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Fórum Script Brasil
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Problemas Com Menu Pop-up Em Frames



Fiz um menu pop-up no fireworks 8 e inseri num frame.

O menu é horizontal e os frames também..

quis deixar o menu em um frame e o conteúdo no frame de baixo

o problema é que o menu não aparece

como eu resolvo isso:

os códigos:

da página de frames


<title>Nova pagina 1</title>

<frameset framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" rows="30,*">
  <frame name="menu" scrolling="no" noresize target="principal" src="arquivos/menu.htm" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
  <frame name="principal" src="arquivos/titulo.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto" noresize target="_self">

  <p>Esta página usa quadros mas seu navegador não aceita quadros.</p>


do menu:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<!--Fireworks 8 Frontpage target.  Created Fri May 25 10:31:38 GMT-0300 (Hora oficial do Brasil) 2007-->
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function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
  var p,i,x;  if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
    d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
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function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
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function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
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function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
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    if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}

<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript" src="mm_css_menu.js"></script>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
    @import url("./menu.css");
<base target="principal">
<body bgcolor="#999999" onLoad="MM_preloadImages('menu/menu_r1_c1_f2.gif','menu/menu_r1_c2_f2.gif','menu/menu_r1_c3_f2.gif','menu/menu_r1_c4_f2.gif','menu/menu_r1_c5_f2.gif');">
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   <td><a href="java script:;" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onMouseOver="MM_menuShowMenu('MMMenuContainer0525023229_0', 'MMMenu0525023229_0',-1,30,'menu_r1_c1');MM_swapImage('menu_r1_c1','','menu/menu_r1_c1_f2.gif',1);"><img name="menu_r1_c1" src="menu/menu_r1_c1.gif" width="151" height="30" border="0" alt=""></a></td>
   <td><a href="java script:;" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onMouseOver="MM_menuShowMenu('MMMenuContainer0525023621_1', 'MMMenu0525023621_1',0,30,'menu_r1_c2');MM_swapImage('menu_r1_c2','','menu/menu_r1_c2_f2.gif',1);"><img name="menu_r1_c2" src="menu/menu_r1_c2.gif" width="159" height="30" border="0" alt=""></a></td>
   <td><a href="java script:;" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onMouseOver="MM_menuShowMenu('MMMenuContainer0525023713_2', 'MMMenu0525023713_2',0,30,'menu_r1_c3');MM_swapImage('menu_r1_c3','','menu/menu_r1_c3_f2.gif',1);"><img name="menu_r1_c3" src="menu/menu_r1_c3.gif" width="191" height="30" border="0" alt=""></a></td>
   <td><a href="java script:;" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onMouseOver="MM_menuShowMenu('MMMenuContainer0525023740_3', 'MMMenu0525023740_3',0,30,'menu_r1_c4');MM_swapImage('menu_r1_c4','','menu/menu_r1_c4_f2.gif',1);"><img name="menu_r1_c4" src="menu/menu_r1_c4.gif" width="163" height="30" border="0" alt=""></a></td>
   <td><a href="java script:;" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onMouseOver="MM_menuShowMenu('MMMenuContainer0525023822_4', 'MMMenu0525023822_4',0,30,'menu_r1_c5');MM_swapImage('menu_r1_c5','','menu/menu_r1_c5_f2.gif',1);"><img name="menu_r1_c5" src="menu/menu_r1_c5.gif" width="121" height="30" border="0" alt=""></a></td>
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<div id="MMMenuContainer0525023229_0">
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        <a href="#" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023229_0_Item_1" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023229_0" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023229_0');">
        <a href="atividades.htm" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023229_0_Item_2" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023229_0" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023229_0');">
        <a href="solucao" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023229_0_Item_3" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023229_0" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023229_0');">
<div id="MMMenuContainer0525023621_1">
    <div id="MMMenu0525023621_1" onMouseOut="MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onMouseOver="MM_menuResetTimeout();">
        <a href="objetivo_sistema.htm" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023621_1_Item_0" class="MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0525023621_1" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023621_1');">
        <a href="#" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023621_1_Item_1" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023621_1" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023621_1');">
        <a href="diagramas_casouso.htm" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023621_1_Item_2" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023621_1" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023621_1');">
        <a href="prot_menu.htm" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023621_1_Item_3" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023621_1" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023621_1');">
<div id="MMMenuContainer0525023713_2">
    <div id="MMMenu0525023713_2" onMouseOut="MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onMouseOver="MM_menuResetTimeout();">
        <a href="diagrama_classe.htm" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023713_2_Item_0" class="MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0525023713_2" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023713_2');">
        <a href="diagrama_sequencia.htm" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023713_2_Item_1" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023713_2" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023713_2');">
<div id="MMMenuContainer0525023740_3">
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        <a href="dig_classe_geral.htm" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023740_3_Item_0" class="MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0525023740_3" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023740_3');">
        <a href="diagrama_componente.htm" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023740_3_Item_1" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023740_3" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023740_3');">
        <a href="mer.hem" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023740_3_Item_2" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023740_3" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023740_3');">
        <a href="diagrama_integracao" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023740_3_Item_3" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023740_3" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023740_3');">
<div id="MMMenuContainer0525023822_4">
    <div id="MMMenu0525023822_4" onMouseOut="MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onMouseOver="MM_menuResetTimeout();">
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        <a href="#" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023822_4_Item_1" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023822_4" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023822_4');">
        <a href="#" target="conteudo" id="MMMenu0525023822_4_Item_2" class="MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023822_4" onMouseOver="MM_menuOverMenuItem('MMMenu0525023822_4');">
do css gerado pelo fireworks
td img {
/* Another Mozilla/Netscape bug with making sure our images display correctly */
    display: block;

