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(Resolvido) Erro ao declarar Variável



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estou fazendo um sistema no delphi 2007 e precisei declarar uma variavel do tipo StringList;

FStringList : StringList;

Só que esta me retornando o erro:

Undeclareted indentifies 'StringList '

O que devo declarar para corrigir este problema?

Um exemplo bem simples

uses classes;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  animal : TStringList;            // Define a variavel lista de strings
  i      : Integer;
  // Define um objeto string list, e aponta para a variavel
  animal := TStringList.Create;

  // Adicionar os nomes de animais a lista

  //  Mostrar a lista
  for i := 0 to animal.Count-1 do
    ShowMessage(animal[i]);  // animal[i] é igual a animal.Strings[i]

  // Limpar a lista de objetos
Outros exemplos:
Example code : Using name-value strings 
  names  : TStringList;            // Define our string list variable
  ageStr : String;
  i      : Integer;
  // Define a string list object, and point our variable at it
  names := TStringList.Create;

  // Now add some names to our list
  names.CommaText := 'Neil=45, Brian=63, Jim=22';

  // And now find Brian's age
  ageStr := names.Values['Brian'];

  // Display this value
  ShowMessage('Brians age = '+ageStr);

  // Now display all name and age pair values
  for i := 0 to names.Count-1 do
    ShowMessage(names.Names[i]+' is '+names.ValueFromIndex[i]);

  // Free up the list object

Show full unit code 
   Brians age is 63
   Neil is 45
   Brian is 63
   Jim is 22

Example code : Using DelimitedText, Delimiter and QuoteChar 
  cars : TStringList;            // Define our string list variable
  i    : Integer;
  // Define a string list object, and point our variable at it
  cars := TStringList.Create;

  // Now add some cars to our list - using the DelimitedText property
  // with overriden control variables
  cars.Delimiter := ' ';        // Each list item will be blank separated
  cars.QuoteChar := '|';        // And each item will be quoted with |'s
  cars.DelimitedText := '|Honda Jazz| |Ford Mondeo| |Jaguar "E-type"|';

  // Now display these cars
  for i := 0 to cars.Count-1 do
    ShowMessage(cars[i]);       // cars[i] equates to cars.Strings[i]

  // Free up the list object

Show full unit code 
   Honda Jazz
   Ford Mondeo
   Jaguar "E-type"


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estou fazendo um sistema no delphi 2007 e precisei declarar uma variavel do tipo StringList;

FStringList : StringList;

Só que esta me retornando o erro:

Undeclareted indentifies 'StringList '

O que devo declarar para corrigir este problema?

Um exemplo bem simples

uses classes;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  animal : TStringList;            // Define a variavel lista de strings
  i      : Integer;
  // Define um objeto string list, e aponta para a variavel
  animal := TStringList.Create;

  // Adicionar os nomes de animais a lista

  //  Mostrar a lista
  for i := 0 to animal.Count-1 do
    ShowMessage(animal[i]);  // animal[i] é igual a animal.Strings[i]

  // Limpar a lista de objetos
Outros exemplos:
Example code : Using name-value strings 
  names  : TStringList;            // Define our string list variable
  ageStr : String;
  i      : Integer;
  // Define a string list object, and point our variable at it
  names := TStringList.Create;

  // Now add some names to our list
  names.CommaText := 'Neil=45, Brian=63, Jim=22';

  // And now find Brian's age
  ageStr := names.Values['Brian'];

  // Display this value
  ShowMessage('Brians age = '+ageStr);

  // Now display all name and age pair values
  for i := 0 to names.Count-1 do
    ShowMessage(names.Names[i]+' is '+names.ValueFromIndex[i]);

  // Free up the list object

Show full unit code 
   Brians age is 63
   Neil is 45
   Brian is 63
   Jim is 22

Example code : Using DelimitedText, Delimiter and QuoteChar 
  cars : TStringList;            // Define our string list variable
  i    : Integer;
  // Define a string list object, and point our variable at it
  cars := TStringList.Create;

  // Now add some cars to our list - using the DelimitedText property
  // with overriden control variables
  cars.Delimiter := ' ';        // Each list item will be blank separated
  cars.QuoteChar := '|';        // And each item will be quoted with |'s
  cars.DelimitedText := '|Honda Jazz| |Ford Mondeo| |Jaguar "E-type"|';

  // Now display these cars
  for i := 0 to cars.Count-1 do
    ShowMessage(cars[i]);       // cars[i] equates to cars.Strings[i]

  // Free up the list object

Show full unit code 
   Honda Jazz
   Ford Mondeo
   Jaguar "E-type"


(Resolvido) Obrigado

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