william.wmd Postado Julho 27, 2009 Denunciar Share Postado Julho 27, 2009 ola gostaria de saber se existe alguma maneira de executar um arquivo .pl sem ser usando o servico cron do cpanel..o link do arquivo e essehttp://williamweb.hostcell.net/cgi-bin/stats.pl Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 netsoul Postado Julho 27, 2009 Denunciar Share Postado Julho 27, 2009 (editado) Olá william.wmd. beleza?.É possivel que não tenha um indicador CGI ao começo do código:print "content-type: text/html \n\n"; E no final: exit(1); Lembrando também que é importante as permisões de execução do seu script: netsoul@intel:~$ chmod 775 stats.plAbraços. :lol: Editado Julho 27, 2009 por netsoul Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 william.wmd Postado Julho 27, 2009 Autor Denunciar Share Postado Julho 27, 2009 (editado) cara a unica linguagem q eu intendo e de php e html..tem como me ensinar mais detalhadamenteo codigo fonto do meu arquivo e esse do arquivo stats.pl é essse#!/home2/designse/perl## This file is part of PsychoStats.## Written by Jason Morriss <stormtrooper@psychostats.com># Copyright 2008 Jason Morriss## PsychoStats is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or# (at your option) any later version.## PsychoStats is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License# along with PsychoStats. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.## $Id: stats.pl 387 2008-04-15 22:49:56Z lifo $#BEGIN { # FindBin isn't going to work on systems that run the stats.pl as SETUID use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use lib $FindBin::Bin . "/lib";}BEGIN { # make sure we're running the minimum version of perl required my $minver = 5.08; my $curver = 0.0; my ($major,$minor,$release) = split(/\./,sprintf("%vd", $^V)); $curver = sprintf("%d.%02d",$major,$minor); if ($curver < $minver) { print "Perl v$major.$minor.$release is too old to run PsychoStats.\n"; print "Minimum version $minver is required. You must upgrade before continuing.\n"; if (lc substr($^O,0,-2) eq "mswin") { print "\nPress ^C or <enter> to exit.\n"; <>; } exit 1; }}BEGIN { # do checks for required modules our %PM_LOADED = (); my @modules = qw( DBI DBD::mysql ); my @failed_at_life = (); my %bad_kitty = (); foreach my $module (@modules) { my $V = ''; eval "use $module; \$V = \$${module}::VERSION;"; if ($@) { # module not found push(@failed_at_life, $module); } else { # module loaded ok; store for later, if -V is used for debugging purposes $PM_LOADED{$module} = $V; } } # check the version of modules # DBD::mysql needs to be 3.x at a minimum if ($PM_LOADED{'DBD::mysql'} and substr($PM_LOADED{'DBD::mysql'},0,1) lt '3') { $bad_kitty{'DBD::mysql'} = '3.0008'; } # if anything failed, kill ourselves, life isn't worth living. if (@failed_at_life or scalar keys %bad_kitty) { print "PsychoStats failed initialization!\n"; if (@failed_at_life) { print "The following modules are required and could not be loaded.\n"; print "\t" . join("\n\t", @failed_at_life) . "\n"; print "\n"; } else { print "The following modules need to be upgraded to the version shown below\n"; print "\t$_ v$bad_kitty{$_} or newer (currently installed: $PM_LOADED{$_})\n" for keys %bad_kitty; print "\n"; } if (lc substr($^O,0,-2) eq "mswin") { # WINDOWS print "You can install the modules listed by using the Perl Package Manager.\n"; print "Typing 'ppm' at the Start->Run menu usually will open it up. Enter the module\n"; print "name and have it install. Then rerun PsychoStats.\n"; print "\nPress ^C or <enter> to exit.