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  1. theskytalos

    Ajuda com DLL

    Bom dia, não tenho muita experiência com C++, mas meu sonho é dominar essa linguagem. Estou tentando usar uma API de Telemetria feita pela SCS Software, quem produziu o jogo Euro Truck Simulator 2. Ela fornece os dados do caminhão para aplicações "terceiras", como a velocidade, rotação, pressão do óleo, etc... Estou tentando usá-la, já a compilei e coloquei a .DLL no local indicado, agora, como usar essa dll a partir de outra aplicação C++ é que está me intrigando... Nos tutoriais em que vi, a DLL necessitava ter algo como extern C, coisa do tipo, mas no código dessa DLL, não tem :s Abaixo segue o código: /** * @brief Simple logger. * * Writes the output into file inside the current directory. */ // Windows stuff. #define WINVER 0x0500 #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdarg.h> // SDK #include "scssdk_telemetry.h" #include "eurotrucks2/scssdk_eut2.h" #include "eurotrucks2/scssdk_telemetry_eut2.h" #define UNUSED(x) /** * @brief Logging support. */ FILE *log_file = NULL; /** * @brief Tracking of paused state of the game. */ bool output_paused = true; /** * @brief Should we print the data header next time * we are printing the data? */ bool print_header = true; /** * @brief Last timestamp we received. */ scs_timestamp_t last_timestamp = static_cast<scs_timestamp_t>(-1); /** * @brief Combined telemetry data. */ struct telemetry_state_t { scs_timestamp_t timestamp; scs_timestamp_t raw_rendering_timestamp; scs_timestamp_t raw_simulation_timestamp; scs_timestamp_t raw_paused_simulation_timestamp; bool orientation_available; float heading; float pitch; float roll; float speed; float rpm; int gear; } telemetry; /** * @brief Function writting message to the game internal log. */ scs_log_t game_log = NULL; // Management of the log file. bool init_log(void) { if (log_file) { return true; } log_file = fopen("telemetry.log", "wt"); if (! log_file) { return false; } fprintf(log_file, "Log opened\n"); return true; } void finish_log(void) { if (! log_file) { return; } fprintf(log_file, "Log ended\n"); fclose(log_file); log_file = NULL; } void log_print(const char *const text, ...) { if (! log_file) { return; } va_list args; va_start(args, text); vfprintf(log_file, text, args); va_end(args); } void log_line(const char *const text, ...) { if (! log_file) { return; } va_list args; va_start(args, text); vfprintf(log_file, text, args); fprintf(log_file, "\n"); va_end(args); } // Handling of individual events. SCSAPI_VOID telemetry_frame_start(const scs_event_t UNUSED(event), const void *const event_info, const scs_context_t UNUSED(context)) { const struct scs_telemetry_frame_start_t *const info = static_cast<const scs_telemetry_frame_start_t *>(event_info); // The following processing of the timestamps is done so the output // from this plugin has continuous time, it is not necessary otherwise. // When we just initialized itself, assume that the time started // just now. if (last_timestamp == static_cast<scs_timestamp_t>(-1)) { last_timestamp = info->paused_simulation_time; } // The timer might be sometimes restarted (e.g. after load) while // we want to provide continuous time on our output. if (info->flags & SCS_TELEMETRY_FRAME_START_FLAG_timer_restart) { last_timestamp = 0; } // Advance the timestamp by delta since last frame. telemetry.timestamp += (info->paused_simulation_time - last_timestamp); last_timestamp = info->paused_simulation_time; // The raw values. telemetry.raw_rendering_timestamp = info->render_time; telemetry.raw_simulation_timestamp = info->simulation_time; telemetry.raw_paused_simulation_timestamp = info->paused_simulation_time; } SCSAPI_VOID telemetry_frame_end(const scs_event_t UNUSED(event), const void *const UNUSED(event_info), const scs_context_t UNUSED(context)) { if (output_paused) { return; } // The header. if (print_header) { print_header = false; log_line("timestamp[us];raw rendering timestamp[us];raw simulation timestamp[us];raw paused simulation timestamp[us];heading[deg];pitch[deg];roll[deg];speed[m/s];rpm;gear"); } // The data line. log_print("%" SCS_PF_U64 ";%" SCS_PF_U64 ";%" SCS_PF_U64 ";%" SCS_PF_U64, telemetry.timestamp, telemetry.raw_rendering_timestamp, telemetry.raw_simulation_timestamp, telemetry.raw_paused_simulation_timestamp); if (telemetry.orientation_available) { log_print(";%f;%f;%f", telemetry.heading, telemetry.pitch, telemetry.roll); } else { log_print(";---;---;---"); } log_line( ";%f;%f;%d", telemetry.speed, telemetry.rpm, telemetry.gear ); } SCSAPI_VOID telemetry_pause(const scs_event_t event, const void *const UNUSED(event_info), const scs_context_t UNUSED(context)) { output_paused = (event == SCS_TELEMETRY_EVENT_paused); if (output_paused) { log_line("Telemetry paused"); } else { log_line("Telemetry unpaused"); } print_header = true; } SCSAPI_VOID telemetry_configuration(const