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Compilar um script com mingw e corrigindo o script [HELP!]

Pedro Warlock


Olá Pessoal! Estou com um problema bem chato de se resolver. Eu sou leigo no ramo de c/c++. E ainda estou quebrando a cabeça. É o seguinte:

Existe um programa que é o ADVmenu. No site oficial desse programa eles dão o source do programa para qualquer um edita-lo. Meu problema é o seguinte. Um rapaz compilou esse programa e enviou os arquivos editados para um site e qualquer um baixar. Eu baixei e adicionei os arquivos no source do ADVmenu(Na verdade eu substituir). E na hora de compilar é apresentado o seguinte erro (imagem abaixo):

PARECE QUE OS COMANDOS: _ValorDaFicha, _Bloqueado e _SoundPlayA@8 estão com algum problema. Não sei o que é precisa declarar algo. Se precisa adicionar algum comando...Eu não sei, pois sou novato nisso. Mas Se alguém poder me ajudar eu agradeço!


aqui está o script:

 * This file is part of the Advance project.
 * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Andrea Mazzoleni
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details. 
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "portable.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "play.h"
#include "advance.h"

#include <windows.h> /*branco*/
#include <mmsystem.h>

#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <set>
#include <deque>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Orientation/Size

static unsigned int_orientation = 0; // orientation flags
static unsigned int_font_dx; // font width
static unsigned int_font_dy; // font height
static adv_font* int_font; // font (already orientation corrected)

static char flag_ficha = 0; //branco
static char flag_enter = 0;
extern int ValorDaFicha;
extern int bloqueado;

static inline void swap(unsigned& a, unsigned& b)
    unsigned t = a;
    a = b;
    b = t;

static inline void swap(int& a, int& b)
    int t = a;
    a = b;
    b = t;

void int_invrotate(int& x, int& y, int& dx, int& dy)
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) {
        x = video_size_x() - x - dx;
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) {
        y = video_size_y() - y - dy;
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
        swap(x, y);
        swap(dx, dy);

void int_rotate(int& x, int& y, int& dx, int& dy)
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
        swap(x, y);
        swap(dx, dy);
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) {
        x = video_size_x() - x - dx;
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) {
        y = video_size_y() - y - dy;

int int_dx_get()
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
        return video_size_y();
        return video_size_x();

int int_dy_get()
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
        return video_size_x();
        return video_size_y();

int int_font_dx_get()
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
        return int_font_dy;
        return int_font_dx;

int int_font_dx_get(const string& s)
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
        return adv_font_sizey_string(int_font, s.c_str(), s.c_str() + s.length());
        return adv_font_sizex_string(int_font, s.c_str(), s.c_str() + s.length());

int int_font_dy_get()
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
        return int_font_dx;
        return int_font_dy;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Joystick

static void int_joystick_reg(adv_conf* config_context)
    joystickb_reg(config_context, 0);

static void int_joystick_unreg()

static bool int_joystick_load(adv_conf* config_context)
    if (joystickb_load(config_context) != 0)
        return false;
    return true;

static bool int_joystick_init()
    if (joystickb_init() != 0)
        return false;
    return true;

static void int_joystick_done()

//função para verificar se tem fichas branco
static int tem_fichas()
    if (bloqueado==1){ //só teste se tem fichas caso o menu seja bloqueado
        int Ret;
        char buffer1[100];
        Ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","FICHAS","0", buffer1, 100, ".\\advmenu.ini");
        if ( Ret ){                            
            if ( atoi(buffer1) >= 30000) //foi usado 30000 para não dar problema com jogos por tempo
                return 1;
        return 0;
    return 1;

