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Problemas com rotina de busca !

Dj Debas


Fala pessoal !!!

Peço uma ajuda a quem puder me ajudar.

Tenho uma rotina de busca que funcionava e agora não funciona mais, o servidor mudou e a rotina parou de funcionar.

Percebi que o REGISTER_GLOBALS esta OFF e não sei se isso afeta a rotina que uso, por isso peço um auxilio a quem puder me ajudar.

A rotina segue abaixo:

 # WFSearch Engine by jID     Version 0.8 (PHP4) (09 jan 2003)              #
 # Copyright (C) jID, 2002-2003                                             #
 #               Jean-Charles Meyrignac 2003                                #
 #                                                                          #
 # Search unit :: Ìîäóëü ïîèñêà                                             #

require ("../config3.php");
// require ("language/".$languagefile);

$time=explode(' ', microtime());

// This function returns:
// 0=unauthorized access to this file
// 1=not parsable file
// 2=parsable file

function IsAllowed($f)
  global $allowed_names, $disallowed_names;
  for ($i=0; $i<count($disallowed_names); ++$i)
    if (stristr(realpath($f), $disallowed_names[$i])) return 0;
  for ($i=0; $i<count($allowed_names); ++$i)
    if (stristr(realpath($f), $allowed_names[$i])) return 2;
  return 1;

// Does buffer matches the query ?
function FindQuery($buffer)
  global $query, $m;
  $query = ereg_replace( '[ÁÀÂÃÄ]', 'A', $query);
    $query = ereg_replace( '[áàâãäª]', 'a', $query);
    $query = ereg_replace( '[ÉÈÊË]', 'E', $query);
    $query = ereg_replace( '[éèêë]', 'e', $query);
    $query = ereg_replace( '[ÍÌÎÏ]', 'I', $query);
    $query = ereg_replace( '[íìîï]', 'i', $query);
    $query = ereg_replace( '[ÓÒÔÕÖ]', 'O', $query);
    $query = ereg_replace( '[óòôõöº]', 'o', $query);
    $query = ereg_replace( '[ÚÙÛÜ]', 'U', $query);
    $query = ereg_replace( '[úùûü]', 'u', $query);

    $query = str_replace( 'Ç', 'C', $query);
    $query = str_replace( 'ç', 'c', $query);
    $query = str_replace( '´', '', $query );
    $query = str_replace( '`', '', $query );
    $query = str_replace( '~', '', $query );
    $query = str_replace( '^', '', $query );
    $query = str_replace( '¨', '', $query );

    $query = str_replace( '-', '', $query );
    $query = str_replace( '_', '', $query );
//  $query = str_replace( ' ', '', $query );
  $t=explode(" ", $query);
   if ($m=="or")
     for ($j=0; $j<count($t); ++$j)
       if (stristr($buffer, $t[$j])) return 1;
       if ($key!=$t[$j])
         if (stristr($buffer, $key)) return 1;
     return 0;
   } else
     for ($j=0; $j<count($t); ++$j)
       if (!stristr($buffer, $t[$j]))
         if ($key!=$t[$j])
           if (!stristr($buffer, $key)) return 0;
         } else
           return 0;
     return 1;

// First pass: we build a list of all files matching the criterions

function countdirs($dirname)
  global $filesearch;
    if (is_dir($f))
      if (($f!=".") && ($f!=".."))
        if (IsAllowed($f))
    } else
      if ($n)
        // Does the filename matches the query ?
        if (FindQuery($f))
          $filesearch[] = $dirname.'/'.$f;
        } else
        if ($n==2)
          // Does the content matches the query ?
          $buffer=fread($fd, filesize($f));
          if (FindQuery($buffer))
            $filesearch[] = $dirname.'/'.$f;

function Render($dirname, $filenumber)
  global $ip1, $rootdir, $query, $m, $from, $showed, $pages, $color1, $color2, $explodestring, $maxoccurrences, $desc_header, $desc_footer, $lang_bytes, $interface_all;
  $arq = basename ($dirname,".mid");
  $arq = str_replace("_"," ",$arq);     // nome inteiro sem underline
  if ($showed&1)
    echo "<div align='left' style='margin-left: 100px; margin-right: 50px'>";
    echo "<div align='left' style='margin-left: 100px; margin-right: 50px'>";
    echo "<p class=\"link\"><a href=\"http://www.djdebas.net/Midis$dirname\">",str_replace("%1", $filenumber, $interface_all),"&nbsp;$arq</font></a></p>";

  if (IsAllowed($dirname)==2)
    $filet=join("", $fc);
    if (preg_match("/<title.*>(.*)<\/title.*>/isU", $filet, $match))
      // display the title
      echo trim($match[1]);
    // display the content matches
    $s=implode($fc, $explodestring);
    $fc=explode($explodestring, $s);
    $q=explode(" ",$query);
    echo "<br>$desc_header";
    for ($i=0; $i<count($fc); ++$i)
      for ($j=0; $j<count($q); ++$j)
        if (stristr($s, $q[$j]))
          $s=str_replace($q[$j], "<b>$q[$j]</b>", $s);
          if (stristr($s, $key))
            $s=str_replace($key, "<b>$key</b>", $s);
      if ($occ)
        echo "...$s...";
        if ($occurrence > $maxoccurrences) break;
    echo $desc_footer;
  echo "</div>\n";

// Display navigation bar
function DisplayNavbar($all)
  global $PHP_SELF;
  global $color0, $pages, $query, $m, $search_separator;
  echo "<div align='center' >";
  for ($k=1; $k<=$all; $k+=$pages)
    if ($k!=1)
        echo $search_separator;
          echo "<a class='navbar' href=$PHP_SELF?query=".urlencode($query)."&m=$m&from=$k>$k-";
        if ($k+$pages>$all)
             echo $all;
             echo ($k-1+$pages);
 //                echo "</div>";
 // echo "</td></tr>\n";

// ****************************> MAIN CODE <*********************************
if (!isset($from)) $from=1;
if (!isset($query)) $query="";

if ($query!="")
  $time=explode(' ', microtime());
  if ($all>0)
    echo "<center><font color=\"#006400\">".str_replace("%2", sprintf("%01.3f", $seconds), str_replace("%1", $all, "Encontrado(s) <b>%1</b> arquivo(s)."))."</font></center><br>\n";
    echo "<div align='center'>\n";
    for($i=$from;$i < $from+$pages;++$i)
      if ($i >= $all+1) break;
      Render($filesearch[$i-1], $i);
    echo "</div><br>\n";
    echo "<center><font color=\"#006400\">Nenhum arquivo encontrado.</font></center>";
$time=explode(' ',microtime());
// echo "<form><p align=center><input class=\"botao\" type=\"button\" value=\"Voltar\" onclick=\"history.go(-1)\"></p></form>";
</tbody> </table></center></td></tr> </tbody> </table></center>

Rotina de Busca PHP

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