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Houve um erro porque o código não aceitou 3 funções de conversão.
Olá Beraldo, você acha que o código que postei por ultimo pode funcionar?
Não ajuda porque o link mostra parte o código que já está no script. Pergunto se posso fazer assim: //Páscoa $datas = easter_date(2008); //Carnaval $datas1 = $datas['pascoa'] - 47 * 86400; //Corpus Christi $datas2 = $datas['pascoa'] + 60 * 86400; //Paixão de Cristo $datas3 = $datas['pascoa'] - 2 * 86400; function converter($time) { return date("d/m/Y", $time); } echo"<li>Carnaval =". "datas1"; echo"<li>Sexta-feira Santa=". "datas2"; echo "<li>Corpus Christi=". "datas3"; echo "</ul>";
Eu adaptei um script de feriados nacionais com eventos fixos e móveis. Estou com dificuldade em mostrar os eventos móveis. Vou mostrar o código: <?php // Gregorian Calendar =>1583 if (!$_GET["y"] || ($_GET["y"] < 1583) || ($_GET["y"] > 4099)) { $_GET["y"] = date("Y",time()); // use the current year if nothing is specified } function format_date($day, $month, $year) { // pad single digit months/days with a leading zero for consistency (aesthetics) // and format the date as desired: DD-MM-YYYY by default if (strlen($month) == 1) { $month = "0". $month; } if (strlen($day) == 1) { $day = "0". $day; } // $date = $year ."-". $month ."-". $day; $date = $day ."-". $month ."-". $year; return $date; } function calculate_easter($y) { $a = $y%19; $b = intval($y/100); $c = $y%100; $d = intval($b/4); $e = $b%4; $f = intval(($b+8)/25); $g = intval(($b-$f+1)/3); $h = (19*$a+$b-$d-$g+15)%30; $i = intval($c/4); $k = $c%4; $l = (32+2*$e+2*$i-$h-$k)%7; $m = intval(($a+11*$h+22*$l)/451); $p = ($h+$l-7*$m+114)%31; $EasterMonth = intval(($h+$l-7*$m+114)/31); // [3 = March, 4 = April] $EasterDay = $p+1; // (day in Easter Month) return format_date($EasterDay, $EasterMonth, $y); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // end of calculation functions; place the dates you wish to calculate below ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> <form action="<?php echo($PHP_SELF); ?>" method="get"> <b>Entre com o Ano:</b> <input type="text" name="y" value="<?php echo ($_GET["y"]); ?>" size="4" maxlength="4"> <input type="submit" value="Ir"> </form> <?php $datas = array(); //Páscoa $datas['pascoa'] = easter_date($_GET["y"]); //Carnaval $datas['Carnaval'] = $datas['pascoa'] - 47 * 86400; //Corpus Christi $datas['Corpus Christi'] = $datas['pascoa'] + 60 * 86400; //Paixão de Cristo $datas['Sexta-feira Santa'] = $datas['pascoa'] - 2 * 86400; function converter($time) { return date("d/m/Y", $time); } print_r(array_map("converter", $datas)); // format to use: // format_date("day", "month", "year"); echo "<p><b>". $_GET["y"] ." Feriados Nacionais</b></p>"; echo "<ul>"; echo "<li><b>Eventos fixos:</b>"; echo "<li>Confraternização Universal = ". format_date(1, 1,$_GET["y"]); echo "<li>Tiradentes = ". format_date(21, 4,$_GET["y"]); echo "<li>Dia do Trabalho = ". format_date( 1, 5,$_GET["y"]); echo "<li>Proclamação da República = ". format_date(7,9,$_GET["y"]); echo "<li>Nossa Senhora Aparecida = ". format_date(12,10,$_GET["y"]); echo "<li>Finados = ". format_date(2,11,$_GET["y"]); echo "<li>Natal = ". format_date(25,12,$_GET["y"]); echo "<li><b>Eventos móveis:</b>"; echo "<li>Carnaval ="; echo "<li>Carnaval ="; echo "<li>Sexta-feira Santa="; echo "<li>Páscoa = ". calculate_easter($_GET["y"]); echo "<li>Corpus Christi="; echo "</ul>"; ?> Dos eventos móveis, somente a Pascoa aparece em uma sequencia logica mas o Carnaval, Paixão e Corpus Christi não estão em uma ordem.Espero contar com a ajuda de alguém e fico agradecido.
