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Efeito 3d interessante, mas como melhorar isso?



Bom o problema é que eu não sou um bom conhecedor de javascript e queria redimensionar as imagens abaixo proporcionalmente, pois pretendo fazer uma consulta em php usar esse script como um album, com paginação pegando 8 imagens de cada vez(como indicado abaixo), então o mais viavel seria diminuir em 10x as dimensões das imagens, como posso fazer isso?

script tirado daqui: http://www.dhteumeul.../tag/3d/page/4/

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> 
<title>before my eyes - Interactive DHTML art-demos</title>
<meta name="Author" content="Gerard Ferrandez at http://www.dhteumeuleu.com">
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no">
<style type="text/css">
html {
overflow: hidden;
body {
background: #399;
#screen {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;

#img {
visibility: hidden;
#screen img {
image-rendering: optimizeSpeed;
cursor: pointer;
border:#333 solid 1px;
#tit {
filter: alpha(opacity=30);
opacity: 0.3;
&lt;script type="text/javascript">
// =======================================================
// script: Gerard Ferrandez - Ge-1-doot - May 22, 2004
// http://www.dhteumeuleu.com
// Updated: February 2010 - namespaced
// =======================================================

var diapo = function () {
var object = new Array(),
K = Math.PI / 180,
N = 0,
xm = 0,
ym = 0,
mx = 0,
my = 0,
ax = 0,
ay = 0,
Nb = 0,
tit = 0,
img = 0;
var zM = 4;
var CObj = function (N, x, y, z){
var I = img.getElementsByTagName("img")[N % img.getElementsByTagName("img").length];
var o = document.createElement("img");
o.onclick = function () {
if (object[N].on == true) object[N].on = false;
else object[N].on = true;
o.onmouseover = function () {
if (Nb != N) {
Nb = N;
tit.innerHTML= I.alt;
o.onmouseout = function () {
Nb = -1;
object[N].on = false;
o.onmousedown = new Function("return false");
o.src = I.src;
this.obj = o.style;
this.z = Math.round(z * ny * .25);
this.x = Math.round(x * ny * .25);
this.y = Math.round(y * ny * .25);
this.on = false;
this.zOOm = 1;
this.N = N;

CObj.prototype.anim = function () {
var xP = this.z * Math.sin(mx * K) + this.x * Math.cos(mx * K);
var zP = this.z * Math.cos(mx * K) - this.x * Math.sin(mx * K);
var yP = this.y * Math.cos(my * K) - zP * Math.sin(my * K);
zP = this.y * Math.sin(my * K) + zP * Math.cos(my * K);
var w = (zP * .25 + ny * .25) * this.zOOm;
var h = w * .8;
if (this.on && zP > 0) {
if (this.zOOm < zM) this.zOOm += .05;
} else {
if (this.zOOm > 1) this.zOOm -= .025;
this.obj.left = Math.round(xP + nx * .5 - w * .5) + "px";
this.obj.top = Math.round(yP + ny * .5 - h * .5) + "px";
this.obj.width = Math.round(w) + "px";
this.obj.height = Math.round(h) + "px";
this.obj.zIndex = Math.round(1000 + w);

var run = function () {
dx = (1 * xm) - mx;
dy = (1 * ym) - my;
mx += dx / 60;
my += dy / 60;
var i = 0, o;
while (o = object[i++]) o.anim();
setTimeout(run, 16);

var resize = function () {
nx = scr.offsetWidth;
ny = scr.offsetHeight * .9;

var init = function () {
scr = document.getElementById("screen");
img = document.getElementById("img");
tit = document.getElementById("tit");
scr.onselectstart = new Function("return false");
onresize = resize;
scr.onmousemove = function(e){
if (window.event) e = window.event;
xm = (e.x || e.clientX);
ym = (e.y || e.clientY);
object.push( new CObj(0,1,-1,-1) );
object.push( new CObj(1,1,1,-1) );
object.push( new CObj(2,-1,-1,-1) );
object.push( new CObj(3,-1,1,-1) );
object.push( new CObj(4,1,-1,1) );
object.push( new CObj(5,1,1,1) );
object.push( new CObj(6,-1,-1,1) );
object.push( new CObj(7,-1,1,1) );

return {
init : init

onload = function (){



<div id="screen">
<div id="img">
<img src="url_imagem"/>
<img src="url_imagem"/>
<img src="url_imagem"/>
<img src="url_imagem"/>
<img src="url_imagem"/>
<img src="url_imagem"/>
<img src="url_imagem"/>
<img src="url_imagem"/>

<div id="tit" >


Edited by fercosmig
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