#FWTableContainer923545446 {
/* The master div to make sure that our popup menus get aligned correctly.  Be careful when playing with this one. */

#MMMenuContainer0525023229_0 {
/* This ID is related to the master menu div for menu MMMenuContainer0525023229_0 and contains the important positioning information for the menu as a whole */

#MMMenu0525023229_0 {
/* This class defines things about menu MMMenu0525023229_0's div. */

.MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0525023229_0 {
/* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0525023229_0 */
    voice-family: "\"}\"";

.MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023229_0 {
/* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0525023229_0 */
    voice-family: "\"}\"";

#MMMenu0525023229_0_Item_0 {
/* Unique ID for item 0 of menu MMMenu0525023229_0 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023229_0_Item_1 {
/* Unique ID for item 1 of menu MMMenu0525023229_0 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023229_0_Item_2 {
/* Unique ID for item 2 of menu MMMenu0525023229_0 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023229_0_Item_3 {
/* Unique ID for item 3 of menu MMMenu0525023229_0 so we can set its position */

#MMMenuContainer0525023229_0 img {
/* needed for Mozilla/Camino/Netscape */

#MMMenuContainer0525023229_0 a {
/* Controls the general apperance for menu MMMenuContainer0525023229_0's items, including color and font */
    font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background: #cccccc url('menu/mmmenu5_146x20_up.gif');

#MMMenuContainer0525023229_0 a:hover {
/* Controls the mouse over effects for menu MMMenuContainer0525023229_0 */
    background: #009900 url('menu/mmmenu5_146x20_over.gif');
#MMMenuContainer0525023621_1 {
/* This ID is related to the master menu div for menu MMMenuContainer0525023621_1 and contains the important positioning information for the menu as a whole */

#MMMenu0525023621_1 {
/* This class defines things about menu MMMenu0525023621_1's div. */

.MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0525023621_1 {
/* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0525023621_1 */
    voice-family: "\"}\"";

.MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023621_1 {
/* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0525023621_1 */
    voice-family: "\"}\"";

#MMMenu0525023621_1_Item_0 {
/* Unique ID for item 0 of menu MMMenu0525023621_1 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023621_1_Item_1 {
/* Unique ID for item 1 of menu MMMenu0525023621_1 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023621_1_Item_2 {
/* Unique ID for item 2 of menu MMMenu0525023621_1 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023621_1_Item_3 {
/* Unique ID for item 3 of menu MMMenu0525023621_1 so we can set its position */

#MMMenuContainer0525023621_1 img {
/* needed for Mozilla/Camino/Netscape */

#MMMenuContainer0525023621_1 a {
/* Controls the general apperance for menu MMMenuContainer0525023621_1's items, including color and font */
    font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background: #cccccc url('menu/mmmenu4_163x20_up.gif');

#MMMenuContainer0525023621_1 a:hover {
/* Controls the mouse over effects for menu MMMenuContainer0525023621_1 */
    background: #009900 url('menu/mmmenu4_163x20_over.gif');
#MMMenuContainer0525023713_2 {
/* This ID is related to the master menu div for menu MMMenuContainer0525023713_2 and contains the important positioning information for the menu as a whole */

#MMMenu0525023713_2 {
/* This class defines things about menu MMMenu0525023713_2's div. */

.MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0525023713_2 {
/* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0525023713_2 */
    voice-family: "\"}\"";

.MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023713_2 {
/* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0525023713_2 */
    voice-family: "\"}\"";

#MMMenu0525023713_2_Item_0 {
/* Unique ID for item 0 of menu MMMenu0525023713_2 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023713_2_Item_1 {
/* Unique ID for item 1 of menu MMMenu0525023713_2 so we can set its position */

#MMMenuContainer0525023713_2 img {
/* needed for Mozilla/Camino/Netscape */

#MMMenuContainer0525023713_2 a {
/* Controls the general apperance for menu MMMenuContainer0525023713_2's items, including color and font */
    font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background: #cccccc url('menu/mmmenu3_143x20_up.gif');

#MMMenuContainer0525023713_2 a:hover {
/* Controls the mouse over effects for menu MMMenuContainer0525023713_2 */
    background: #009900 url('menu/mmmenu3_143x20_over.gif');
#MMMenuContainer0525023740_3 {
/* This ID is related to the master menu div for menu MMMenuContainer0525023740_3 and contains the important positioning information for the menu as a whole */

#MMMenu0525023740_3 {
/* This class defines things about menu MMMenu0525023740_3's div. */

.MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0525023740_3 {
/* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0525023740_3 */
    voice-family: "\"}\"";

.MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023740_3 {
/* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0525023740_3 */
    voice-family: "\"}\"";

#MMMenu0525023740_3_Item_0 {
/* Unique ID for item 0 of menu MMMenu0525023740_3 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023740_3_Item_1 {
/* Unique ID for item 1 of menu MMMenu0525023740_3 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023740_3_Item_2 {
/* Unique ID for item 2 of menu MMMenu0525023740_3 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023740_3_Item_3 {
/* Unique ID for item 3 of menu MMMenu0525023740_3 so we can set its position */

#MMMenuContainer0525023740_3 img {
/* needed for Mozilla/Camino/Netscape */

#MMMenuContainer0525023740_3 a {
/* Controls the general apperance for menu MMMenuContainer0525023740_3's items, including color and font */
    font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background: #cccccc url('menu/mmmenu2_163x20_up.gif');

#MMMenuContainer0525023740_3 a:hover {
/* Controls the mouse over effects for menu MMMenuContainer0525023740_3 */
    background: #009900 url('menu/mmmenu2_163x20_over.gif');
#MMMenuContainer0525023822_4 {
/* This ID is related to the master menu div for menu MMMenuContainer0525023822_4 and contains the important positioning information for the menu as a whole */

#MMMenu0525023822_4 {
/* This class defines things about menu MMMenu0525023822_4's div. */

.MMMIFVStyleMMMenu0525023822_4 {
/* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0525023822_4 */
    voice-family: "\"}\"";

.MMMIVStyleMMMenu0525023822_4 {
/* This class determines the general characteristics of the menu items in menu MMMenu0525023822_4 */
    voice-family: "\"}\"";

#MMMenu0525023822_4_Item_0 {
/* Unique ID for item 0 of menu MMMenu0525023822_4 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023822_4_Item_1 {
/* Unique ID for item 1 of menu MMMenu0525023822_4 so we can set its position */

#MMMenu0525023822_4_Item_2 {
/* Unique ID for item 2 of menu MMMenu0525023822_4 so we can set its position */

#MMMenuContainer0525023822_4 img {
/* needed for Mozilla/Camino/Netscape */

#MMMenuContainer0525023822_4 a {
/* Controls the general apperance for menu MMMenuContainer0525023822_4's items, including color and font */
    font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background: #cccccc url('menu/mmmenu1_162x20_up.gif');

#MMMenuContainer0525023822_4 a:hover {
/* Controls the mouse over effects for menu MMMenuContainer0525023822_4 */
    background: #009900 url('menu/mmmenu1_162x20_over.gif');
do js gerado pelo fireworks
var mmOpenContainer = null;
var mmOpenMenus = null;
var mmHideMenuTimer = null;

function MM_menuStartTimeout(hideTimeout) {
    mmHideMenuTimer = setTimeout("MM_menuHideMenus()", hideTimeout);    

function MM_menuHideMenus() {
    if(mmOpenContainer) {
        var c = document.getElementById(mmOpenContainer); = "inherit";
        mmOpenContainer = null;
    if( mmOpenMenus ) {
        for(var i in mmOpenMenus) {
            var m = document.getElementById(mmOpenMenus[i]);
   = "hidden";            
        mmOpenMenus = null;

function MM_menuHideSubmenus(menuName) {
    if( mmOpenMenus ) {
        var h = false;
        var c = 0;
        for(var i in mmOpenMenus) {
            if( h ) {
                var m = document.getElementById(mmOpenMenus[i]);
       = "hidden";
            } else if( mmOpenMenus[i] == menuName ) {
                h = true;
            } else {
        mmOpenMenus.length = c+1;

function MM_menuOverMenuItem(menuName, subMenuSuffix) {
    if( subMenuSuffix ) {
        var subMenuName = "" + menuName + "_" + subMenuSuffix;

function MM_menuShowSubMenu(subMenuName) {
    var e = document.getElementById(subMenuName); = "inherit";
    if( !mmOpenMenus ) {
        mmOpenMenus = new Array;
    mmOpenMenus[mmOpenMenus.length] = "" + subMenuName;

function MM_menuResetTimeout() {
    if (mmHideMenuTimer) clearTimeout(mmHideMenuTimer);
    mmHideMenuTimer = null;

function MM_menuShowMenu(containName, menuName, xOffset, yOffset, triggerName) {
    MM_menuShowMenuContainer(containName, xOffset, yOffset, triggerName);

function MM_menuShowMenuContainer(containName, x, y, triggerName) {    
    var c = document.getElementById(containName);
    var s =;
    s.visibility = "inherit";
    mmOpenContainer = "" + containName;


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1 resposta a esta questão

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O problema e assim...

Voce criou o menu dentro de um frame o menu aparece mas voce não ve por que ele esta dentro do fram escondido. Para o menu aparecer pra fora do frame vocE tem que trabalhar com css oque na minha opniao e mais facil.

Voce vai ter que mexer nas camadas e de preferencia não ira usar frames. De uma passada na sessao de css ou na de html e veja com eles como podem te ajudar


Abrcs AcquaBlue

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