\n"; <>; } else { # LINUX print "You can install the modules listed using either CPAN or if your distro\n"; print "supports it by installing a binary package with your package manager like\n"; print "'yum' (fedora / redhat), 'apt-get' or 'aptitude' (debian).\n"; } exit 1; }}use POSIX qw( :sys_wait_h setsid );use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);use PS::CmdLine;use PS::DB;use PS::Config; # use'd here only for the loadfile() functionuse PS::ConfigHandler;use PS::ErrLog;use PS::Feeder;use PS::Game;use util qw( :win compacttime );# The $VERSION and $PACKAGE_DATE are automatically updated via the packaging script.our $VERSION = '3.1';our $PACKAGE_DATE = 1209724484;our $REVISION = ('$Rev: 387 $' =~ /(\d+)/)[0]|| '0';our $DEBUG = 0; # Global DEBUG levelour $DEBUGFILE = undef; # Global debug file to write debug info tooour $ERR; # Global Error handler (PS::Debug uses this)our $DBCONF = {}; # Global database configour $GRACEFUL_EXIT = 0; #-1; # (used in CATCH_CONTROL_C)$SIG{INT} = \&CATCH_CONTROL_C;my ($opt, $dbconf, $db, $conf);my $starttime = time;my $total_logs = 0;my $total_lines = 0;eval { binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding(utf8)"); };$opt = new PS::CmdLine; # Initialize command line paramaters$DEBUG = $opt->get('debug') || 0; # sets global debugging for ALL CLASSES# display our version and exitif ($opt->get('version')) { print "PsychoStats version $VERSION (rev $REVISION)\n"; print "Packaged on " . scalar(localtime $PACKAGE_DATE) . "\n";# print "Author: Jason Morriss <stormtrooper\@psychostats.com>\n"; print "Website: http://www.psychostats.com/\n"; print "Perl version " . sprintf("%vd", $^V) . " ($^O)\n"; print "Loaded Modules:\n"; my $len = 1; foreach my $pm (keys %PM_LOADED) { # get max length first, so we can be pretty $len = length($pm) if length($pm) > $len; } $len += 2; foreach my $pm (keys %PM_LOADED) { printf(" %-${len}sv%s\n", $pm, $PM_LOADED{$pm}); } exit;}if (defined(my $df = $opt->get('debugfile'))) { $df = 'debug.txt' unless $df; # if filename is empty $DEBUGFILE = $df; $DEBUG = 1 unless $DEBUG; # force DEBUG on if we're specifying a file $opt->debug("DEBUG START: " . scalar(localtime) . " (level $DEBUG) File: $DEBUGFILE");}# Load the basic stats.cfg for database settings (unless 'noconfig' is specified on the command line)# The config filename can be specified on the commandline, otherwise stats.cfg is used. If that file # does not exist then the config is loaded from the __DATA__ block of this file.$dbconf = {};if (!$opt->get('noconfig')) { if ($opt->get('config')) { PS::Debug->debug("Loading DB config from " . $opt->get('config')); $dbconf = PS::Config->loadfile( $opt->get('config') ); } elsif (-e catfile($FindBin::Bin, 'stats.cfg')) { PS::Debug->debug("Loading DB config from stats.cfg"); $dbconf = PS::Config->loadfile( catfile($FindBin::Bin, 'stats.cfg') ); } else { PS::Debug->debug("Loading DB config from __DATA__"); $dbconf = PS::Config->loadfile( *DATA ); }} else { PS::Debug->debug("-noconfig specified, No DB config loaded.");}# Initialize the primary Database object# Allow command line options to override settings loaded from config$DBCONF = { dbtype => $opt->dbtype || $dbconf->{dbtype}, dbhost => $opt->dbhost || $dbconf->{dbhost}, dbport => $opt->dbport || $dbconf->{dbport}, dbname => $opt->dbname || $dbconf->{dbname}, dbuser => $opt->dbuser || $dbconf->{dbuser}, dbpass => $opt->dbpass || $dbconf->{dbpass}, dbtblprefix => $opt->dbtblprefix || $dbconf->{dbtblprefix}};$db = new PS::DB($DBCONF);$conf = new PS::ConfigHandler($opt, $db);my $total = $conf->load(qw( main ));$ERR = new PS::ErrLog($conf, $db); # Now all error messages will be logged to the