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Tree - c++ - insertion

Murilo Marchiori


Hello, friends. I am having a little problem with a c++ tree... When i try to delete a node, and there is just one node in the tree (so I must delete the root), the program does not work ("Segmentation Fault" message, compiling on Linux). Here is my code, and below is the logic that I tried to follow.. can you help, me please? Thank you very much!

*aux is the node that I must delete, and aux_prev is the previous node

if(aux->right == NULL && aux->left == NULL)
    if(aux_prev != NULL)
        if(aux_prev->right == aux)
            aux_prev->right = NULL;
            delete aux;
            aux_prev->left = NULL;
            delete aux;
        tree.root = NULL;
        delete aux;                                
if (the node don't have sons)
    if (is not the root)
        if (the node is in the right of the previous node)
            aux_ant->right = NULL;
            delete aux;
        else //the node is in the left of the previous node
            aux_ant->left = NULL;
            delete aux;
    else //if is the root
        tree.root = NULL; //the root ponts to NULL
        delete aux; //delete the node                                

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