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Fórum Script Brasil

Marlon Mazotti

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Posts postados por Marlon Mazotti

  1. 2 horas atrás, Leonardo Persan disse:

    Isso é falta de pacote no servidor.

    Você tem acesso root?

    O servidor é Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora...?

    Dependendo isso resolve:

    apt-get install php5-sybase


    O servidor onde está o PHP é um CentOS.

    O responsavel do servidorexterno (MSSQL) me informou que devo conectar via ODBC, coloquei a extensão ODBC no meu código. Olha como ficou:

    try {
        $hostname = "h";
        $dbname = "c";
        $username = "a";
        $pw = "a";
        $pdo = new PDO ("odbc:host=$hostname;dbname=$dbname","$username","$pw");
      } catch (PDOException $e) {
        echo "Erro de Conexão " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
          $query = $pdo->prepare("select * FROM xxx");
          for($i=0; $row = $query->fetch(); $i++){
            echo $i." - ".$row['Coluna']."<br/>";

    Porém agora recebo a msg de erro:

    Erro de Conexão could not find driver 

  2. Boa noite pessoal, tudo bem?


    Eu estou rodando o Apache em um servidor Linux. A versão do meu PHP é a 5.3.3. Eu preciso criar uma conexão com um servidor externo, para buscar algumas colunas. Porém, o servidor externo é Windows com SQL Server.


    Quando eu tento efetuar a conexão, recebo a msg de "could not find driver". Segue o meu script:


      try {
        $hostname = "myhost";
        $port = 10060;
        $dbname = "tempdb";
        $username = "dbuser";
        $pw = "password";
        $dbh = new PDO ("dblib:host=$hostname:$port;dbname=$dbname","$username","$pw");
      } catch (PDOException $e) {
        echo "Failed to get DB handle: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
      $stmt = $dbh->prepare("select name from master..sysdatabases where name = db_name()");
      while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
      unset($dbh); unset($stmt);


  3. Olá Pessoa,

    Estou utilizando esse script do codeigniter. ´Já coloquei permissão 777 na pasta "tmp" no servidor "/home/meu_site/public_html/html/tmp"

    Porém ainda estou recebendo a mensagem de "The upload destination folder does not appear to be writable."

    Alguém poderia me ajudar? Segue o script:

