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executando arquivo perl em servidor externo



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Olá william.wmd.


É possivel que não tenha um indicador CGI ao começo do código:

print "content-type: text/html \n\n";
E no final:
Lembrando também que é importante as permisões de execução do seu script:
netsoul@intel:~$ chmod 775

Abraços. :lol:

Editado por netsoul
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cara a unica linguagem q eu intendo e de php e html..

tem como me ensinar mais detalhadamente

o codigo fonto do meu arquivo e esse do arquivo é essse



# This file is part of PsychoStats.


# Written by Jason Morriss <>

# Copyright 2008 Jason Morriss


# PsychoStats is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

# (at your option) any later version.


# PsychoStats is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


# GNU General Public License for more details.


# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

# along with PsychoStats. If not, see <>.


# $Id: 387 2008-04-15 22:49:56Z lifo $


BEGIN { # FindBin isn't going to work on systems that run the as SETUID

use strict;

use warnings;

use FindBin;

use lib $FindBin::Bin;

use lib $FindBin::Bin . "/lib";


BEGIN { # make sure we're running the minimum version of perl required

my $minver = 5.08;

my $curver = 0.0;

my ($major,$minor,$release) = split(/\./,sprintf("%vd", $^V));

$curver = sprintf("%d.%02d",$major,$minor);

if ($curver < $minver) {

print "Perl v$major.$minor.$release is too old to run PsychoStats.\n";

print "Minimum version $minver is required. You must upgrade before continuing.\n";

if (lc substr($^O,0,-2) eq "mswin") {

print "\nPress ^C or <enter> to exit.\n";



exit 1;



BEGIN { # do checks for required modules

our %PM_LOADED = ();

my @modules = qw( DBI DBD::mysql );

my @failed_at_life = ();

my %bad_kitty = ();

foreach my $module (@modules) {

my $V = '';

eval "use $module; \$V = \$${module}::VERSION;";

if ($@) { # module not found

push(@failed_at_life, $module);

} else { # module loaded ok; store for later, if -V is used for debugging purposes

$PM_LOADED{$module} = $V;



# check the version of modules

# DBD::mysql needs to be 3.x at a minimum

if ($PM_LOADED{'DBD::mysql'} and substr($PM_LOADED{'DBD::mysql'},0,1) lt '3') {

$bad_kitty{'DBD::mysql'} = '3.0008';


# if anything failed, kill ourselves, life isn't worth living.

if (@failed_at_life or scalar keys %bad_kitty) {

print "PsychoStats failed initialization!\n";

if (@failed_at_life) {

print "The following modules are required and could not be loaded.\n";

print "\t" . join("\n\t", @failed_at_life) . "\n";

print "\n";

} else {

print "The following modules need to be upgraded to the version shown below\n";

print "\t$_ v$bad_kitty{$_} or newer (currently installed: $PM_LOADED{$_})\n" for keys %bad_kitty;

print "\n";


if (lc substr($^O,0,-2) eq "mswin") { # WINDOWS

print "You can install the modules listed by using the Perl Package Manager.\n";

print "Typing 'ppm' at the Start->Run menu usually will open it up. Enter the module\n";

print "name and have it install. Then rerun PsychoStats.\n";

print "\nPress ^C or <enter> to exit.\n";


} else { # LINUX

print "You can install the modules listed using either CPAN or if your distro\n";

print "supports it by installing a binary package with your package manager like\n";

print "'yum' (fedora / redhat), 'apt-get' or 'aptitude' (debian).\n";


exit 1;



use POSIX qw( :sys_wait_h setsid );

use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);

use PS::CmdLine;

use PS::DB;

use PS::Config; # use'd here only for the loadfile() function

use PS::ConfigHandler;

use PS::ErrLog;

use PS::Feeder;

use PS::Game;

use util qw( :win compacttime );

# The $VERSION and $PACKAGE_DATE are automatically updated via the packaging script.

our $VERSION = '3.1';

our $PACKAGE_DATE = 1209724484;

our $REVISION = ('$Rev: 387 $' =~ /(\d+)/)[0]|| '0';

our $DEBUG = 0; # Global DEBUG level

our $DEBUGFILE = undef; # Global debug file to write debug info too

our $ERR; # Global Error handler (PS::Debug uses this)

our $DBCONF = {}; # Global database config

our $GRACEFUL_EXIT = 0; #-1; # (used in CATCH_CONTROL_C)


my ($opt, $dbconf, $db, $conf);

my $starttime = time;

my $total_logs = 0;

my $total_lines = 0;

eval { binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding(utf8)"); };

