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Importamdo Txt Pra Db

Guest Luis


Fala ai galera tranquilo, estou tentando cadastrar info de um txt num db contudo ta dando o seguinte erro:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in query expression '_neemiaslima@uol.com.br'.

/email/index.asp, line 48

alguém ai poderia me ajudar?

Dim conex,db_path,path_do_arquivo,nome_do_arquivo

path_do_arquivo = "e:\home\interno\dados\"

nome_do_arquivo = "emails.txt"

cont = 0

db_path = "e:\home\interno\dados\email.mdb"

set conex = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

conex.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & db_path


'Use o objeto FileSystem para abrir o arquivo

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set thisfile = fs.OpenTextFile(path_do_arquivo & nome_do_arquivo, 1, 0)

do while thisfile.AtEndOfStream=false

emaill = thisfile.Readline 

emaill = Trim(emaill)

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblMailingList order by Mail_ID"

Set bds = Conex.Execute(strSQL)

do while not bds.eof

emaildb = Trim(bds("email"))

if emaill = emaildb then

chave = "1"

end if



if chave = "1" then

response.write cont&" - "&emaill &" já estava cadastrado.<br>"


strUserCode = Left(emaill,2) & (9876989856 * CInt((RND * 32000) + 100))

SQLStmt = "INSERT INTO tblMailingList (Email,ID_Code)"

SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "VALUES (" & emaill

SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "," & strUserCode & ")"

set incluir = Conex.Execute(SQLStmt)

response.write cont&" - "&emaill & " Cadastrado com sucesso ! <br>"

cont = cont + 1

end if

chave = "0"



set conex=nothing

set dbs=nothing

set incluir=nothing


set thisfile=nothing

set fs=nothing

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SQLStmt = "INSERT INTO tblMailingList (Email,ID_Code)"

SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "VALUES (" & emaill

SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "," & strUserCode & ")"

Acho que é assim:

SQLStmt = "INSERT INTO tblMailingList (Email,ID_Code) VALUES ('"& emaill &"';'"& strUserCode &"');"

Vê ai...


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continua dando erro

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in query expression ''_neemiaslima@uol.com.br';'_n223990375954368''.

/email/index.asp, line 47

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