Eder Postado Janeiro 2, 2008 Denunciar Share Postado Janeiro 2, 2008 Ola...Depois de alguns dias sem mexer em algumas programas, hoje deparei com um erro na Suite RxLib, o problema é que não mexi em nada..e agora fui compilar um programa e deu o erro nesta UNIT:Unit da Rxlib:unit DateUtil;erro:J := Pos(MakeStr(Ch, Cnt), AnsiUpperCase(Format)); erro: [Error] DateUtil.pas(485): Undeclared identifier: 'MakeStr'alguém poderia me dizer uma maneira de corrigir este erro???pelo que me lembro não mexi em nada que possa ter afetada a suite rxlibGrato Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Jhonas Postado Janeiro 2, 2008 Denunciar Share Postado Janeiro 2, 2008 [Error]DateUtil.pas(485): Undeclared identifier: 'MakeStr'Indentificador não declarado 'MakeStr'Oi Eder ... voce tem duas maneiras para resolver isto1 - voce desinstala o RX e instala novamente 2 - vai ate o diretorio onde tem as Units do RxLib e procura por DateUtil.pas e faz a correção declarando 'MakeStr' e recompila o programa e troca a dcu do RXControls na pasta Lib do delphiabraço Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Eder Postado Janeiro 2, 2008 Autor Denunciar Share Postado Janeiro 2, 2008 (editado) Ola..Jonas...Feliz Ano Novo.carinha:1 - voce desinstala o RX e instala novamente R.: Eu desinstalei e não mudou nada.... :( 2 - vai ate o diretorio onde tem as Units do RxLib e procura por DateUtil.pas e faz a correção declarando 'MakeStr' e recompila o programa e troca a dcu do RXControls na pasta Lib do delphiR.: mas..aonde eu declaro o MakeStr ???e ai você diz que: recompila o programa e troca a dcu do RxControls na pasta lib do Delphi ...não entendi direito..pordes dar uma explicadinha....segue abaixo a unit DateUtils pra você me dizer aonde eu alteroHaa...Jonas..já desinstalei 3 vezes a rx e instalei de novo e persiste o erro...o erro só acontece usando os componentes da paleta RXDBAWARE as outras duas paletas não da erro...Grato{*******************************************************} { } { Delphi VCL Extensions (RX) } { } { Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 AO ROSNO } { Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Master-Bank } { } {*******************************************************} unit DateUtil; {$I RX.INC} {$B-,V-,R-,Q-} interface function CurrentYear: Word; function IsLeapYear(AYear: Integer): Boolean; function DaysPerMonth(AYear, AMonth: Integer): Integer; function FirstDayOfPrevMonth: TDateTime; function LastDayOfPrevMonth: TDateTime; function FirstDayOfNextMonth: TDateTime; function ExtractDay(ADate: TDateTime): Word; function ExtractMonth(ADate: TDateTime): Word; function ExtractYear(ADate: TDateTime): Word; function IncDate(ADate: TDateTime; Days, Months, Years: Integer): TDateTime; function IncDay(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; function IncMonth(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; function IncYear(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; function ValidDate(ADate: TDateTime): Boolean; procedure DateDiff(Date1, Date2: TDateTime; var Days, Months, Years: Word); function MonthsBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Double; function DaysInPeriod(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Longint; { Count days between Date1 and Date2 + 1, so if Date1 = Date2 result = 1 } function DaysBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Longint; { The same as previous but if Date2 < Date1 result = 0 } function IncTime(ATime: TDateTime; Hours, Minutes, Seconds, MSecs: Integer): TDateTime; function IncHour(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; function IncMinute(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; function IncSecond(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; function IncMSec(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; function CutTime(ADate: TDateTime): TDateTime; { Set time to 00:00:00:00 } type TDateOrder = (doMDY, doDMY, doYMD); TDayOfWeekName = (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat); TDaysOfWeek = set of TDayOfWeekName; { String to date conversions } function GetDateOrder(const DateFormat: string): TDateOrder; function MonthFromName(const S: string; MaxLen: Byte): Byte; function StrToDateDef(const S: string; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime; function StrToDateFmt(const DateFormat, S: string): TDateTime; function StrToDateFmtDef(const DateFormat, S: string; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime; function DefDateFormat(FourDigitYear: Boolean): string; function DefDateMask(BlanksChar: Char; FourDigitYear: Boolean): string; {$IFDEF WIN32} function FormatLongDate(Value: TDateTime): string; function FormatLongDateTime(Value: TDateTime): string; {$ENDIF} const DefaultDateOrder = doDMY; {$IFDEF USE_FOUR_DIGIT_YEAR} var FourDigitYear: Boolean; {$ELSE} function FourDigitYear: Boolean; {$ENDIF USE_FOUR_DIGIT_YEAR} const CenturyOffset: Byte = 60; {$IFDEF WIN32} NullDate: TDateTime = {-693594} 0; {$ELSE} NullDate: TDateTime = 0; {$ENDIF} implementation uses SysUtils, {$IFDEF WIN32} Windows, {$ENDIF} Consts, StrUtils; function IsLeapYear(AYear: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (AYear mod 4 = 0) and ((AYear mod 100 <> 0) or (AYear mod 400 = 0)); end; function DaysPerMonth(AYear, AMonth: Integer): Integer; const DaysInMonth: array[1..12] of Integer = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); begin Result := DaysInMonth[AMonth]; if (AMonth = 2) and IsLeapYear(AYear) then Inc(Result); { leap-year Feb is special } end; function FirstDayOfNextMonth: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: Word; begin DecodeDate(Date, Year, Month, Day); Day := 1; if Month < 12 then Inc(Month) else begin Inc(Year); Month := 1; end; Result := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day); end; function FirstDayOfPrevMonth: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: Word; begin DecodeDate(Date, Year, Month, Day); Day := 1; if Month > 1 then Dec(Month) else begin Dec(Year); Month := 12; end; Result := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day); end; function LastDayOfPrevMonth: TDateTime; var D: TDateTime; Year, Month, Day: Word; begin D := FirstDayOfPrevMonth; DecodeDate(D, Year, Month, Day); Day := DaysPerMonth(Year, Month); Result := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day); end; function ExtractDay(ADate: TDateTime): Word; var M, Y: Word; begin DecodeDate(ADate, Y, M, Result); end; function ExtractMonth(ADate: TDateTime): Word; var D, Y: Word; begin DecodeDate(ADate, Y, Result, D); end; function ExtractYear(ADate: TDateTime): Word; var D, M: Word; begin DecodeDate(ADate, Result, M, D); end; function IncDate(ADate: TDateTime; Days, Months, Years: Integer): TDateTime; var D, M, Y: Word; Day, Month, Year: Longint; begin DecodeDate(ADate, Y, M, D); Year := Y; Month := M; Day := D; Inc(Year, Years); Inc(Year, Months div 12); Inc(Month, Months mod 12); if Month < 1 then begin Inc(Month, 12); Dec(Year); end else if Month > 12 then begin Dec(Month, 12); Inc(Year); end; if Day > DaysPerMonth(Year, Month) then Day := DaysPerMonth(Year, Month); Result := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day) + Days + Frac(ADate); end; procedure DateDiff(Date1, Date2: TDateTime; var Days, Months, Years: Word); { Corrected by Anatoly A. Sanko (2:450/73) } var DtSwap: TDateTime; Day1, Day2, Month1, Month2, Year1, Year2: Word; begin if Date1 > Date2 then begin DtSwap := Date1; Date1 := Date2; Date2 := DtSwap; end; DecodeDate(Date1, Year1, Month1, Day1); DecodeDate(Date2, Year2, Month2, Day2); Years := Year2 - Year1; Months := 0; Days := 0; if Month2 < Month1 then begin Inc(Months, 12); Dec(Years); end; Inc(Months, Month2 - Month1); if Day2 < Day1 then begin Inc(Days, DaysPerMonth(Year1, Month1)); if Months = 0 then begin Dec(Years); Months := 11; end else