$opt = new PS::CmdLine; # Initialize command line paramaters

$DEBUG = $opt->get('debug') || 0; # sets global debugging for ALL CLASSES

# display our version and exit

if ($opt->get('version')) {

print "PsychoStats version $VERSION (rev $REVISION)\n";

print "Packaged on " . scalar(localtime $PACKAGE_DATE) . "\n";

# print "Author: Jason Morriss <stormtrooper\>\n";

print "Website:\n";

print "Perl version " . sprintf("%vd", $^V) . " ($^O)\n";

print "Loaded Modules:\n";

my $len = 1;

foreach my $pm (keys %PM_LOADED) { # get max length first, so we can be pretty

$len = length($pm) if length($pm) > $len;


$len += 2;

foreach my $pm (keys %PM_LOADED) {

printf(" %-${len}sv%s\n", $pm, $PM_LOADED{$pm});




if (defined(my $df = $opt->get('debugfile'))) {

$df = 'debug.txt' unless $df; # if filename is empty


$DEBUG = 1 unless $DEBUG; # force DEBUG on if we're specifying a file

$opt->debug("DEBUG START: " . scalar(localtime) . " (level $DEBUG) File: $DEBUGFILE");


# Load the basic stats.cfg for database settings (unless 'noconfig' is specified on the command line)

# The config filename can be specified on the commandline, otherwise stats.cfg is used. If that file

# does not exist then the config is loaded from the __DATA__ block of this file.

$dbconf = {};

if (!$opt->get('noconfig')) {

if ($opt->get('config')) {

PS::Debug->debug("Loading DB config from " . $opt->get('config'));

$dbconf = PS::Config->loadfile( $opt->get('config') );

} elsif (-e catfile($FindBin::Bin, 'stats.cfg')) {

PS::Debug->debug("Loading DB config from stats.cfg");

$dbconf = PS::Config->loadfile( catfile($FindBin::Bin, 'stats.cfg') );

} else {

PS::Debug->debug("Loading DB config from __DATA__");

$dbconf = PS::Config->loadfile( *DATA );


} else {

PS::Debug->debug("-noconfig specified, No DB config loaded.");


# Initialize the primary Database object

# Allow command line options to override settings loaded from config


dbtype => $opt->dbtype || $dbconf->{dbtype},

dbhost => $opt->dbhost || $dbconf->{dbhost},

dbport => $opt->dbport || $dbconf->{dbport},

dbname => $opt->dbname || $dbconf->{dbname},

dbuser => $opt->dbuser || $dbconf->{dbuser},

dbpass => $opt->dbpass || $dbconf->{dbpass},

dbtblprefix => $opt->dbtblprefix || $dbconf->{dbtblprefix}


$db = new PS::DB($DBCONF);

$conf = new PS::ConfigHandler($opt, $db);

my $total = $conf->load(qw( main ));

$ERR = new PS::ErrLog($conf, $db); # Now all error messages will be logged to the DB



# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# handle a 'stats reset' request

if (defined $opt->get('reset')) {

my $game = new PS::Game($conf, $db);

my $res = $opt->get('reset');

my $all = (index($opt->get('reset'),'all') >= 0);

my %del = (

players => ($all || (index($res,'player') >= 0)),

clans => ($all || (index($res,'clan') >= 0)),

weapons => ($all || (index($res,'weapon') >= 0)),

heatmaps => ($all || (index($res,'heat') >= 0)),





$ERR->debug2("$total config settings loaded.");

$ERR->fatal("No 'gametype' configured.") unless $conf->get_main('gametype');

$ERR->info("PsychoStats v$VERSION initialized.");

# if -unknown is specified, temporarily enable report_unknown

if ($opt->get('unknown')) {

$conf->set('errlog.report_unknown', 1, 'main');


# if a modtype was specified update the config

if (defined $opt->get('modtype') and $conf->getconf('modtype','main') ne $opt->get('modtype')) {

$db->update($db->{t_config}, { value => $opt->get('modtype') }, [ conftype => 'main', section => undef, var => 'modtype' ]);

my $oldmod = $conf->getconf('modtype', 'main');

$conf->set('modtype', $opt->get('modtype'), 'main');

$ERR->info("Changing modtype from '$oldmod' to '" . $conf->get_main('modtype') . "' (per command line)");


