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Problema ao remover componente do COM+

Guest --Roberval --


Guest --Roberval --

Estou usando o código abaixo para remover componentes do COM+, mas executa o comando "objCatalogComponentCollection.SaveChanges" ocorre um erro. A mensagem de erro é somente "Automation error". Não sei o que pode ser. Alguém pode ajudar?

Estou utilizando uma máquina com Windows 2000.

Private Function RemoveComponent(ByVal AppName As String) As Boolean
     'removes the component installed in the Application
     On Error GoTo Err_RemoveComponent

     Dim objCatalog As COMAdminCatalog
     Dim objCatalogApplicationCollection As COMAdminCatalogCollection
     Dim objCatalogComponentCollection As COMAdminCatalogCollection

     Dim iCounter As Integer
     Dim iComponentCounter As Integer
     Dim bRemoved As Boolean

     Set objCatalog = New COMAdminCatalog
     'getting all the Applications in the server
     Set objCatalogApplicationCollection = objCatalog.GetCollection("Applications")

     'looping through all the Applications to get the current Application
     bRemoved = False
     For iCounter = 0 To objCatalogApplicationCollection.Count - 1
         'Debug.Print objCatalogApplicationCollection.Item(iCounter).Name
         If objCatalogApplicationCollection.Item(iCounter).Name = AppName Then ' if application is found
             'Shutdown the application first
             objCatalog.ShutdownApplication AppName

             'getting the current collection
             Set objCatalogComponentCollection = objCatalogApplicationCollection.GetCollection _
                                          ("Components", objCatalogApplicationCollection.Item(iCounter).Key)
             'check if the remove option is enabled
             If objCatalogComponentCollection.RemoveEnabled Then
                 For iComponentCounter = 0 To objCatalogComponentCollection.Count - 1
                     'remove the component, which is always the top one
                     objCatalogComponentCollection.Remove 0
                 'raise an error
                 Err.Raise vbObjectError, "Method:RemoveComponent", "RemoveEnabled property returned false"
             End If

             'saves changes

             bRemoved = True
             Exit For
         End If
     RemoveComponent = bRemoved
     Exit Function
     RemoveComponent = False
     Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Function

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