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Erro de instalação de site no servidor



Olá galera efetuei o upload do Wroupon (script de site de compra coletiva em PHP) ao servidor e ao acessar o install.php ou index.php recebo a seguinte mensagem de erro:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting '(' in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\include\function\common.php on line 511

Já criei o banco de dados Mysql,a hospedagem é em um servidor windows com Plesk, em localhost funciona normalmente.

O que poderá ser este erro?


"Aos moderadores": Caso este tópico esteja no local errado, peço a compreensão e que seja movido ao local correto.

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5 respostass a esta questão

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Copie para cá a linha 511 do arquivo httpdocs\include\function\common.php e talvez possamos te ajudar. A princípio tem um fecha parenteses em lugar errado.

A linha 511 é esta:

Image::Convert($z['tmp_name'], $path, 48, 48, Image::MODE_CUT);

Será que tem alguma coisa a ver com a hospedagem,me disseram que pode ser que ela não tem suporte ao GD do PHP!

Grato galera.

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Cara estou quebrando a cabeça com isso.

A linha 511 é a em negrito e vermelho:


/* import other */









function template($tFile) {

global $INI;

if ( 0===strpos($tFile, 'manage') ) {

return __template($tFile);


if ($INI['skin']['template']) {

$templatedir = DIR_TEMPLATE. '/' . $INI['skin']['template'];

$checkfile = $templatedir . '/html_header.html';

if ( file_exists($checkfile) ) {

return __template($INI['skin']['template'].'/'.$tFile);



return __template($tFile);


function render($tFile, $vs=array()) {


foreach($GLOBALS AS $_k=>$_v) {

${$_k} = $_v;


foreach($vs AS $_k=>$_v) {

${$_k} = $_v;


include template($tFile);

return render_hook(ob_get_clean());


function render_hook($c) {

global $INI;

$c = preg_replace('#href=/#i', 'href="'.WEB_ROOT.'/', $c);

$c = preg_replace('#src="/#i', 'src="'.WEB_ROOT.'/', $c);

$c = preg_replace('#action="/#i', 'action="'.WEB_ROOT.'/', $c);

/* theme */

$page = strval($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI]);

if($INI['skin']['theme'] && !preg_match('#/manage/#i',$page)) {

$themedir = WWW_ROOT. '/static/theme/' . $INI['skin']['theme'];

$checkfile = $themedir. '/css/index.css';

if ( file_exists($checkfile) ) {

$c = preg_replace('#/static/css/#', "/static/theme/{$INI['skin']['theme']}/css/", $c);

$c = preg_replace('#/static/img/#', "/static/theme/{$INI['skin']['theme']}/img/", $c);



if (strtolower(cookieget('locale','zh_cn'))==zh_tw') {

require_once(DIR_FUNCTION . '/tradition.php');

$c = str_replace(explode('|',$_charset_simple), explode('|',$_charset_tradition),$c);


/* encode id */

$c = obscure_rep($c);

return $c;


function output_hook($c) {

global $INI;

if ( 0==abs(intval($INI['system]['gzip']))) die($c);


if( strpos($HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING, 'x-gzip') !== false )

$encoding = 'x-gzip';

else if( strpos($HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING,'gzip') !== false )

$encoding = 'gzip';

else $encoding == false;

if (function_exists('gzencode')&&$encoding) {

$c = gzencode($c);

header("Content-Encoding: {$encoding}");


$length = strlen($c);

header("Content-Length: {$length}");



$lang_properties = array();

function I($key) {

global $lang_properties, $LC;

if (!$lang_properties) {

$ini = DIR_ROOT . '/i18n/' . $LC. '/properties.ini';

$lang_properties = Config::Instance($ini);


return isset($lang_properties[$key]) ?

$lang_properties[$key] : $key;


function json($data, $type=eval') {

$type = strtolower($type);

$allow = array('eval','alert','updater','dialog','mix', 'refresh');

if (false==in_array($type, $allow))

return false;

Output::Json(array( 'data' => $data, 'type' => $type,));


function redirect($url=null, $notice=null, $error=null) {

$url = $url ? obscure_rep($url) : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER];

$url = $url ? $url : '/';

if ($notice) Session::Set('notice', $notice);

if ($error) Session::Set('error', $error);

header("Location: {$url}");



function write_php_file($array, $filename=null){

$v = "<?php\r\n\$INI = ";

$v .= var_export($array, true);

$v .=";\r\n?>";

return file_put_contents($filename, $v);


function write_ini_file($array, $filename=null){

$ok = null;

if ($filename) {

$s = ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\r\n";

