro foi:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/junior/public_html/mkportal/templates/template_oficial/tpl_main.php on line 200

O que fazer?

Está errado?

Editado por maikeandre
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Provavelmente o erro está na liha anterior à 200. Pode estar faltando um ponto-e-vírgula, por exemplo. Verifique isso, se ão conseguir, poste o código para vermos.



Beraldo, o código é bem extenso:

| MkPortal "default" Portal Template
| ========================================
| > MKPortal

class tpl_main {

function view_header($title, $css, $js, $pmk_js, $board_header) {
global $mklib, $mklib_board;
//$css = $mklib_board->import_css();
return <<<EOF

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

<!-- Inicio do HEAD da pagina -->

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<meta name="generator" content="MKPortal" />
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
<meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" />
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="stmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$js}"></script>

<body onload="java script:GetPos(),MM_timelinePlay('Timeline1')">

<!-- Fim do HEAD -->


function open_main($mainwidth) {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- Inicio da tabela principal -->
<div id="mkwrapper" style="width: {$mainwidth};">
<table class="tabmain" width="100%" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<td width="100%" align="center">

<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<!-- Fim da tabela principal -->


function view_logo() {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- Inicio do menu cabeçalho e logo -->
<tr><td><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="menu_cbfdv.js"></script></td></tr>
<script type="text/javascript">
function MM_showHideLayers() { //v9.0
var i,p,v,obj,args=MM_showHideLayers.arguments;
for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3)
with (document) if (getElementById && ((obj=getElementById(args[i]))!=null)) { v=args[i+2];
if ( {; v=(v=='show')?'visible':(v=='hide')?'hidden':v; }
obj.visibility=v; }
function MM_timelinePlay(tmLnName, myID) { //v1.2
//Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
var i,j,tmLn,props,keyFrm,sprite,numKeyFr,firstKeyFr,propNum,theObj,firstTime=false;
if (document.MM_Time == null) MM_initTimelines(); //if *very* 1st time
tmLn = document.MM_Time[tmLnName];
if (myID == null) { myID = ++tmLn.ID; firstTime=true;}//if new call, incr ID
if (myID == tmLn.ID) { //if Im newest
fNew = ++tmLn.curFrame;
for (i=0; i<tmLn.length; i++) {
sprite = tmLn[i];
if (sprite.charAt(0) == 's') {
if (sprite.obj) {
numKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames.length; firstKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[0];
if (fNew >= firstKeyFr && fNew <= sprite.keyFrames[numKeyFr-1]) {//in range
for (j=0; j<sprite.values.length; j++) {
props = sprite.values[j];
if (numKeyFr != props.length) {
if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[fNew-firstKeyFr];
else sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[fNew-firstKeyFr];
} else {
while (keyFrm<numKeyFr && fNew>=sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm]) keyFrm++;
if (firstTime || fNew==sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm-1]) {
if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[keyFrm-1];
else sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[keyFrm-1];
} } } } }
} else if (sprite.charAt(0)=='b' && fNew == sprite.frame) eval(sprite.value);
if (fNew > tmLn.lastFrame) tmLn.ID = 0;
} }