DB$db->init_tablenames($conf);$db->init_database;# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# handle a 'stats reset' requestif (defined $opt->get('reset')) { my $game = new PS::Game($conf, $db); my $res = $opt->get('reset'); my $all = (index($opt->get('reset'),'all') >= 0); my %del = ( players => ($all || (index($res,'player') >= 0)), clans => ($all || (index($res,'clan') >= 0)), weapons => ($all || (index($res,'weapon') >= 0)), heatmaps => ($all || (index($res,'heat') >= 0)), ); $game->reset(%del); &main::exit;}$ERR->debug2("$total config settings loaded.");$ERR->fatal("No 'gametype' configured.") unless $conf->get_main('gametype');$ERR->info("PsychoStats v$VERSION initialized.");# if -unknown is specified, temporarily enable report_unknownif ($opt->get('unknown')) { $conf->set('errlog.report_unknown', 1, 'main');}# if a modtype was specified update the configif (defined $opt->get('modtype') and $conf->getconf('modtype','main') ne $opt->get('modtype')) { $db->update($db->{t_config}, { value => $opt->get('modtype') }, [ conftype => 'main', section => undef, var => 'modtype' ]); my $oldmod = $conf->getconf('modtype', 'main'); $conf->set('modtype', $opt->get('modtype'), 'main'); $ERR->info("Changing modtype from '$oldmod' to '" . $conf->get_main('modtype') . "' (per command line)");}# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# rescan clantagsif (defined $opt->get('scanclantags')) { my $all = lc $opt->get('scanclantags') eq 'all' ? 1 : 0; # remove all current clans and player relationships (profiles remain untouched) $::ERR->info("Rescanning clantags for ranked players."); if ($all) { $::ERR->info("Removing ALL player to clan relationships."); $db->query("UPDATE $db->{t_plr} SET clanid=0 WHERE clanid != 0"); $::ERR->info("Deleting all clans (profiles will remain intact)."); $db->query("DELETE FROM $db->{t_clan}"); } my $total = $db->count($db->{t_plr}, [ allowrank => 1, clanid => 0 ]); $::ERR->info("$total ranked players will be scanned."); my $game = new PS::Game($conf, $db); my $clanid; my $cur = 1; my $clans = {}; my $members = 0; my $plrsth = $db->query("SELECT p.plrid,pp.uniqueid,pp.name FROM $db->{t_plr} p, $db->{t_plr_profile} pp WHERE p.uniqueid=pp.uniqueid and p.allowrank=1 and p.clanid=0"); while (my ($plrid,$uniqueid,$name) = $plrsth->fetchrow_array) { $::ERR->verbose(sprintf("%6.2f%% completed.\r", $cur++ / $total * 100), 1); $clanid = $game->scan_for_clantag($name) || next; $clans->{$clanid}++; $members++; $db->update($db->{t_plr}, { clanid => $clanid }, [ plrid => $plrid ]); } $::ERR->verbose(""); $::ERR->info(sprintf("%d clans with %d members found.", scalar keys %$clans, $members)); $opt->set('daily', ($opt->get('daily') || '') . ',clans');}# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# PERFORM DAILY OPERATIONS and exit if we did any (no logs should be processed)if ($opt->get('daily')) { &main::exit if do_daily($opt->get('daily'));}# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# process log sources ... the endless while loop is a placeholder.my $more_logs = !$opt->get('nologs');while ($more_logs) { # infinite loop my $logsource = load_logsources(); if (!defined $logsource or @$logsource == 0) { $ERR->fatal("No log sources defined! You must configure a log source (or use -log on command line)!"); } my @total; my $game = new PS::Game($conf, $db); foreach my $source (@$logsource) { my $feeder = new PS::Feeder($source, $game, $conf, $db); next unless $feeder; # Let Feeder initialize (read directories, establish remote connections, etc). my $type = $feeder->init; # 1=wait; 0=error; -1=nowait; next unless $type; # ERROR if ($type == 1) { # WAIT $conf->setinfo('stats.lastupdate', time) unless $conf->get_info('stats.lastupdate'); @total = $game->process_feed($feeder); $total_logs += $total[0]; $total_lines += $total[1]; $conf->setinfo('stats.lastupdate', time); $feeder->done; } elsif ($type == -1) { # NOWAIT # TODO: we need to allow for non-waiting log sources (ie: log streams) # we need to start the current process and then continue with any other # sources simultaneously. # if there is more than 1 source then each NOWAIT source needs it's own # $game, $conf and $db objects, otherwise they will mess each other up. my $d = @$logsource > 1 ? new PS::DB($DBCONF) : $db; my $c = @$logsource > 1 ? new PS::ConfigHandler($opt, $d) : $conf; my $g = @$logsource > 1 ? new PS::Game($c, $d) : $game; # fork off a process to handle this source # ... $conf->setinfo('stats.realtime_update', time); } last if $GRACEFUL_EXIT > 0; } &main::exit if $GRACEFUL_EXIT > 0; last;}# check to make sure we don't need to do any daily updates before we exitcheck_daily($conf) unless $opt->get('nodaily');END { $ERR->info("PsychoStats v$VERSION exiting (elapsed: " . compacttime(time-$starttime) . ", logs: $total_logs, lines: $total_lines)") if defined $ERR; $opt->debug("DEBUG END: " . scalar(localtime) . " (level $DEBUG) File: $DEBUGFILE") if $DEBUGFILE and defined $opt;}# ------- FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# returns a list of log sourcessub load_logsources { my $list = []; if ($opt->get('logsource')) { my $game = new PS::Game($conf, $db); my $log = new PS::Feeder($opt->get('logsource'), $game, $conf, $db); if (!$log) { $ERR->fatal("Error loading logsource from command line."); } push(@$list, $log->{logsource}); } else { $list = $db->get_rows_hash("SELECT * FROM $db->{t_config_logsources} WHERE enabled=1 ORDER BY idx"); } return wantarray ? @$list : [ @$list ];}# do daily updates, if neededsub check_daily { my ($conf) = @_; my @dodaily = (); do_daily(join(',', @PS::Game::DAILY));=pod $conf->reload; foreach my $v (@PS::Game::DAILY) { my $lastupdate = $conf->getinfo("daily_$v.lastupdate") || 0; my $when = $conf->get_main("auto.update_$v"); next unless $when; my $offset = (time - $lastupdate) / 60; # number of minutes since last update if ($lastupdate) { push(@dodaily, $v) if ($when eq 'all') || ($when eq 'hourly' and $offset >= 60) || ($when eq 'daily' and $offset >= 60*24) || ($when eq 'weekly' and $offset >= 60*24*6) || ($when eq 'monthly' and $offset >= 60*24*30); } else { push(@dodaily, $v); } } do_daily(join(',',@dodaily)) if @dodaily;=cut}sub do_daily { my ($daily) = @_; $daily = lc $opt->get('daily') unless defined $daily; return 0 unless $daily; my %valid = map { $_ => 0 } @PS::Game::DAILY; my @badlist = (); foreach (split(/,/, $daily)) { if (exists $valid{$_}) { $valid{$_}++ } else { push(@badlist, $_) if $_ ne ''; } } $ERR->warn("Ignoring invalid daily options: " . join(',', map { "'$_'" } @badlist)) if @badlist; $daily = join(',', $valid{all} ? @PS::Game::DAILY[1..$#PS::Game::DAILY] : grep { $valid{$_} } @PS::Game::DAILY); if (!$daily) { $ERR->fatal("-daily was specified with no valid options. Must have at least one of the following: " . join(',', @PS::Game::DAILY), 1); } $ERR->info("Daily updates about to be performed: $daily"); my $game = new PS::Game($conf, $db); foreach (split(/,/, $daily)) { my $func = "daily_" . $_; if ($game->can($func)) { $game->$func; } else { $ERR->warn("Ignoring daily update '$_': No game support"); } } return 1;}sub run_as_daemon { my ($pid_file) = @_; defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork process: $!"; exit if $pid; # the parent exits # 1st generation child