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# rescan clantags

if (defined $opt->get('scanclantags')) {

my $all = lc $opt->get('scanclantags') eq 'all' ? 1 : 0;

# remove all current clans and player relationships (profiles remain untouched)

$::ERR->info("Rescanning clantags for ranked players.");

if ($all) {

$::ERR->info("Removing ALL player to clan relationships.");

$db->query("UPDATE $db->{t_plr} SET clanid=0 WHERE clanid != 0");

$::ERR->info("Deleting all clans (profiles will remain intact).");

$db->query("DELETE FROM $db->{t_clan}");


my $total = $db->count($db->{t_plr}, [ allowrank => 1, clanid => 0 ]);

$::ERR->info("$total ranked players will be scanned.");

my $game = new PS::Game($conf, $db);

my $clanid;

my $cur = 1;

my $clans = {};

my $members = 0;

my $plrsth = $db->query("SELECT p.plrid,pp.uniqueid, FROM $db->{t_plr} p, $db->{t_plr_profile} pp WHERE p.uniqueid=pp.uniqueid and p.allowrank=1 and p.clanid=0");

while (my ($plrid,$uniqueid,$name) = $plrsth->fetchrow_array) {

$::ERR->verbose(sprintf("%6.2f%% completed.\r", $cur++ / $total * 100), 1);

$clanid = $game->scan_for_clantag($name) || next;



$db->update($db->{t_plr}, { clanid => $clanid }, [ plrid => $plrid ]);



$::ERR->info(sprintf("%d clans with %d members found.", scalar keys %$clans, $members));

$opt->set('daily', ($opt->get('daily') || '') . ',clans');


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# PERFORM DAILY OPERATIONS and exit if we did any (no logs should be processed)

if ($opt->get('daily')) {

&main::exit if do_daily($opt->get('daily'));


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# process log sources ... the endless while loop is a placeholder.

my $more_logs = !$opt->get('nologs');

while ($more_logs) { # infinite loop

my $logsource = load_logsources();

if (!defined $logsource or @$logsource == 0) {

$ERR->fatal("No log sources defined! You must configure a log source (or use -log on command line)!");


my @total;

my $game = new PS::Game($conf, $db);

foreach my $source (@$logsource) {

my $feeder = new PS::Feeder($source, $game, $conf, $db);

next unless $feeder;

# Let Feeder initialize (read directories, establish remote connections, etc).

my $type = $feeder->init; # 1=wait; 0=error; -1=nowait;

next unless $type; # ERROR

if ($type == 1) { # WAIT

$conf->setinfo('stats.lastupdate', time) unless $conf->get_info('stats.lastupdate');

@total = $game->process_feed($feeder);

$total_logs += $total[0];

$total_lines += $total[1];

$conf->setinfo('stats.lastupdate', time);


} elsif ($type == -1) { # NOWAIT

# TODO: we need to allow for non-waiting log sources (ie: log streams)

# we need to start the current process and then continue with any other

# sources simultaneously.

# if there is more than 1 source then each NOWAIT source needs it's own

# $game, $conf and $db objects, otherwise they will mess each other up.

my $d = @$logsource > 1 ? new PS::DB($DBCONF) : $db;

my $c = @$logsource > 1 ? new PS::ConfigHandler($opt, $d) : $conf;

my $g = @$logsource > 1 ? new PS::Game($c, $d) : $game;

# fork off a process to handle this source

# ...

$conf->setinfo('stats.realtime_update', time);


last if $GRACEFUL_EXIT > 0;


&main::exit if $GRACEFUL_EXIT > 0;



# check to make sure we don't need to do any daily updates before we exit

check_daily($conf) unless $opt->get('nodaily');


$ERR->info("PsychoStats v$VERSION exiting (elapsed: " . compacttime(time-$starttime) . ", logs: $total_logs, lines: $total_lines)") if defined $ERR;

$opt->debug("DEBUG END: " . scalar(localtime) . " (level $DEBUG) File: $DEBUGFILE") if $DEBUGFILE and defined $opt;


# ------- FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# returns a list of log sources

sub load_logsources {

my $list = [];

if ($opt->get('logsource')) {

my $game = new PS::Game($conf, $db);

my $log = new PS::Feeder($opt->get('logsource'), $game, $conf, $db);

if (!$log) {

$ERR->fatal("Error loading logsource from command line.");


push(@$list, $log->{logsource});

