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usar USB do roteador TL-WR1043N



tenho um roteador TL-WR1043N da tp-link com porta usb e não consigo compartilhar meu HD-Externo nem pendrive

já fui em Network Sharing

Service Status: Started

Volume Share Name File System Capacity Used Free Use% Permissions Shared Properties

volume1 pendrive FAT32 7.5 GB 663 MB 6.9 GB 9% Read / Write Yes Edit

User Accounts

já coloquei 2 usuários

reseto o modem

e quando acesso aparece a mensagem

Username or Password is incorrect.

Please refer to the troubleshooting below:

Is the "Caps Lock" enabled on your keyboard?

The username and password must be lowercase, please ensure that the "Caps Lock" LED is disabled on your keyboard and try again.

Forgot your username or password?

Please reset the device to the factory default settings if you have forgotten your username or password. The default username and password are both set as "admin".

Note: The settings will be restored to factory default after the resetting.

How to restore the device to the factory default settings?

Firstly locate the reset button on the rear panel of the unit, whilst the device is powered on press and hold the reset button for more than 5 seconds, the device will then reboot and restore itself to the factory default settings.

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