scs_event_t event, const void *const event_info, const scs_context_t UNUSED(context)) { // Here we just print the configuration info. const struct scs_telemetry_configuration_t *const info = static_cast<const scs_telemetry_configuration_t *>(event_info); log_line("Configuration: %s", info->id); for (const scs_named_value_t *current = info->attributes; current->name; ++current) { log_print(" %s", current->name); if (current->index != SCS_U32_NIL) { log_print("[%u]", static_cast<unsigned>(current->index)); } log_print(" : "); switch (current->value.type) { case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_INVALID: { log_line("none"); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_bool: { log_line("bool = %s", current->value.value_bool.value ? "true" : "false"); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_s32: { log_line("s32 = %d", static_cast<int>(current->value.value_s32.value)); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_u32: { log_line("u32 = %u", static_cast<unsigned>(current->value.value_u32.value)); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_u64: { log_line("u64 = %" SCS_PF_U64, current->value.value_u64.value); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_float: { log_line("float = %f", current->value.value_float.value); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_double: { log_line("double = %f", current->value.value_double.value); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_fvector: { log_line( "fvector = (%f,%f,%f)", current->value.value_fvector.x, current->value.value_fvector.y, current->value.value_fvector.z ); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_dvector: { log_line( "dvector = (%f,%f,%f)", current->value.value_dvector.x, current->value.value_dvector.y, current->value.value_dvector.z ); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_euler: { log_line( "euler = h:%f p:%f r:%f", current->value.value_euler.heading * 360.0f, current->value.value_euler.pitch * 360.0f, current->value.value_euler.roll * 360.0f ); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_fplacement: { log_line( "fplacement = (%f,%f,%f) h:%f p:%f r:%f", current->value.value_fplacement.position.x, current->value.value_fplacement.position.y, current->value.value_fplacement.position.z, current->value.value_fplacement.orientation.heading * 360.0f, current->value.value_fplacement.orientation.pitch * 360.0f, current->value.value_fplacement.orientation.roll * 360.0f ); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_dplacement: { log_line( "dplacement = (%f,%f,%f) h:%f p:%f r:%f", current->value.value_dplacement.position.x, current->value.value_dplacement.position.y, current->value.value_dplacement.position.z, current->value.value_dplacement.orientation.heading * 360.0f, current->value.value_dplacement.orientation.pitch * 360.0f, current->value.value_dplacement.orientation.roll * 360.0f ); break; } case SCS_VALUE_TYPE_string: { log_line("string = %s", current->value.value_string.value); break; } default: { log_line("unknown"); break; } } } print_header = true; } // Handling of individual channels. SCSAPI_VOID telemetry_store_orientation(const scs_string_t name, const scs_u32_t index, const scs_value_t *const value, const scs_context_t context) { assert(context); telemetry_state_t *const state = static_cast<telemetry_state_t *>(context); // This callback was registered with the SCS_TELEMETRY_CHANNEL_FLAG_no_value flag // so it is called even when the value is not available. if (! value) { state->orientation_available = false; return; } assert(value); assert(value->type == SCS_VALUE_TYPE_euler); state->orientation_available = true; state->heading = value->value_euler.heading * 360.0f; state->pitch = value->value_euler.pitch * 360.0f; state->roll = value->value_euler.roll * 360.0f; } SCSAPI_VOID telemetry_store_float(const scs_string_t name, const scs_u32_t index, const scs_value_t *const value, const scs_context_t context) { // The SCS_TELEMETRY_CHANNEL_FLAG_no_value flag was not provided during registration // so this callback is only called when a valid value is available. assert(value); assert(value->type == SCS_VALUE_TYPE_float); assert(context); *static_cast<float *>(context) = value->value_float.value; } SCSAPI_VOID telemetry_store_s32(const scs_string_t name, const scs_u32_t index, const scs_value_t *const value, const scs_context_t context) { // The SCS_TELEMETRY_CHANNEL_FLAG_no_value flag was not provided during registration // so this callback is only called when a valid value is available. assert(value); assert(value->type == SCS_VALUE_TYPE_s32); assert(context); *static_cast<int *>(context) = value->value_s32.value; } /** * @brief Telemetry API initialization function. * * See scssdk_telemetry.h */ SCSAPI_RESULT scs_telemetry_init(const scs_u32_t version, const scs_telemetry_init_params_t *const params) { // We currently support only one version. if (version != SCS_TELEMETRY_VERSION_1_00) { return SCS_RESULT_unsupported; } const scs_telemetry_init_params_v100_t *const version_params = static_cast<const scs_telemetry_init_params_v100_t *>(params); if (! init_log()) { version_params->common.log(SCS_LOG_TYPE_error, "Unable to initialize the log file"); return SCS_RESULT_generic_error; } // Check application version. Note that this example uses fairly basic channels which are likely to be supported // by any future SCS trucking game however more advanced application might want to at least warn the user if there // is game or version they do not support. log_line("Game '%s' %u.