$s .= ";; SYS_INIFILE\r\n";

$s .= ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\r\n";


foreach($array as $k=>$v) {

if(is_array($v)) {

if($k != $ok) {

$s .= "\r\n[{$k}]\r\n";

$ok = $k;


$s .= write_ini_file($v);

}else {

if(trim($v) != $v || strstr($v,"["))

$v = "\"{$v}\"";

$s .= "$k = \"{$v}\"\r\n";



if(!$filename) return $s;

return file_put_contents($filename, $s);


function save_config($type=ini') {

return configure_save();

global $INI; $q = ZSystem::GetSaveINI($INI);

if ( strtoupper($type) == 'INI' ) {

if (!is_writeable(SYS_INIFILE)) return false;

return write_ini_file($q, SYS_INIFILE);


if ( strtoupper($type) == 'PHP' ) {

if (!is_writeable(SYS_PHPFILE)) return false;

return write_php_file($q, SYS_PHPFILE);


return false;


function save_system($ini) {

$system = Table::Fetch('system', 1);

$ini = ZSystem::GetUnsetINI($ini);

$value = Utility::ExtraEncode($ini);

$table = new Table('system', array('value'=>$value));

if ( $system ) $table->SetPK('id', 1);

return $table->update(array( 'value'));


/* user relative */

function need_login($wap=false) {

if ( isset($_SESSION['user_id]) ) {

if (is_post()) {




return $_SESSION['user_id'];


if ( is_get() ) {

Session::Set('loginpage', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

} else {

Session::Set('loginpage', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

Session::Set('loginpagepost', json_encode($_POST));


if (true===$wap) {

return redirect(WEB_ROOT . '/wap/login.php');


return redirect(WEB_ROOT . '/account/loginup.php');


function need_post() {

return is_post() ? true : redirect(WEB_ROOT . '/index.php');


function need_manager($super=false) {

if ( ! is_manager() ) {

redirect( WEB_ROOT . '/manage/login.php' );


if ( ! $super ) return true;

if ( abs(intval($_SESSION['user_id'])) == 1 ) return true;

return redirect( WEB_ROOT . '/manage/misc/index.php');


function need_partner() {

return is_partner() ? true : redirect( WEB_ROOT . '/biz/login.php');


function need_open($b=true) {

if (true===$b) {

return true;


if ($AJAX) json('Este recurso não está aberto', 'alert');

Session::Set('error', 'Características página que você visita não está aberto');

redirect( WEB_ROOT . '/index.php');


function need_auth($b=true) {

global $AJAX, $INI, $login_user;

if (is_string($b)) {

$auths = $INI['authorization'][$login_user['id']];

$b = is_manager(true)||in_array($b, $auths);


if (true===$b) {

return true;


if ($AJAX) json('????', 'alert');

die(include template('manage_misc_noright'));


function is_manager($super=false, $weak=false) {

global $login_user;

if ( $weak===false &&

( !$_SESSION['admin_id']

|| $_SESSION['admin_id'] != $login_user['id']) ) {

return false;


if ( ! $super ) return ($login_user['manager'] == 'Y');

return $login_user['id'] == 1;


function is_partner() {

return ($_SESSION['partner_id']>0);


function is_newbie(){ return (cookieget('newbie')!=N'); }

function is_get() { return ! is_post(); }

function is_post() {

return strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD]) == 'POST';


function is_login() {

return isset($_SESSION['user_id']);


function get_loginpage($default=null) {

$loginpage = Session::Get('loginpage', true);

if ($loginpage) return $loginpage;

if ($default) return $default;

return WEB_ROOT . '/index.php';


function cookie_city($city) {

global $hotcities;

if($city) {

cookieset('city', $city['id']);

return $city;


$city_id = cookieget('city');

$city = Table::Fetch('category', $city_id);

if (!$city) $city = get_city();

if (!$city) $city = array_shift($hotcities);

if ($city) return cookie_city($city);

return $city;


function ename_city($ename=null) {

return DB::LimitQuery('category', array(

'condition' => array(

'zone' => 'city',

'ename' => $ename,


'one' => true,



function cookieset($k, $v, $expire=0) {

$pre = substr(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']),0,4);

$k = "{$pre}_{$k}";

if ($expire==0) {

$expire = time() + 365 * 86400;

} else {

$expire += time();


setCookie($k, $v, $expire, '/');


function cookieget($k, $default=') {

$pre = substr(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST]),0,4);