function MM_timelineGoto(tmLnName, fNew, numGotos) { //v2.0
//Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
var i,j,tmLn,props,keyFrm,sprite,numKeyFr,firstKeyFr,lastKeyFr,propNum,theObj;
if (document.MM_Time == null) MM_initTimelines(); //if *very* 1st time
tmLn = document.MM_Time[tmLnName];
if (numGotos != null)
if (tmLn.gotoCount == null) tmLn.gotoCount = 1;
else if (tmLn.gotoCount++ >= numGotos) {tmLn.gotoCount=0; return}
jmpFwd = (fNew > tmLn.curFrame);
for (i = 0; i < tmLn.length; i++) {
sprite = (jmpFwd)? tmLn[i] : tmLn[(tmLn.length-1)-i]; //count bkwds if jumping back
if (sprite.charAt(0) == "s") {
numKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames.length;
firstKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[0];
lastKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[numKeyFr - 1];
if ((jmpFwd && fNew<firstKeyFr) || (!jmpFwd && lastKeyFr<fNew)) continue; //skip if untouchd
for (keyFrm=1; keyFrm<numKeyFr && fNew>=sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm]; keyFrm++);
for (j=0; j<sprite.values.length; j++) {
props = sprite.values[j];
if (numKeyFr == props.length) propNum = keyFrm-1 //keyframes only
else propNum = Math.min(Math.max(0,fNew-firstKeyFr),props.length-1); //or keep in legal range
if (sprite.obj != null) {
if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[propNum];
else sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[propNum];
} }
} else if (sprite.charAt(0)=='b' && fNew == sprite.frame) eval(sprite.value);
tmLn.curFrame = fNew;
if (tmLn.ID == 0) eval('MM_timelinePlay(tmLnName)');

function MM_initTimelines() { //v4.0
//MM_initTimelines() Copyright 1997 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
var ns = navigator.appName == "Netscape";
var ns4 = (ns && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4);
var ns5 = (ns && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) > 4);
var macIE5 = (navigator.platform ? (navigator.platform == "MacPPC") : false) && (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4);
document.MM_Time = new Array(1);
document.MM_Time[0] = new Array(2);
document.MM_Time["Timeline1"] = document.MM_Time[0];
document.MM_Time[0].MM_Name = "Timeline1";
document.MM_Time[0].fps = 15;
document.MM_Time[0][0] = new String("sprite");
document.MM_Time[0][0].slot = 1;
if (ns4)
document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document["publicidade"];
else if (ns5)
document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document.getElementById("publicidade");
document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document.all ? document.all["publicidade"] : null;
document.MM_Time[0][0].keyFrames = new Array(1, 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 27, 40);
document.MM_Time[0][0].values = new Array(2);
if (ns5 || macIE5)
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0] = new Array("56px", "55px", "53px", "52px", "54px", "56px", "58px", "60px", "59px", "58px", "57px", "56px", "55px", "56px", "58px", "59px", "60px", "59px", "58px", "56px", "55px", "54px", "55px", "56px", "58px", "59px", "60px", "60px", "59px", "59px", "59px", "58px", "58px", "58px", "58px", "57px", "57px", "57px", "56px", "56px");
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0] = new Array(56,55,53,52,54,56,58,60,59,58,57,56,55,56,58,59,60,59,58,56,55,54,55,56,58,59,60,60,59,59,59,58,58,58,58,57,57,57,56,56);
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0].prop = "left";
if (ns5 || macIE5)
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1] = new Array("52px", "53px", "54px", "55px", "55px", "55px", "55px", "55px", "54px", "54px", "53px", "52px", "52px", "53px", "53px", "54px", "55px", "55px", "54px", "54px", "53px", "53px", "53px", "54px", "54px", "55px", "55px", "55px", "55px", "54px", "54px", "54px", "54px", "54px", "54px", "54px", "53px", "53px", "53px", "53px");
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1] = new Array(52,53,54,55,55,55,55,55,54,54,53,52,52,53,53,54,55,55,54,54,53,53,53,54,54,55,55,55,55,54,54,54,54,54,54,54,53,53,53,53);
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1].prop = "top";
if (!ns4) {
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0].prop2 = "style";
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1].prop2 = "style";
document.MM_Time[0][1] = new String("behavior");
document.MM_Time[0][1].frame = 41;
document.MM_Time[0][1].value = "MM_timelineGoto('Timeline1','1')";
document.MM_Time[0].lastFrame = 41;
for (i=0; i<document.MM_Time.length; i++) {
document.MM_Time[i].ID = null;
document.MM_Time[i].curFrame = 0;
document.MM_Time[i].delay = 1000/document.MM_Time[i].fps;


