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Slide não funciona no mozilla firefox



Bom dia,

Então, eu coloquei um slide show no meu site porém ele só funciona no Google Chrome. O código que poem na página que ele fica é esse:

<script type="text/javascript">
                 var hs1 = new noobSlide({
                         box: $('slide-inicial'),
                        size: 950,
                        autoPlay:1, // true,
                        interval:3000, // 3000,
                        fxOptions: {
                                duration:500, // 500,
                                transition: Fx.Transitions.Sine.easeOut,
                                 wait: false
                        buttons: {
                                previous: $('prev1'),
                                next: $('next1')

E se quiserem que eu poste no nome do ARQUIVO .JS é só avisar que eu coloco aqui.


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noobSlide com certeza não é um objeto nativo do javascript.

Favor sempre postar qual framework você está usando, ou quais códigos externos estão embutidos no seu script.

Aqui está o arquivo.JS que faz parte do slide.

    luistar15, <leo020588 [at] gmail.com>
    MIT-style license.

    PQSoftsImageSlide (rev.17-04-08)

    options - see Options below

    box: dom element | required
    items: dom collection | required
    size: int | item size (px) | default: 240
    mode: string | 'horizontal', 'vertical' | default: 'horizontal'
    interval: int | for peridical | default: 5000
        previous: single dom element OR dom collection| default: null
        next:  single dom element OR dom collection | default: null
        play:  single dom element OR dom collection | default: null
        playback:  single dom element OR dom collection | default: null
        stop:  single dom element OR dom collection | default: null
    button_event: string | event type | default: 'click'
    handles: dom collection | default: null
    handle_event: string | event type| default: 'click'
    fxOptions: object | Fx.Style options | default: {duration:500,wait:false}
    autoPlay: boolean | default: false
    onWalk: event | pass arguments: currentItem, currentHandle | default: null
    startItem: int

    box: dom element
    items: dom collection
    size: int
    mode: string
    interval: int
    buttons: object
    button_event: string
    handles: dom collection
    handle_event: string
    previousIndex: int
    nextIndex: int
    fx: Fx.style instance
    autoPlay: boolean
    onWalk: function
    previous(manual): walk to previous item
        manual: bolean | default:false
    next(manual): walk to next item
        manual: bolean | default:false
    play (delay,direction,wait): auto walk items
        delay: int | required
        direction: string | "previous" or "next" | required
        wait: boolean | required
    stop(): sopt auto walk
    walk(item,manual): walk to item
        item: int | required
        manual: bolean | default:false
        handles: dom collection | required
        action: string | "previous", "next", "play", "playback", "stop" | required
        buttons: dom collection | required

var noobSlide = new Class({

    initialize: function(params){
        this.items = params.items;
        this.mode = params.mode || 'horizontal';
        this.modes = {horizontal:['left','width'], vertical:['top','height']};
        this.size = params.size || 240;
        this.box = params.box.setStyle(this.modes[this.mode][1],(this.size*this.items.length)+'px');
        this.button_event = params.button_event || 'click';
        this.handle_event = params.handle_event || 'click';
        this.interval = params.interval || 5000;
        this.buttons = {previous: [], next: [], play: [], playback: [], stop: []};
            for(var action in params.buttons){
                this.addActionButtons(action, $type(params.buttons[action])=='array' ? params.buttons[action] : [params.buttons[action]]);
        this.handles = params.handles || null;
        this.fx = new Fx.Style(this.box,this.modes[this.mode][0],params.fxOptions||{duration:500,wait:false});
        this.onWalk = params.onWalk || null;
        this.currentIndex = params.startItem || 0;
        this.previousIndex = null;
        this.nextIndex = null;
        this.autoPlay = params.autoPlay || false;
        this._auto = null;
        if(params.autoPlay) this.play(this.interval,'next',true);

    previous: function(manual){
        this.currentIndex += this.currentIndex>0 ? -1 : this.items.length-1;

    next: function(manual){
        this.currentIndex += this.currentIndex<this.items.length-1 ? 1 : 1-this.items.length;

    play: function(delay,direction,wait){
        this._auto = this[direction].periodical(delay,this,false);

    stop: function(){

    walk: function(item,manual){
            if(item==this.currentIndex) return;
        this.previousIndex = this.currentIndex + (this.currentIndex>0 ? -1 : this.items.length-1);
        this.nextIndex = this.currentIndex + (this.currentIndex<this.items.length-1 ? 1 : 1-this.items.length);
        if(manual){ this.stop(); }
        if(this.onWalk){ this.onWalk(this.items[this.currentIndex],(this.handles?this.handles[this.currentIndex]:null)); }
        if(manual && this.autoPlay){ this.play(this.interval,'next',true); }
    addHandleButtons: function(handles){
        for(var i=0;i<handles.length;i++){

    addActionButtons: function(action,buttons){
        for(var i=0; i<buttons.length; i++){
                case 'previous': buttons[i].addEvent(this.button_event,this.previous.bind(this,true)); break;
                case 'next': buttons[i].addEvent(this.button_event,this.next.bind(this,true)); break;
                case 'play': buttons[i].addEvent(this.button_event,this.play.bind(this,[this.interval,'next',false])); break;
                case 'playback': buttons[i].addEvent(this.button_event,this.play.bind(this,[this.interval,'previous',false])); break;
                case 'stop': buttons[i].addEvent(this.button_event,this.stop.bind(this)); break;

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