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Php & Flash

Guest gijs


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I'll try to translate a post by jls666 in\+flash

the question was how to send mail integrating php and flash, but it can be used to any kind of application.

You have two options:

first: you can use the php mailto function:...

on (release) {
second: you can use dynamic page (like php, asp or cold fusion) here is an exemple using php:

	$to = "";
	$subject = "Only testing";
	$head = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
	$head .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 \n";
	$head .= "From: <$email_destino> \n";
	$head .= "Reply-To: <$email_destino> \n";
	$body = "$anything";
	$body = wordwrap($body, 72);

	mail($to, $subject, $body, $head) or die ("Error while trying to send message");

	echo "Your message was successfully sent";
Finally, on flash button, use the following code
on (release) {
    getURL("mail.php", "", "POST");


I hope I've helped you.

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Hello does anyone here know how to integrate php in flash like in the forum on ?

Please answer in english....  huh.gif

I found an article about FLASH + PHP , I hope you like it.

(I didn't read it , but I think it's a good one cause it is in macromedia's website)

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I'll try to translate a post by jls666 in\+flash

the question was how to send mail integrating php and flash, but it can be used to any kind of application.

You have two options:

first: you can use the php mailto function:...

on (release) {
second: you can use dynamic page (like php, asp or cold fusion) here is an exemple using php:

	$to = "";
	$subject = "Only testing";
	$head = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
	$head .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 \n";
	$head .= "From: <$email_destino> \n";
	$head .= "Reply-To: <$email_destino> \n";
	$body = "$anything";
	$body = wordwrap($body, 72);

	mail($to, $subject, $body, $head) or die ("Error while trying to send message");

	echo "Your message was successfully sent";
Finally, on flash button, use the following code
on (release) {
    getURL("mail.php", "", "POST");


I hope I've helped you.

ô, da hora isso!! smile.gif

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