    <?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
     * CodeIgniter
     * An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer
     * @package		CodeIgniter
     * @author		ExpressionEngine Dev Team
     * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, EllisLab, Inc.
     * @license
     * @link
     * @since		Version 1.0
     * @filesource
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * File Uploading Class
     * @package		CodeIgniter
     * @subpackage	Libraries
     * @category	Uploads
     * @author		ExpressionEngine Dev Team
     * @link
    class CI_Upload {
    	public $max_size				= 0;
    	public $max_width				= 0;
    	public $max_height				= 0;
    	public $max_filename			= 0;
    	public $allowed_types			= "";
    	public $file_temp				= "";
    	public $file_name				= "";
    	public $orig_name				= "";
    	public $file_type				= "";
    	public $file_size				= "";
    	public $file_ext				= "";
    	public $upload_path				= "";
    	public $overwrite				= FALSE;
    	public $encrypt_name			= FALSE;
    	public $is_image				= FALSE;
    	public $image_width				= '';
    	public $image_height			= '';
    	public $image_type				= '';
    	public $image_size_str			= '';
    	public $error_msg				= array();
    	public $mimes					= array();
    	public $remove_spaces			= TRUE;
    	public $xss_clean				= FALSE;
    	public $temp_prefix				= "temp_file_";
    	public $client_name				= '';
    	protected $_file_name_override	= '';
    	 * Constructor
    	 * @access	public
    	public function __construct($props = array())
    		if (count($props) > 0)
    		log_message('debug', "Upload Class Initialized");
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Initialize preferences
    	 * @param	array
    	 * @return	void
    	public function initialize($config = array())
    		$defaults = array(
    							'max_size'			=> 0,
    							'max_width'			=> 0,
    							'max_height'		=> 0,
    							'max_filename'		=> 0,
    							'allowed_types'		=> "",
    							'file_temp'			=> "",
    							'file_name'			=> "",
    							'orig_name'			=> "",
    							'file_type'			=> "",
    							'file_size'			=> "",
    							'file_ext'			=> "",
    							'upload_path'		=> "",
    							'overwrite'			=> FALSE,
    							'encrypt_name'		=> FALSE,
    							'is_image'			=> FALSE,
    							'image_width'		=> '',
    							'image_height'		=> '',
    							'image_type'		=> '',
    							'image_size_str'	=> '',
    							'error_msg'			=> array(),
    							'mimes'				=> array(),
    							'remove_spaces'		=> TRUE,
    							'xss_clean'			=> FALSE,
    							'temp_prefix'		=> "temp_file_",
    							'client_name'		=> ''
    		foreach ($defaults as $key => $val)
    			if (isset($config[$key]))
    				$method = 'set_'.$key;
    				if (method_exists($this, $method))
    					$this->$key = $config[$key];
    				$this->$key = $val;
    		// if a file_name was provided in the config, use it instead of the user input
    		// supplied file name for all uploads until initialized again
    		$this->_file_name_override = $this->file_name;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Perform the file upload
    	 * @return	bool
    	public function do_upload($field = 'userfile')
    	// Is $_FILES[$field] set? If not, no reason to continue.
    		if ( ! isset($_FILES[$field]))
    			return FALSE;
    		// Is the upload path valid?
    		if ( ! $this->validate_upload_path())
    			// errors will already be set by validate_upload_path() so just return FALSE
    			return FALSE;
    		// Was the file able to be uploaded? If not, determine the reason why.
    		if ( ! is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name']))
    			$error = ( ! isset($_FILES[$field]['error'])) ? 4 : $_FILES[$field]['error'];
    				case 1:	// UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE
    				case 2: // UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE
    				case 3: // UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL
    				case 4: // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE
    				case 6: // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR
    				case 7: // UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE
    				case 8: // UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION
    				default :   $this->set_error('upload_no_file_selected');
    			return FALSE;
    		// Set the uploaded data as class variables
    		$this->file_temp = $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'];
    		$this->file_size = $_FILES[$field]['size'];
    		$this->file_type = preg_replace("/^(.+?);.*$/", "\\1", $this->file_type);
    		$this->file_type = strtolower(trim(stripslashes($this->file_type), '"'));
    		$this->file_name = $this->_prep_filename($_FILES[$field]['name']);
    		$this->file_ext	 = $this->get_extension($this->file_name);
    		$this->client_name = $this->file_name;
    		// Is the file type allowed to be uploaded?
    		if ( ! $this->is_allowed_filetype())
    			return FALSE;
    		// if we're overriding, let's now make sure the new name and type is allowed
    		if ($this->_file_name_override != '')
    			$this->file_name = $this->_prep_filename($this->_file_name_override);
    			// If no extension was provided in the file_name config item, use the uploaded one
    			if (strpos($this->_file_name_override, '.') === FALSE)
    				$this->file_name .= $this->file_ext;
    			// An extension was provided, lets have it!
    				$this->file_ext	 = $this->get_extension($this->_file_name_override);
    			if ( ! $this->is_allowed_filetype(TRUE))
    				return FALSE;
    		// Convert the file size to kilobytes
    		if ($this->file_size > 0)
    			$this->file_size = round($this->file_size/1024, 2);
    		// Is the file size within the allowed maximum?
    		if ( ! $this->is_allowed_filesize())
    			return FALSE;
    		// Are the image dimensions within the allowed size?
    		// Note: This can fail if the server has an open_basdir restriction.
    		if ( ! $this->is_allowed_dimensions())
    			return FALSE;
    		// Sanitize the file name for security
    		$this->file_name = $this->clean_file_name($this->file_name);
    		// Truncate the file name if it's too long
    		if ($this->max_filename > 0)
    			$this->file_name = $this->limit_filename_length($this->file_name, $this->max_filename);
