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Problema Com Upload



Pessoal consegui fazer o upload do jeito que eu precisava, sozinho funciona normal mas quando eu coloco o arquivo dentro da pagina do site com include da a seguinte mensagem de erro:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'

Syntax error

/clsComLessUpload.asp, line 2

Class ComLessUpload

Código completo:


Class ComLessUpload

Private aAllData

Private aHdr

Private isPosted

Private q


' Constructor


Private Sub Class_Initialize()

If Request.TotalBytes > 0 Then

Dim AllDataB, x

' Set flag for posted data

isPosted = True

' Retrieve post data

q = Chr(34)

aAllDataB = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)

' Convert to Ascii from Unicode

For x = 1 To LenB(aAllDataB)

aAllData = aAllData & Chr(AscB(MidB(aAllDataB, x, 1)))


' Retrieve header

aHdr = Left(aAllData, InStr(aAllData, vbCrLf) + 1)


isPosted = False

End If

End Sub


' Destructor


Private Sub Class_Terminate()


End Sub


' Save with original filename


Public Function Save(directory, field, overwrite) 'As Boolean

If isPosted Then

Dim filename

filename = directory & GetFileName(field)

SaveFile field,filename,overwrite

End If

End Function


' Save with different filename


Public Function SaveAs(filename, directory, field, overwrite) 'As Boolean

If isPosted Then

Dim filenameAll

filenameAll = directory & filename

SaveFile field,filenameAll,overwrite

End If

End Function


' Look for the specified form field in the data, retrieve its filename


Public Function GetFileName(field)

If isPosted Then

Dim x2, i

x = InStr(aAllData, aHdr & "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=" & q & field & q)

If x >0 Then

x = InStr(x, aAllData, "filename=" & q)

x2 = InStr(x, aAllData, vbCrLf)

For i = x2 To x Step -1

If Mid(aAllData, i, 1) = "\" Then

x = i - 9

Exit For

End If


GetFileName = Mid(aAllData, x + 10, x2 - (x + 11))

End If

End If

End Function


' Get file data from upload, for a specified field


Private Function GetFileData(field)

Dim x2

x = InStr(aAllData, aHdr & "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=" & q & field & q)

If x > 0 Then

x = InStr(x, aAllData, vbCrLf)

x = InStr(x + 1, aAllData, vbCrLf)

x = InStr(x + 1, aAllData, vbCrLf) + 2

x2 = InStr(x, aAllData, Left(aHdr, Len(aHdr) - 2))

GetFileData = Mid(aAllData, x + 2, x2 - x - 4)

End If

End Function


' Create an FSO object, save the data to disk


Private Sub SaveFile(aField, aFilename, overwrite) 'As Boolean


Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set TS = FSO.CreateTextFile(aFilename, overwrite, False) ' final param is unicode

TS.Write GetFileData(aField)


Set TS = Nothing

Set FSO = Nothing

End Sub

End Class


Se alguém souber de alguma maneira para resolver esse problema me ajude por favor!!!

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