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ola amigo..

olha ai o codigo .. onde esta a encrenca?

<? session_start();

function invalidCaracter($chrs)


$tam = 20;

$comentario = strlen($chrs);

$a="ÁáÉéÍíÓóÚúÇçÃãÀàÂâÊêÎîÔôÕõÛû& -!@#$%¨&*()_+}=}{[]^~?/:;><,'´`\"";


$chrs = strtr($chrs,$a,$b);

$chrs = strtolower($chrs);

if ($sizeName>$tam)


$chrs = substr($chrs,0,$tam);


return $chrs;



if (isset($_GET["id])) {

$id = $_GET["id"];


$query = mysql_query("select * from usuarios where codigo = '$id'") or die("não foi possivel localizar o album.".mysql_error());

$f = mysql_fetch_array($query);

$query = mysql_query("select * from planos where codigo = '$f[plano]'") or die("não foi possivel localizar o plano.".mysql_error());

$plano = mysql_fetch_array($query);

$query = mysql_query("select * from usuarios where codigo = '$f[codigo]' and nm_Album = '$f[nm_Album]'") or die("não foi possivel localizar usuario.".mysql_error());

$id = mysql_fetch_array($query);

$id_album = $id["nm_Album"];

$id_letra = $id_album{0};

} else { header("location: flog.php"); }




<title><? echo $f["nm_Titulo"]; ?></title>

<meta name=keywords" content="Floguito, floguito, flogui, flogs Álbum, fotolog, fotos, flog, blog, fotografias, Floguito - Fotolog sem limites, Fotolog Ilimitado, Floguinho, Fotoalbum, Flog Colorido, Barretos, Barretos - SP">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<script language="JavaScript">

var enviou = false;

function emoticon(icon)


var icon;

document.frmescrever.mensagem.value += "" + icon + "";





</SCRIPT><language=JavaScript src="floguito.js" type=text/JavaScript></SCRIPT>

<BODY text="<? echo $f["cor_Letra]; ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?>" bottomMargin="0" vLink="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link]; ?>" link="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo]; ?>" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" rightMargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" ?> bottomMargin=0 vLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?> aLink=<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?> link=<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>

bgColor=<? echo $f["cor_Fundo"]; ?> leftMargin=0 topMargin=0 rightMargin=0 marginheight=0"

marginwidth="0"><FONT face="<? echo $f["nm_Letra]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<td bgColor="<? echo $f["cor_Titulo1"]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>><? include("top.php"); ?></td>


<? if (isset($_GET["erro"])) { ?>

<? } ?>




if (isset($_GET["foto"])) {

$query = mysql_query("select * from album where usuario = '$f[codigo]' and foto = '$_GET[foto]'") or die("não foi possivel selecionar a foto.".mysql_error());

} else {

$query = mysql_query("select * from album where usuario = '$f[codigo]' order by codigo desc") or die("Não foi possivel selecionar a foto.".mysql_error()); }

if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) { $foto = mysql_fetch_array($query);


<table width=100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="<? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">


<td width="20%" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="<? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>"></td><td></td>

<td width=20%" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="<? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>"></td></tr>


<td width="20%" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="<? echo $f["cor_Subtitulo"]; ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>"><P align=center><B><FONT size=2>Perfil</FONT></B></P></td>


<td width=20%" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="<? echo $f["cor_Subtitulo]; ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>"><P align=center><B><FONT size=2>Favoritos</FONT></B></P></td>



<td width="20%" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="<? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">

<a'sobre.php?id=<? echo $f[codigo]; ?>','sobre','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=500,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"><?