    		// Remove white spaces in the name
    		if ($this->remove_spaces == TRUE)
    			$this->file_name = preg_replace("/\s+/", "_", $this->file_name);
    		 * Validate the file name
    		 * This function appends an number onto the end of
    		 * the file if one with the same name already exists.
    		 * If it returns false there was a problem.
    		$this->orig_name = $this->file_name;
    		if ($this->overwrite == FALSE)
    			$this->file_name = $this->set_filename($this->upload_path, $this->file_name);
    			if ($this->file_name === FALSE)
    				return FALSE;
    		 * Run the file through the XSS hacking filter
    		 * This helps prevent malicious code from being
    		 * embedded within a file.  Scripts can easily
    		 * be disguised as images or other file types.
    		if ($this->xss_clean)
    			if ($this->do_xss_clean() === FALSE)
    				return FALSE;
    		 * Move the file to the final destination
    		 * To deal with different server configurations
    		 * we'll attempt to use copy() first.  If that fails
    		 * we'll use move_uploaded_file().  One of the two should
    		 * reliably work in most environments
    		if ( ! @copy($this->file_temp, $this->upload_path.$this->file_name))
    			if ( ! @move_uploaded_file($this->file_temp, $this->upload_path.$this->file_name))
    				return FALSE;
    		 * Set the finalized image dimensions
    		 * This sets the image width/height (assuming the
    		 * file was an image).  We use this information
    		 * in the "data" function.
    		return TRUE;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Finalized Data Array
    	 * Returns an associative array containing all of the information
    	 * related to the upload, allowing the developer easy access in one array.
    	 * @return	array
    	public function data()
    		return array (
    						'file_name'			=> $this->file_name,
    						'file_type'			=> $this->file_type,
    						'file_path'			=> $this->upload_path,
    						'full_path'			=> $this->upload_path.$this->file_name,
    						'raw_name'			=> str_replace($this->file_ext, '', $this->file_name),
    						'orig_name'			=> $this->orig_name,
    						'client_name'		=> $this->client_name,
    						'file_ext'			=> $this->file_ext,
    						'file_size'			=> $this->file_size,
    						'is_image'			=> $this->is_image(),
    						'image_width'		=> $this->image_width,
    						'image_height'		=> $this->image_height,
    						'image_type'		=> $this->image_type,
    						'image_size_str'	=> $this->image_size_str,
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Set Upload Path
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @return	void
    	public function set_upload_path($path)
    		// Make sure it has a trailing slash
    		$this->upload_path = rtrim($path, '/').'/';
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Set the file name
    	 * This function takes a filename/path as input and looks for the
    	 * existence of a file with the same name. If found, it will append a
    	 * number to the end of the filename to avoid overwriting a pre-existing file.
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @return	string
    	public function set_filename($path, $filename)
    		if ($this->encrypt_name == TRUE)
    			$filename = md5(uniqid(mt_rand())).$this->file_ext;
    		if ( ! file_exists($path.$filename))
    			return $filename;
    		$filename = str_replace($this->file_ext, '', $filename);
    		$new_filename = '';
    		for ($i = 1; $i < 100; $i++)
    			if ( ! file_exists($path.$filename.$i.$this->file_ext))
    				$new_filename = $filename.$i.$this->file_ext;
    		if ($new_filename == '')
    			return FALSE;
    			return $new_filename;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Set Maximum File Size
    	 * @param	integer
    	 * @return	void
    	public function set_max_filesize($n)
    		$this->max_size = ((int) $n < 0) ? 0: (int) $n;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Set Maximum File Name Length
    	 * @param	integer
    	 * @return	void
    	public function set_max_filename($n)
    		$this->max_filename = ((int) $n < 0) ? 0: (int) $n;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Set Maximum Image Width
    	 * @param	integer
    	 * @return	void
    	public function set_max_width($n)
    		$this->max_width = ((int) $n < 0) ? 0: (int) $n;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Set Maximum Image Height
    	 * @param	integer
    	 * @return	void
    	public function set_max_height($n)
    		$this->max_height = ((int) $n < 0) ? 0: (int) $n;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Set Allowed File Types
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @return	void
    	public function set_allowed_types($types)
    		if ( ! is_array($types) && $types == '*')
    			$this->allowed_types = '*';
    		$this->allowed_types = explode('|', $types);
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Set Image Properties
    	 * Uses GD to determine the width/height/type of image
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @return	void
    	public function set_image_properties($path = '')
    		if ( ! $this->is_image())
    		if (function_exists('getimagesize'))
    			if (FALSE !== ($D = @getimagesize($path)))
    				$types = array(1 => 'gif', 2 => 'jpeg', 3 => 'png');
    				$this->image_width		= $D['0'];
    				$this->image_height		= $D['1'];
    				$this->image_type		= ( ! isset($types[$D['2']])) ? 'unknown' : $types[$D['2']];
    				$this->image_size_str	= $D['3'];  // string containing height and width
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Set XSS Clean
    	 * Enables the XSS flag so that the file that was uploaded
    	 * will be run through the XSS filter.
    	 * @param	bool
    	 * @return	void
    	public function set_xss_clean($flag = FALSE)
    		$this->xss_clean = ($flag == TRUE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Validate the image
    	 * @return	bool
    	public function is_image()
    		// IE will sometimes return odd mime-types during upload, so here we just standardize all
    		// jpegs or pngs to the same file type.
    		$png_mimes  = array('image/x-png');
    		$jpeg_mimes = array('image/jpg', 'image/jpe', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg');
    		if (in_array($this->file_type, $png_mimes))
    			$this->file_type = 'image/png';
