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Asp para Php



Estou tentando fazer uma conversão ASP para PHP, gostaria de ajuda, pois sou iniciante e gostaria de saber quais são os controles equivalentes. Estou usando dreamweaver. Obrigado.

linha 39: $Mailer.$AddRecipient "Suporte" , "suporte@site.com.br";

linha 52: response.redirect "../index.htm";

linha 68: $rs.$open $mysql , , , , $adCmdText;

linha 70: if (NOT $rs.$EOF) {


<?@ $Language=$VBScript?>

<!--#Include virtual="/ADOVBS.INC"-->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">


function Cripto (){

$Id = session("info_chave");
for ($j=1; $j<=8; $j++) {
    if (Not ($j == 1 || $j == 3)) {
        $n[0] = $n[0].mid($Id, $j, 1);
$Id = $n[0];
$n[0] = Cint(left($Id, 1)) + Cint(mid($Id, 2, 1));
$n[1] = Abs(Cint(mid($Id, 3, 1)) - Cint(mid($Id, 4, 1)));
$n[2] = CInt(mid($Id, 5, 1)) * CInt(mid($Id, 6, 1));
$Id = CLng($n[0].$n[1].$n[2]) * 76543;
$Id = left($Id, 1).mid($Id, 3, strlen($Id) - 2);
$n[0] = CInt(left($Id, 1)) + CInt(mid($Id, 2, 1));
$n[1] = Abs(CInt(mid($Id, 3, 1)) - CInt(mid($Id, 4, 1)));
$n[2] = CInt(mid($Id, 5, 1)) * CInt(mid($Id, 6, 1));
$Id = mid(CLng($n[0].$n[1].$n[2]) * 76543, 1, 8);
session("info_rg") = $id;

function enviaremail () {
$Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SMTxxx.Mailer");
$Mailer.$CustomCharSet = "ISO-8859-1";
$Mailer.$RemoteHost = "xxx";
$Mailer.$FromName = "Site *****";
$Mailer.$FromAddress = "suporte@site.com.br";
$Mailer.$AddRecipient "Suporte" , "suporte@site.com.br";
$Mailer.$Subject = "teste convertendo asp para php";
$Mailer.$BodyText = session("info_email")."\n"."\n".session("info_saida");
$Mailer = nothing;


function ProcessaPagina (){

session("info_trava") = @$_GET["trava"];
if (session("info_trava") != "ua") { 
    response.redirect "../index.htm";

if (session("info_comer") == 0) {
    $mysql = "SELECT * FROM tblRegistros WHERE email = '".@$_GET["em"]."' and Clng(DataNascimento) = ".request.queryString("dt").";";
} else {
    $mysql = "SELECT * FROM tblRegistros WHERE chavecom = ".Clng(@$_GET["chavecom"]).";";

$rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");
$rs.$activeconnection = $conexaorw;
$rs.$CursorType = $adOpenDynamic;
$rs.$LockType = $adLockOptimistic;
$rs.$open $mysql , , , , $adCmdText;

if (NOT $rs.$EOF) {
    if (session("info_comer") == 0) {
        if ($rs.$fields["bloqueado"]==-1) {
            $valor_registro= 2; //BLOQUEADO
            session("info_saida")="Usuário bloqueado.";
            $rs = nothing;
        } else {
            if (Clng(date)- $rs.$fields["dataAno"] >= 365) {
                $rs.$fields["dataAno"]= Clng(date);
            } else {
                if ($rs.$fields["totalAno"] >= (8 * $rs.$fields["nLicenca"])) {
                    $rs = nothing;
                    $valor_registro= 3; //MAIS DE 8 REGISTRO EM MENOS DE 1 ANO
                    session("info_email")= @$_GET["em"];
                    session("info_saida")="Mais de 8 registros em menos de um 1 ano.";
            $valor_tempo = Clng(date)- $rs.$fields["dataquinzena"];
            if (Clng(date)- $rs.$fields["dataquinzena"] > 14) {
                $rs.$fields["dataquinzena"]= Clng(date);
                $rs.$fields["totalquinzena"]= 1;
                //rs.fields("totalquinzena")= rs.fields("totalquinzena") + 1
                $rs = nothing;
                $valor_registro = session("info_rg");
                session("info_saida")= session("info_rg");
            } else {
                if ($rs.$fields["totalquinzena"] >= (2 * $rs.$fields["nLicenca"])) {
                    $valor_registro= 4; //MAIS DE 2 REGISTROS EM MENOS DE 15 DIAS
                    session("info_saida")="Mais de 2 registro em menos de 15 dias.";
                } else {
                    $rs.$fields["totalquinzena"]= $rs.$fields["totalquinzena"] + 1;
                    $rs.$fields["totalano"]= $rs.$fields["totalano"] + 1;
                    session("info_chave")= @$_GET["chave"];
                    $valor_registro = session("info_rg");
                    session("info_saida")= session("info_rg");
                $rs = nothing;
    } else { //se for comercial
        if ($rs.$fields["bloqueado"]==-1) {
            $valor_registro= 2; //BLOQUEADO
            session("info_saida")="Usuário bloqueado.";
            $rs = nothing;
        } else {
            $valor_registro = session("info_rg");
            session("info_saida")= session("info_rg");
} else {
    $rs = nothing;
    $valor_registro= 1; //USUARIO INVÁLIDO
    session("info_saida")="Login Inválido.";
if (session("info_comer") == 0) {
    session("info_email")= @$_GET["em"];
} else {
    session("info_email")= @$_GET["chavecom"];


session("info_comer") = @$_GET["com"];
session("info_chave") = @$_GET["chave"];


    <title>Registro online</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="pt-br">

<form method="get" name="frmRegistro">
    <p><input type="text" id="rg" name="registro" value="<?=$valor_registro?>"></p>
    <p><input type="text" id="rg1" name="registro2" value="<?=@$_GET["em"]?>"></p>
    <p><input type="text" id="rg2" name="registro3" value="<?=@$_GET["dt"]?>"></p>
    <p><input type="text" id="rg3" name="registro4" value="<?=$valor_tempo?>"></p>
    <p><input type="text" id="rg3" name="registro4" value="<?=@$_GET["chave"]?>"></p>
    <p><input type="text" id="rg3" name="registro4" value="<?=@$_GET["chavecom"]?>"></p>

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