$arq = "$id_album/avatar.jpg";

if (file_exists("$arq")) { echo"<img src=$id_album/avatar.jpg>";

} else { echo"<img src=sobre.jpg>"; }


<font size=2>

<a onclick="'sobre.php?id=<? echo $f[codigo]; ?>','sobre','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=500,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand">Sobre <? echo $f["nm_Album]; ?></A>


<A href="flog.php?floguito=lista-cidades&cidade=<? echo $f["nm_Municipio"]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>"><? echo $f["nm_Municipio"]; ?></a> -

<A href=flog.php?floguito=lista-estados&estado=<? echo $f["cd_Estado]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>>


$estado = $f[cd_Estado];

if ($estado == '0')

echo 'AC';

if ($estado == 1)

echo 'AL';

if ($estado == 2)

echo 'AM';

if ($estado == 3)

echo 'AP';

if ($estado == 4)

echo 'BA';

if ($estado == 5)

echo 'CE';

if ($estado == 6)

echo 'DF';

if ($estado == 7)

echo 'ES';

if ($estado == 8)

echo 'GO';

if ($estado == 9)

echo 'MA';

if ($estado == 10)

echo 'MG';

if ($estado == 11)

echo 'MS';

if ($estado == 12)

echo 'muito';

if ($estado == 13)

echo 'pra';

if ($estado == 14)

echo 'PB';

if ($estado == 15)

echo 'PE';

if ($estado == 16)

echo 'PI';

if ($estado == 17)

echo 'PR';

if ($estado == 18)

echo 'RJ';

if ($estado == 19)

echo 'RN';

if ($estado == 20)

echo 'RO';

if ($estado == 21)

echo 'RR';

if ($estado == 22)

echo 'RS';

if ($estado == 23)

echo 'SC';

if ($estado == 24)

echo 'SE';

if ($estado == 25)

echo 'SP';

if ($estado == 26)

echo 'TO';

if ($estado == 27)

echo 'Exterior';

if ($estado == 28)

echo 'NI';


<table width=100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="<? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">


<td width="100%" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="<? echo $f["cor_Subtitulo"]; ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>"><P align=center><B><FONT size=2>Últimas Fotos</FONT></B></P></td>




$qr = "SELECT * FROM album where usuario = '$f[codigo]' order by codigo desc";

$sql = mysql_query($qr);

$total = mysql_num_rows($sql);


if (isset($_GET["pagina"])) { $pagina = $_GET["pagina"]; }

else { $pagina = "1"; }

$busca = $qr;

$registrosPorPagina = 10;

if (empty($pagina)): $pc = "1"; else: $pc = $pagina; endif;

$inicio = $pc - 1;

$inicio = $inicio * $registrosPorPagina;

$limite = mysql_query("$busca LIMIT $inicio,$registrosPorPagina");

$totalRegistros = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("$busca"));

$numPaginas = $totalRegistros / $registrosPorPagina;

if ($total == 0) { echo "<font size=2>Nenhuma Foto Postada</font>"; }

while (list($valor) = mysql_fetch_row($limite)) {

$qr_y = "SELECT * FROM album where codigo = '$valor'";

$sql_y = mysql_query($qr_y); $r = mysql_fetch_array($sql_y);

?><P align=center>


href=floguito.php?id=<? echo $r["usuario]; ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>" ?>&foto=<? echo $r["foto"]; ?>">


height=75 src=albuns/<? echo $id_letra; ?>/<? echo $id_album; ?>/thumb/<? echo $r["foto]; ?>" width="100" <? if ($r["foto"]==" $foto["foto]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>" width="100" <? if ($r["foto"]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>.jpg" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>.jpg" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>.jpg" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>.jpg" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>.jpg" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>.jpg" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>.jpg" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>.jpg" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>.jpg" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>.jpg" width=100" <? if ($r["foto]== $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5" ; } else { echo "border=0" ; } ?>.jpg" width=100 <? if ($r["foto"] == $foto["foto"]) { echo "border=5"; } else { echo "border=0"; } ?> </A><BR>

<FONT size=2><? $ptdata = explode(" ", $r["pt_Data"]); $pt_horario = $ptdata[1]; $pt_data = explode("-", $ptdata[0]); echo "$pt_data[2]/$pt_data[1]/$pt_data[0]"; ?><BR>