<div id="publicidade" style="top: 53px"><img src="filie_se_banner.png" width="384" height="416" border="0" usemap="#Map" /><map name="Map" id="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="159,357,227,375" href="#" alt="" onclick="MM_showHideLayers('publicidade','','hide','Map','','hide')" />
<area shape="poly" coords="81,128,294,127,307,145,320,181,322,237,304,280,277,314,231,341,191,349,145,342,110,324,74,285,56,240,58,174" href="" alt="" /></map></div>


<center><a href="$mklib->siteurl/index.php"><img src="$mklib->images/logo.jpg" border="0" alt="" /></a></center>

<!-- Fim do menu cabeçalho e logo -->


function view_linkbar($row_link) {
global $mklib, $mkportals;
return <<<EOF

<!-- Início da Barra de Links -->

<table width="100%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
<td class="navigatore" style="padding: 4px;">

<!-- Fim da Barra de Links -->


function view_urlo($urlo1, $urlo2) {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- Início da caixa recados do Presidente -->

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="urlo" style="background-image: url('$mklib->images/m_sf.gif')" width="100%" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
{$mklib->lang['urlolast']} - $urlo1
<td class="urlo2" colspan="2">$urlo2

<!-- Fim da caixa recados do Presidente -->


function view_separator_h() {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- Início do espaçamento horizontal -->

<!-- Separador Horizontal -->
<tr align="center">
<td class="trattini"><img src="$mklib->images/punto_or.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
</tr> -->

<!-- Fim Separador Horizontal -->


function open_body() {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- Início do corpo do portal principal -->

<tr align="center">
<td width="100%">
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<!-- Fimdo corpo do portal principal -->


function view_column_left($blocks) {
global $mklib;

return <<<EOF

<!-- Início Coluna Esquerda -->

<td id="menusx" valign="top" align="left">
<div id="menucontents" style="$mklib->menucontents">
<div style="text-align:right;"><a href="java script:ColumnClose('menusx');MemoPos('MKmenusx', '1');"><img src="$mklib->images/f2.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a>&nbsp;</div>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0" style="width: {$mklib->columnwidth}px;">
<div id="menucloseds" style="$mklib->menucloseds">
<div style="text-align:right;"><a href="java script:ColumnOpen('menusx');MemoPos('MKmenusx', '0');"><img src="$mklib->images/f1.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a></div>

<!-- Fim Coluna Esquerda-->


function view_separator_v() {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF


function view_column_center($blocks) {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- Inicio Coluna Central -->

<td valign="top" align="left" width="100%">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" border="0" width="100%">

<!-- Fim Coluna Central -->


function view_column_right($blocks) {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- Inicio Coluna da Direita -->

<td id="menudx" valign="top" align="left">
<div id="menucontentr" style="$mklib->menucontentr">
<div style="text-align:left;">&nbsp;<a href="java script:ColumnClose('menudx');MemoPos('MKmenudx', '1')"><img src="$mklib->images/f2.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a></div>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0" style="width: {$mklib->columnwidth}px;">
<div id="menuclosedr" style="$mklib->menuclosedr">
<div style="text-align:left;"><a href="java script:ColumnOpen('menudx');MemoPos('MKmenudx', '0')"><img src="$mklib->images/f1.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a></div>

<!-- Inicio Coluna da Direita -->


function close_body() {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- begin close portal body -->


<!-- end close portal body -->


function close_main() {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- begin close main table -->



<!-- end close main table -->


function view_footer($block) {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- begin footer -->

<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="$mklib->images/actarus.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a></p>
<!-- end footer -->
<p align="center">{$block}</p>


<!-- end footer -->


function view_block($title, $content) {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- begin block template -->

<td valign="top">
<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td class="tdmenblock" width="1%"><img class="tdmenblock" alt="" src="$mklib->images/m_sx.gif" border="0" /></td>

