Raphael Boschiero Postado Dezembro 4, 2007 Denunciar Share Postado Dezembro 4, 2007 Olá a todos ; Tenho uma página que contêm um Iframe dentro de um formulario . Preciso que um campo seja selecionado dentro do Iframe e só após isso liberar o submit do form . Existe alguma maneira de Fazer isso ? Grato Raphael Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 PodePerguntar Postado Dezembro 4, 2007 Denunciar Share Postado Dezembro 4, 2007 mostra o link até esse form Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Raphael Boschiero Postado Dezembro 4, 2007 Autor Denunciar Share Postado Dezembro 4, 2007 é um PHP que monta o Iframe . dentro do form<?php # Mantis - a php based bugtracking system # Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org # Copyright (C) 2002 - 2004 Mantis Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net # This program is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GPL # See the README and LICENSE files for details # -------------------------------------------------------- # $Id: bug_report_page.php,v 1.56 2005/08/07 18:42:45 ryandesign Exp $ # -------------------------------------------------------- # This file POSTs data to report_bug.php $g_allow_browser_cache = 1; require_once( 'core.php' ); $t_core_path = config_get( 'core_path' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'file_api.php' ); require_once( $t_core_path.'custom_field_api.php' ); $f_master_bug_id = gpc_get_int( 'm_id', 0 ); # this page is invalid for the 'All Project' selection except if this is a clone if ( ( ALL_PROJECTS == helper_get_current_project() ) && ( 0 == $f_master_bug_id ) ) { print_header_redirect( 'login_select_proj_page.php?ref=bug_report_page.php' ); } if ( ADVANCED_ONLY == config_get( 'show_report' ) ) { print_header_redirect ( 'bug_report_advanced_page.php' . ( 0 == $f_master_bug_id ) ? '' : '?m_id=' . $f_master_bug_id ); } if( $f_master_bug_id > 0 ) { # master bug exists... bug_ensure_exists( $f_master_bug_id ); # master bug is not read-only... if ( bug_is_readonly( $f_master_bug_id ) ) { error_parameters( $f_master_bug_id ); trigger_error( ERROR_BUG_READ_ONLY_ACTION_DENIED, ERROR ); } $t_bug = bug_prepare_edit( bug_get( $f_master_bug_id, true ) ); # the user can at least update the master bug (needed to add the relationship)... access_ensure_bug_level( config_get( 'update_bug_threshold', null, $t_bug->project_id ), $f_master_bug_id ); #@@@ (thraxisp) Note that the master bug is cloned into the same project as the master, independent of # what the current project is set to. if( $t_bug->project_id != helper_get_current_project() ) { # in case the current project is not the same project of the bug we are viewing... # ... override the current project. This to avoid problems with categories and handlers lists etc. $g_project_override = $t_bug->project_id; $t_changed_project = true; } else { $t_changed_project = false; } access_ensure_project_level( config_get( 'report_bug_threshold' ) ); $f_product_version = $t_bug->version; $f_category = $t_bug->category; $f_reproducibility = $t_bug->reproducibility; $f_severity = $t_bug->severity; $f_priority = $t_bug->priority; $f_summary = $t_bug->summary; $f_description = $t_bug->description; $f_additional_info = $t_bug->additional_information; $f_view_state = $t_bug->view_state; $t_project_id = $t_bug->project_id; } else { access_ensure_project_level( config_get( 'report_bug_threshold' ) ); $f_product_version = gpc_get_string( 'product_version', '' ); $f_category = gpc_get_string( 'category', '' ); $f_reproducibility = gpc_get_int( 'reproducibility', 0 ); $f_severity = gpc_get_int( 'severity', config_get( 'default_bug_severity' ) ); $f_priority = gpc_get_int( 'priority', config_get( 'default_bug_priority' ) ); $f_summary = gpc_get_string( 'summary', '' ); $f_description = gpc_get_string( 'description', '' ); $f_additional_info = gpc_get_string( 'additional_info', config_get ( 'default_bug_additional_info' ) ); $f_view_state = gpc_get_int( 'view_state', config_get( 'default_bug_view_status' ) ); $t_project_id = helper_get_current_project(); $t_changed_project = false; } $f_report_stay = gpc_get_bool( 'report_stay' ); html_page_top1( lang_get( 'report_bug_link' ) ); html_page_top2(); ?