$k = "{$pre}_{$k}";

return isset($_COOKIE[$k]) ? strval($_COOKIE[$k]) : $default;


function moneyit($k) {

return rtrim(rtrim(sprintf("%1.2f",$k), ' '), '.');


function moneyit2($k) {

$moeda2 = number_format($k, '0'); // Formata o número colocando duas casas decimais

return rtrim($moeda2);



function moneyit($k) {

return rtrim(rtrim(sprintf('%.2f',$k), '0'), '.');


function debug($v, $e=false) {

global $login_user_id;

if ($login_user_id==100000) {

echo "<pre>";

var_dump( $v);

if($e) exit;



function getparam($index=0, $default=0) {

if (is_numeric($default)) {

$v = abs(intval($_GET['param'][$index]));

} else $v = strval($_GET['param'][$index]);

return $v ? $v : $default;


function getpage() {

$c = abs(intval($_GET['page']));

return $c ? $c : 1;


function pagestring($count, $pagesize, $wap=false) {

$p = new Pager($count, $pagesize, 'page');

if ($wap) {

return array($pagesize, $p->offset, $p->genWap());


return array($pagesize, $p->offset, $p->genBasic());


function uencode($u) {

return base64_encode(urlEncode($u));


function udecode($u) {

return urlDecode(base64_decode($u));


function share_facebook($team) {

global $login_user_id;

global $INI;

if ($team) {

$query = array(

'u' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/team.php?id={$team['id']}&r={$login_user_id}",

't' => $team['title'],



else {

$query = array(

'u' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/r.php?r={$login_user_id}",

't' => $INI['system']['sitename'] . '(' .$INI['system']['wwwprefix']. ')',



$query = http_build_query($query);

return ''.$query;


/* twitter @Harry */

function share_twitter($team) {

global $login_user_id;

global $INI;

if ($team) {

$query = array(

'status' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/team.php?id={$team['id']}&r={$login_user_id}" . ' ' . $team['title'],



else {

$query = array(

'status' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/r.php?r={$login_user_id}" . ' ' . $INI['system']['sitename'] . '(' .$INI['system']['wwwprefix']. ')',



$query = http_build_query($query);

return ''.$query;


/* share link */

function share_renren($team) {

global $login_user_id;

global $INI;

if ($team) {

$query = array(

'link' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/team.php?id={$team['id']}&r={$login_user_id}",

'title' => $team['title'],



else {

$query = array(

'link' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/r.php?r={$login_user_id}",

'title' => $INI['system']['sitename'] . '(' .$INI['system']['wwwprefix']. ')',



$query = http_build_query($query);

return ''.$query;


function share_kaixin($team) {

global $login_user_id;

global $INI;

if ($team) {

$query = array(

'rurl' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/team.php?id={$team['id']}&r={$login_user_id}",

'rtitle' => $team['title'],

'rcontent' => strip_tags($team['summary']),



else {

$query = array(

'rurl' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/r.php?r={$login_user_id}",

'rtitle' => $INI['system']['sitename'] . '(' .$INI['system']['wwwprefix']. ')',

'rcontent' => $INI['system']['sitename'] . '(' .$INI['system']['wwwprefix']. ')',



$query = http_build_query($query);

return ''.$query;


function share_douban($team) {

global $login_user_id;

global $INI;

if ($team) {

$query = array(

'url' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/team.php?id={$team['id']}&r={$login_user_id}",

'title' => $team['title'],



else {

$query = array(

'url' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/r.php?r={$login_user_id}",

'title' => $INI['system']['sitename'] . '(' .$INI['system']['wwwprefix']. ')',



$query = http_build_query($query);

return ''.$query;


function share_sina($team) {

global $login_user_id;

global $INI;

if ($team) {

$query = array(

'url' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/team.php?id={$team['id']}&r={$login_user_id}",

'title' => $team['title'],



else {

$query = array(

'url' => $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/r.php?r={$login_user_id}",

'title' => $INI['system']['sitename'] . '(' .$INI['system']['wwwprefix']. ')',



$query = http_build_query($query);

return ''.$query;


function share_mail($team) {

global $login_user_id;

global $INI;

if (!$team) {

$team = array(

'title' => $INI['system']['sitename'] . '(' . $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . ')',



$pre[] = "Found a good site--{$INI['system']['sitename']}?Every day is a New deal!";

if ( $team['id'] ) {

$pre[] = "Customers today are:{$team['title']}";

$pre[] = "I think you will be interested in:";

$pre[] = $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/team.php?id={$team['id']}&r={$login_user_id}";