static void int_joystick_button_raw_poll()
    for(int i=0;i<joystickb_count_get();++i) {
        for(int j=0;j<joystickb_button_count_get(i);++j) {
            if ((joystickb_button_get(0, 6)!=1) && flag_ficha==1){flag_ficha=0;}
            if ((joystickb_button_get(0, 7)!=2) && flag_enter==1){flag_enter=0;}
            if (joystickb_button_get(i, j)) {
                switch (j) {
                case 1 :    //mesp_rp
                    if (i==0) { // troca de emulador
                case 2 :
                    if (i==0) { //muda o formato da lista
                case 6:                    
                    if (i==0 && flag_ficha==0 ){ //branco
                        int Ret=0, Fichas=0, Contador=0;
                        char buffer1[100];
                        Ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","FICHAS","0", buffer1, 100, ".\\advmenu.ini");
                        if ( Ret ){                            
                            Fichas+= ValorDaFicha;
                        if(Fichas !=0 ){
                            Ret= WritePrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","FICHAS", buffer1,".\\advmenu.ini");                        
                            Ret= WritePrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","FICHAS", "0", ".\\advmenu.ini");
                        Ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","CONTADOR","0", buffer1, 100, ".\\advmenu.ini");
                        if ( Ret ){
                            sprintf(buffer1, "%d", Contador);
                            Ret= WritePrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","CONTADOR", buffer1, ".\\advmenu.ini");
                        sndPlaySoundA( ".\\auxiliar\\som\\coin.wav", SND_ASYNC || SND_NODEFAULT );                        
                case 7 :
                    if (i==0 && flag_enter==0) { //seleciona o jogo branco
                        if ( bloqueado==1 ){
                            int Ret;
                            char buffer1[100];
                            Ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA("FICHEIRO","FICHAS","0", buffer1, 100, ".\\advmenu.ini");
                            if ( Ret ){                            
                                if ( atoi(buffer1) >= ValorDaFicha)//????branco isso não está dando problemas com jogos por tempo ?
                                    sndPlaySoundA( ".\\auxiliar\\som\\faltaficha.wav", SND_ASYNC || SND_NODEFAULT );
                            } else
                        } else
                case 8 :    //mesp_rp
                    if (i==0) { //fecha o front-end
                case 9 :
                    if (i==0){ //acessa o menu principal

static void int_joystick_move_raw_poll()
    for(int i=0;i<joystickb_count_get();++i) {
        for(int j=0;j<joystickb_stick_count_get(i);++j) {
            if (joystickb_stick_axe_count_get(i, j) > 0) {
                if (joystickb_stick_axe_digital_get(i, j, 0, 0)){//branco
                if (joystickb_stick_axe_digital_get(i, j, 0, 1)){//branco
            if (joystickb_stick_axe_count_get(i, j) > 1) {
                if (joystickb_stick_axe_digital_get(i, j, 1, 0)){//branco
                if (joystickb_stick_axe_digital_get(i, j, 1, 1)){//branco

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Key

static void int_key_reg(adv_conf* config_context)
    keyb_reg(config_context, 1);

static void int_key_unreg()

static bool int_key_load(adv_conf* config_context)
    if (keyb_load(config_context) != 0)
        return false;

    return true;

static bool int_key_init(bool disable_special)
    if (keyb_init(disable_special) != 0)
        return false;

    return true;

static void int_key_done()

static bool int_key_enable()
    if (keyb_enable(1) != 0) {
        return false;
    if (mouseb_enable() != 0) {
        return false;
    if (joystickb_enable() != 0) {
        return false;        

    return true;

static void int_key_disable()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mouse

static int int_mouse_delta; // mouse delta for a movement
static int int_mouse_pos_x; // mouse x position
static int int_mouse_pos_y; // mouse y position

static void int_mouse_reg(adv_conf* config_context)
    mouseb_reg(config_context, 0);
    conf_int_register_limit_default(config_context, "mouse_delta", 1, 1000, 100);

static void int_mouse_unreg()

static bool int_mouse_load(adv_conf* config_context)
    int_mouse_pos_x = 0;
    int_mouse_pos_y = 0;
    int_mouse_delta = conf_int_get_default(config_context, "mouse_delta");

    if (mouseb_load(config_context) != 0)
        return false;

    return true;

static bool int_mouse_init()
    if (mouseb_init() != 0)
        return false;

    return true;

static void int_mouse_done()

static void int_mouse_button_raw_poll()
    for(int i=0;i<mouseb_count_get();++i) {
        if (mouseb_button_count_get(i) > 0 && mouseb_button_get(i, 0))

        if (mouseb_button_count_get(i) > 1 && mouseb_button_get(i, 1))

        if (mouseb_button_count_get(i) > 2 && mouseb_button_get(i, 2))