<? $dt = explode(" ", $r["pt_Data"]); if ($dt[0] == date('Y-m-d')) { echo "<B><FONT

size=1>(HOJE)</FONT></B>"; } ?></FONT></P><? } ?>

<P align=center><font size=2>


href=todas.php?id=<? echo $f["codigo]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">Mais Fotos </A>


<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="<? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">


<td width=100%" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="<? echo $f["cor_Subtitulo]; ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>"><P align=center><B><FONT size=2>Notícias</FONT></B></P></td>





$qr = "SELECT * FROM noticias where usuario = '$f[codigo]' order by codigo desc";

$sql = mysql_query($qr);

$total = mysql_num_rows($sql);


if (isset($_GET["pagina"])) { $pagina = $_GET["pagina"]; }

else { $pagina = "1"; }

$busca = $qr;

$registrosPorPagina = 1000000;

if (empty($pagina)): $pc = "1"; else: $pc = $pagina; endif;

$inicio = $pc - 1;

$inicio = $inicio * $registrosPorPagina;

$limite = mysql_query("$busca LIMIT $inicio,$registrosPorPagina");

$totalRegistros = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("$busca"));

$numPaginas = $totalRegistros / $registrosPorPagina;

if ($total == 0) { echo "<font size=2>Nenhuma Notícia</font><br>"; }

while (list($valor) = mysql_fetch_row($limite)) {

$qr_y = "SELECT * FROM noticias where codigo = '$valor'";

$sql_y = mysql_query($qr_y); $n = mysql_fetch_array($sql_y);

?><center><font size=2>

<a'news.php?id=<? echo $f[codigo]; ?>&amp;noticia=<? echo $n["codigo];?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"?>','Noticias','top=0,left=0,width=400,height=300,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" style="cursor:hand"><? echo $n["Titulo"]; ?></A><br>

<? } ?>



<table width=100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="<? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">


<td width="100%" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="<? echo $f["cor_Subtitulo"]; ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>" ?>" style=border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral]; ?>" ?>" style="border: 2px solid <? echo $f["cor_Lateral"]; ?>"><P align=center><B><FONT size=2>Visitas</FONT></B></P></td>





<tr><td><FONT size=2>Nesta Foto: <B><? echo $foto["pt_Visualizacao"]; $pt_visual = $foto["pt_Visualizacao"]+1; $query = mysql_query("update album set pt_Visualizacao = '$pt_visual' where codigo = '$foto[codigo]' and usuario = '$f[codigo]'") or die("não foi possivel atualizar a contagem de visualizacoes.".mysql_error()); ?></B></font></tr></td>

<tr><td><FONT size=2>Total: <B><? echo $f["pt_VisualizacaoTotal"]; $pt_visualTotal = $f["pt_VisualizacaoTotal"]+1; $query = mysql_query("update usuarios set pt_VisualizacaoTotal = '$pt_visualTotal' where codigo = '$f[codigo]' and nm_Album = '$f[nm_Album]'") or die("não foi possivel atualizar a contagem de visitas totais.".mysql_error()); ?></B></font><br><br></tr></td>


<td align=center" valign="top"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<td align="center">

<TABLE width="500" border=0>


<tr><td><center><B><FONT size=5><? echo $f["nm_title1]; ?></FONT><BR><BR></td></tr>


<TD align="center"><? if(session_is_registered("floguitologado")) { list($nome,$nick,$hora,$chave) = $_SESSION['floguitologado'];

echo "<font size=2><a href=adicionar-favoritos.php?id=$f[codigo]>Adicionar a seus favoritos</a> / ";

} ?><font size=2><a'email.php?id=<? echo $f["codigo]; ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Indicar','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand"><font color="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>>Indicar Foto</A><font color=<? echo $f["cor_Letra]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>> /

<a onclick="'denuncia.php?id=<? echo $f["codigo"]; ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand" ?>&amp;foto=<? echo $foto["foto"]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style=cursor:hand" ?>&foto=<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>','Denuncia','top=0,left=0,width=233,height=380,resizable=0,scrollbars=0');" style="cursor:hand">

