Lala Posted October 25, 2004 Report Share Posted October 25, 2004 Tenho uma pagina com um texto grande e gostaria de achar algumas frases dentro deste texto, (tipo Ctrl + F).Quero abrir uma caixa de texto e digitar o nome desejado dentro e ao teclar o botão ele saia me dando o resultado da busca. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Guest - grsitonio - Posted October 25, 2004 Report Share Posted October 25, 2004 eu tenho aqui um js que vai uma busca por palavra-chave na página...tipo o Ctrl+F<script><!-- Hide from old browsers/******************************************* Find In Page Script -- Submitted/revised by Alan Koontz (* Visit Dynamic Drive ( for full source code* This notice must stay intact for use******************************************/// revised by Alan Koontz -- May 2003var TRange = null;var dupeRange = null;var TestRange = null;var win = null;// SELECTED BROWSER SNIFFER COMPONENTS DOCUMENTED AT// nom = navigator.appName.toLowerCase();var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();var is_major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);var is_minor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);var is_ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1);var is_ie4up = (is_ie && (is_major >= 4));var is_not_moz = (agt.indexOf('netscape')!=-1)var is_nav = (nom.indexOf('netscape')!=-1);var is_nav4 = (is_nav && (is_major == 4));var is_mac = (agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1);var is_gecko = (agt.indexOf('gecko') != -1);var is_opera = (agt.indexOf("opera") != -1);// GECKO REVISIONvar is_rev=0if (is_gecko) {temp = agt.split("rv:")is_rev = parseFloat(temp[1])}// USE THE FOLLOWING VARIABLE TO CONFIGURE FRAMES TO SEARCH// (SELF OR CHILD FRAME)// If you want to search another frame, change from "self" to// the name of the target frame:// e.g., var frametosearch = 'main'//var frametosearch = 'main';var frametosearch = self;function search(whichform, whichframe) {// TEST FOR IE5 FOR MAC (NO DOCUMENTATION)if (is_ie4up && is_mac) return;// TEST FOR NAV 6 (NO DOCUMENTATION)if (is_gecko && (is_rev <1)) return;// TEST FOR Opera (NO DOCUMENTATION)if (is_opera) return;// INITIALIZATIONS FOR FIND-IN-PAGE SEARCHESif(whichform.findthis.value!=null && whichform.findthis.value!='') { str = whichform.findthis.value; win = whichframe; var frameval=false; if(win!=self){ frameval=true; // this will enable Nav7 to search child frame win = parent.frames[whichframe];} }else return; // i.e., no search string was enteredvar strFound;// NAVIGATOR 4 SPECIFIC CODEif(is_nav4 && (is_minor < 5)) { strFound=win.find(str); // case insensitive, forward search by default// There are 3 arguments available:// searchString: type string and it's the item to be searched// caseSensitive: boolean -- is search case sensitive?// backwards: boolean --should we also search backwards?// strFound=win.find(str, false, false) is the explicit// version of the above// The Mac version of Nav4 has wrapAround, but// cannot be specified in JS }// NAVIGATOR 7 and Mozilla rev 1+ SPECIFIC CODE (WILL NOT WORK WITH NAVIGATOR 6)if (is_gecko && (is_rev >= 1)) { if(frameval!=false) win.focus(); // force search in specified child frame strFound=win.find(str, false, false, true, false, frameval, false);// The following statement enables reversion of focus // back to the search box after each search event // allowing the user to press the ENTER key instead// of clicking the search button to continue search.// Note: tends to be buggy in Mozilla as of 1.3.1// (see so is excluded from users // of that browser. if (is_not_moz) whichform.findthis.focus();// There are 7 arguments available:// searchString: type string and it's the item to be searched// caseSensitive: boolean -- is search case sensitive?// backwards: boolean --should we also search backwards?// wrapAround: boolean -- should we wrap the search?// wholeWord: boolean: should we search only for whole words// searchInFrames: boolean -- should we search in frames?// showDialog: boolean -- should we show the Find Dialog?} if (is_ie4up) { // EXPLORER-SPECIFIC CODE revised 5/21/03 if (TRange!=null) { TestRange=win.document.body.createTextRange(); if (dupeRange.inRange(TestRange)) { TRange.collapse(false); strFound=TRange.findText(str); if (strFound) { //the following line added by Mike and Susan Keenan, 7 June 2003 win.document.body.scrollTop = win.document.body.scrollTop + TRange.offsetTop;; } } else { TRange=win.document.body.createTextRange(); TRange.collapse(false); strFound=TRange.findText(str); if (strFound) { //the following line added by Mike and Susan Keenan, 7 June 2003 win.document.body.scrollTop = TRange.offsetTop;; } } } if (TRange==null || strFound==0) { TRange=win.document.body.createTextRange(); dupeRange = TRange.duplicate(); strFound=TRange.findText(str); if (strFound) { //the following line added by Mike and Susan Keenan, 7 June 2003 win.document.body.scrollTop = TRange.offsetTop;; } } } if (!strFound) alert ("Inscrição n° ou Nome '"+str+"' não encontrado!") // string not found }// --></script><!-- EXAMPLE FORM OF FIND-IN-PAGE SEARCH USING SUBMIT (ALLOWING 'ENTER/RETURN' KEY PRESS EVENT) --><form name="form1" onSubmit="search(document.form1, frametosearch); return false"> <font color=red>Pesquisa automática por n° de inscrição ou nome:</font><br /> <input type="text" name="findthis" size="15" style="FONT-FAMILY: tahoma, verdana; FONT-SIZE: 11px;"> <input type="submit" value="pesquisar" ACCESSKEY="s" style="FONT-FAMILY: tahoma, verdana; FONT-SIZE: 11px;"></form>Abs,Gabriel Sitônio Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Lala Posted October 25, 2004 Author Report Share Posted October 25, 2004 Valeu a dica Gabriel.Muito obrigada Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0 Lala Posted October 25, 2004 Author Report Share Posted October 25, 2004 Só mais uma coisinha.Como faço para este comando ler em um mainFrame ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tenho uma pagina com um texto grande e gostaria de achar algumas frases dentro deste texto, (tipo Ctrl + F).
Quero abrir uma caixa de texto e digitar o nome desejado dentro e ao teclar o botão ele saia me dando o resultado da busca.
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