} else {

$list = $db->get_rows_hash("SELECT * FROM $db->{t_config_logsources} WHERE enabled=1 ORDER BY idx");


return wantarray ? @$list : [ @$list ];


# do daily updates, if needed

sub check_daily {

my ($conf) = @_;

my @dodaily = ();

do_daily(join(',', @PS::Game::DAILY));



foreach my $v (@PS::Game::DAILY) {

my $lastupdate = $conf->getinfo("daily_$v.lastupdate") || 0;

my $when = $conf->get_main("auto.update_$v");

next unless $when;

my $offset = (time - $lastupdate) / 60; # number of minutes since last update

if ($lastupdate) {

push(@dodaily, $v) if

($when eq 'all') ||

($when eq 'hourly' and $offset >= 60) ||

($when eq 'daily' and $offset >= 60*24) ||

($when eq 'weekly' and $offset >= 60*24*6) ||

($when eq 'monthly' and $offset >= 60*24*30);

} else {

push(@dodaily, $v);



do_daily(join(',',@dodaily)) if @dodaily;



sub do_daily {

my ($daily) = @_;

$daily = lc $opt->get('daily') unless defined $daily;

return 0 unless $daily;

my %valid = map { $_ => 0 } @PS::Game::DAILY;

my @badlist = ();

foreach (split(/,/, $daily)) {

if (exists $valid{$_}) {


} else {

push(@badlist, $_) if $_ ne '';



$ERR->warn("Ignoring invalid daily options: " . join(',', map { "'$_'" } @badlist)) if @badlist;

$daily = join(',', $valid{all} ? @PS::Game::DAILY[1..$#PS::Game::DAILY] : grep { $valid{$_} } @PS::Game::DAILY);

if (!$daily) {

$ERR->fatal("-daily was specified with no valid options. Must have at least one of the following: " . join(',', @PS::Game::DAILY), 1);


$ERR->info("Daily updates about to be performed: $daily");

my $game = new PS::Game($conf, $db);

foreach (split(/,/, $daily)) {

my $func = "daily_" . $_;

if ($game->can($func)) {


} else {

$ERR->warn("Ignoring daily update '$_': No game support");



return 1;


sub run_as_daemon {

my ($pid_file) = @_;

defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork process: $!";

exit if $pid; # the parent exits

# 1st generation child

open(STDIN, '/dev/null');

open(STDOUT, '>>/dev/null') unless $DEBUG;

open(STDERR, '>>/dev/null') unless $DEBUG;

chdir('/'); # run from root so we don't lock other potential mounts or directories

setsid(); # POSIX; sets us as the process leader (our parent PID is 1)


# 2nd generation child (for SysV; avoids re-acquiring a controlling terminal)

# setsid() needs to be done before this, see above.

defined($pid = fork) or die "Can't fork sub-process: $!";

exit if $pid;

# now we're no longer the process leader but are in process group 1.

if ($pid_file) {

open(F, ">$pid_file") or warn("Can not write PID $$ to file: $pid_file: $!\n");

print F $$;


chmod 0644, $pid_file;



# PS::ErrLog points to this to actually exit on a fatal error, incase I need to do some cleanup

sub main::exit {

# <> if iswindows();





if ($GRACEFUL_EXIT == 0) { # WONT HAPPEN (GRACEFUL_EXIT defaults to 0 now)

if ($opt->get('daemon')) {


goto C_HERE;


syswrite(STDERR, "Caught ^C -- Are you sure? One more will attempt a gracefull exit.\n");

} elsif ($GRACEFUL_EXIT == 1) {


syswrite(STDERR, "Caught ^C -- Please wait while I try to exit gracefully.\n");

} else {

syswrite(STDERR, "Caught ^C -- Alright! I'm done!!! (some data may have been lost)\n");






# If no stats.cfg exists then this config is loaded instead

dbtype = mysql

dbhost = localhost

dbport =

dbname = r

dbuser = cs

dbpass = cs

dbtblprefix = ps_

eu deevo criar um arquivo html ????o q deve fazer????

Editado por william.wmd
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E ai, ?.

Bom, isso não é um CGI pra ser executado directamente no navegador. Mas sim parte de um software OpenSource psychostats pra criar estatisticas de jogos com Half-life e Counter-Strike.

Isso sem falar dos modulos e submodulos como PS::CmdLine que não existem no Cpan.

Então, a coisa é instalar psychostats. :lol:

Editado por netsoul
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