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Bom galera estou editando um DropDown de cidades e estou com um probleminha , nele e mostrado a cidade selecionada 3 vezes... alguém poderia me ajudar a solucionar esse problema?

<div class="LocationSelectDropDown">
<select onchange="location=this.value">
        $location = wm()->get('location.helper')->locationToData(wm()->get('deal.helper')->location());  //Pelo que percebi para solucionar preciso mudar aqui!
        echo $location['city']; ?></option>
<?php foreach($locations as $country=>$locs) { ?>
<?php if($showCountry) {?>
<optgroup label="<?php echo wm()->get('location.helper')->country($country); ?>"> 
<?php foreach($locs as $loc) { $params = wm()->get('location.helper')->urlParams($loc); ?>
        <option class="dropoption" value='<?php echo url('/',$params); ?>'><?php echo $loc['city']; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php foreach($locs as $loc) {
$params = wm()->get('location.helper')->urlParams($loc);
$defaultCountry = wm()->get('location.helper')->defaultCountry();
<?php if($country==$defaultCountry) {?>
        <option class="dropoption" value='<?php echo url('/',$params); ?>'><?php echo $loc['city']; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

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Segue abaixo:

class WLocationSelectDropDown extends UWidgetWorklet
    public function accessRules()
        return array(array('allow','users'=>array('*')));
    public function taskRenderOutput()
        $current = wm()->get('deal.helper')->location();
        $countries = array();
        $locations = array();
        $fixed = $this->param('fixed');
        if($this->param('src') == 'fixed' && is_array($fixed) && count($fixed))
            $fixed = $this->param('fixed');
            $fixed = $fixed?$fixed:array();
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM {{Location}} as t
                WHERE IN (".implode(',',$fixed).") ORDER BY country, city";
            $command = app()->db->createCommand($sql);
            $sql = "SELECT t2.* FROM
                    {{Deal}} as t1,
                    {{Location}} as t2,
                    {{DealLocation}} as t3
                AND t1.`active`=1 AND t1.`status`=1
                AND t1.`start` <= :time AND t1.`end` >= :time
                GROUP BY";
            $command = app()->db->createCommand($sql);
        $dataReader = $command->query();
            $country = $row['country'];
            $locations[$country][] = $row;

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