<font color="<? echo $f["cor_Link"]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>>Denunciar Foto</A></font></TD>

</TR><tr><td height=10></td></tr>


<TD align=center"><FONT>

<IMG src="foto.php?floguito=albuns/<? echo $id_letra; ?>/<? echo $id_album; ?>/fotos/<? echo $foto["foto].".jpg"; ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album"]; ?>" border=0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album]; ?>" border="0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album"]; ?>" border=0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album]; ?>" border="0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album"]; ?>" border=0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album]; ?>" border="0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album"]; ?>" border=0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album]; ?>" border="0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album"]; ?>" border=0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album]; ?>" border="0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album"]; ?>" border=0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album]; ?>" border="0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album"]; ?>" border=0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album]; ?>" border="0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album"]; ?>" border=0" ?>&nome=<? echo $f["nm_Album]; ?>" border=0> </FONT></TD>




<TD align="center"><FONT size=1> <SPAN style="TEXT-TRANSFORM: uppercase">POSTADO EM: <? $ptdata = explode(" ", $foto["edata"]); $pt_horario = $ptdata[1]; $pt_data = explode("-", $ptdata[0]); echo "$pt_data[2]/$pt_data[1]/$pt_data[0] - $pt_horario"; ?></SPAN>

<? if(session_is_registered("floguitologado")) { list($nome,$nick,$hora,$chave) = $_SESSION['floguitologado']; if($nome == $f["codigo"] && $nick == $f["nm_Album"]) { echo "<br><br><br><br><a href=flog.php?floguito=editar&id=$r[usuario]&foto=$foto[foto]><font size=2>Editar Foto</a> / </font><script>

function b$numero()


if (confirm(\"Atenção! A foto selecionada será apagada. Prosseguir?\")) {



return false;



<a style=\"cursor:hand\" onClick=\"return b$numero(); return false;\"><font size=2>Excluir Foto</a></font>"; } } ?>







<P align=left>&nbsp;</P></TD>




><FONT size=5><b>" <? echo nl2br($foto["post_title]); ?> "</b></FONT></font></center></TD>



<P align=left>&nbsp;</P></TD>




><FONT size=2><? echo nl2br($foto["comentario"]); ?></FONT></font></TD>







<td align=center">&nbsp;</td>



<td align="center"><table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">



<HR width="500" SIZE=1 noShade>


<? include ("banner468x60.php"); ?>


<HR width="500" SIZE=1 noShade>


$query = mysql_query("select * from comentarios where foto = '$foto[codigo]'") or die(mysql_error());

$coment_total1 = mysql_num_rows($query);

if ($coment_total1 < $plano["nm_Comentarios]) {

} ?>

<br><center><b>Comentários ( <? echo $coment_total1; ?> )</b></center><br><br>


$qr = "SELECT * FROM comentarios where foto = '$foto[codigo]' order by data";

$sql = mysql_query($qr);

$total = mysql_num_rows($sql);


if (isset($_GET["pagina"])) { $pagina = $_GET["pagina"]; }

else { $pagina = "1"; }

$busca = $qr;

$registrosPorPagina = 1000000;

if (empty($pagina)): $pc = "1"; else: $pc = $pagina; endif;

$inicio = $pc - 1;

$inicio = $inicio * $registrosPorPagina;

$limite = mysql_query("$busca LIMIT $inicio,$registrosPorPagina");

$totalRegistros = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("$busca"));

$numPaginas = $totalRegistros / $registrosPorPagina;

if ($total == 0) { echo "<font size=2>Nenhum comentário postado</font>"; }

while (list($valor) = mysql_fetch_row($limite)) {

$qr_y = "SELECT * FROM comentarios where codigo = '$valor'";

$sql_y = mysql_query($qr_y); $r = mysql_fetch_array($sql_y);

$query = mysql_query("select * from usuarios where nm_Album = '$r[flog]'");