    		if (in_array($this->file_type, $jpeg_mimes))
    			$this->file_type = 'image/jpeg';
    		$img_mimes = array(
    		return (in_array($this->file_type, $img_mimes, TRUE)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Verify that the filetype is allowed
    	 * @return	bool
    	public function is_allowed_filetype($ignore_mime = FALSE)
    		if ($this->allowed_types == '*')
    			return TRUE;
    		if (count($this->allowed_types) == 0 OR ! is_array($this->allowed_types))
    			return FALSE;
    		$ext = strtolower(ltrim($this->file_ext, '.'));
    		if ( ! in_array($ext, $this->allowed_types))
    			return FALSE;
    		// Images get some additional checks
    		$image_types = array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'jpe');
    		if (in_array($ext, $image_types))
    			if (getimagesize($this->file_temp) === FALSE)
    				return FALSE;
    		if ($ignore_mime === TRUE)
    			return TRUE;
    		$mime = $this->mimes_types($ext);
    		if (is_array($mime))
    			if (in_array($this->file_type, $mime, TRUE))
    				return TRUE;
    		elseif ($mime == $this->file_type)
    				return TRUE;
    		return FALSE;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Verify that the file is within the allowed size
    	 * @return	bool
    	public function is_allowed_filesize()
    		if ($this->max_size != 0  AND  $this->file_size > $this->max_size)
    			return FALSE;
    			return TRUE;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Verify that the image is within the allowed width/height
    	 * @return	bool
    	public function is_allowed_dimensions()
    		if ( ! $this->is_image())
    			return TRUE;
    		if (function_exists('getimagesize'))
    			$D = @getimagesize($this->file_temp);
    			if ($this->max_width > 0 AND $D['0'] > $this->max_width)
    				return FALSE;
    			if ($this->max_height > 0 AND $D['1'] > $this->max_height)
    				return FALSE;
    			return TRUE;
    		return TRUE;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Validate Upload Path
    	 * Verifies that it is a valid upload path with proper permissions.
    	 * @return	bool
    	public function validate_upload_path()
    		if ($this->upload_path == '')
    			return FALSE;
    		if (function_exists('realpath') AND @realpath($this->upload_path) !== FALSE)
    			$this->upload_path = str_replace("\\", "/", realpath($this->upload_path));
    		if ( ! @is_dir($this->upload_path))
    			return FALSE;
    		if ( ! is_really_writable($this->upload_path))
    			return FALSE;
    		$this->upload_path = preg_replace("/(.+?)\/*$/", "\\1/",  $this->upload_path);
    		return TRUE;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Extract the file extension
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @return	string
    	public function get_extension($filename)
    		$x = explode('.', $filename);
    		return '.'.end($x);
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Clean the file name for security
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @return	string
    	public function clean_file_name($filename)
    		$bad = array(
    						"%3c",		// <
    						"%253c",	// <
    						"%3e",		// >
    						"%0e",		// >
    						"%28",		// (
    						"%29",		// )
    						"%2528",	// (
    						"%26",		// &
    						"%24",		// $
    						"%3f",		// ?
    						"%3b",		// ;
    						"%3d"		// =
    		$filename = str_replace($bad, '', $filename);
    		return stripslashes($filename);
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Limit the File Name Length
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @return	string
    	public function limit_filename_length($filename, $length)
    		if (strlen($filename) < $length)
    			return $filename;
    		$ext = '';
    		if (strpos($filename, '.') !== FALSE)
    			$parts		= explode('.', $filename);
    			$ext		= '.'.array_pop($parts);
    			$filename	= implode('.', $parts);
    		return substr($filename, 0, ($length - strlen($ext))).$ext;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Runs the file through the XSS clean function
    	 * This prevents people from embedding malicious code in their files.
    	 * I'm not sure that it won't negatively affect certain files in unexpected ways,
    	 * but so far I haven't found that it causes trouble.
    	 * @return	void
    	public function do_xss_clean()
    		$file = $this->file_temp;
    		if (filesize($file) == 0)
    			return FALSE;
    		if (function_exists('memory_get_usage') && memory_get_usage() && ini_get('memory_limit') != '')
    			$current = ini_get('memory_limit') * 1024 * 1024;
    			// There was a bug/behavioural change in PHP 5.2, where numbers over one million get output
    			// into scientific notation.  number_format() ensures this number is an integer
    			$new_memory = number_format(ceil(filesize($file) + $current), 0, '.', '');
    			ini_set('memory_limit', $new_memory); // When an integer is used, the value is measured in bytes. -
    		// If the file being uploaded is an image, then we should have no problem with XSS attacks (in theory), but
    		// IE can be fooled into mime-type detecting a malformed image as an html file, thus executing an XSS attack on anyone
    		// using IE who looks at the image.  It does this by inspecting the first 255 bytes of an image.  To get around this
    		// CI will itself look at the first 255 bytes of an image to determine its relative safety.  This can save a lot of
    		// processor power and time if it is actually a clean image, as it will be in nearly all instances _except_ an
    		// attempted XSS attack.
    		if (function_exists('getimagesize') && @getimagesize($file) !== FALSE)
    			if (($file = @fopen($file, 'rb')) === FALSE) // "b" to force binary
    				return FALSE; // Couldn't open the file, return FALSE
    			$opening_bytes = fread($file, 256);
    			// These are known to throw IE into mime-type detection chaos
    			// <a, <body, <head, <html, <img, <plaintext, <pre, <script, <table, <title
    			// title is basically just in SVG, but we filter it anyhow
    			if ( ! preg_match('/<(a|body|head|html|img|plaintext|pre|script|table|title)[\s>]/i', $opening_bytes))
    				return TRUE; // its an image, no "triggers" detected in the first 256 bytes, we're good
    				return FALSE;
    		if (($data = @file_get_contents($file)) === FALSE)