static void int_mouse_move_raw_poll()
    for(int i=0;i<mouseb_count_get();++i) {
        int x, y;

        x = 0;
        y = 0;

        if (mouseb_axe_count_get(i) > 0)
            int_mouse_pos_x += mouseb_axe_get(i, 0);
        if (mouseb_axe_count_get(i) > 1)
            int_mouse_pos_y += mouseb_axe_get(i, 1);

    if (int_mouse_pos_x >= int_mouse_delta) {
        int_mouse_pos_x -= int_mouse_delta;

    if (int_mouse_pos_x <= -int_mouse_delta) {
        int_mouse_pos_x += int_mouse_delta;

    if (int_mouse_pos_y >= int_mouse_delta) {
        int_mouse_pos_y -= int_mouse_delta;

    if (int_mouse_pos_y <= -int_mouse_delta) {
        int_mouse_pos_y += int_mouse_delta;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Video mode choice

#define DEFAULT_GRAPH_MODE "default_graph" // default video mode

static unsigned int_mode_size; // requested mode size
static adv_mode int_current_mode; // selected video mode
static adv_monitor int_monitor; // monitor info
static adv_generate_interpolate_set int_interpolate;
static adv_crtc_container int_modelines;
static bool int_has_clock = false;
static bool int_has_generate = false;

// comparing for graphics mode
bool int_mode_graphics_less(const adv_mode* A, const adv_mode* B)
    int areaA = A->size_x * A->size_y;
    int areaB = B->size_x * B->size_y;

    int difA = abs(areaA - static_cast<int>(int_mode_size*int_mode_size*3/4));
    int difB = abs(areaB - static_cast<int>(int_mode_size*int_mode_size*3/4));

    return difA < difB;

static bool int_mode_find(bool& mode_found, unsigned index, adv_crtc_container& modelines)
    adv_crtc_container_iterator i;
    adv_error err;

    // search the default name
    for(crtc_container_iterator_begin(&i, &modelines);!crtc_container_iterator_is_end(&i);crtc_container_iterator_next(&i)) {
        const adv_crtc* crtc = crtc_container_iterator_get(&i);
        if (strcmp(crtc->name, DEFAULT_GRAPH_MODE)==0) {

            // check the clocks only if the driver is programmable
            if ((video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0) & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_PROGRAMMABLE_CLOCK)!=0) {
                if (!crtc_clock_check(&int_monitor, crtc)) {
                    target_err("The selected mode '%s' is out of your monitor capabilities.\n", DEFAULT_GRAPH_MODE);
                    return false;

            if (video_mode_generate(&int_current_mode, crtc, index)!=0) {
                target_err("The selected mode '%s' is out of your video board capabilities.\n", DEFAULT_GRAPH_MODE);
                return false;

            mode_found = true;
            return true;

    // generate an exact mode with clock
    if (int_has_generate) {
        adv_crtc crtc;
        err = generate_find_interpolate(&crtc, int_mode_size, int_mode_size*3/4, 70, &int_monitor, &int_interpolate, video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0), GENERATE_ADJUST_EXACT | GENERATE_ADJUST_VCLOCK);
        if (err == 0) {
            if (crtc_clock_check(&int_monitor, &crtc)) {
                adv_mode mode;
                if (video_mode_generate(&mode, &crtc, index)==0) {
                    int_current_mode = mode;
                    mode_found = true;
                    log_std(("text: generating a perfect mode from the format option.\n"));
                    return true;

    // generate any resolution for a window manager
    if ((video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_OUTPUT_WINDOW))!=0) {
        adv_crtc crtc;
        crtc_fake_set(&crtc, int_mode_size, int_mode_size*3/4);

        adv_mode mode;
        if (video_mode_generate(&mode, &crtc, index)==0) {
            int_current_mode = mode;
            mode_found = true;
            log_std(("text: generating a perfect mode for the window manager.\n"));
            return true;

    // search the best on the list
    for(crtc_container_iterator_begin(&i, &modelines);!crtc_container_iterator_is_end(&i);crtc_container_iterator_next(&i)) {
        const adv_crtc* crtc = crtc_container_iterator_get(&i);