Dec(Months); end; Inc(Days, Day2 - Day1); end; function IncDay(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := ADate + Delta; end; function IncMonth(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := IncDate(ADate, 0, Delta, 0); end; function IncYear(ADate: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := IncDate(ADate, 0, 0, Delta); end; function MonthsBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Double; var D, M, Y: Word; begin DateDiff(Date1, Date2, D, M, Y); Result := 12 * Y + M; if (D > 1) and (D < 7) then Result := Result + 0.25 else if (D >= 7) and (D < 15) then Result := Result + 0.5 else if (D >= 15) and (D < 21) then Result := Result + 0.75 else if (D >= 21) then Result := Result + 1; end; function IsValidDate(Y, M, D: Word): Boolean; begin Result := (Y >= 1) and (Y <= 9999) and (M >= 1) and (M <= 12) and (D >= 1) and (D <= DaysPerMonth(Y, M)); end; function ValidDate(ADate: TDateTime): Boolean; var Year, Month, Day: Word; begin try DecodeDate(ADate, Year, Month, Day); Result := IsValidDate(Year, Month, Day); except Result := False; end; end; function DaysInPeriod(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Longint; begin if ValidDate(Date1) and ValidDate(Date2) then Result := Abs(Trunc(Date2) - Trunc(Date1)) + 1 else Result := 0; end; function DaysBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): Longint; begin Result := Trunc(Date2) - Trunc(Date1) + 1; if Result < 0 then Result := 0; end; function IncTime(ATime: TDateTime; Hours, Minutes, Seconds, MSecs: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := ATime + (Hours div 24) + (((Hours mod 24) * 3600000 + Minutes * 60000 + Seconds * 1000 + MSecs) / MSecsPerDay); if Result < 0 then Result := Result + 1; end; function IncHour(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := IncTime(ATime, Delta, 0, 0, 0); end; function IncMinute(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := IncTime(ATime, 0, Delta, 0, 0); end; function IncSecond(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := IncTime(ATime, 0, 0, Delta, 0); end; function IncMSec(ATime: TDateTime; Delta: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := IncTime(ATime, 0, 0, 0, Delta); end; function CutTime(ADate: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin Result := Trunc(ADate); end; function CurrentYear: Word; {$IFNDEF WIN32} assembler; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN32} var SystemTime: TSystemTime; begin GetLocalTime(SystemTime); Result := SystemTime.wYear; end; {$ELSE} asm MOV AH,2AH INT 21H MOV AX,CX end; {$ENDIF} { String to date conversions. Copied from SYSUTILS.PAS unit. } procedure ScanBlanks(const S: string; var Pos: Integer); var I: Integer; begin I := Pos; while (I <= Length(S)) and (S[I] = ' ') do Inc(I); Pos := I; end; function ScanNumber(const S: string; MaxLength: Integer; var Pos: Integer; var Number: Longint): Boolean; var I: Integer; N: Word; begin Result := False; ScanBlanks(S, Pos); I := Pos; N := 0; while (I <= Length(S)) and (Longint(I - Pos) < MaxLength) and (S[I] in ['0'..'9']) and (N < 1000) do begin N := N * 10 + (Ord(S[I]) - Ord('0')); Inc(I); end; if I > Pos then begin Pos := I; Number := N; Result := True; end; end; function ScanChar(const S: string; var Pos: Integer; Ch: Char): Boolean; begin Result := False; ScanBlanks(S, Pos); if (Pos <= Length(S)) and (S[Pos] = Ch) then begin Inc(Pos); Result := True; end; end; {$IFDEF RX_D3} procedure ScanToNumber(const S: string; var Pos: Integer); begin while (Pos <= Length(S)) and not (S[Pos] in ['0'..'9']) do begin if S[Pos] in LeadBytes then Inc(Pos); Inc(Pos); end; end; {$ENDIF} function GetDateOrder(const DateFormat: string): TDateOrder; var I: Integer; begin Result := DefaultDateOrder; I := 1; while I <= Length(DateFormat) do begin case Chr(Ord(DateFormat[I]) and $DF) of {$IFDEF RX_D3} 'E': Result := doYMD; {$ENDIF} 'Y': Result := doYMD; 'M': Result := doMDY; 'D': Result := doDMY; else Inc(I); Continue; end; Exit; end; Result := DefaultDateOrder; { default } end; function ExpandYear(Year: Integer): Integer; var N: Longint; begin Result := Year; if Result < 100 then begin N := CurrentYear - CenturyOffset; Inc(Result, N div 100 * 100); if (CenturyOffset > 0) and (Result < N) then Inc(Result, 100); end; end; function ScanDate(const S, DateFormat: string; var Pos: Integer; var Y, M, D: Integer): Boolean; var DateOrder: TDateOrder; N1, N2, N3: Longint; begin Result := False; Y := 0; M := 0; D := 0; DateOrder := GetDateOrder(DateFormat); {$IFDEF RX_D3} if ShortDateFormat[1] = 'g' then { skip over prefix text } ScanToNumber(S, Pos); {$ENDIF RX_D3} if not (ScanNumber(S, MaxInt, Pos, N1) and ScanChar(S, Pos, DateSeparator) and ScanNumber(S, MaxInt, Pos, N2)) then Exit; if ScanChar(S, Pos, DateSeparator) then begin if not ScanNumber(S, MaxInt, Pos, N3) then Exit; case DateOrder of doMDY: begin Y := N3; M := N1; D := N2; end; doDMY: begin Y := N3; M := N2; D := N1; end; doYMD: begin Y := N1; M := N2; D := N3; end; end; Y := ExpandYear(Y); end else begin Y := CurrentYear; if DateOrder = doDMY then begin D := N1; M := N2; end else begin M := N1; D := N2; end; end; ScanChar(S, Pos, DateSeparator); ScanBlanks(S, Pos); {$IFDEF RX_D3} if SysLocale.FarEast and (System.Pos('ddd', ShortDateFormat) <> 0) then begin { ignore trailing text } if ShortTimeFormat[1] in ['0'..'9'] then { stop at time digit } ScanToNumber(S, Pos) else { stop at time prefix } repeat while (Pos <= Length(S)) and (S[Pos] <> ' ') do Inc(Pos); ScanBlanks(S, Pos); until (Pos > Length(S)) or (AnsiCompareText(TimeAMString, Copy(S, Pos, Length(TimeAMString))) = 0) or (AnsiCompareText(TimePMString, Copy(S, Pos, Length(TimePMString))) = 0); end; {$ENDIF RX_D3} Result := IsValidDate(Y, M, D) and (Pos > Length(S)); end; function MonthFromName(const S: string; MaxLen: Byte): Byte; begin if Length(S) > 0 then for Result := 1 to 12 do begin if (Length(LongMonthNames[Result]) > 0) and (AnsiCompareText(Copy(S, 1, MaxLen), Copy(LongMonthNames[Result], 1, MaxLen)) = 0) then Exit; end; Result := 0; end; procedure ExtractMask(const Format, S: string; Ch: Char; Cnt: Integer; var I: Integer; Blank, Default: Integer); var Tmp: string[20]; J, L: Integer; begin I := Default; Ch := UpCase(Ch); L := Length(Format); if Length(S) < L then L := Length(S) else if Length(S) > L then Exit; J := Pos(MakeStr(Ch, Cnt), AnsiUpperCase(Format)); if J <= 0 then Exit; Tmp := ''; while (UpCase(Format[J]) = Ch) and (J <= L) do begin if S[J] <> ' ' then Tmp := Tmp + S[J]; Inc(J); end; if Tmp = '' then I := Blank else if Cnt > 1 then begin I := MonthFromName(Tmp, Length(Tmp)); if I = 0 then I := -1; end else I := StrToIntDef(Tmp, -1); end; function ScanDateStr(const Format, S: string; var D, M, Y: Integer): Boolean; var Pos: Integer; begin ExtractMask(Format, S, 'm', 3, M, -1, 0); { short month name? } if M = 0 then ExtractMask(Format, S, 'm', 1, M, -1, 0); ExtractMask(Format, S, 'd', 1, D, -1, 1); ExtractMask(Format, S, 'y', 1, Y, -1, CurrentYear); Y := ExpandYear(Y); Result := IsValidDate(Y, M, D); if not Result then begin Pos := 1; Result := ScanDate(S, Format, Pos, Y, M, D); end; end; function InternalStrToDate(const DateFormat, S: string; var Date: TDateTime): Boolean; var D, M, Y: Integer; begin if S = '' then begin Date := NullDate; Result := True; end else begin Result := ScanDateStr(DateFormat, S, D, M, Y); if Result then try Date := EncodeDate(Y, M, D); except Result := False; end; end; end; function StrToDateFmt(const DateFormat, S: string): TDateTime; begin if not InternalStrToDate(DateFormat, S, Result) then raise EConvertError.CreateFmt({$IFDEF RX_D3} SInvalidDate {$ELSE} LoadStr(SInvalidDate) {$ENDIF}, [S]); end; function StrToDateDef(const S: string; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin if not InternalStrToDate(ShortDateFormat, S, Result) then Result := Trunc(Default); end; function