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(Resolvido) Incluir Classes



Olá, pessoal !

Estou com o seguinte problema:

Tenho uma classe que é responsavel pela conexão e consulta de dados no MYSQL.

Estou querendo coloca-la em um arquivo separado, e apenas chamar os métodos na página principal....

Porém apresenta o seguinte erro:

Fatal error: Class 'Database' not found in C:\wamp\www\ad\HTML\index3.php on line 7

Quando coloca a classe na mesma página funciona tudo perfeitamente. O que será que estou fazendo de errado....

class Database
    var $Host     = "localhost"; // Hostname of our MySQL server.
    var $Database = "alcooldrogas"; // Logical database name on that server.
    var $User     = "root"; // User and Password for login.
    var $Password = "";
    var $Link_ID  = 0;  // Result of mysql_connect().
    var $Query_ID = 0;  // Result of most recent mysql_query().
    var $Record   = array();  // current mysql_fetch_array()-result.
    var $Row;           // current row number.
    var $LoginError = "";

    var $Errno    = 0;  // error state of query...
    var $Error    = "";
//    Connects to the database
    function connect()
        if( 0 == $this->Link_ID )
            $this->Link_ID=mysql_connect( $this->Host, $this->User, $this->Password );
        if( !$this->Link_ID )
            $this->halt( "Link-ID == false, connect failed" );
        if( !mysql_query( sprintf( "use %s", $this->Database ), $this->Link_ID ) )
            $this->halt( "cannot use database ".$this->Database );
        } // end function connect

//    Queries the database
    function query( $Query_String )
        $this->Query_ID = mysql_query( $Query_String,$this->Link_ID );
        $this->Row = 0;
        $this->Errno = mysql_errno();
        $this->Error = mysql_error();
        if( !$this->Query_ID )
            $this->halt( "Invalid SQL: ".$Query_String );
        return $this->Query_ID;
        } // end function query

//    If error, halts the program
    function halt( $msg )
        printf( "</td></tr></table><b>Database error:</b> %s<br>n", $msg );
        printf( "<b>MySQL Error</b>: %s (%s)<br>n", $this->Errno, $this->Error );
        die( "Session halted." );
        } // end function halt

//    Retrieves the next record in a recordset
    function nextRecord()
        @ $this->Record = mysql_fetch_array( $this->Query_ID );
        $this->Row += 1;
        $this->Errno = mysql_errno();
        $this->Error = mysql_error();
        $stat = is_array( $this->Record );
        if( !$stat )
            @ mysql_free_result( $this->Query_ID );
            $this->Query_ID = 0;
        return $stat;
        } // end function nextRecord

//    Retrieves a single record
    function singleRecord()
        $this->Record = mysql_fetch_array( $this->Query_ID );
        $stat = is_array( $this->Record );
        return $stat;
        } // end function singleRecord

//    Returns the number of rows  in a recordset
    function numRows()
        return mysql_num_rows( $this->Query_ID );
        } // end function numRows
    } // end class Database
include 'database.php';

// create an instance of the Database class and call it $db
$db = new Database;

// do a query to retrieve a single record
$Query = "SELECT * FROM cadastroad1";
$db->query($Query);        // query the database
$db->singleRecord();    // retrieve a single record
echo "cid> ".$db->Record['CID'];        // output a field value from the recordset

// do a query to retrieve multiple records
$Query = "SELECT * FROM cadastroad1";
$db->query($Query);        // query the database
while ($db->nextRecord())
    echo $db->Record['Sexo']."<br>";        // output a field value from the recordset
    } // end while loop going through whole recordset

já tentei usar o include dessa forma tb: include("database.php"); mas nada tb....

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