Olá a todos, No script abaixo o que devo alterar para que apareçam somente os nove primeiros registros. Além disso como fazer para não permitir novas postagens? Agradeço a todos que me ajudarem.
Descobri que o arquivo config.dat.php é um arquivo encriptado. Há umscript que le o arquivo: O script é significativo?Acresenta alguma coisa ao que já foi dito?
Não removendo os binários o script funciona. Só queria saber o porque desses números.
É como foi postado. você pode pegá-lo no diretório inc do arquivo zipado gbs1.9.zip. Como escrevi anteriormente, removi todos os códigos deixando apenas a linha <?php exit(); ?>. O script não funcionou!
É assim mesmo:config.dat.php. Inclui um link para download com 150Kb Script Guestbook Outro fato estranho é que na página principal do Guestbook há um link:Powered by Guestbook Script.Ocorre que em nenhum dos arquivos encontrei este link!!!
O arquivo em pauta faz parte de um script de um Guestbook em php. Removi os códigos e o Guestbook não funcionou!
O nome do arquivo é config.dat.php alguém saberia explicar o significado desse números?
É exatamente isto que eu quero para proteger o Livro de Visitas
Sofro diariamente deletando spam no meu guestbook. Encontrei um script muito parecido com captcha. Inclui no guestbook, mas não esta funcionando. O que acresentei esta em negrito. <?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'); $bd = mysql_connect($mysql['server'], $mysql['name'], $mysql['pass']); mysql_select_db($mysql['db'],$bd); $kvgbcookie = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['kvgbcookie']; if($a == "add") { add(); kvgbcopyright(); } elseif($a == "addsave") { addsave(); kvgbcopyright(); } elseif($a == "login") { login(); kvgbcopyright(); } elseif($a == "dologin") { dologin(); } elseif($a == "delete") { delete(); kvgbcopyright(); } else { gbindex(); kvgbcopyright(); } function gbindex() { global $offset, $kvgbcookie, $PHP_SELF, $scripturl, $gburl, $HTTP_GET_VARS; $offset = $HTTP_GET_VARS['offset']; $resultado=mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM kv_guestbook"); $linha=mysql_fetch_row($resultado); $gbtotal=$linha[0]; if($offset == "") { $offset = 0; } $stop = $offset + 10; $query = "SELECT * FROM kv_guestbook ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $offset,$stop"; $result = mysql_query($query) or DIE(mysql_error()); print(" <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$scripturl/style.css\" type=\"text/css\"> <table cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"> <tr> <td class=\"otherpages\" width=\"25%\">Páginas: <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=0\">1</a> "); if($gbtotal >= "10") { print(" | <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=10\">2</a>"); if($gbtotal >= "20") { print(" | <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=20\">3</a>"); if($gbtotal >= "30") { print(" | <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=30\">4</a>"); if($gbtotal >= "40") { print(" | <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?offset=40\">5</a>"); } } } } print(" </td> <td align=\"left\" class=\"addentry\"><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?a=add\">Registrar Visita</td> </tr> <tr> <td align=\"center\" class=\"gbheader\"><b>Visitantes</b></td><td align=\"center\" class=\"gbheader\"><b>Comentários</b></td> </tr> "); while($entry = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { print(" <tr> <td class=\"gbt1\" valign=\"top\"> <div class=\"mainname\">Nome: $entry->name</div> <div class=\"smallleft\"> Localidade: $entry->location <br> "); if($entry->email != "") { print("Email: <a href=\"mailto:$entry->email\">$entry->email</a> <br> \n"); } if($entry->url != "") { print("Homepage: <a href=\"$entry->url\">$entry->url</a> <br> \n"); } /* if($kvgbcookie) { print(" IP: $entry->ip<br> <a href=\"$gburl?a=delete&id=$entry->id\">Deletar</a> "); } */ print(" </div> </td> <td class=\"gbt2\" valign=\"top\"> <div class=\"smallleft\"> data: $entry->date </div><hr size=2 width=60% align=center><div class=\"post\">$entry->post</div> </td> </tr> "); } print(" </table> "); } function add() { global $PHP_SELF; print(" <center> <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"a\" value=\"addsave\"> <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"> <tr> <td align=\"right\">Nome:</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=\"25\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=\"right\">Email:</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" size=\"25\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=\"right\">URL:</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" value=\"http://\" size=\"25\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=\"right\">Localidade:</td> <td> <select name=\"location\"> <option value=\"0\" SELECTED>-------- selecione --------</option> <OPTION VALUE=\"United States\">United States</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Afghanistan\">Afghanistan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Albania\">Albania</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Algeria\">Algeria</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"American Samoa\">American Samoa</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Andorra\">Andorra</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Angola\">Angola</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Anguilla\">Anguilla</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Antarctica\">Antarctica</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Antigua And Barbuda\">Antigua And