    			return FALSE;
    		$CI =& get_instance();
    		return $CI->security->xss_clean($data, TRUE);
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Set an error message
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @return	void
    	public function set_error($msg)
    		$CI =& get_instance();
    		if (is_array($msg))
    			foreach ($msg as $val)
    				$msg = ($CI->lang->line($val) == FALSE) ? $val : $CI->lang->line($val);
    				$this->error_msg[] = $msg;
    				log_message('error', $msg);
    			$msg = ($CI->lang->line($msg) == FALSE) ? $msg : $CI->lang->line($msg);
    			$this->error_msg[] = $msg;
    			log_message('error', $msg);
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Display the error message
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @return	string
    	public function display_errors($open = '<p>', $close = '</p>')
    		$str = '';
    		foreach ($this->error_msg as $val)
    			$str .= $open.$val.$close;
    		return $str;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * List of Mime Types
    	 * This is a list of mime types.  We use it to validate
    	 * the "allowed types" set by the developer
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @return	string
    	public function mimes_types($mime)
    		global $mimes;
    		if (count($this->mimes) == 0)
    			if (defined('ENVIRONMENT') AND is_file(APPPATH.'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/mimes.php'))
    			elseif (is_file(APPPATH.'config/mimes.php'))
    				return FALSE;
    			$this->mimes = $mimes;
    		return ( ! isset($this->mimes[$mime])) ? FALSE : $this->mimes[$mime];
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * Prep Filename
    	 * Prevents possible script execution from Apache's handling of files multiple extensions
    	 * @param	string
    	 * @return	string
    	protected function _prep_filename($filename)
    		if (strpos($filename, '.') === FALSE OR $this->allowed_types == '*')
    			return $filename;
    		$parts		= explode('.', $filename);
    		$ext		= array_pop($parts);
    		$filename	= array_shift($parts);
    		foreach ($parts as $part)
    			if ( ! in_array(strtolower($part), $this->allowed_types) OR $this->mimes_types(strtolower($part)) === FALSE)
    				$filename .= '.'.$part.'_';
    				$filename .= '.'.$part;
    		$filename .= '.'.$ext;
    		return $filename;
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * File MIME type
    	 * Detects the (actual) MIME type of the uploaded file, if possible.
    	 * The input array is expected to be $_FILES[$field]
    	 * @param	array
    	 * @return	void
    	protected function _file_mime_type($file)
    		// We'll need this to validate the MIME info string (e.g. text/plain; charset=us-ascii)
    		$regexp = '/^([a-z\-]+\/[a-z0-9\-\.\+]+)(;\s.+)?$/';
    		/* Fileinfo extension - most reliable method
    		 * Unfortunately, prior to PHP 5.3 - it's only available as a PECL extension and the
    		 * more convenient FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE flag doesn't exist.
    		if (function_exists('finfo_file'))
    			$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);
    			if (is_resource($finfo)) // It is possible that a FALSE value is returned, if there is no magic MIME database file found on the system
    				$mime = @finfo_file($finfo, $file['tmp_name']);
    				/* According to the comments section of the PHP manual page,
    				 * it is possible that this function returns an empty string
    				 * for some files (e.g. if they don't exist in the magic MIME database)
    				if (is_string($mime) && preg_match($regexp, $mime, $matches))
    					$this->file_type = $matches[1];
    		/* This is an ugly hack, but UNIX-type systems provide a "native" way to detect the file type,
    		 * which is still more secure than depending on the value of $_FILES[$field]['type'], and as it
    		 * was reported in issue #750 ( - it's better
    		 * than mime_content_type() as well, hence the attempts to try calling the command line with
    		 * three different functions.
    		 * Notes:
    		 *	- the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR comparison ensures that we're not on a Windows system
    		 *	- many system admins would disable the exec(), shell_exec(), popen() and similar functions
    		 *	  due to security concerns, hence the function_exists() checks
    		if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== '\\')
    			$cmd = 'file --brief --mime ' . escapeshellarg($file['tmp_name']) . ' 2>&1';
    			if (function_exists('exec'))
    				/* This might look confusing, as $mime is being populated with all of the output when set in the second parameter.
    				 * However, we only neeed the last line, which is the actual return value of exec(), and as such - it overwrites
    				 * anything that could already be set for $mime previously. This effectively makes the second parameter a dummy
    				 * value, which is only put to allow us to get the return status code.
    				$mime = @exec($cmd, $mime, $return_status);
    				if ($return_status === 0 && is_string($mime) && preg_match($regexp, $mime, $matches))
    					$this->file_type = $matches[1];
    			if ( (bool) @ini_get('safe_mode') === FALSE && function_exists('shell_exec'))
    				$mime = @shell_exec($cmd);
    				if (strlen($mime) > 0)
    					$mime = explode("\n", trim($mime));
    					if (preg_match($regexp, $mime[(count($mime) - 1)], $matches))
    						$this->file_type = $matches[1];
    			if (function_exists('popen'))
    				$proc = @popen($cmd, 'r');
    				if (is_resource($proc))
    					$mime = @fread($proc, 512);
    					if ($mime !== FALSE)
    						$mime = explode("\n", trim($mime));
    						if (preg_match($regexp, $mime[(count($mime) - 1)], $matches))
    							$this->file_type = $matches[1];
    		// Fall back to the deprecated mime_content_type(), if available (still better than $_FILES[$field]['type'])
    		if (function_exists('mime_content_type'))
    			$this->file_type = @mime_content_type($file['tmp_name']);
    			if (strlen($this->file_type) > 0) // It's possible that mime_content_type() returns FALSE or an empty string
    		$this->file_type = $file['type'];
    	// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // END Upload Class
    /* End of file Upload.php */
    /* Location: ./system/libraries/Upload.php */


