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?dúvida no envio de e-mail ?

Rafael Souza


Salve pesoal, sou iniciante no assunto de web e php e tudo isso, estou aprendendo na marra !!!

baixei aqui do site o script do chatengine que é um bate papo muito baixado por aqui....

consegui fazer quase tudo, ajustei o banco de dados e tudo mais, massssss........

Não consigo me registrar !!!!!!, eu abro o registro preencho e ele diz que vai me mandar um email com a senha mas ele não manda !!!!, dai não consigo saber a senha.....

o chat tá rodando temporariamente aqui:

o script do register.php3 esta aqui:



    PHP Chatengine version 1.9
    by Michiel Papenhove
    Software is supplied "as is". You cannot hold me responsible for any problems that
    might of occur because of the use of this chat

$extra_info = "onload=\"position_window(); document.register_user.nick.focus()\"";
$page_title = "Register new nick";


function register_form($mysql_link)
    global $scriptname;
    function check_form()
        if (document.register_user.nick.value == "")
            alert("Please supply a nick");
        if (document.register_user.e_mail.value == "")
            alert("Please supply a valid e-mailaddress");
        if (document.register_user.real_name.value == "")
            alert("Please supply your real name");
    <font color="#FFFCC">
    Please enter your desired nick and the e-mailaddress where we need to send you
    your password to. If you supply a fake e-mailaddress, you will not receive your
    password and you won't be able to log in.<br>    
    <form name="register_user" method="get" action="<? print($scriptname); ?>">
    <table border="0">
            <td width="150">
            <input type="text" name="nick" value="" class="typetext" size="17" maxlength="17">
            <b>E-mail address:</b>
            <input type="text=" name="e_mail" value="" class="typetext" size="17">
            <b>Real name:</b>
            <input type="text=" name="real_name" value="" size="17">
            <td colspan="2" align="right">
            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="check_register">
            <input type="button" class="button" onClick="check_form()" value="register">

function check_register($mysql_link, $nick, $e_mail, $real_name)
    // check if the nick isn't taken
    $query = "SELECT login FROM chat_users WHERE login = '$nick'";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $mysql_link);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0)
        js_alert("Sorry, that nick has already been taken.");
    // check if e-mailaddress already exists
    $query = "SELECT e_mail FROM chat_users WHERE e_mail = '$e_mail'";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $mysql_link);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0)
        js_alert("That e-mailaddress has already been used to register a nick");
    // add new user nick to database
    $items =  "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    $password = "";
    for ($f = 1; $f < 16; $f++)
        $password .= substr($items, (rand()%(strlen($items))), 1);

    $nick = strip_tags($nick);
    $real_name = strip_tags($real_name);
    $query = "INSERT INTO chat_users (login, password, e_mail, status, realname) ";
    $query .= "VALUES ('$nick', '$password', '$e_mail', 0, '$real_name');";

    mysql_query($query, $mysql_link);

    // E-mail the new user
    $mailTo = $e_mail;
    $mailSubject = "Your registration for the - your chat's name here -";
    $mailBody = "Thanks for registering to the - whatever :-) -.\n\n";
    $mailBody .= "This mail has been sent to you to provide you with your log-in information. ";
    $mailBody .= "You will need the username and password listed below to access the chat. ";
    $mailBody .= "You can change your password inside the chat, but you will need at least the ";
    $mailBody .= "first time you log-in, so please keep this message stored until you change ";
    $mailBody .= "your password into something easier to remember.\n\n";
    $mailBody .= "Username: $nick \n";
    $mailBody .= "Password: $password \n\n";
    $mailBody .= "See you in the chat !\n";
    $mailBody .= "<Sender name>.";
    $mailHeaders = "From:\nReply-To:";
    mail($mailTo, $mailSubject, $mailBody, $mailHeaders);

    js_alert("You have been registerd. An e-mail containing your password has been sent to you.");


<table bgcolor="#555555" border="0" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
    <td valign="top">
    <table border="0" bgcolor="#000000" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="5">
        <td valign="top">
        <p><font size="1"><b>Register new nick:</b></font></p>
            case "": register_form($mysql_link); break;
            case "check_register": check_register($mysql_link, $nick, $e_mail, $real_name); break;


function position_window()
var sAvailH = screen.availHeight;
var sAvailW = screen.availWidth;

window.moveTo( (sAvailW/2)-225, (sAvailH/2)-200);





A pergunta é: porque ele não manda o email? oque tenho que fazer ?

desde já agradeço

Rafael Souza

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3 respostass a esta questão

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O seu servidor permite o uso da função mail? Servidores gratuitos em geral não permitem.

Obrigado pela resposta

esta é uma boa pergunta.....

como poderei saber se sou um sortudo e meu free host permite?....

tem algum comando que eu posso dar para descobrir isto ?

bom... se permitisse eu não teria que configurar um servidor de email em algum lugar ?

desculpe a montanha de perguntas e desde já agradeço as respostas

Rafael Souza

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