> <br /> <script> function valida_campos() { alert('1'); if (document.getElementById('severity').value=='Bug impeditivo') { alert('2'); if (document.getElementById('priority').value=='Alta') { alert('3'); if (document.getElementById('Motivo').value=='') { alert('Digite o motivo no campo de motivo'); return false; } } } </script> <script src="\javascript\valida_campos.js"> </script> <div align="center"> <form name="report_bug_form" method="post" <?php if ( file_allow_bug_upload() ) { echo 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'; } ?> action="bug_report.php"> <table class="width75" cellspacing="1"> <!-- Title --> <tr> <td class="form-title"> <input type="hidden" name="m_id" value="<?php echo $f_master_bug_id ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="project_id" value="<?php echo $t_project_id ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="handler_id" value="0" /> <?php echo lang_get( 'enter_report_details_title' ) ?> </td> <td class="right"> <?php if ( BOTH == config_get( 'show_report' ) ) { print_bracket_link( 'bug_report_advanced_page.php' . ( $f_master_bug_id > 0 ? '?m_id=' . $f_master_bug_id : '' ), lang_get( 'advanced_report_link' ) ); } ?> </td> </tr> <!-- Category --> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category" width="30%"> <?php echo lang_get( 'category' ) ?> <?php print_documentation_link( 'category' ) ?> </td> <td width="70%"> <?php if ( $t_changed_project ) { echo "[" . project_get_field( $t_bug->project_id, 'name' ) . "] "; } ?> <select tabindex="1" name="category"> <?php print_category_option_list( $f_category ) ?> </select> </td> </tr> <!-- Reproducibility --> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get( 'reproducibility' ) ?> <?php print_documentation_link( 'reproducibility' ) ?> </td> <td> <select tabindex="2" name="reproducibility"> <?php print_enum_string_option_list( 'reproducibility', $f_reproducibility ) ?> </select> </td> </tr> <!-- Severity --> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get( 'severity' ) ?> <?php print_documentation_link( 'severity' ) ?> </td> <td> <select tabindex="3" name="severity"> <?php print_enum_string_option_list( 'severity', $f_severity ) ?> </select> </td> </tr> <!-- Priority (if permissions allow) --> <?php if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'handle_bug_threshold' ) ) ) { ?> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get( 'priority' ) ?> <?php print_documentation_link( 'priority' ) ?> </td> <td> <select tabindex="4" name="priority"> <?php print_enum_string_option_list( 'priority', $f_priority ) ?> </select> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <!-- spacer --> <tr> <td class="spacer" colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <?php $t_show_version = ( ON == config_get( 'show_product_version' ) ) || ( ( AUTO == config_get( 'show_product_version' ) ) && ( count( version_get_all_rows( $t_project_id ) ) > 0 ) ); if ( $t_show_version ) { ?> <!-- Product Version --> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get( 'product_version' ) ?> </td> <td> <select tabindex="9" name="product_version"> <?php print_version_option_list( $f_product_version, $t_project_id, VERSION_RELEASED ) ?> </select> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <!-- spacer --> <tr> <td class="spacer" colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <!-- Summary --> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> Selecione o Projeto </td> <td> <IFRAME name=palco src="demoLargeLeftFrame.html" frameBorder=0 width=600 height=200 scrolling=auto></IFRAME> </td> </tr> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <span class="required">*</span><?php echo lang_get( 'summary' ) ?> <?php print_documentation_link( 'summary' ) ?> </td> <td> <input tabindex="5" type="text" name="summary" size="105" maxlength="128" value="<?php echo $f_summary ?>" /> </td> </tr> <!-- Description --> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <span class="required">*</span><?php echo lang_get( 'description' ) ?> <?php print_documentation_link( 'description' ) ?> </td> <td> <textarea tabindex="6" name="description" cols="80" rows="10" wrap="virtual"><?php echo $f_description ?></textarea> </td> </tr> <!-- Additional information --> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get( 'additional_information' ) ?