open(STDIN, '/dev/null'); open(STDOUT, '>>/dev/null') unless $DEBUG; open(STDERR, '>>/dev/null') unless $DEBUG; chdir('/'); # run from root so we don't lock other potential mounts or directories setsid(); # POSIX; sets us as the process leader (our parent PID is 1) umask(0); # 2nd generation child (for SysV; avoids re-acquiring a controlling terminal) # setsid() needs to be done before this, see above. defined($pid = fork) or die "Can't fork sub-process: $!"; exit if $pid; # now we're no longer the process leader but are in process group 1. if ($pid_file) { open(F, ">$pid_file") or warn("Can not write PID $$ to file: $pid_file: $!\n"); print F $$; close(F); chmod 0644, $pid_file; }}# PS::ErrLog points to this to actually exit on a fatal error, incase I need to do some cleanupsub main::exit { # <> if iswindows(); CORE::exit(@_) }sub CATCH_CONTROL_C { $GRACEFUL_EXIT++; if ($GRACEFUL_EXIT == 0) { # WONT HAPPEN (GRACEFUL_EXIT defaults to 0 now) if ($opt->get('daemon')) { $GRACEFUL_EXIT++; goto C_HERE; } syswrite(STDERR, "Caught ^C -- Are you sure? One more will attempt a gracefull exit.\n"); } elsif ($GRACEFUL_EXIT == 1) {C_HERE: syswrite(STDERR, "Caught ^C -- Please wait while I try to exit gracefully.\n"); } else { syswrite(STDERR, "Caught ^C -- Alright! I'm done!!! (some data may have been lost)\n"); &main::exit; } $SIG{INT} = \&CATCH_CONTROL_C;}__DATA__# If no stats.cfg exists then this config is loaded insteaddbtype = mysqldbhost = localhostdbport = dbname = rdbuser = csdbpass = csdbtblprefix = ps_eu deevo criar um arquivo html ????o q deve fazer???? Editado Julho 27, 2009 por william.wmd Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 netsoul Postado Julho 27, 2009 Denunciar Share Postado Julho 27, 2009 (editado) E ai, ?.Bom, isso não é um CGI pra ser executado directamente no navegador. Mas sim parte de um software OpenSource psychostats pra criar estatisticas de jogos com Half-life e Counter-Strike.Isso sem falar dos modulos e submodulos como PS::CmdLine que não existem no Cpan.Então, a coisa é instalar psychostats. :lol: Editado Julho 27, 2009 por netsoul Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 william.wmd Postado Julho 27, 2009 Autor Denunciar Share Postado Julho 27, 2009 cara mas eu já tenho o psychosats instaladohttp://williamweb.hostcell.net/mas pra atualizar o rank como eu faço?????sem ser usando o cron do cpanel???? Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 netsoul Postado Julho 28, 2009 Denunciar Share Postado Julho 28, 2009 (editado) Uma idéia podería ser atualizálo desde seu computador, através de um cliente HTTP ou utilizando Sockets. Editado Julho 28, 2009 por netsoul Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 william.wmd Postado Julho 28, 2009 Autor Denunciar Share Postado Julho 28, 2009 hmmtem alguma ideia de como eu faço isso???eu so mt noob :( Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 netsoul Postado Julho 28, 2009 Denunciar Share Postado Julho 28, 2009 Leia sobre Sockets. Use Google para saber cómo funciona cliente-servidor. Faça testes. Quando você tiver alguma dúvida sobre seu script, posta aqui, que eu vou te ajudar. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 william.wmd Postado Julho 29, 2009 Autor Denunciar Share Postado Julho 29, 2009 :blink: eu li mas não entendi nada...problemanão tem algum comando que eu consiga executar o script do servidor apartir do meu pc????? Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
ola gostaria de saber se existe alguma maneira de executar um arquivo .pl sem ser usando o servico cron do cpanel..
o link do arquivo e esse
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