Dracom Postado Novembro 12, 2008 Denunciar Share Postado Novembro 12, 2008 Gente... preciso saber como tirar uma ScreenShot no Delhpi e salva-la em uma pasta.Agradeço por qualquer material (link ou explicação); qualquer coisa que possa me ajudar. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Jhonas Postado Novembro 12, 2008 Denunciar Share Postado Novembro 12, 2008 como tirar uma ScreenShot no Delhpi e salva-la em uma pasta.Veja este codigo:procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var DCDesk: HDC; // hDC of Desktop bmp: TBitmap; begin bmp := TBitmap.Create; bmp.Height := Screen.Height; bmp.Width := Screen.Width; DCDesk := GetWindowDC(GetDesktopWindow); BitBlt(bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Screen.Width, Screen.Height, DCDesk, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); bmp.SaveToFile('c:\ScreenShot.bmp'); ReleaseDC(GetDesktopWindow, DCDesk); bmp.Free; end;abraço Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Dracom Postado Novembro 12, 2008 Autor Denunciar Share Postado Novembro 12, 2008 Hum... ValeuMas eu fiquei curioso em relação a uma parte do codigo:BitBlt(bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Screen.Width, Screen.Height, DCDesk, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); O que eu poderia obter mudando aqueles zeros do codigo acima? Outra duvida: DCDesk := GetWindowDC(GetDesktopWindow); Sobre o GetDesktopWindow...Se não me engano, ele vai tirar a Screen do Desktop, né?Queria saber pelo que eu poderia substituir nessa linha para obter Screen de locais diferentes (janela ativa etc..)Muito obrigado pela atenção! Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Jhonas Postado Novembro 12, 2008 Denunciar Share Postado Novembro 12, 2008 Mas eu fiquei curioso em relação a uma parte do codigo:BitBlt(bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Screen.Width, Screen.Height, DCDesk, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);O que eu poderia obter mudando aqueles zeros do codigo acima?veja o help do delphiThe BitBlt function performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle of pixels from the specified source device context into a destination device context. BOOL BitBlt( HDC hdcDest, // handle to destination device context int nXDest, // x-coordinate of destination rectangle's upper-left corner int nYDest, // y-coordinate of destination rectangle's upper-left corner int nWidth, // width of destination rectangle int nHeight, // height of destination rectangle HDC hdcSrc, // handle to source device context int nXSrc, // x-coordinate of source rectangle's upper-left corner int nYSrc, // y-coordinate of source rectangle's upper-left corner DWORD dwRop // raster operation code ); ParametershdcDestIdentifies the destination device context. nXDestSpecifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle.nYDestSpecifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the destination rectangle. nWidthSpecifies the logical width of the source and destination rectangles. nHeightSpecifies the logical height of the source and the destination rectangles. hdcSrcIdentifies the source device context. nXSrcSpecifies the logical x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. nYSrcSpecifies the logical y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the source rectangle. dwRopSpecifies a raster-operation code. These codes define how the color data for the source rectangle is to be combined with the color data for the destination rectangle to achieve the final color. The following list shows some common raster operation codes: Value DescriptionBLACKNESS Fills the destination rectangle using the color associated with index 0 in the physical palette. (This color is black for the default physical palette.)DSTINVERT Inverts the destination rectangle.MERGECOPY Merges the colors of the source rectangle with the specified pattern by using the Boolean AND operator.MERGEPAINT Merges the colors of the inverted source rectangle with the colors of the destination rectangle by using the Boolean OR operator.NOTSRCCOPY Copies the inverted source rectangle to the destination.NOTSRCERASE Combines the colors of the source and destination rectangles by using the Boolean OR operator and then inverts the resultant color.PATCOPY Copies the specified pattern into the destination bitmap.PATINVERT Combines the colors of the specified pattern with the colors of the destination rectangle by using the Boolean XOR operator.PATPAINT Combines the colors of the pattern with the colors of the inverted source rectangle by using the Boolean OR operator. The result of this operation is combined with the colors of the destination rectangle by using the Boolean OR operator.SRCAND Combines the colors of the source and destination rectangles by using the Boolean AND operator.SRCCOPY Copies the source rectangle directly to the destination rectangle.SRCERASE Combines the inverted colors of the destination rectangle with the colors of the source rectangle by using the Boolean AND operator.SRCINVERT Combines the colors of the source and destination rectangles by using the Boolean XOR operator.SRCPAINT Combines the colors of the source and destination rectangles by using the Boolean OR operator.WHITENESS Fills the destination rectangle using the color associated with index 1 in the physical palette. (This color is white for the default physical palette.) Return ValuesIf the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. RemarksIf a rotation or shear transformation is in effect in the source device context, BitBlt returns an error. If other transformations exist in the source device context (and a matching transformation is not in effect in the destination device context), the rectangle in the destination device context is stretched, compressed, or rotated as necessary. If the color formats of the source and destination device contexts do not match, the BitBlt function converts the source color format to match the destination format. When an enhanced metafile is being recorded, an error occurs if the source device context identifies an enhanced-metafile device context. Not all devices support the BitBlt function. For more information, see the RC_BITBLT raster capability entry in GetDeviceCaps. BitBlt returns an error if the source and destination device contexts represent different devices.Sobre o GetDesktopWindow...Se não me engano, ele vai tirar a Screen do Desktop, né?Queria saber pelo que eu poderia substituir nessa linha para obter Screen de locais diferentes (janela ativa etc..)De acordo com o help do delphiThe GetDesktopWindow function returns the handle of the Windows desktop window. The desktop window covers the entire screen. The desktop window is the area on top of which all icons and other windows are painted. HWND GetDesktopWindow(VOID) ParametersThis function has no parameters. Return ValuesThe return value is the handle of the desktop window.OBS: Se voce se esforçar um pouco, descobrirá que pode fazer aquilo que está querendo.abraço Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
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