> <?php print_documentation_link( 'additional_information' ) ?> </td> <td> <textarea tabindex="7" name="additional_info" cols="80" rows="10" wrap="virtual"><?php echo $f_additional_info ?></textarea> </td> </tr> <!-- spacer --> <tr> <td class="spacer" colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <!-- Custom Fields --> <?php $t_custom_fields_found = false; $t_related_custom_field_ids = custom_field_get_linked_ids( $t_project_id ); foreach( $t_related_custom_field_ids as $t_id ) { $t_def = custom_field_get_definition( $t_id ); if( ( ( $t_def['display_report'] && !$t_def['advanced'] ) || $t_def['require_report']) && custom_field_has_write_access_to_project( $t_id, $t_project_id ) ) { $t_custom_fields_found = true; ?> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <?php if( $t_def['require_report'] ) { ?> <span class="required">*</span> <?php } ?> <?php echo lang_get_defaulted( $t_def['name'] ) ?> </td> <td> <?php print_custom_field_input( $t_def, ( $f_master_bug_id === 0 ) ? null : $f_master_bug_id ) ?> </td> </tr> <?php } # if (!$t_def['advanced']) && has write access } # foreach( $t_related_custom_field_ids as $t_id ) ?> <?php if ( $t_custom_fields_found ) { ?> <!-- spacer --> <tr> <td class="spacer" colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <!-- File Upload (if enabled) --> <?php if ( file_allow_bug_upload() ) { $t_max_file_size = (int)min( ini_get_number( 'upload_max_filesize' ), ini_get_number( 'post_max_size' ), config_get( 'max_file_size' ) ); ?> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get( 'upload_file' ) ?> <?php echo '<span class="small">(' . lang_get( 'max_file_size' ) . ': ' . number_format( $t_max_file_size/1000 ) . 'k)</span>'?> </td> <td> <input type="hidden" name="max_file_size" value="<?php echo $t_max_file_size ?>" /> <input tabindex="8" name="file" type="file" size="60" /> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <!-- View Status --> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get( 'view_status' ) ?> </td> <td> <?php if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'set_view_status_threshold' ) ) ) { ?> <input tabindex="9" type="radio" name="view_state" value="<?php echo VS_PUBLIC ?>" <?php check_checked( $f_view_state, VS_PUBLIC ) ?> /> <?php echo lang_get( 'public' ) ?> <input tabindex="10" type="radio" name="view_state" value="<?php echo VS_PRIVATE ?>" <?php check_checked( $f_view_state, VS_PRIVATE ) ?> /> <?php echo lang_get( 'private' ) ?> <?php } else { echo get_enum_element( 'project_view_state', $f_view_state ); } ?> </td> </tr> <!-- Relationship (in case of cloned bug creation...) --> <?php if( $f_master_bug_id > 0 ) { ?> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get( 'relationship_with_parent' ) ?> </td> <td> <?php relationship_list_box( BUG_BLOCKS ) ?> <?php PRINT '<b>' . lang_get( 'bug' ) . ' ' . bug_format_id( $f_master_bug_id ) . '</b>' ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <!-- Report Stay (report more bugs) --> <tr <?php echo helper_alternate_class() ?>> <td class="category"> <?php echo lang_get( 'report_stay' ) ?> <?php print_documentation_link( 'report_stay' ) ?> </td> <td> <input tabindex="11" type="checkbox" name="report_stay" <?php check_checked( $f_report_stay ) ?> /> (<?php echo lang_get( 'check_report_more_bugs' ) ?>) </td> </tr> <!-- Submit Button --> <tr> <td class="left"> <span class="required"> * <?php echo lang_get( 'required' ) ?></span> </td> <td class="center"> <input tabindex="12" type="submit" class="button" onclick="valida_campos()" value="<?php echo lang_get( 'submit_report_button' ) ?>" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> <!-- Autofocus JS --> <?php if ( ON == config_get( 'use_javascript' ) ) { ?> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> <!-- window.document.report_bug_form.category.focus(); --> </script> <?php } ?> <?php html_page_bottom1( __FILE__ ) ?> Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Raphael Boschiero
Olá a todos ;
Tenho uma página que contêm um Iframe dentro de um formulario . Preciso que um campo seja selecionado dentro do Iframe e só após isso liberar o submit do form .
Existe alguma maneira de Fazer isso ?
Link para o comentário
Compartilhar em outros sites
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