Barbuda</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Argentina\">Argentina</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Armenia\">Armenia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Aruba\">Aruba</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Australia\">Australia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Austria\">Austria</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Azerbaijan\">Azerbaijan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Bahamas\">Bahamas</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Bahrain\">Bahrain</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Bangladesh\">Bangladesh</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Barbados\">Barbados</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Belarus\">Belarus</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Belgium\">Belgium</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Belize\">Belize</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Benin\">Benin</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Bermuda\">Bermuda</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Bhutan\">Bhutan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Bolivia\">Bolivia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Bosnia And Herzegowina\">Bosnia And Herzegowina</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Botswana\">Botswana</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Bouvet Island\">Bouvet Island</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Brazil\">Brazil</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"British Indian Ocean Territory\">British Indian Ocean Territory</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Brunei Darussalam\">Brunei Darussalam</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Bulgaria\">Bulgaria</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Burkina Faso\">Burkina Faso</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Burundi\">Burundi</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Cambodia\">Cambodia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Cameroon\">Cameroon</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Canada\">Canada</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Cape Verde\">Cape Verde</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Cayman Islands\">Cayman Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Central African Republic\">Central African Republic</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Chad\">Chad</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Chile\">Chile</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"China\">China</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Christmas Island\">Christmas Island</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Cocos (Keeling) Islands\">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Colombia\">Colombia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Comoros\">Comoros</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Congo\">Congo</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Cook Islands\">Cook Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Costa Rica\">Costa Rica</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Cote D Ivoire\">Cote D Ivoire</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Croatia\">Croatia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Cuba\">Cuba</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Cyprus\">Cyprus</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Czech Republic\">Czech Republic</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Denmark\">Denmark</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Djibouti\">Djibouti</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Dominica\">Dominica</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Dominican Republic\">Dominican Republic</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"East Timor\">East Timor</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Ecuador\">Ecuador</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Egypt\">Egypt</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"El Salvador\">El Salvador</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Equatorial Guinea\">Equatorial Guinea</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Eritrea\">Eritrea</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Estonia\">Estonia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Ethiopia\">Ethiopia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Falkland Islands\">Falkland Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Faroe Islands\">Faroe Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Fiji\">Fiji</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Finland\">Finland</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"France\">France</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"France, Metropolitan \">France, Metropolitan </OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"French Guiana\">French Guiana</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"French Polynesia\">French Polynesia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"French Southern Territories\">French Southern Territories</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Gabon\">Gabon</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Gambia\">Gambia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Georgia\">Georgia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Germany\">Germany</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Ghana\">Ghana</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Gibraltar\">Gibraltar</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Greece\">Greece</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Greenland\">Greenland</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Grenada\">Grenada</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Guadeloupe\">Guadeloupe</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Guam\">Guam</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Guatemala\">Guatemala</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Guinea\">Guinea</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Guinea-Bissau\">Guinea-Bissau</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Guyana\">Guyana</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Haiti\">Haiti</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Heard And Mc Donald Islands\">Heard And Mc Donald Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Honduras\">Honduras</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Hong