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PHP+SQL Injeção



Depois que finalizei tudo que tinha para fazer fui testar o site usando um scanner de vulnerabilidade de sql e para estragar tudo o programa pegou tudo do banco de dados, todas as tabelas e informações nelas contidas...

Preciso de ajuda para tornar este código abaixo que é o responsável pelas buscas protegido contra SQL Injection.

<?php if(!defined('EFFICIENT_ROOT')) exit;

function SEARCH_ITEMS($get, $dbstruct) {
  $idbs = $dbstruct['item_src'];

  // Import active GET data

  $getVariables = array(
  foreach($get as $getKey => $getData) {
    if(in_array($getKey, $getVariables)) {
    ${$getKey} = $getData;

  // Check if ID, WEIGHT, ITEM TYPE, DISPLAYORDER and PRICE are numeric values
   if(isset($id) && isset($cid)) {
   if(isset($weight) && isset($cweight)) {
   if(isset($type) && isset($ctype)) {
   if(isset($price) && isset($cprice)) {

   if(isset($displayorder)) {

  // Build QUERY


  $ITEM_SEARCH = "SELECT * FROM " . $dbstruct['tables']['item_src'];


  // View custom items
  if(isset($ccsrc)) {
  $customItems = explode(" ", CUSTOM_ITEM);
    foreach($customItems as $customItem) {
      if($g == FALSE) {
      $ITEM_SEARCH .= " WHERE";
      else {
      $ITEM_SEARCH .= " OR";
    $ITEM_SEARCH .= " " . COL_IID . "='$customItem'";


// Note: if item ID is set the DB will not check any other values
  // in-game id
    $ITEM_SEARCH .= " WHERE " . $idbs['id'] . "='$id'"; 
  // in case no item id is set search the other values
  else {
    // name (displayed)
    if(!empty($cname))   { $ITEM_SEARCH .= " WHERE " . $idbs['name1'] . " LIKE '%" . addslashes($name) . "%'"; $continue = 1; 
    // function for adding weight and price search to query
    function query_add($query,$value,$checkbox,$limiter,$isearch_value,&$continue) {
      if(!empty($checkbox)) {
        switch($limiter) {
            case 1:   $bind  = ">"; break;
            case 2:   $bind  = "<"; break;
            default:  $bind  = "="; 
      $query .= " " . bindQuery($continue) . " " . $isearch_value . $bind . $value;
      $continue = 1;
      return $query;
    $ITEM_SEARCH = query_add($ITEM_SEARCH,$weight*10,$cweight,$oweight,$idbs['weight'],$continue);    
    $ITEM_SEARCH  = query_add($ITEM_SEARCH,$price,$cprice,$oprice,$idbs['value_b'],$continue);

    // item type
    if(isset($ctype))   {
        if($type == 13) {
        $ITEM_SEARCH  .= " ". bindQuery($continue) ." " . $idbs['type'] . "='2' OR " . $idbs['type'] . "='11'";
        else {
        $ITEM_SEARCH  .= " ". bindQuery($continue) ." " . $idbs['type'] . "=$type";
    $continue = 1; 

    // Description search
    if(isset($cdesc)) {
      $desc = split(',',preg_replace("/ /","",$desc));
      foreach($desc as $ea_desc) {
      $LINKER = ($continue == 1) ? "AND" : "WHERE";
        if(strlen($ea_desc) < 3) { 
        else { 
          if(substr($ea_desc, 0, 1) == " ") {
          $ea_desc = substr($ea_desc, 1);
        $ITEM_SEARCH  .= " $LINKER " . $idbs['desc'] . " LIKE '%" . addslashes($ea_desc) . "%'";
        $continue = 1;


  // Display order
  if(isset($cdisplayorder) && isset($displayorder)) {
    switch($displayorder) {
      case 100: $ORDERTYPE = $idbs['name1'];           break;
      case 200: $ORDERTYPE = $idbs['name1'] . " DESC"; break;
      default:  $ORDERTYPE = $idbs['id'];

  // Debug: display query

    if(DEBUG == TRUE)
      debugHandler("Current query is <code>" . $ITEM_SEARCH . "</code>");

  // Query the database

    return $ITEM_SEARCH;


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