$pre = mb_convert_encoding(join("\n\n", $pre), 'GBK', 'UTF-8');

$sub = "You are interested in?{$team['title']}";

} else {

$sub = $pre[] = $team['title'];


$sub = mb_convert_encoding($sub, 'GBK', 'UTF-8');

$query = array( 'subject' => $sub, 'body' => $pre, );

$query = http_build_query($query);

return 'mailto:?'.$query;


function domainit($url) {

if(strpos($url,'//')) { preg_match('#[//]([^/]+)#', $url, $m);

} else { preg_match('#[//]?([^/]+)#', $url, $m); }

return $m[1];


// that the recursive feature on mkdir() is broken with PHP 5.0.4 for

function RecursiveMkdir($path) {

if (!file_exists($path)) {


@mkdir($path, 0777);



function upload_image($input, $image=null, $type=team', $scale=false) {

$year = date('Y'); $day = date('md'); $n = time().rand(1000,9999).'.jpg';

$z = $_FILES[$input];

if ($z && strpos($z['type], 'image')===0 && $z['error']==0) {

if (!$image) {

RecursiveMkdir( IMG_ROOT . '/' . "{$type}/{$year}/{$day}" );

$image = "{$type}/{$year}/{$day}/{$n}";

$path = IMG_ROOT . '/' . $image;

} else {

RecursiveMkdir( dirname(IMG_ROOT .'/' .$image) );

$path = IMG_ROOT . '/' .$image;


if ($type==user') {

Image::Convert($z['tmp_name], $path, 48, 48, Image::MODE_CUT);


else if($type=='team') {

move_uploaded_file($z['tmp_name'], $path);


if($type==team' && $scale) {

$npath = preg_replace('#(\d+)\.(\w+)$#', "\\1_index.\\2", $path);

Image::Convert($path, $npath, 200, 120, Image::MODE_CUT);


return $image;


return $image;


function user_image($image=null) {

global $INI;

if (!$image) {

return $INI['system]['imgprefix'] . '/static/img/user-no-avatar.gif';


return $INI['system']['imgprefix'] . '/static/' .$image;


function team_image($image=null, $index=false) {

global $INI;

if (!$image) return null;

if ($index) {

$path = WWW_ROOT . '/static/' . $image;

$image = preg_replace('#(\d+)\.(\w+)$#', "\\1_index.\\2", $image);

$dest = WWW_ROOT . '/static/' . $image;

if (!file_exists($dest) && file_exists($path) ) {

Image::Convert($path, $dest, 200, 120, Image::MODE_SCALE);



return $INI['system']['imgprefix'] . '/static/' .$image;


function userreview($content) {

$line = preg_split("/[\n\r]+/", $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

$r = '<ul>';

foreach($line AS $one) {

$c = explode('|', htmlspecialchars($one));

$c[2] = $c[2] ? $c[2] : '/';

$r .= "<li>{$c[0]}<span><a href=\"{$c[2]}\" target=\"_blank\">{$c[1]}</a>";

$r .= ($c[3] ? "?{$c[3]}?":'') . "</span></li>\n";


return $r.'</ul>';


function invite_state($invite) {

if ('Y' == $invite['pay']) return 'Rebate paid';

if ('C' == $invite['pay']) return 'Unapproved';

if ('N' == $invite['pay'] && $invite['buy_time']) return 'Rebate to be paid';

if (time()-$invite['create_time']>7*86400) return 'Expired';

return 'Not bought';


function team_state(&$team) {

if ( $team['now_number'] >= $team['min_number'] ) {

if ($team['max_number']>0) {

if ( $team['now_number']>=$team['max_number'] ){

if ($team['close_time']==0) {

$team['close_time'] = $team['end_time'];


return $team['state'] = 'soldout';



if ( $team['end_time'] <= time() ) {

$team['close_time'] = $team['end_time'];


return $team['state'] = 'success';

} else {

if ( $team['end_time'] <= time() ) {

$team['close_time'] = $team['end_time'];

return $team['state'] = 'failure';



return $team['state'] = 'none';


function current_team($city_id=0) {

$today = strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s'));

$cond = array(

'city_id' => array(0, abs(intval($city_id))),

'team_type' => 'normal',

"begin_time <= {$today}",

"end_time > {$today}",


$order = 'ORDER BY sort_order DESC, begin_time DESC, id DESC';

/* normal team */

$team = DB::LimitQuery('team', array(

'condition' => $cond,

'one' => true,

'order' => $order,


if ($team) return $team;

/* seconds team */

$cond['team_type'] = 'seconds';


