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Fotos Mudando Automaticamente



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<script language="JavaScript">

var j,d="",l="",m="",p="",q="",z=""

function seqSlideShow(t,l) 

    if (document.all)
  img1 = document.all.seqSlideShow1; 
  img2 = document.all.seqSlideShow2;
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  txt2 = document.all.seqSlideShowT2;
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  url2 = document.all.seqSlideShowU2;
  img1 = document.getElementById("seqSlideShow1");
  img2 = document.getElementById("seqSlideShow2");
  txt1 = document.getElementById("seqSlideShowT1");
  txt2 = document.getElementById("seqSlideShowT2");
  url1 = document.getElementById("seqSlideShowU1");
  url2 = document.getElementById("seqSlideShowU2");
  j1 = l;
  if (j1==KW_ARI.length)
  else if (j1==(KW_ARI.length - 1))
      j2 = j1 + 1;

    img1.innerHTML= '<a href="'+KW_ARIurl[j1]+'?SID=ebdc3df31b93af7a4f1da0600bc43443" onMouseOver="window.status=\'Ir para esta cidade\'; return true" ><img name="img1" id="img1" src="'+KW_ARI[j1]+'" width="237" height="152" border="0"></a>';
    img2.innerHTML= '<a href="'+KW_ARIurl[j2]+'?SID=ebdc3df31b93af7a4f1da0600bc43443" onMouseOver="window.status=\'Ir para esta cidade\'; return true" ><img name="img1" id="img1" src="'+KW_ARI[j2]+'" width="237" height="152" border="0"></a>';
    txt1.innerHTML= '<img src="images/geral_seta.gif" width="8" height="9"> <b class="branca">' + KW_ARItext[j1] + '</b>';
    txt2.innerHTML= '<img src="images/geral_seta.gif" width="8" height="9"> <b class="branca">' + KW_ARItext[j2] + '</b>';


acho que é isso...

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modifique à seu gosto ;)

<script LANGUAGE="javascript"> 
var howMany = 12 
var quote = new Array(howMany+1) 
quote[0]="<img src=division.gif border=0>" 
quote[1]="<img src=division.gif border=0>" 
quote[2]="<img src=stage.gif border=0>" 
quote[3]="<img src=stage2.gif border=0>" 
quote[4]="<img src=stage3.gif border=0>" 
quote[5]="<img src=stage4.gif border=0>" 
quote[6]="<img src=stage5.gif border=0>" 
quote[7]="<img src=stage6.gif border=0>" 
quote[8]="<img src=stage7.gif border=0>" 
quote[9]="<img src=stage8.gif border=0>" 
quote[10]="<img src=stage9.gif border=0>" 
quote[11]="<img src=stage10.gif border=0>" 
quote[12]="<img src=stage11.gif border=0>" 

function rndnumber(){ 
var randscript = -1 
while (randscript < 0 || randscript > howMany || isNaN(randscript)){ 
randscript = parseInt(Math.random()*(howMany+1)) 
return randscript 
quo = rndnumber() 
quox = quote[quo] 
document.write('<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF"><center>'); 

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Imagem Randônica

pode ser adptado também..

<title>Imagem Randônica</title> 
myPix = new Array("imagens_disanto/disanto_2.jpg","imagens_disanto/disanto_4.jpg","imagens_disanto/disanto_6.jpg") 
imgCt = myPix.length 

function choosePic(){ 
   if (document.images){ 
      randomNum = Math.floor((Math.random() * imgCt)) 
      document.mbPix.src = myPix[randomNum] 

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="choosePic();"> 
<center><img src="nada.gif" name="mbPix" border="0"></center> 

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modifique à seu gosto wink.gif

<script LANGUAGE="javascript"> 
var howMany = 12 
var quote = new Array(howMany+1) 
quote[0]="<img src=division.gif border=0>" 
quote[1]="<img src=division.gif border=0>" 
quote[2]="<img src=stage.gif border=0>" 
quote[3]="<img src=stage2.gif border=0>" 
quote[4]="<img src=stage3.gif border=0>" 
quote[5]="<img src=stage4.gif border=0>" 
quote[6]="<img src=stage5.gif border=0>" 
quote[7]="<img src=stage6.gif border=0>" 
quote[8]="<img src=stage7.gif border=0>" 
quote[9]="<img src=stage8.gif border=0>" 
quote[10]="<img src=stage9.gif border=0>" 
quote[11]="<img src=stage10.gif border=0>" 
quote[12]="<img src=stage11.gif border=0>" 

function rndnumber(){ 
var randscript = -1 
while (randscript < 0 || randscript > howMany || isNaN(randscript)){ 
randscript = parseInt(Math.random()*(howMany+1)) 
return randscript 
quo = rndnumber() 
quox = quote[quo] 
document.write('<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF"><center>'); 

muito bom este script gente, mas eu não entendo de JavaScript coloquei e funcionou perfeito.. mas tem como alguém me indicar onde coloco o "setTimeout " ?

Obrigada mesmo !!!


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não funciona.. fica parado sad.gif




<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<title>Untitled Document</title>



<script LANGUAGE="javascript">

var howMany = 12

var quote = new Array(howMany+1)

quote[0]="<img src=images/produtos/1.jpg border=0>"

quote[1]="<img src=images/produtos/2.jpg border=0>"

quote[2]="<img src=images/produtos/3.jpg border=0>"

quote[3]="<img src=images/produtos/4.jpg border=0>"

quote[4]="<img src=images/produtos/1.jpg border=0>"

quote[5]="<img src=images/produtos/2.jpg border=0>"

quote[6]="<img src=images/produtos/3.jpg border=0>"

quote[7]="<img src=images/produtos/4.jpg border=0>"

quote[8]="<img src=images/produtos/1.jpg border=0>"

quote[9]="<img src=images/produtos/2.jpg border=0>"

quote[10]="<img src=images/produtos/3.jpg border=0>"

quote[11]="<img src=images/produtos/4.jpg border=0>"

quote[12]="<img src=images/produtos/4.jpg border=0>"

function rndnumber(){

var randscript = -1

while (randscript < 0 || randscript > howMany || isNaN(randscript)){

randscript = parseInt(Math.random()*(howMany+1))


return randscript


quo = rndnumber()

quox = quote[quo]

document.write('<font size="1" face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF"><center>');


setTimeout("rndnumber()", 5000);




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