Guest wolf Postado Outubro 21, 2008 Denunciar Share Postado Outubro 21, 2008 :wacko: OláEncontrei um código muito interessante de uma galeria de imagens, porem, não sei como integrar o arquivo xml no código.alguém pode me ajudar?segue o código xml: (image-flow.xml)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> - <bank> - <img> <src>i/ct37.jpg</src> <title>Myselves</title> <caption>My identity lies in not knowing who I am</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/ct60.jpg</src> <title>Discoveries</title> <caption>...are made by not following instructions</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/sf53.jpg</src> <title>Nothing</title> <caption>...can come between us</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/sf48.jpg</src> <title>New life</title> <caption>Here you come!</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/ct81.jpg</src> <title>Optimists</title> <caption>They don't know all the facts yet</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/ct134.jpg</src> <title>Empathy</title> <caption>Emotional intimacy</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/ct41.jpg</src> <title>Much work</title> <caption>...remains to be done before we can announce our total failure to make any progress</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/ct75.jpg</src> <title>System error</title> <caption>Errare Programma Est</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/bl201.jpg</src> <title>Nonexistance</title> <caption>There's no such thing</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/ct137.jpg</src> <title>Inside</title> <caption>I'm now trapped, without hope of escape or rescue</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/ct65.jpg</src> <title>E-Slaves</title> <caption>The World is flat</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/or105.jpg</src> <title>l0v3</title> <caption>1 l0v3 j00 - f0r3v3r</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/ct139.jpg</src> <title>T minus zero</title> <caption>111 111 111 x 111 111 111 = 12345678987654321</caption> </img> - <img> <src>i/ct27.jpg</src> <title>The End</title> - <caption> - <![CDATA[ ...has <strong>not</strong> been <a href="">written</a> yet ]]> </caption> <link></link> <target>_blank</target> </img> </bank> e agora o código html: <html> <head> <title>Theories of mind - Interactive DHTML art-demos</title> <meta name="Author" content="Gerard Ferrandez at [url=">]">[/url] <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no"> <style type="text/css"> html { overflow: hidden; } body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background: #222; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #imageFlow { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 80%; left: 0%; top: 10%; overflow: hidden; background: #000; } #imageFlow .diapo { position: absolute; left: -4000px; cursor: pointer; -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; } #imageFlow .link { border: dotted #fff 1px; margin-left: -1px; margin-bottom: -1px; } #imageFlow .text { position: absolute; left: 0px; width: 100%; bottom: 16%; text-align: center; color: #FFF; font-family: verdana, arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; z-index: 1000; } #imageFlow .title { font-size: 0.9em; font-weight: bold; } #imageFlow .legend { font-size: 0.8em; } #imageFlow .scrollbar { position: absolute; left: 10%; bottom: 10%; width: 80%; height: 16px; z-index: 1000; } #imageFlow .track { position: absolute; left: 1%; width: 98%; height: 16px; filter: alpha(opacity=30); opacity: 0.3; } #imageFlow .arrow-left { position: absolute; } #imageFlow .arrow-right { position: absolute; right: 0px; } #imageFlow .bar { position: absolute; height: 16px; left: 25px; } a { text-decoration: none; color: #ff8000; } a:hover { text-decoration: none; background: #ff8000; color: #ffffff; } a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #ff8000; } a:visited:hover { text-decoration: none; background: #ff8000; color: #ffffff; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> /* ======================================================== script: image-flow author: Gerard Ferrandez - [Ge1doot] date: March 15, 2008 maj: May 24, 2008 - AJAXification bank images site: [url=][/url] license: CC-BY-NC - do not remove this notice ======================================================== */ var imf = function () { /* //////////// ==== private methods ==== //////////// */ var lf = 0; var instances = []; /* ===== read file ==== */ var AJAX = (function(AJAX){ return function(url){ var ajax = AJAX();"GET", url, false); ajax.send(""); return ajax; }; })(this.XMLHttpRequest ? function() {return new XMLHttpRequest;} : function() {return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");} ); /* ===== custom getElementsByClass ==== */ function getElementsByClass (object, tag, className) { var o = object.getElementsByTagName(tag); for ( var i = 0, n = o.length, ret = []; i < n; i++) if (o[i].className == className) ret.push(o[i]); if (ret.length == 1) ret = ret[0]; return ret; } /* ===== crossbrowsers addEvent ==== */ function addEvent (o, e, f) { if (window.addEventListener) o.addEventListener(e, f, false); else if (window.attachEvent) r = o.attachEvent('on' + e, f); } /* ===== create image reflexion ==== */ function createReflexion (cont, img) { var flx = false; if (document.createElement("canvas").getContext) { /* ---- canvas ---- */ flx = document.createElement("canvas"); flx.width = img.width; flx.height = img.height; var context = flx.getContext("2d"); context.translate(0, img.height); context.scale(1, -1); context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height); = '0.35'; } else { /* ---- DXImageTransform ---- */ flx = document.createElement('img'); flx.src = img.src; = 'flipv progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(' + 'opacity=50, style=1, finishOpacity=0, startx=0, starty=0, finishx=0, finishy=' + (img.height * .25) + ')'; } /* ---- insert Reflexion ---- */ = 'absolute'; = '-4000px'; cont.appendChild(flx); return flx; } /* //////////// ==== ImageFlow Constructor ==== //////////// */ function ImageFlow(oCont, xmlfile, horizon, size, zoom, border, start, interval) { this.diapos = []; this.scr = false; this.size = size; this.zoom = zoom; this.horizon = horizon; this.bdw = border; this.oCont = oCont; this.oc = document.getElementById(oCont); this.scrollbar = getElementsByClass(this.oc, 'div', 'scrollbar'); this.text = getElementsByClass(this.oc, 'div', 'text'); this.title = getElementsByClass(this.text, 'div', 'title'); this.legend = getElementsByClass(this.text, 'div', 'legend'); = getElementsByClass(this.oc, 'img', 'bar'); this.arL = getElementsByClass(this.oc, 'img', 'arrow-left'); this.arR = getElementsByClass(this.oc, 'img', 'arrow-right'); =; this.alw = this.arL.width - 5; this.arw = this.arR.width - 5; = this.oc.parent = this; this.arL.parent = this.arR.parent = this; this.view = this.back = -1; this.time_start = start * 62.5 || 0; this.time_inter = interval * 62.5 || 0; this.time_out = this.time_start; this.time = 0; this.time_dir = 1; this.resize(); this.oc.onselectstart = function () { return false; } /* ---- parse xml ---- */ var bank = AJAX(xmlfile).responseXML.getElementsByTagName("bank").item(0).getElementsByTagName("img"); this.NF = bank.length; for (var i = 0; i < this.NF; i++) { var img = bank.item(i); var val = function (tag) { return img.getElementsByTagName(tag).length ? img.getElementsByTagName(tag).item(0).firstChild.nodeValue : false; } /* ---- create images ---- */ this.diapos[i] = new Diapo(this, i, val("src"), val("title"), val("caption"), val("link"), val("target") || '_self'); } /* ==== add mouse wheel events ==== */ if (window.addEventListener) this.oc.