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Fala galera.

sou novo por aqui , e preciso urgente da ajuda de vocês.

queria fazer um sistema parecido com esse:

alguém pode me passar o script?

eu não faço ideia de como fazer esse sistema.

ele é basicamente assim:

o cara vai e coloca o nome do personagem dele , depois escolhe tal imagem de fundo , aperta submit e gera o script com level , etc..

obrigado desde já


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Se você quer apenas o script tem duas opções:

1 - Procurar no google;

2 - Contratar um freelancer para fazer pra você.

O objetivo do fórum é auxiliar na solução de algum problema, se você quizer ajuda estaremos a disposição para lhe auxiliar.

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eu entendi parcialmente..

beleza , ela gera imagens com texto e tal..

mas como faço isso?

levem em conta que sou meio noob ainda :x

primeiramente tentei editar e não consegui...

seguinte eu tenho o script de um que usa banco de dados..

porém eu não tenho acesso ao banco de dados do jogo


    class signature
        # v-- CONFIGURATION BELOW --v #
        var $config = array
            'database'    => array ( "localhost" , "root" , "password" , "database" ),
            'vocations'   => array ( "Warrior" , "Ranger" , "Mage" ),
            'towns'       => array ( 1 => 'Tipitaka', 2 => 'Platon' ),
            'groups'      => array ( 2 => "Tutor" , 3 => "Senior Tutor" , 4 => "Gamemaster" , 5 => "Community Manager" , 6 => "God" ),
            'backgrounds' => array ( 'signatures/blue' , 'signatures/red' , 'signatures/green' ),
            'color'       => "#FFFFFF",
            'statuscolor' => array ( "#358f0d" /* online */ , "#c40808" /* offline */ ),
            'font'        => "signatures/arial.ttf",
            'size'        => array ( 2 /* without font */ , 8 /* with font */ )
        # ^-- CONFIGURATION ABOVE --^ #
        // Database functions.
        function connectDatabase ( $database ) { @mysql_connect ( $database[0] , $database[1] , $database[2] ); @mysql_select_db ( $database[3] ); }
        function query ( $query ) { return @mysql_query ( $query ); }
        function fetchArray ( $query ) { return @mysql_fetch_array ( $query ); }
        function secure ( $query ) { return @mysql_real_escape_string ( $query ); }
        function numRows ( $query ) { return @mysql_num_rows ( $query ); }
        function convertHex ( $hex )
            $hex   = ereg_replace ( "#" , "" , $hex );
            $color = array();
            if ( strlen ( $hex ) == 6 ):
                $color['r'] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex , 0 , 2 ) );
                $color['g'] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex , 2 , 2 ) );
                $color['b'] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex , 4 , 2 ) );
            return $color;