$er = mysql_fetch_array($query);

if ($r["privado"] == "ON") {

if (session_is_registered("floguitologado")) {

list($nome,$nick,$hora,$chave) = $_SESSION['floguitologado'];

if ($nome == $f["codigo"] and $nick == $f["nm_Album"]) {


<p><FONT size=2><? if ($er["plano"] == 2) { echo "<img src=estrela_vip.gif>"; } elseif ($er["plano"] == 3) { echo "<img src=estrela_vipgold.gif>"; } ?> <? echo $r["nome"]; ?> em <? $ptdata = explode(" ", $r["data"]); $pt_horario = $ptdata[1]; $pt_data = explode("-", $ptdata[0]); echo "$pt_data[2]/$pt_data[1]/$pt_data[0] - $pt_horario"; ?>

<img src=coment_privado.gif" width="58" height="17"> escreveu:<BR>

<? if (session_is_registered("floguitologado")) {

list($nome,$nick,$hora,$chave) = $_SESSION['floguitologado];

if ($nome == $f["codigo"] and $nick == $f["nm_Album"] and $plano["coment_ip"] == "ON") { echo "IP do Usuário: <b>".$r["ip"]."</b>"; } } ?><br>

<? echo $r["comentario"]; ?><br>

<? if(session_is_registered("floguitologado")) { list($nome,$nick,$hora,$chave) = $_SESSION['floguitologado']; if($nome == $f["codigo"] && $nick == $f["nm_Album"]) { echo "<br><a href=flog.php?floguito=editar_comentarios&id=$r[usuario]&comentario=$r[codigo]>( Editar )</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=excluir-comentario.php?id=$r[codigo]>( Excluir )</a>"; } } ?></FONT></p>

<HR width=500" SIZE=1 noShade><? } }

} else {


</strong> <p><FONT size=2><? if ($er["plano] == 2) { echo "<img src=estrela_vip.gif>"; } elseif ($er["plano"] == 3) { echo "<img src=imgs/estrela_vipgold.gif>"; } ?> <? echo $r["nome"]; ?> em <? $ptdata = explode(" ", $r["data"]); $pt_horario = $ptdata[1]; $pt_data = explode("-", $ptdata[0]); echo "$pt_data[2]/$pt_data[1]/$pt_data[0] - $pt_horario"; ?> escreveu:<BR>

<? if (session_is_registered("floguitologado")) {

list($nome,$nick,$hora,$chave) = $_SESSION['floguitologado'];

if ($nome == $f["codigo"] and $nick == $f["nm_Album"] and $plano["coment_ip"] == "ON") { echo "IP do Usuário: <b>$r[ip]</b>"; } } ?><br>

<? echo nl2br($r["comentario"]); ?><br>

<? if(session_is_registered("floguitologado")) { list($nome,$nick,$hora,$chave) = $_SESSION['floguitologado']; if($nome == $f["codigo"] and $nick == $f["nm_Album"]) { echo "<br><a href=flog.php?floguito=editar_comentarios&id=$r[usuario]&comentario=$r[codigo]>( Editar )</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=excluir-comentario.php?id=$r[codigo]>( Excluir )</a>"; } } ?></FONT></p>

<HR width=500" SIZE=1 noShade>

<? } }






<td align="center"><?

if ($totalRegistros > "$registrosPorPagina") {

$anterior = $pc - 1; $proximo = $pc + 1;

if ($pc>1) { echo " <a href='?id=$status_tipo&pagina=$anterior'><b>Voltar</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;"; } else { echo " <b>Voltar</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }

if (($totalRegistros%$registrosPorPagina!=0)){



for ($a=1;$a<=$totalRegistros;$a++) {

if ($a%$registrosPorPagina==0) {

$link = $a;

$link /= $registrosPorPagina;