Kong\">Hong Kong</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Hungary\">Hungary</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Iceland\">Iceland</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"India\">India</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Indonesia\">Indonesia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Iran\">Iran</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Iraq\">Iraq</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Ireland\">Ireland</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Israel\">Israel</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Italy\">Italy</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Jamaica\">Jamaica</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Japan\">Japan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Jordan\">Jordan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Kazakhstan\">Kazakhstan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Kenya\">Kenya</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Kiribati\">Kiribati</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"North Korea\">North Korea</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"South Korea\">South Korea</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Kuwait\">Kuwait</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Kyrgyzstan\">Kyrgyzstan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Lao Peoples Republic\">Lao Peoples Republic</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Latvia\">Latvia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Lebanon\">Lebanon</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Lesotho\">Lesotho</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Liberia\">Liberia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Libyan Arab Jamahiriya\">Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Liechtenstein\">Liechtenstein</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Lithuania\">Lithuania</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Luxembourg\">Luxembourg</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Macau\">Macau</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Macedonia\">Macedonia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Madagascar\">Madagascar</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Malawi\">Malawi</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Malaysia\">Malaysia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Maldives\">Maldives</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Mali\">Mali</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Malta\">Malta</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Marshall Islands\">Marshall Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Martinique\">Martinique</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Mauritania\">Mauritania</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Mauritius\">Mauritius</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Mayotte\">Mayotte</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Mexico\">Mexico</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Micronesia\">Micronesia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Moldova\">Moldova</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Monaco\">Monaco</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Mongolia\">Mongolia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Montserrat\">Montserrat</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Morocco\">Morocco</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Mozambique\">Mozambique</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Myanmar\">Myanmar</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Namibia\">Namibia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Nauru\">Nauru</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Nepal\">Nepal</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Netherlands\">Netherlands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Netherlands Antilles\">Netherlands Antilles</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"New Caledonia\">New Caledonia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"New Zealand\">New Zealand</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Nicaragua\">Nicaragua</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Niger\">Niger</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Nigeria\">Nigeria</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Niue\">Niue</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Norfolk Island\">Norfolk Island</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Northern Mariana Islands\">Northern Mariana Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Norway\">Norway</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Oman\">Oman</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Pakistan\">Pakistan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Palau\">Palau</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Panama\">Panama</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Papua New Guinea\">Papua New Guinea</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Paraguay\">Paraguay</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Peru\">Peru</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Philippines\">Philippines</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Pitcairn\">Pitcairn</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Poland\">Poland</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Portugal\">Portugal</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Puerto Rico\">Puerto Rico</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Qatar\">Qatar</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Reunion\">Reunion</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Romania\">Romania</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Russian Federation\">Russian Federation</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Rwanda\">Rwanda</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Saint Kitts And Nevis\">Saint Kitts