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { this.parent.scroll(-e.detail); return false; }, false); this.oc.onmousewheel = function () { this.parent.scroll(event.wheelDelta); return false; } /* ==== scrollbar drag N drop ==== */ = function (e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var scl = e.screenX - this.offsetLeft; var self = this.parent; /* ---- move bar ---- */ this.parent.oc.onmousemove = function (e) { if (!e) e = window.event; = Math.round(Math.min(( - self.arw -, Math.max(self.alw, e.screenX - scl))) + 'px'; self.view = Math.round(((e.screenX - scl) ) / ( - self.alw - self.arw - * (self.NF-1)); if (self.view != self.back) self.calc(); return false; } /* ---- release scrollbar ---- */ this.parent.oc.onmouseup = function (e) { self.oc.onmousemove = null; return false; } return false; } /* ==== right arrow ==== */ this.arR.onclick = this.arR.ondblclick = function () { if (this.parent.view < this.parent.NF - 1) this.parent.calc(1); } /* ==== Left arrow ==== */ this.arL.onclick = this.arL.ondblclick = function () { if (this.parent.view > 0) this.parent.calc(-1); } } /* //////////// ==== ImageFlow prototype ==== //////////// */ ImageFlow.prototype = { /* ==== targets ==== */ calc : function (inc) { if (inc) { this.view += inc; /* ---- stop autoscroll ---- */ this.time = 0; this.time_out = this.time_start; } var tw = 0; var lw = 0; var o = this.diapos[this.view]; if (o && o.loaded) { /* ---- reset ---- */ var ob = this.diapos[this.back]; if (ob && ob != o) { ob.img.className = 'diapo'; ob.z1 = 1; } /* ---- update legend ---- */ this.title.innerHTML = o.title; this.legend.innerHTML = o.text; /* ---- update hyperlink ---- */ if (o.url) { o.img.className = 'diapo link'; window.status = 'hyperlink: ' + o.url; } else { o.img.className = 'diapo'; window.status = ''; } /* ---- calculate target sizes & positions ---- */ if(o.r < 1) o.w1 = Math.min(o.iw, this.wh * .8, Math.round( * this.horizon / o.r)) * o.z1; else o.w1 = Math.round( * this.horizon / o.r) * o.z1; var x0 = o.x1 = (this.wh * .5) - (o.w1 * .5); var x = x0 + o.w1 + this.bdw; for (var i = this.view + 1, o; o = this.diapos[i]; i++) { if (o.loaded) { o.x1 = x; o.w1 = ( / o.r) * this.size; x += o.w1 + this.bdw; tw += o.w1 + this.bdw; } } x = x0 - this.bdw; for (var i = this.view - 1, o; o = this.diapos[i]; i--) { if (o.loaded) { o.w1 = ( / o.r) * this.size; o.x1 = x - o.w1; x -= o.w1 + this.bdw; tw += o.w1 + this.bdw; lw += o.w1 + this.bdw; } } /* ---- move scrollbar ---- */ if (!this.scr && tw) { var r = ( - this.alw - this.arw - / tw; = Math.round(this.alw + lw * r) + 'px'; } /* ---- save preview view ---- */ this.back = this.view; } }, /* ==== mousewheel scrolling ==== */ scroll : function (sc) { if (sc < 0) { if (this.view < this.NF - 1) this.calc(1); } else { if (this.view > 0) this.calc(-1); } }, /* ==== resize ==== */ resize : function () { this.wh = this.oc.clientWidth; = this.oc.clientHeight; = this.scrollbar.offsetWidth; this.calc();; }, /* ==== animation loop ==== */ run : function (res) { /* ---- move all images ---- */ var i = this.NF; while (i--) this.diapos[i].move(res); /* ---- autoscroll ---- */ if (this.time_out) { this.time++; if (this.time > this.time_out) { this.view += this.time_dir; if (this.view >= this.NF || this.view < 0) { this.time_dir = -this.time_dir; this.view += this.time_dir * 2; } this.calc(); this.time = 0; this.time_out = this.time_inter; } } } } /* //////////// ==== Diapo Constructor ==== //////////// */ Diapo = function (parent, N, src, title, text, url, target) { this.parent = parent; this.loaded = false; this.title = title; this.text = text; this.url = url; = target; this.N = N; this.img = document.createElement('img'); this.img.src = src; this.img.parent = this; this.img.className = 'diapo'; this.x0 = this.parent.oc.clientWidth; this.x1 = this.x0; this.w0 = 0; this.w1 = 0; this.z1 = 1; this.z2 = 0; this.img.parent = this; this.img.onclick = function() {; } this.parent.oc.appendChild(this.img); /* ---- display external link ---- */ if (url) { this.img.onmouseover = function () { this.className = 'diapo link'; } this.img.onmouseout = function () { this.className = 'diapo'; } } } /* //////////// ==== Diapo prototype ==== //////////// */ Diapo.prototype = { /* ==== HTML rendering ==== */ move : function (res) { var that = this.parent; if (this.loaded) { var sx = this.x1 - this.x0; var sw = this.w1 - this.w0; if (Math.abs(sx) > 2 || Math.abs(sw) > 2 || res) { /* ---- paint only when moving ---- */ this.x0 += sx * .1; this.w0 += sw * .1; var h = this.w0 * this.r; this.z2 = Math.ceil(( * that.horizon + 1 - this.z2 - h) *.5); if (this.x0 < that.wh && this.x0 + this.w0 > 0) { /* ---- paint only visible images ---- */ this.visible = true; var o =; /* ---- diapo ---- */ o.left = Math.floor(this.x0) + 'px'; o.bottom = Math.floor( * (1 - that.horizon) + this.z2) + 'px'; o.width = Math.floor(this.w0) + 'px'; o.height = Math.floor(h) + 'px'; /* ---- reflexion ---- */ if (this.flx) { var o =; o.left = Math.floor(this.x0) + 'px'; = Math.ceil( * that.horizon + 1 - this.z2) + 'px'; o.width = Math.floor(this.w0) + 'px'; o.height = Math.floor(h) + 'px'; } } else { /* ---- disable invisible images ---- */ if (this.visible) { this.visible = false; = '0px'; if (this.flx) = '0px'; } } } } else { /* ==== image onload ==== */ if (this.img.complete && this.img.width) { /* ---- get size image ---- */ this.iw = this.img.width; this.ih = this.img.height; this.r = this.ih / this.iw; this.loaded = true; /* ---- create reflexion ---- */ this.flx = createReflexion(that.oc, this.img); if (that.view < 0) that.view = this.N; else if (this.N == 0) that.view = this.N; that.calc(); } } }, /* ==== diapo onclick ==== */ click : function () { /* ---- stop autoscroll ---- */ this.parent.time = 0; this.parent.time_out = this.parent.time_start; if (this.parent.view == this.N) { /* ---- click on zoomed diapo ---- */ if (this.url) { /* ---- open hyperlink ---- */,; } else { /* ---- zoom in/out ---- */ this.z1 = this.z1 == 1 ? this.parent.zoom : 1; this.parent.calc(); } } else { /* ---- select diapo ---- */ this.parent.view = this.N; this.parent.calc(); } return false; } } /* //////////// ==== public methods ==== //////////// */ return { /* ==== initialize script ==== */ create : function (div, xmlfile, horizon, size, zoom, border, start, interval) { /* ---- instanciate imageFlow ---- */ var load = function () { var loaded = false; var i = instances.length; while (i--) if (instances[i].oCont == div) loaded = true; if (!loaded) { /* ---- push new imageFlow instance ---- */ instances.push( new ImageFlow(div, xmlfile, horizon, size, zoom, border, start, interval) ); /* ---- init script (once) ---- */ if (!imf.initialized) { imf.initialized = true; /* ---- window resize event ---- */ addEvent(window, 'resize', function () { var i = instances.length; while (i--) instances[i].resize(); }); /* ---- stop drag N drop ---- */ addEvent(document.getElementById(div), 'mouseout', function (e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var tg = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement; if (tg && tg.tagName == 'HTML') { var i = instances.length; while (i--) instances[i].oc.onmousemove = null; } return false; }); /* ---- set interval loop ---- */ setInterval(function () { var i = instances.length; while (i--) instances[i].run(); }, 16); } } } /* ---- window onload event ---- */ addEvent(window, 'load', function () { load(); }); } } }(); /* ==== create imageFlow ==== */ // div ID, imagesbank, horizon, size, zoom, border, autoscroll_start, autoscroll_interval imf.create("imageFlow", 'image-flow.xml', 0.75, 0.15, 1.8, 10, 8, 4); </script> </head> <body> <div id="imageFlow"> <div class="text"> <div class="title">Loading</div> <div class="legend">Please wait...</div> </div> <div class="scrollbar"> <img class="track" src="sb.gif" alt=""> <img class="arrow-left" src="sl.gif" alt=""> <img class="arrow-right" src="sr.gif" alt=""> <img class="bar" src="sc.gif" alt=""> </div> </div> </body> </html> Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Guest wolf
:wacko: Olá
Encontrei um código muito interessante de uma galeria de imagens, porem, não sei como integrar o arquivo xml no código.
alguém pode me ajudar?
segue o código xml:
e agora o código html:Link para o comentário
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