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Separar .js do arquivo .html

Vinicius Lunardi


Boa noite, galera to com um código fonte aqui em js (no html) é meio que um "banco de dados" mas eu não consigo separar o js ( em uma página .js) do html, tipo puxar do arquivo js direto no html em vez de ter ambos mesclados. alguém pode dar uma ajuda? acho que é algo muito simples que eu to passando reto

<title>teste busca js</title>
<FORM method="get"> <input name="query"><input type="submit" value="Buscar"> </FORM>
function kw_list ()
this.keywords = new Array ();
this.num_words = 0;
this.query = "";
this.original_query = "";
this.query_length = 0;
this.possible_points = 0;
this.multiple = points_title + points_keywords + points_description;
this.get_words = get_query;
this.no_query = no_query_found;
function get_query ()
this.query = ( ('=') + 1);
while ((the_plus = (this.query.indexOf ("+", 0))) != -1)
this.query_length = this.query.length;
this.query = this.query.substring (0, the_plus) + " " + this.query.substring (the_plus + 1);
this.original_query = unescape (this.query);
this.query = this.original_query.toLowerCase ();
this.query_length = this.query.length; 
if (this.query != "")
var query_pointer = 0;
var end_word = 0;
var at_end = 0;
while ((this.num_words <= (max_keywords - 1)) && (! at_end))
end_word = this.query.indexOf (" ", query_pointer);
if (end_word == query_pointer)
if (end_word >= (this.query_length - 1))
at_end = 1;
if (end_word != -1)
this.keywords[this.num_words] = (this.query.substring (query_pointer, end_word)).toLowerCase ();
this.keywords[this.num_words] = this.query.substring (query_pointer, this.query_length);
at_end = 1;
if (query_pointer != -1)
query_pointer = end_word + 1;
if (query_pointer > (this.query_length - 1))
at_end = 1;
if (this.num_words == 0)
return (0);
this.possible_points = this.multiple * this.num_words;
return (1);
return (0);
function no_query_found ()
function entry (url, title, keywords, description)
this.url = url;
this.title = title;
this.keywords = keywords;
this.description = description;
this.points = 0;
this.search_entry = find_keyword;
this.print_entry = print_result;
function find_keyword (the_word)
var the_title = this.title.toLowerCase ();
var the_keywords = this.keywords.toLowerCase ();
var the_description = this.description.toLowerCase ();
if ((the_title.indexOf (the_word)) != -1)
this.points += points_title;
if ((the_keywords.indexOf (the_word)) != -1)
this.points += points_keywords;
if ((the_description.indexOf (the_word)) != -1)
this.points += points_description;
function print_result (possible_points)
document.writeln ('<A HREF="' + this.url + '" target="meio">' + this.title + '</A> - ' + this.description + '<br>');
function no_entry_printed (the_query)
document.writeln ('<link rel="stylesheet" href="">');
document.writeln (" Não há ocorrencia da palavra <b>" + the_query + "</b>.</P>"); 
function print_intro (the_query)
document.writeln ("Os resultados da pesquisa por <b>" + the_query + "</b> são:</P>"); 
function begin_search ()
var key_list = new kw_list;
var entry_printed = 0;
if (! key_list.get_words ())
key_list.no_query ();
var counter = 0;
var counter2 = 0;
for (counter = 0; counter < entry_num; counter++)
for (counter2 = 0; counter2 <= (key_list.num_words - 1); counter2++)
the_entries[counter].search_entry (key_list.keywords[counter2]);
for (counter = key_list.possible_points; counter > 0; counter--)
for (counter2 = 0; counter2 < entry_num; counter2++)
if (counter == the_entries[counter2].points)
if (entry_printed != 1)
entry_printed = 1;
print_intro (key_list.original_query);
the_entries[counter2].print_entry (key_list.possible_points);
if (! entry_printed)
no_entry_printed (key_list.original_query);
the_entries = new Array ();

//aqui vai as entradas para a pesquisa

the_entries[0] = new entry ("", "teste dead 1", "The Walking Dead, zumbi, apocalipse, caos", "coloque");
the_entries[1] = new entry ("","teste dead 2","The Walking Dead, zumbi, apocalipse, caos","2");
the_entries[2] = new entry ("","teste dead 3","The Walking Dead, zumbi, apocalipse, caos","3");

//abaixo vai o número de entradas existentes

var entry_num = 3; //aumenta de acordo com as obcoes de busca no caso 3 ate agora

var max_keywords = 20; //aumenta de acordo com as opcoes de busca no caso 20 ate agora

var points_title = 2; //aumenta de acordo com as obcoes de busca no caso 2 ate agora

var points_keywords = 4; //aumenta de acordo com as obcoes de busca no caso 2 ate agora

var points_description = 1;

begin_search ();


quero deixar só o html numa pasta e js em outra!
obrigado dês de já

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