<td class="sottotitolo" width="99%" style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url($mklib->images/m_sf.gif)" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">{$title}</td>

<td class="tdmenblock" width="1%"><img class="tdmenblock" alt="" src="$mklib->images/m_dx.gif" border="0" /></td>

<td colspan="3">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td class="tdmenblock" width="1%" style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url($mklib->images/lat_sx.gif)" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"><img class="tdmenblock" alt="" src="$mklib->images/lat_sx.gif" border="0" /></td>

<td class="tablemenu" width="99%">

<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">{$content}</table>

<td class="tdmenblock" width="1%" style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url($mklib->images/lat_dx.gif)" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"><img class="tdmenblock" alt="" src="$mklib->images/lat_dx.gif" border="0" /></td>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td class="tdmenblock" width="1%" align="right" valign="top"><img class="tdmenblock" alt="" src="$mklib->images/m_sx2.gif" /></td>

<td class="tdmenblock" width="99%" style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url($mklib->images/m_sf2.gif)"><img class="tdmenblock" alt="" src="$mklib->images/m_sf2.gif" border="0" /></td>

<td class="tdmenblock" width="1%"><img class="tdmenblock" alt="" src="$mklib->images/m_dx2.gif" /></td>

<td class="tdspacer">&nbsp;</td>
<!-- end block template -->


function row_link( $icon, $url, $text) {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF

<!-- begin link template -->

&nbsp;<img src="$icon" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="" />&nbsp;<a class="uno" $url>$text</a>

<!-- end link template -->

function view_quote($content, $author) {
global $mklib;
return <<<EOF
<!-- begin mkportal quote -->
<table class="mkquotetable" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; width: auto;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td valign="bottom">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top" width="26"><img src="$mklib->images/quote/mkquote_balloon_l.gif" height="23" width="26" alt="" /></td>
<td style="background-image: url($mklib->images/quote/mkquote_balloon_bg.gif); background-position: center; padding-bottom: 3px;" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">
<span class="mkquoteball"><b>{$mklib->lang['editor_quote']}</b> $author</span>
<td valign="top"><img src="$mklib->images/quote/mkquote_balloon_r.gif" height="23" width="26" alt="" /></td>

<td align="right" valign="bottom" width="100%">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td width="100%">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td style="background-image: url($mklib->images/quote/mkquote_top_bg.gif);" valign="middle" width="100%"></td>
<td align="left" valign="top"><img src="$mklib->images/quote/mkquote_top_r.gif" height="23" width="13" alt="" /></td>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td style="background-image: url($mklib->images/quote/mkquote_left_bg.gif);" width="13"></td>
<td class="mkquotetext" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" width="100%">
<td style="background-image: url($mklib->images/quote/mkquote_right_bg.gif);" width="13"></td>
<td valign="bottom" height="9" width="13"><img src="$mklib->images/quote/mkquote_bot_l.gif" alt="" /></td>
<td style="background-image: url($mklib->images/quote/mkquote_bot_bg.gif);" width="100%"></td>
<td valign="bottom" height="9" width="13"><img src="$mklib->images/quote/mkquote_bot_r.gif" alt="" /></td>
<!-- end mkportal quote -->



$Skin = new tpl_main;


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Faça mais ou menos assim:

como a função não cria variáveis, somente retorna o conteúdo diretamente, faça assim:

function view_logo()
    $return = <<<EOF
    //coloque o conteúdo que vem antes da div flutuante
    if (!isset($_SESSION))
    if (!isset($_SESSION['div_flutuante']))
        $_SESSION['div_flutuante'] = true;
        $return .= <<<EOF código da div EOF;
    $return .= <<<EOF restante do código EOF;
    return $return;


É por aí. ;)



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Pois é, tentei fazer e está dando o seguinte erro:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/junior/public_html/mkportal/templates/actarus_gta_san_andreas/tpl_main.php on line 210

A linha 210 é:

if (!isset($_SESSION['div_flutuante']))

