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Erro No Insert Into !ajuda!

Guest -   -Lipi-   -


Guest -   -Lipi-   -

Pessoal, to com este erro:

Numero: -2147217900 (0x80040E14)

Código: Microsoft JET Database Engine

Descrição: Erro de sintaxe na instrução INSERT INTO.


The SQL query string is using bad syntax. Read the description above and check the code.

E não consigo arrumar este de jeito nenhum!

Se alguém puder me ajudar!!!!!!


Aí vai o código:

<!--  #include file = "../public.asp" -->


Dim adoCon, sid
Set adoCon = CreateCon
sid = GetSid
Session.Timeout = 20


<link rel="stylesheet" href="../web.css" type="text/css">
<title>suporte online - Enviar problema</title>
<body bgcolor="<% = Cfg(adoCon, "BGColor") %>" text="<% = Cfg(adoCon, "TextColor") %>"
 link="<% = Cfg(adoCon, "LinkColor") %>" vlink="<% = Cfg(adoCon, "VLinkColor") %>"
 alink="<% = Cfg(adoCon, "ALinkColor") %>">

<table width="100%" border="0">
    <td width="21%" height="64"><img src="../logo.jpg" width="154" height="59"></td>
    <td width="79%">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="../help.jpg" width="325" height="47"></td>
	Call CheckUser(adoCon, sid)

	Dim uid, uemail, uphone, ulocation, title, description

	uid = Request.Form("uid")
	uemail = Request.Form("uemail")
	uphone = Request.Form("uphone")
	ulocation = Request.Form("ulocation")
	title = Request.Form("title")
	description = Request.Form("description")

	if InStr(uemail, "@")=0 Then
  Call DisplayError(1, "E-mail Address")
	End if

	if Len(title)=0 Then
  Call DisplayError(1, "Title")
	Elseif Len(title) > 50 Then
  title = Trim(title)
  title = Left(title, 50)
	End if

	if Len(description)=0 Then
  Call DisplayError(1, "Description")
	End if

	Dim id, priority, status, start_date, rep, time_spent
	priority = Cfg(adoCon, "DefaultPriority")
	status = Cfg(adoCon, "DefaultStatus")
	time_spent = 0
	start_date = USDate(Now(), "mmddyyyy") & " " & FormatDateTime(Now(), vbShortTime)

	id = GetUnique(adoCon, "problems")

	uemail = Left(Trim(uemail),50)
	uemail = Replace(uemail,"'","''")
	uphone = Left(Trim(uphone),50)
	uphone = Replace(uphone,"'","''")
	ulocation = Left(Trim(ulocation),50)
	ulocation = Replace(ulocation,"'","''")
	title = Replace(title,"'","''")
	description = Replace(description,"'","''")

	description = "[" & Now() & " - " & uid & "]" & vbNewLine & description

  probStr = "INSERT INTO problems (id, uid, uemail, uphone, ulocation, " & _
  "title, description, priority, status, start_date, rep, time_spent) " & _
  "VALUES (" & id & ",'" & uid & "','" & uemail & "','" & uphone & "','" & _
  ulocation & "','" & title & "','" & _
  description & "'," & priority & "," & status & ",'" & start_date & "'," & rep & "," & time_spent & _

	Set probInsRes = SQLQuery(adoCon, probStr)

Call eMessage(adoCon, "usernew", id, uemail)

Call eMessage(adoCon, "repnew", id, Usr(adoCon, rep, "email1"))

'Page Rep if enabled
If (priority >= Cfg(adoCon, "EnablePager")) And (Len(Usr(adoCon, rep, "email2")) > 0) Then
	Call eMessage(adoCon, "reppager", id, Usr(adoCon, rep, "email2"))
End If

' Convert the strings back to display them
	title = Replace(title,"''","'")
	description = Replace(description,"''","'")

<table border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="8">
  <td width="82" align="center" valign="center" bgcolor="<% = Cfg(adoCon, "Color1") %>">&nbsp;</td>
	<td width="466" align="center" valign="center" bgcolor="<% = Cfg(adoCon, "Color1") %>">
  <font size="+2"><b><font size="3">Problema</font>  <% = id %> 
  <font size="3">  enviado</font></b></font><font size="3">&nbsp;
        </font>	</td>
  <td  bgcolor="<% = Cfg(adoCon, "Color2") %>"> <p>&nbsp;</p>
	<td  bgcolor="<% = Cfg(adoCon, "Color2") %>">
  <center><b><u>Detalhes do problema</u></b></center>

  <table border="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="125" valign="top">
    	Problema ID:
    	<br>Data do problema:
    	<br>Suporte de:
    <td valign="top">
    	<% = id %>
    	<br><% = uid %>
    	<br><% = uemail %>
    	<br><% = uphone %>&nbsp;
    	<br><% = ulocation %>&nbsp;
    	<br><% = Now() %>
    	<br><a href="mailto:<% = Usr(adoCon, rep, "email1") %>?Subject=HELPDESK: Problem <% = id %>"><% = Usr(adoCon, rep, "fname") %></a>
    	<br><a href="<% = Cfg(adoCon, "BaseURL") %>/user/view.asp?id=<% = id %>"><% = Cfg(adoCon, "BaseURL") %>/user/view.asp?id=<% = id %></a>
    	<br><% = title %>
  <center><form><textarea name="display_desc" rows="12" cols="120" class="formulario"><% = description %></textarea></form></center>

<a href="default.asp">Menu principal</a>





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probStr = "INSERT INTO problems (id, uid, uemail, uphone, ulocation," & _
 "title, description, priority, status, start_date, rep, time_spent) " & _
 "VALUES ('" & id & "','" & uid & "','" & uemail & "','" & uphone & "','" & _
 ulocation & "','" & title & "','" & _
 description & "','" & priority & "','" & status & "','" & start_date & "','" & rep & "','" & time_spent & _

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