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Fórum Script Brasil
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Bom dia galera, espero que me ajudem, sou novo em PHP, estudando por auto-didática, mas gostaria de saber se há a existência dessa variável que retorna uma string vazia: $nothing, estou vendo esse conteúdo por DEITEl para Programadores WEB, e em um de seus exemplos, essa variável é encontrada, ao rodar o aplicativo web, se esta variável que retorna uma string vazia não deveria mostrar nem um valor, lógico, mas o compilador da erro que a variável não foi declarada. Agradeço a ajuda de todos sobre está dúvida, já pesquisei sobre essa variável, mas ainda não encontrei resposta. Obg...

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Em PHP não.

Este é o código postado no LIVRO - Deitel para programadores WEB

<?php print( '<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>' ) ?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<!-- Fig. 19.4: operators.php -->

<!-- Using arithmetic operators. -->

<html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<title>Using arithmetic operators</title>




$a = 5;

print( "The value of variable a is $a <br />" );

// define constant VALUE

define( "VALUE", 5 );

// add constant VALUE to variable $a

$a = $a + VALUE;

print( "Variable a after adding constant VALUE

is $a <br />" );

// multiply variable $a by 2

$a *= 2;

print( "Multiplying variable a by 2 yields $a <br />" );

// test if variable $a is less than 50

if ( $a < 50 )

print( "Variable a is less than 50 <br />" );

// add 40 to variable $a

$a += 40;

print( "Variable a after adding 40 is $a <br />" );

// test if variable $a is 50 or less

if ( $a < 51 )

print( "Variable a is still 50 or less<br />" );

// test if variable $a is between 50 and 100, inclusive

elseif ( $a < 101 )

print( "Variable a is now between 50 and 100,

inclusive<br />" );


print( "Variable a is now greater than 100 <br />" );

// print an uninitialized variable

print( "Using a variable before initializing:

$nothing <br />" ); // nothing evaluates to ""

// add constant VALUE to an uninitialized variable

$test = $num + VALUE; // num evaluates to 0

print( "An uninitialized variable plus constant

VALUE yields $test <br />" );

// add a string to an integer

$str = "3 dollars";

$a += $str;

print( "Adding a string to variable a yields $a <br />" );

?><!-- end PHP script -->





* © Copyright 1992-2008 by Deitel & Associates, Inc. and *

* Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *

* *

* DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their *

* best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the *

* development, research, and testing of the theories and programs *

* to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make *

* no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these *

* programs or to the documentation contained in these books. The authors *

* and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or *

* consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the *

* furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. *



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Pelo contexto do livro, ele está dando um exemplo de uma variável chamada $nothing, e o que acontece se você tentar mostrar ela na tela se ela não existir.

The value of variable a is 5

Variable a after adding constant VALUE is 10

Multiplying variable a by 2 yields 20

Variable a is less than 50

Variable a after adding 40 is 60

Variable a is now between 50 and 100, inclusive

Notice: Undefined variable: nothing in C:\xampp\htdocs\Projeto03\teste01.php on line 49

Using a variable before initializing:

Notice: Undefined variable: num in C:\xampp\htdocs\Projeto03\teste01.php on line 52

An uninitialized variable plus constant VALUE yields 5

Adding a string to variable a yields 63

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Pelo contexto do livro, ele está dando um exemplo de uma variável chamada $nothing, e o que acontece se você tentar mostrar ela na tela se ela não existir.

Agora caro amigo, lógico, se dentro do código eu declarar a varável $nothing, esse erro desaparecer, mais segundo o LIVRO a variável $nothing é avaliada com uma string vazia, que são variável não-inicializadas, acho que ve me entender

The value of variable a is 5

Variable a after adding constant VALUE is 10

Multiplying variable a by 2 yields 20

Variable a is less than 50

Variable a after adding 40 is 60

Variable a is now between 50 and 100, inclusive

Notice: Undefined variable: nothing in C:\xampp\htdocs\Projeto03\teste01.php on line 49

Using a variable before initializing:

Notice: Undefined variable: num in C:\xampp\htdocs\Projeto03\teste01.php on line 52

An uninitialized variable plus constant VALUE yields 5

Adding a string to variable a yields 63

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