O código Function_view_logo ficou assim:

function view_logo() {
global $mklib;
$return = <<<EOF

<!-- begin logostrip -->
<tr><td>&lt;script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="menu_cbfdv.js"></script></td></tr>
&lt;script type="text/javascript">
function MM_showHideLayers() { //v9.0
var i,p,v,obj,args=MM_showHideLayers.arguments;
for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3)
with (document) if (getElementById && ((obj=getElementById(args[i]))!=null)) { v=args[i+2];
if ( {; v=(v=='show')?'visible':(v=='hide')?'hidden':v; }
obj.visibility=v; }
function MM_timelinePlay(tmLnName, myID) { //v1.2
//Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
var i,j,tmLn,props,keyFrm,sprite,numKeyFr,firstKeyFr,propNum,theObj,firstTime=false;
if (document.MM_Time == null) MM_initTimelines(); //if *very* 1st time
tmLn = document.MM_Time[tmLnName];
if (myID == null) { myID = ++tmLn.ID; firstTime=true;}//if new call, incr ID
if (myID == tmLn.ID) { //if Im newest
fNew = ++tmLn.curFrame;
for (i=0; i<tmLn.length; i++) {
sprite = tmLn[i];
if (sprite.charAt(0) == 's') {
if (sprite.obj) {
numKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames.length; firstKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[0];
if (fNew >= firstKeyFr && fNew <= sprite.keyFrames[numKeyFr-1]) {//in range
for (j=0; j<sprite.values.length; j++) {
props = sprite.values[j];
if (numKeyFr != props.length) {
if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[fNew-firstKeyFr];
else sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[fNew-firstKeyFr];
} else {
while (keyFrm<numKeyFr && fNew>=sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm]) keyFrm++;
if (firstTime || fNew==sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm-1]) {
if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[keyFrm-1];
else sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[keyFrm-1];
} } } } }
} else if (sprite.charAt(0)=='b' && fNew == sprite.frame) eval(sprite.value);
if (fNew > tmLn.lastFrame) tmLn.ID = 0;
} }

function MM_timelineGoto(tmLnName, fNew, numGotos) { //v2.0
//Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
var i,j,tmLn,props,keyFrm,sprite,numKeyFr,firstKeyFr,lastKeyFr,propNum,theObj;
if (document.MM_Time == null) MM_initTimelines(); //if *very* 1st time
tmLn = document.MM_Time[tmLnName];
if (numGotos != null)
if (tmLn.gotoCount == null) tmLn.gotoCount = 1;
else if (tmLn.gotoCount++ >= numGotos) {tmLn.gotoCount=0; return}
jmpFwd = (fNew > tmLn.curFrame);
for (i = 0; i < tmLn.length; i++) {
sprite = (jmpFwd)? tmLn[i] : tmLn[(tmLn.length-1)-i]; //count bkwds if jumping back
if (sprite.charAt(0) == "s") {
numKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames.length;
firstKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[0];
lastKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[numKeyFr - 1];
if ((jmpFwd && fNew<firstKeyFr) || (!jmpFwd && lastKeyFr<fNew)) continue; //skip if untouchd
for (keyFrm=1; keyFrm<numKeyFr && fNew>=sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm]; keyFrm++);
for (j=0; j<sprite.values.length; j++) {
props = sprite.values[j];
if (numKeyFr == props.length) propNum = keyFrm-1 //keyframes only
else propNum = Math.min(Math.max(0,fNew-firstKeyFr),props.length-1); //or keep in legal range
if (sprite.obj != null) {
if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[propNum];
else sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[propNum];
} }
} else if (sprite.charAt(0)=='b' && fNew == sprite.frame) eval(sprite.value);
tmLn.curFrame = fNew;
if (tmLn.ID == 0) eval('MM_timelinePlay(tmLnName)');

