Cezar Rocha Postado Junho 21, 2011 Denunciar Share Postado Junho 21, 2011 Olá pessoal.Procuro alguém para fazer a conexão de um script ASP de classificados, que roda hj em Access para MySQL.Bom meu conhecimento é bem limitado! Na verdade até não sei se será possível...O script tem a opção de access e SQL.Vem inclusive com dois arquivos: sqlserver2K e sqlserver7O autor do script comenta o seguinte em relação a instalação do sql:If you are using SQLServer, be sure to edit the conn string with your perimeters (Data Source,Catalog, User ID, Password). Save and re-upload the file.With SQL Server, you will need to run "sqlserver2K.sql" OR "sqlserver7.sql",depending on your DB version. Here is further instructions for SQL Server:1.) Start up the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager. Connect to yourdatabase server and navigate to the 'Databases' folder.2.) Point to 'Action' then to 'New Database'3.) Type in a name for your new database and click 'OK'4.) Navigate to the 'Security' folder. Point to 'Action' then to 'NewLogin'5.) Choose a name and password for the new database account you have justmade. (Pick "SQL Server Authentication"). Change the default database to beyour new classified database.6.) Click on the tab that says 'Database Access'. Find the database you justcreated and checkmark it.At the bottom, pick 'db_dataowner', 'db_datareader', 'db_datawriter', togive this logon READ/WRITE access to this database.7.) Close the Enterprise Manager and start up the Query Analyzer.Log in to your database with administrator privileges (sa account?).Make certain that the database is set to the new database you created in theprevious steps.Paste in the SQL script (sqlserver2K.sql OR sqlserver7.sql) and hit the'Play' button. All your database tables should be created.Now open classifieds/login.asp with your web browser. Login with [E-mail:admin@yourwebsite.com] and [Password: password], then click "Admin Manage" at the top rightcorner. Click "Admin Config" link and edit the fields appropriately.ALGUÉM PODERIA ME AJUDAR?Obrigado.Cezar Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Cezar Rocha
Olá pessoal.
Procuro alguém para fazer a conexão de um script ASP de classificados, que roda hj em Access para MySQL.
Bom meu conhecimento é bem limitado! Na verdade até não sei se será possível...
O script tem a opção de access e SQL.
Vem inclusive com dois arquivos: sqlserver2K e sqlserver7
O autor do script comenta o seguinte em relação a instalação do sql:
If you are using SQL
Server, be sure to edit the conn string with your perimeters (Data Source,
Catalog, User ID, Password). Save and re-upload the file.
With SQL Server, you will need to run "sqlserver2K.sql" OR "sqlserver7.sql",
depending on your DB version. Here is further instructions for SQL Server:
1.) Start up the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager. Connect to your
database server and navigate to the 'Databases' folder.
2.) Point to 'Action' then to 'New Database'
3.) Type in a name for your new database and click 'OK'
4.) Navigate to the 'Security' folder. Point to 'Action' then to 'New
5.) Choose a name and password for the new database account you have just
made. (Pick "SQL Server Authentication"). Change the default database to be
your new classified database.
6.) Click on the tab that says 'Database Access'. Find the database you just
created and checkmark it.
At the bottom, pick 'db_dataowner', 'db_datareader', 'db_datawriter', to
give this logon READ/WRITE access to this database.
7.) Close the Enterprise Manager and start up the Query Analyzer.
Log in to your database with administrator privileges (sa account?).
Make certain that the database is set to the new database you created in the
previous steps.
Paste in the SQL script (sqlserver2K.sql OR sqlserver7.sql) and hit the
'Play' button. All your database tables should be created.
Now open classifieds/login.asp with your web browser. Login with [E-mail:
admin@yourwebsite.com] and [Password: password], then click "Admin Manage" at the top right
corner. Click "Admin Config" link and edit the fields appropriately.
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