StrToDateFmtDef(const DateFormat, S: string; Default: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin if not InternalStrToDate(DateFormat, S, Result) then Result := Trunc(Default); end; function DefDateFormat(FourDigitYear: Boolean): string; begin if FourDigitYear then begin case GetDateOrder(ShortDateFormat) of doMDY: Result := 'MM/DD/YYYY'; doDMY: Result := 'DD/MM/YYYY'; doYMD: Result := 'YYYY/MM/DD'; end; end else begin case GetDateOrder(ShortDateFormat) of doMDY: Result := 'MM/DD/YY'; doDMY: Result := 'DD/MM/YY'; doYMD: Result := 'YY/MM/DD'; end; end; end; function DefDateMask(BlanksChar: Char; FourDigitYear: Boolean): string; begin if FourDigitYear then begin case GetDateOrder(ShortDateFormat) of doMDY, doDMY: Result := '!99/99/9999;1;'; doYMD: Result := '!9999/99/99;1;'; end; end else begin case GetDateOrder(ShortDateFormat) of doMDY, doDMY: Result := '!99/99/99;1;'; doYMD: Result := '!99/99/99;1;'; end; end; if Result <> '' then Result := Result + BlanksChar; end; {$IFDEF WIN32} function FormatLongDate(Value: TDateTime): string; var Buffer: array[0..1023] of Char; SystemTime: TSystemTime; begin {$IFDEF RX_D3} DateTimeToSystemTime(Value, SystemTime); {$ELSE} with SystemTime do begin DecodeDate(Value, wYear, wMonth, wDay); DecodeTime(Value, wHour, wMinute, wSecond, wMilliseconds); end; {$ENDIF} SetString(Result, Buffer, GetDateFormat(GetThreadLocale, DATE_LONGDATE, @SystemTime, nil, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer) - 1)); Result := TrimRight(Result); end; function FormatLongDateTime(Value: TDateTime): string; begin if Value <> NullDate then Result := FormatLongDate(Value) + FormatDateTime(' tt', Value) else Result := ''; end; {$ENDIF WIN32} {$IFNDEF USE_FOUR_DIGIT_YEAR} function FourDigitYear: Boolean; begin Result := Pos('YYYY', AnsiUpperCase(ShortDateFormat)) > 0; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FOUR_DIGIT_YEAR} initialization FourDigitYear := Pos('YYYY', AnsiUpperCase(ShortDateFormat)) > 0; {$ENDIF} end. Editado Janeiro 2, 2008 por Eder Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Jhonas Postado Janeiro 2, 2008 Denunciar Share Postado Janeiro 2, 2008 Oi amigo ....J := Pos(MakeStr(Ch, Cnt), AnsiUpperCase(Format));este é o erro que voce reportou, .... entretanto o MakeStr é uma função que esta dentro da unit StrUtils;function MakeStr(C: Char; N: Integer): string; function MS(C: Char; N: Integer): string; { MakeStr return a string of length N filled with character C. } function MakeStr(C: Char; N: Integer): string; begin if N < 1 then Result := '' else begin {$IFNDEF WIN32} if N > 255 then N := 255; {$ENDIF WIN32} SetLength(Result, N); FillChar(Result[1], Length(Result), C); end; end;Então ... como voce pode ver a DateUtil.pas precisa da StrUtils.pas para poder funcionar ... verifique se as dcus estão juntas no mesmo diretório e pastaA outra solução ... faça um novo download da RxLib e tente novamentehttp://br.geocities.com/all_software/download.htmabraço Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Eder Postado Janeiro 3, 2008 Autor Denunciar Share Postado Janeiro 3, 2008 JOnas...quando achava que não tinha mais jeito...já estava disposta a desinstalar o delphi e instalar tudo de novo...ai dei a ultima cartada...peguei todos os arquivos da Unit do rxlib e copia pra pasta Lib do delphi e não é que funcionou....acho que tinha algum arquivo que tava faltando....la dentro..As vezes um chute ....da certo.....rs.valeu Carinha muito grato a ajuda..abraçost+ :) Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Depois de alguns dias sem mexer em algumas programas, hoje deparei com um erro na Suite RxLib, o problema é que não mexi em nada..e agora fui compilar um programa e deu o erro nesta UNIT:
Unit da Rxlib:
unit DateUtil;
erro:alguém poderia me dizer uma maneira de corrigir este erro???
pelo que me lembro não mexi em nada que possa ter afetada a suite rxlib
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