function MM_initTimelines() { //v4.0
//MM_initTimelines() Copyright 1997 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
var ns = navigator.appName == "Netscape";
var ns4 = (ns && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4);
var ns5 = (ns && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) > 4);
var macIE5 = (navigator.platform ? (navigator.platform == "MacPPC") : false) && (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4);
document.MM_Time = new Array(1);
document.MM_Time[0] = new Array(2);
document.MM_Time["Timeline1"] = document.MM_Time[0];
document.MM_Time[0].MM_Name = "Timeline1";
document.MM_Time[0].fps = 15;
document.MM_Time[0][0] = new String("sprite");
document.MM_Time[0][0].slot = 1;
if (ns4)
document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document["publicidade"];
else if (ns5)
document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document.getElementById("publicidade");
document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document.all ? document.all["publicidade"] : null;
document.MM_Time[0][0].keyFrames = new Array(1, 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 27, 40);
document.MM_Time[0][0].values = new Array(2);
if (ns5 || macIE5)
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0] = new Array("56px", "55px", "53px", "52px", "54px", "56px", "58px", "60px", "59px", "58px", "57px", "56px", "55px", "56px", "58px", "59px", "60px", "59px", "58px", "56px", "55px", "54px", "55px", "56px", "58px", "59px", "60px", "60px", "59px", "59px", "59px", "58px", "58px", "58px", "58px", "57px", "57px", "57px", "56px", "56px");
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0] = new Array(56,55,53,52,54,56,58,60,59,58,57,56,55,56,58,59,60,59,58,56,55,54,55,56,58,59,60,60,59,59,59,58,58,58,58,57,57,57,56,56);
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0].prop = "left";
if (ns5 || macIE5)
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1] = new Array("52px", "53px", "54px", "55px", "55px", "55px", "55px", "55px", "54px", "54px", "53px", "52px", "52px", "53px", "53px", "54px", "55px", "55px", "54px", "54px", "53px", "53px", "53px", "54px", "54px", "55px", "55px", "55px", "55px", "54px", "54px", "54px", "54px", "54px", "54px", "54px", "53px", "53px", "53px", "53px");
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1] = new Array(52,53,54,55,55,55,55,55,54,54,53,52,52,53,53,54,55,55,54,54,53,53,53,54,54,55,55,55,55,54,54,54,54,54,54,54,53,53,53,53);
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1].prop = "top";
if (!ns4) {
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0].prop2 = "style";
document.MM_Time[0][0].values[1].prop2 = "style";
document.MM_Time[0][1] = new String("behavior");
document.MM_Time[0][1].frame = 41;
document.MM_Time[0][1].value = "MM_timelineGoto('Timeline1','1')";
document.MM_Time[0].lastFrame = 41;
for (i=0; i<document.MM_Time.length; i++) {
document.MM_Time[i].ID = null;
document.MM_Time[i].curFrame = 0;
document.MM_Time[i].delay = 1000/document.MM_Time[i].fps;

if (!isset($_SESSION))

if (!isset($_SESSION['div_flutuante']))
$_SESSION['div_flutuante'] = true;
$return .= "<div id='publicidade' style='top: 53px'><img src='filie_se_banner.png' width='384' height='416' border='0' usemap='#Map' /><map name='Map' id='Map'><area shape='rect' coords='159,357,227,375' href='#' alt='' onclick='MM_showHideLayers('publicidade','','hide','Map','','hide')' /><area shape='poly' coords='81,128,294,127,307,145,320,181,322,237,304,280,277,314,231,341,191,349,145,342,110,324,74,285,56,240,58,174' href='' alt='' /></map></div><center><a href='$mklib->siteurl/index.php'><img src='$mklib->images/logo.jpg' border='0' alt='' /></a></center></td></tr>";
$return .= "<center><a href='$mklib->siteurl/index.php'><img src='$mklib->images/logo.jpg' border='0' alt='' /></a></center></td></tr>";
return $return;

O que está dando errado nisso será?


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