And Nevis</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Saint Lucia\">Saint Lucia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Saint Vincent And The Grenadines\">Saint Vincent And The Grenadines</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Samoa\">Samoa</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"San Marino\">San Marino</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"são Tome And Principe\">são Tome And Principe</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Saudi Arabia\">Saudi Arabia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Senegal\">Senegal</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Seychelles\">Seychelles</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Sierra Leone\">Sierra Leone</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Singapore\">Singapore</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Slovakia\">Slovakia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Slovenia\">Slovenia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Solomon Islands\">Solomon Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Somalia\">Somalia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"South Africa\">South Africa</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"South Georgia\">South Georgia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"The South Sandwich Islands\">The South Sandwich Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Spain\">Spain</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Sri Lanka\">Sri Lanka</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"St Helena\">St Helena</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"St Pierre and Miquelon\">St Pierre and Miquelon</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Sudan\">Sudan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Suriname\">Suriname</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands\">Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Swaziland\">Swaziland</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Sweden\">Sweden</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Switzerland\">Switzerland</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Syrian Arab Republic\">Syrian Arab Republic</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Taiwan\">Taiwan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Tajikistan\">Tajikistan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Tanzania\">Tanzania</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Thailand\">Thailand</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Togo\">Togo</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Tokelau\">Tokelau</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Tonga\">Tonga</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Trinidad And Tobago\">Trinidad And Tobago</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Tunisia\">Tunisia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Turkey\">Turkey</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Turkmenistan\">Turkmenistan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Turks And Caicos Islands\">Turks And Caicos Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Tuvalu\">Tuvalu</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Uganda\">Uganda</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Ukraine\">Ukraine</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"United Arab Emirates\">United Arab Emirates</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"United Kingdom\">United Kingdom</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"US Minor Outlying Islands\">US Minor Outlying Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Uruguay\">Uruguay</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Uzbekistan\">Uzbekistan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Vanuatu\">Vanuatu</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Vatican City State\">Vatican City State</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Venezuela\">Venezuela</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Viet Nam\">Viet Nam</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Virgin Islands (British)\">Virgin Islands (British)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Virgin Islands (U.S.)\">Virgin Islands (U.S.)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Wallis And Futuna Islands\">Wallis And Futuna Islands</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Western Sahara\">Western Sahara</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Yemen\">Yemen</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Zaire\">Zaire</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Zambia\">Zambia</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Zimbabwe\">Zimbabwe</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE=\"Other-Not Shown\">Outro-Não Mostrado</OPTION> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=\"right\">Comentário:</td><td><textarea name=\"post\" rows=\"8\" cols=\"30\"></textarea></td> </tr><tr> [b]<tr><td align='right'><img src='freecap.php' id='freecap'></td></tr> <tr><td align='right'>Código acima:</td><td><input type='text' name='word'></td></tr>[/b] <td align=\"right\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Postar\"></td><td><input type=\"reset\" value=\"Limpar\"></td> </tr> </table> </form></center> "); } [b]if(!empty($_SESSION['freecap_word']) && !empty($_POST['word'])) { if($_POST['word']==$_SESSION['freecap_word']) { // process form and then: header("Location=someone_file.php"); $word_ok = "yes"; } else { $word_ok = "no"; } } else { $word_ok = false; } if($word_ok!==false) { if($word_ok=="yes") { echo "you got the word correct, rock on.<br />"; } else { echo "sorry, that's not the right word, try again.<br />"; } }[/b] function addsave(){ global $HTTP_POST_VARS, $REMOTE_ADDR; $gb = $HTTP_POST_VARS; if($gb['name'] == "") { print("Error: Você deve entrar com seu nome"); exit; } $date = date("m-d-y"); $query = "INSERT INTO kv_guestbook (name, email, url, ip, location, post, date) VALUES ('{$gb['name']}', '{$gb['email']}', '{$gb['url']}', '{$REMOTE_ADDR}', '{$gb['location']}', '{$gb['post']}', '$date')"; mysql_query($query) or DIE(mysql_error()); print("<center><font size=\"4\"></font></center><br><br>"); gbindex(); } function login() { global $scripturl; $scripturl .