$order = 'ORDER BY sort_order DESC, begin_time ASC, id DESC';

$team = DB::LimitQuery('team', array(

'condition' => $cond,

'one' => true,

'order' => $order,


return $team;


function state_explain($team, $error=false') {

$state = team_state($team);

$state = strtolower($state);

switch($state) {

case 'none': return 'Oferta em curso';

case 'soldout': return 'Oferta esgotada';

case 'failure': if($error) return 'Oferta não atingiu min. de compradores';

case 'success': return 'Sucesso na oferta';

default: return 'Oferta Finalizada';



function get_zones($zone=null) {

$zones = array(

'city' => 'Cidade',

'group' => 'Categoria de oferta',

'public' => 'Categoria do Forum',

'grade' => 'User Grade',

'express' => 'Express',

'partner' => 'Categoria de parceria',


if ( !$zone ) return $zones;

if (!in_array($zone, array_keys($zones))) {

$zone = 'city';


return array($zone, $zones[$zone]);


function down_xls($data, $keynames, $name='dataxls') {

$xls[] = "<html><meta http-equiv=content-type content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"><body><table border='1'>";

$xls[] = "<tr><td>ID</td><td>" . implode("</td><td>", array_values($keynames)) . '</td></tr>';

foreach($data As $o) {

$line = array(++$index);

foreach($keynames AS $k=>$v) {

$line[] = $o[$k];


$xls[] = '<tr><td>'. implode("</td><td>", $line) . '</td></tr>';


$xls[] = '</table></body></html>';

$xls = join("\r\n", $xls);

header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$name.'.xls"');



function option_hotcategory($zone='city', $force=false, $all=false) {

$cates = option_category($zone, $force, true);

$r = array();

foreach($cates AS $id=>$one) {

if ('Y'==strtoupper($one['display])) $r[$id] = $one;


return $all ? $r: Utility::OptionArray($r, 'id', 'name');


function option_category($zone=city', $force=false, $all=false) {

$cache = $force ? 0 : 86400*30;

$cates = DB::LimitQuery('category', array(

'condition' => array( 'zone' => $zone, ),

'order' => 'ORDER BY sort_order DESC, id DESC',

'cache' => $cache,


$cates = Utility::AssColumn($cates, 'id');

return $all ? $cates : Utility::OptionArray($cates, 'id', 'name');


function option_yes($n, $default=false) {

global $INI;

if (false==isset($INI['option][$n])) return $default;

$flag = trim(strval($INI['option'][$n]));

return abs(intval($flag)) || strtoupper($flag) == 'Y';


function option_yesv($n, $default=N') {

return option_yes($n, $default=='Y') ? 'Y' : 'N';


function magic_gpc($string) {


if(is_array($string)) {

foreach($string as $key => $val) {

$string[$key] = magic_gpc($val);


} else {

$string = stripslashes($string);



return $string;


function team_discount($team, $save=false) {

if ($team['market_price]<0 || $team['team_price']<0 ) {

return '?';


return moneyit((10*$team['team_price']/$team['market_price']));


function team_origin($team, $quantity=0) {

$origin = $quantity * $team['team_price'];

if ($team['delivery'] == 'express'

&& ($team['farefree']==0 || $quantity < $team['farefree'])

) {

$origin += $team['fare'];


return $origin;


function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {

switch ($errno) {

case E_PARSE:

case E_ERROR:

echo "<b>Fatal ERROR</b> [$errno] $errstr<br />\n";

echo "Fatal error on line $errline in file $errfile";

echo "PHP " . PHP_VERSION . " (" . PHP_OS . ")<br />\n";



default: break;


return true;


/* for obscureid */

function obscure_rep($u) {

if(!option_yes('encodeid')) return $u;

if(preg_match('#/manage/#', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) return $u;

return preg_replace_callback('#(\?|&)id=(\d+)(\b)#i', obscure_cb, $u);


function obscure_did() {

$gid = strval($_GET['id']);

if ($gid && strpos($gid, 'WR')===0) {

$_GET['id'] = base64_decode(substr($gid,2))>>2;



function obscure_cb($m) {

$eid = obscure_eid($m[2]);

return "{$m[1]}id={$eid}{$m[3]}";


function obscure_eid($id) {

return 'WR'.base64_encode($id<<2);



/* end */

/* for post trim */

function trimarray($o) {

if (!is_array($o)) return trim($o);

foreach($o AS $k=>$v) { $o[$k] = trimarray($v); }

return $o;


$_POST = trimarray($_POST);

/* end */


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