  4. Olá pessoal,


    Tenho um sisteminha que funciona 100% na minha maquina utilizando o XAMPP. Porém quando fui hospedar o sistema em outra máquina virtual, comecei a receber essa mensagem de erro

    "DataTables warning (table id = 'table'): DataTables warning: JSON data from server could not be parsed. This is caused by a JSON formatting error." 

    alguém poderia dar uma help



  5. 1 hora atrás, lowys disse:


    É só você fazer as consultas no model/controller e depois carregar na view.

    Peraí... se é um gráfico... use ajax


    lowys, você poderia me informar algum tutorial onde eu possa ver como fazer isso? Sou leigo nesse assunto.

  6. Boa tarde pessoal, alguém poderia me ajudar com essa dúvida?


    Seguinte, tenho um sistema de gerenciamento de dados interno na empresa que trabalho, onde os colaboradores efetuam cadastro de alguns registros como por exemplo `Cliente; Valor; Data, Quantidade de produtos vendidos, etc`. Esses dados são armazenados em nosso BD (SQL). 


    Após o registro, conseguimos enxergar esses dados em nosso painel onde ele exibe uma tabela com todos os registros. Eu gostaria de colocar logo a baixo dessa tabela um gráfico de barras dinâmico, onde quem efetuar a consulta (analise dos dados) consiga escolher como que o gráfico ira exibir os dados, como por exemplo (Exibir os valor por mês ou Fazer uma divisão do valor total pelo total de produtos vendidos entre outras possibilidades) Isso é possível? Alguém poderia me ajudar com esse código? Pois a pessoa que criou esse sistema sumiu.

    Agradeço desde já!

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