$t_page = $pagina + 9;

if ($link > $t_page) { echo " <a href='?id=$status_tipo&pagina=$link'><font size=2><b>...</b></font></a>"; break; }

elseif ($link >= $pagina) {

if ($link == "$pagina") {

$tt_page = $pagina - 9;

if ($tt_page < 0) { $tt_page = 1; }

echo " <a href='?id=$status_tipo&pagina=$tt_page'><font size=2><b>...</b></font></a>"; }

if ($link != "$pagina") { echo " <a href='?id=$status_tipo&pagina=$link'><font size=2><b>$link</b></font></a>"; } else { echo " <font size=2 color=red><b>$link<b></font>"; }




if ($pc<$numPaginas) { echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='?id=$status_tipo&pagina=$proximo'><b>Avan&ccedil;ar</b></a> "; } else { echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Avan&ccedil;ar</b> "; }

} else { } ?></td>



<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>



<td align="center">

<? $query = mysql_query("select * from planos where codigo = '$f[plano]'") or die(mysql_error());

$plano = mysql_fetch_array($query);

$query = mysql_query("select * from comentarios where foto = '$foto[codigo]'") or die(mysql_error());

$coment_total = mysql_num_rows($query);

if ($coment_total < $plano["nm_Comentarios]) {

if ($f["fl_RestComentario"] == "ON" && session_is_registered("floguitologado")) {


<form name=form" action="comentario.php" id="comentario" method="post" onSubmit="return validaPost();">

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><? if(session_is_registered("floguitologado")) { list($nome,$nick,$hora,$chave) = $_SESSION['floguitologado]; ?>

<input name="nome" type="hidden" id="nome" value="<a href=<? echo $nick; ?>><? echo $nick; ?></a>" size="54">

<? } else { echo '<tr>

<td><B><FONT size=2>Nome: </FONT></B></td>



<td><input name="nome" type="text" id="nome" size="49" maxLength="20"></td>


<tr>'; } ?>

<td height="5"></td>



<td><B><FONT size=2>Comentário:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A onclick="'emotions.php?id=<? echo $f[codigo]; ?>', 'emotions', 'top=0,left=0,width=400,height=525,resizable=0,scrollbars=1');" href=#">Emotions</A></FONT></B></td>



<td><FONT >

<TEXTAREA name=comentario onkeydown=checker(this); onblur=checker(this); onkeyup=checker(this) cols=42 rows=8 id="comentario"></TEXTAREA>

<input name="flog" type="hidden" id="flog" value="<? echo $nick; ?>">

<input name="foto" type="hidden" id="foto" value="<? echo $foto["codigo]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">

<input name="album" type="hidden" id="album" value="<? echo $f["codigo"]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">

<input name=nm_foto" type="hidden" id="nm_foto" value="<? echo $foto["foto]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">



<? if ($plano["msg_privadas"] == "ON") { ?><tr>

<td><strong> <font size=2">

<input name="privado" type="checkbox" id="privado" value="ON">

Mensagem pr<font face="<? echo $f["nm_Letra]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">ivada a autora do Floguito </font></font></strong></td>

</tr><? } ?>





<td align="center"><SPAN id=sobra style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">1000</SPAN> Caracteres Restantes</DIV><br><INPUT type=submit value="Enviar coment&aacute;rio" name=btOk><br><br><br></td>



</form><? } elseif ($f["fl_RestComentario"] == "OFF" || $f["fl_RestComentario"] == "") { ?>

<form name="form" action="comentario.php" id="comentario" method="post" onSubmit="return validaPost();">

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><? if(session_is_registered("floguitologado")) { list($nome,$nick,$hora,$chave) = $_SESSION['floguitologado

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Veiooooooooooooooooooo Deus me livre!!!!

Quanta coisa errada!!!!!

você tem o Dreamweaver???? já olhou com calma??? :huh:

olha a parte do seu input:

<input name="foto" type="hidden" id="foto" value="<? echo $foto["codigo"]; ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>" ?>">

Pra que tanto " ?>" ??

e não é só isso não tem outras coisas também :lol: ^^



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