        // Signature functions.
        function character ( $character )
            // Define presets.
            $query     = "SELECT `id` , `account_id` , `group_id` , `name` , `sex` , `promotion` , `vocation` , `town_id` , `rank_id` , `online` , `level` , `lastlogin` FROM `players` WHERE `name` = '{$character}'";
            $fetchRow  = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( $query ) );
            $numRows   = $this -> numRows    ( $this -> query ( $query ) );
            $rank      = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( "SELECT `guild_id` , `name` FROM `guild_ranks` WHERE `id` = '{$fetchRow[rank_id]}'" ) );
            $guild     = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( "SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = '{$rank[guild_id]}'" ) );
            $premium   = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( "SELECT `premdays` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = '{$fetchRow[account_id]}'" ) );
            // Define certain arrays into one variable.
            $arrays['status']   = ( $fetchRow['online'] == 1 ? ' ONLINE' : 'OFFLINE' );
            $arrays['gender']   = ( $fetchRow['sex'] == 1 ? 'Male' : 'Female' );
            $arrays['vocation'] = ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Profession: " . ( $fetchRow['promotion'] != 0 ? $this -> config['vocations'][$fetchRow['vocation'] + ( 4 * $fetchRow['promotion'] )] : $this -> config['vocations'][$fetchRow['vocation']] ) . "\q" : NULL;
            $arrays['guild']    = ( ( $fetchRow['rank_id'] > 0 and $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Guild: " . ( $fetchRow['sex'] == 1 ? 'He' : 'She' ) . " is " . $rank['name'] . " of the " . $guild['name'] . "\q" : NULL );
            $arrays['position'] = ( $fetchRow['group_id'] > 1 ? "Position: " . $this -> config['groups'][$fetchRow['group_id']] . "\q" : NULL );
            $arrays['lastlogin']= ( $fetchRow['lastlogin'] != 0 ? date ( "M d Y, H:i:s" , $fetchRow['lastlogin'] ) : 'Never logged in' );
            $arrays['premium']  = ( ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? $premium['premdays'] > 0 ? '(Premium Account)' : '(Free Account)' : NULL );
            $arrays['level']    = ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ? "Level: " . $fetchRow['level'] . "\q" : NULL );
            // Showable fields (\q equals new line, had to create my own shortcut as I clear all whitespaces further down in the script).
            $return = "
                Name:         {$fetchRow[name]}     {$arrays[premium]}            \q
                Sex:         {$arrays[gender]}                                \q
                Residence:     {$this -> config[towns][$fetchRow[town_id]]}    \q
                Last Login: {$arrays[lastlogin]}
            // Make certain fields bold.
            $bolds = "Name: \nSex: \n" . ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ? "Level: \n" : NULL ) . ( ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Profession: \n" : NULL ) . "Residence: \n" . ( ( $fetchRow['rank_id'] > 0 and $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Guild: \n" : NULL ) . ( $fetchRow['group_id'] > 1 ? "Position: \n" : NULL ) . "Last Login:";
            // Return output.
            if ( $numRows == 1 and !in_array ( $fetchRow['name'] , $this -> config['hidechars'] ) )
                return $return . "|||" . $bolds . "|||" . $arrays['status'];
                return "A character with that name does not exist.";
        // Create a function to generate the signature.
        function generate ( $character , $background )
            // Connect to the database.
            $this -> connectDatabase ( $this -> config['database'] );
            $split = explode ( "|||" , $this -> character ( $this -> secure ( $character ) ) );
            if ( strtolower ( substr ( $split[2] , -5 , 1 ) ) == 'n' )
                $statuscolor = $this -> convertHex ( $this -> config['statuscolor'][0] );
                $statuscolor = $this -> convertHex ( $this -> config['statuscolor'][1] );
            header ( "Content-type: image/png" );
            // Check if the background exists, if not - create one.
            if ( file_exists ( "{$this -> config[backgrounds][$background]}.png" ) != 1 ):
                $image = imagecreatetruecolor ( 500 , 120 );
                imagefilledrectangle ( $image , 0 , 0 , 500 , 120 , imagecolorallocate ( $image , 255 , 255 , 255 ) );
                $color = imagecolorallocate ( $image , 0 , 0 , 0 );
                imagesetthickness ( $image , 1 );
                imagerectangle ( $image , 0 , 0 , 499 , 119 , $color );
                $split[0] = "The requested image does not exist.";
                $split[1] = NULL;
                $image = imagecreatefrompng ( $this -> config['backgrounds'][$background] . ".png" );
                $color     = $this -> convertHex ( $this -> config['color'] );
            $content = explode ( "\q" , str_replace ( array ( "\n" , "\r" , "\t" , "\o" , "\xOB" ) , '' , $split[0] ) );
            $bolds   = explode ( "\n" , str_replace ( array ( "\r" , "\t" , "\o" , "\xOB" ) , '' , $split[1] ) );
            // Print text.
            if ( $this -> config['font'] != "" ):
                for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $content ); $i++ ):
                    $o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 2.4 : $i + 2.4;
                    imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 7, 12 * $o , imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , "    " . $content[$i] );
                for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $bolds ); $i++ ):
                    $o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 2.4 : $i + 2.4;
                    imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 8, 12 * $o , imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , "    " . $bolds[$i] );
                if ( $split[0] != "The requested image does not exist." ):
                    imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 250 , 10+round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) ) , imagecolorallocate ( $image , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , $split[2] );
                    imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 249 , 10+round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) )-1 , imagecolorallocate ( $image , $statuscolor['r'] , $statuscolor['g'] , $statuscolor['b'] ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , $split[2] );
                for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $content ); $i++ ):
                    $o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 1.5 : $i + 1.5;
                    imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , -4, 12 * $o, "    " . $content[$i], imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) );
                for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $bolds ); $i++ ):
                    $o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 1.5 : $i + 1.5;
                    imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , -3, 12 * $o, "    " . $bolds[$i], imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) );
                if ( $split[0] != "The requested image does not exist." ):
                    imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , 250, round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) )-1, $split[2], imagecolorallocate ( $image , 0 , 0 , 0 ) );
                    imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , 249, round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) )-2, $split[2], imagecolorallocate ( $image , $statuscolor['r'] , $statuscolor['g'] , $statuscolor['b'] ) );
            imagepng ( $image );
            imagedestroy ( $image );
    $signature = new signature();
    if ( !empty ( $_GET ) ):
        $signature -> generate ( $_GET['character'] , $_GET['image'] );

alguém poderia me ajudar a editar o script para XML(se eu não me engano)


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