%u", version_params->common.game_id, SCS_GET_MAJOR_VERSION(version_params->common.game_version), SCS_GET_MINOR_VERSION(version_params->common.game_version)); if (strcmp(version_params->common.game_id, SCS_GAME_ID_EUT2) != 0) { log_line("WARNING: Unsupported game, some features or values might behave incorrectly"); } else { // Bellow the minimum version there might be some missing features (only minor change) or // incompatible values (major change). const scs_u32_t MINIMAL_VERSION = SCS_TELEMETRY_EUT2_GAME_VERSION_1_00; if (version_params->common.game_version < MINIMAL_VERSION) { log_line("WARNING: Too old version of the game, some features might behave incorrectly"); } // Future versions are fine as long the major version is not changed. const scs_u32_t IMPLEMENTED_VERSION = SCS_TELEMETRY_EUT2_GAME_VERSION_CURRENT; if (SCS_GET_MAJOR_VERSION(version_params->common.game_version) > SCS_GET_MAJOR_VERSION(IMPLEMENTED_VERSION)) { log_line("WARNING: Too new major version of the game, some features might behave incorrectly"); } } // Register for events. Note that failure to register those basic events // likely indicates invalid usage of the api or some critical problem. As the // example requires all of them, we can not continue if the registration fails. const bool events_registered = (version_params->register_for_event(SCS_TELEMETRY_EVENT_frame_start, telemetry_frame_start, NULL) == SCS_RESULT_ok) && (version_params->register_for_event(SCS_TELEMETRY_EVENT_frame_end, telemetry_frame_end, NULL) == SCS_RESULT_ok) && (version_params->register_for_event(SCS_TELEMETRY_EVENT_paused, telemetry_pause, NULL) == SCS_RESULT_ok) && (version_params->register_for_event(SCS_TELEMETRY_EVENT_started, telemetry_pause, NULL) == SCS_RESULT_ok) ; if (! events_registered) { // Registrations created by unsuccessfull initialization are // cleared automatically so we can simply exit. version_params->common.log(SCS_LOG_TYPE_error, "Unable to register event callbacks"); return SCS_RESULT_generic_error; } // Register for the configuration info. As this example only prints the retrieved // data, it can operate even if that fails. version_params->register_for_event(SCS_TELEMETRY_EVENT_configuration, telemetry_configuration, NULL); // Register for channels. The channel might be missing if the game does not support // it (SCS_RESULT_not_found) or if does not support the requested type // (SCS_RESULT_unsupported_type). For purpose of this example we ignore the failues // so the unsupported channels will remain at theirs default value. version_params->register_for_channel(SCS_TELEMETRY_TRUCK_CHANNEL_world_placement, SCS_U32_NIL, SCS_VALUE_TYPE_euler, SCS_TELEMETRY_CHANNEL_FLAG_no_value, telemetry_store_orientation, &telemetry); version_params->register_for_channel(SCS_TELEMETRY_TRUCK_CHANNEL_speed, SCS_U32_NIL, SCS_VALUE_TYPE_float, SCS_TELEMETRY_CHANNEL_FLAG_none, telemetry_store_float, &telemetry.speed); version_params->register_for_channel(SCS_TELEMETRY_TRUCK_CHANNEL_engine_rpm, SCS_U32_NIL, SCS_VALUE_TYPE_float, SCS_TELEMETRY_CHANNEL_FLAG_none, telemetry_store_float, &telemetry.rpm); version_params->register_for_channel(SCS_TELEMETRY_TRUCK_CHANNEL_engine_gear, SCS_U32_NIL, SCS_VALUE_TYPE_s32, SCS_TELEMETRY_CHANNEL_FLAG_none, telemetry_store_s32, &telemetry.gear); // Remember the function we will use for logging. game_log = version_params->common.log; game_log(SCS_LOG_TYPE_message, "Initializing telemetry log example"); // Set the structure with defaults. memset(&telemetry, 0, sizeof(telemetry)); print_header = true; last_timestamp = static_cast<scs_timestamp_t>(-1); // Initially the game is paused. output_paused = true; return SCS_RESULT_ok; } /** * @brief Telemetry API deinitialization function. * * See scssdk_telemetry.h */ SCSAPI_VOID scs_telemetry_shutdown(void) { // Any cleanup needed. The registrations will be removed automatically // so there is no need to do that manually. game_log = NULL; finish_log(); } // Telemetry api. BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HMODULE module, DWORD reason_for_call, LPVOID reseved ) { if (reason_for_call == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { finish_log(); } return TRUE; } Obrigado por qualquer tipo de ajuda.
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