= "/livro.php"; print(" <font size=\"4\">Login</font><br> <form action=\"$scripturl\" method=\"post\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"a\" value=\"dologin\"> Senha: <input type=\"password\" name=\"gbpass\" size=\"15\"><br> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Login\"> </form> "); } function dologin() { global $mysql, $gbpass, $gburl; $time = time() + 86400*365; if($gbpass == $mysql['pass']) { setcookie('kvgbcookie', $mysql['pass'], $time, '/'); } header("Location: $gburl"); } function delete() { global $id, $kvgbcookie, $mysql, $HTTP_GET_VARS; $id = $HTTP_GET_VARS['id']; if($kvgbcookie != $mysql['pass']) { print("Você não esta logado!"); exit; } $query = "DELETE FROM kv_guestbook WHERE id='$id'"; mysql_query($query) or DIE(mysql_error()); gbindex(); } function kvgbcopyright() { print(""); } ?> O arquivo word.txt contem cerca de 200 palavras. abaixo o arquivo freecap.php <? session_start(); header ("Content-type: image/png"); // if false, generates quasi-random string (harder for humans to read, though) $use_dict = true; // true=transparent background, false=white $bg_trans = true; // colour of word $text_r = rand(50,150); $text_g = rand(50,150); $text_b = rand(50,150); // get word if($use_dict==true) { // load dictionary and choose random word // keep dictionary in non-web accessible folder, or htaccess it // or modify so word comes from a database; SELECT word FROM words ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 1 // took 0.11 seconds when 'words' had 10,000 records $words = file("words.txt"); $word = strtolower($words[rand(0,sizeof($words)-1)]); // cut off line endings/other possible odd chars $word = ereg_replace("[^a-z]","",$word); // might be large file so forget it now unset($words); } else { // modified from code by breakzero at hotmail dot com // (http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.rand.php) // doesn't use easily mistaken chars like ij1lo0 $consonant = 'bcdfghkmnpqrstuvwx2345789'; $vowel = 'aeyu'; $word = ""; $wordlen = rand(5,6); for($i=0; $i<$wordlen; $i++) { // don't allow to start with 'vowel' if(rand(0,2)==1 && $i!=0) { $word .= substr($vowel,rand(1,strlen($vowel))-1,1); } else { $word .= substr($consonant,rand(1,strlen($consonant))-1,1); } } } // save word for comparison $_SESSION['freecap_word'] = $word; // modify width depending on maximum possible length of word // you shouldn't need to use words > 6 chars in length though. $width = 250; $height = 60; $im = ImageCreate($width, $height); if(!$bg_trans) { // blends colours, but is a pain to get nice transparency if true colour $im2 = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); } else { $im2 = ImageCreate($width, $height); } // set background colour (can change to any colour not in 50-150 range) $bg = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); // set text colour $text_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, $text_r, $text_g, $text_b); // write word in random position, in random font size $word_start_x = rand(1,30); $word_start_y = rand(1,3); $font_size = rand(2,5); ImageString($im, $font_size, $word_start_x, $word_start_y, $word, $text_color); // enlarge itself // (could be acheived by using larger font; for compatibility, leave as is for now) // randomly scale between 2 and 3 times orig size $scale = "2.".rand(1,9999); $scale = floatval($scale); $width_scaled = $width*$scale; $height_scaled = $height*$scale; ImageCopyResampled($im2, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width_scaled, $height_scaled, $width, $height); // blank original image out ImageFilledRectangle($im,0,0,$width,$height,$bg); // randomly morph each character on x-axis // copies enlarged text back to original image $morph_factor = 1; $y_chunk = 1; for($i=0; $i<=$height_scaled; $i+=$y_chunk) { // change amount of y_chunk $y_chunk = rand(1,3); for($j=0; $j<=strlen($word); $j++) { $orig_x = ($word_start_x+$j*($font_size+4))*$scale; $morph_x = $orig_x + rand(-$morph_factor,$morph_factor); ImageCopy($im, $im2, $morph_x, $i, $orig_x, $i, 21, $y_chunk); } } // randomly morph word along y-axis $word_start_x *= $scale; $x_chunk = rand(5,10); $word_pix_size = $word_start_x+(strlen($word)*($font_size+4)*$scale); for($i=$word_start_x; $i<=$word_pix_size; $i+=$x_chunk) { ImageCopy($im2, $im, $i, rand(-1,1), $i, 0, $x_chunk+1, $height); } if($bg_trans==true) { // make background transparent ImageColorTransparent($im2,$bg); } // tag it (feel free to remove/change (but if it's not essential I'd appreciate you leaving it)) $lt_grey = ImageColorAllocate($im2,128,128,128); // ensure tag is right-aligned $tag_str = ""; $tag_width = strlen($tag_str)*6; // write tag ImageString($im2, 2, $width-$tag_width, 45, $tag_str, $lt_grey); // output image ImagePNG($im2); // kill GD images (removes from memory) ImageDestroy($im); ImageDestroy($im2); exit(); ?> Por favor, me ajudem
Bom dia amigos, Tenho um Blog e recebo diariamente comentários imbecis e medíocres. Uso o Bad-bahavior mas não resolve como também .htaccess com uma listagem de IPs, que também não resolve. Pensei na possibilidade de alterar o código de modo que o comentário fosse me enviado por e-mail e não mais incluido de imediato na página. Caso o comentário não fosse um spam incluiria manualmente na base de dados.Gostaria que alguém me ajudasse a alterar a parte onde se insere o comentário no código que vai abaixo: Arquivo 'comment_add.php'
Listo os nomes da tabela clientes em ordem alfabética assim:select * from clientes order by nome asc. Ocorre que estou usando um script para colocar em negrito os nomes pelos quais as pessoas são conhecidas e ai quando vou listar Aecio Santos e Alcides Xavier Costa fica assim <b>Aecio</b> Santos e Alcides Xavier <b>Costa</b>. Resultado:Alcides fica na frente de Aecio. Existe alguma dica para seguir rigorosamente a ordem alfabetica?