        // check the clocks only if the driver is programmable
        if ((video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0) & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_PROGRAMMABLE_CLOCK)!=0) {
            if (!crtc_clock_check(&int_monitor, crtc)) {

        adv_mode mode;
        if (video_mode_generate(&mode, crtc, index)==0) {
            if (!mode_found || int_mode_graphics_less(&mode, &int_current_mode)) {
                int_current_mode = mode;
                mode_found = true;

    return true;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Visual Interface

static bool int_updating_active; ///< If updating at the video is possible, or we are in a drawing stage.

static double int_gamma; ///< Video gamma.
static double int_brightness; ///< Video brightness.

static unsigned int_idle_0; ///< Seconds before the first 0 event.
static unsigned int_idle_0_rep; ///< Seconds before the second 0 event.
static unsigned int_idle_1; ///< Seconds before the first 1 event.
static unsigned int_idle_1_rep; ///< Seconds before the second 1 event.
static time_t int_idle_time_current; ///< Last time check in idle.
static bool int_idle_0_state; ///< Idle event 0 enabler.
static bool int_idle_1_state; ///< Idle event 1 enabler.
static int int_last; ///< Last event.

static bool int_wait_for_backdrop; ///< Wait for the backdrop draw completion before accepting events.

static unsigned video_buffer_size; ///< Video buffer size in bytes.
static unsigned video_buffer_line_size; ///< Bideo buffer scanline size in bytes.
static unsigned video_buffer_pixel_size; ///< Video buffer pixel size in bytes.
static unsigned char* video_foreground_buffer; ///< Video foreground_buffer in memory.
static unsigned char* video_background_buffer; ///< Video background buffer in memory.
static adv_bitmap* video_foreground_bitmap; ///< Video buffer bitmap in memory.
static adv_bitmap* video_background_bitmap; ///< Video buffer bitmap in memory.
adv_bool video_alpha_flag; ///< Color translucency enabled.
adv_color_def video_alpha_color_def; ///< Color definition for the alpha buffers.
unsigned video_alpha_bytes_per_pixel; ///< Pixel size of the alpha buffers.

void int_reg(adv_conf* config_context)

    video_reg(config_context, 1);



bool int_load(adv_conf* config_context)
    adv_error err;

    if (!int_joystick_load(config_context))
        return false;
    if (!int_mouse_load(config_context))
        return false;
    if (!int_key_load(config_context))
        return false;

    err = generate_interpolate_load(config_context, &int_interpolate);
    if (err<0) {
        target_err("%s\n", error_get());
        return false;
    if (err==0) {
        int_has_generate = true;
    } else {
        int_has_generate = false;
        log_std(("text: format option not found.\n"));

    err = monitor_load(config_context, &int_monitor);
    if (err<0) {
        target_err("%s\n", error_get());
        return false;
    if (err==0) {
        int_has_clock = true;
    } else {
        int_has_clock = false;
        monitor_parse(&int_monitor, "10 - 150 / 30.5 - 60 / 55 - 90");
        log_std(("text: clock options not found. Use default SVGA monitor clocks.\n"));

    err = video_load(config_context, "");
    if (err != 0) {
        target_err("%s\n", error_get());
        return false;

    err = crtc_container_load(config_context, &int_modelines);
    if (err!=0) {
        target_err("%s\n", error_get());
        return false;

    return true;

void int_unreg(void)

bool int_init(unsigned size)
    unsigned index;
    bool mode_found = false;

    int_mode_size = size;

    if (video_init() != 0) {
        target_err("%s\n", error_get());
        goto out;

    if (video_blit_init() != 0) {
        target_err("%s\n", error_get());
        goto int_video;

    if ((video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0) & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_OUTPUT_OVERLAY)!=0) {
        target_err("Zoom output mode not supported by this program.\n");
        goto int_blit;

    // disable generate if the clocks are not available
    if (!int_has_clock)
        int_has_generate = false;

    // disable generate if the driver is not programmable
    if ((video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0) & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_PROGRAMMABLE_CLOCK)==0)
        int_has_generate = false;

    // add modes if the list is empty and no generation is possibile
    if (!int_has_generate && crtc_container_is_empty(&int_modelines)) {

    // check if the video driver has a default bit depth
    switch (video_mode_generate_driver_flags(VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_MODE_GRAPH_MASK, 0) & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_DEFAULT_MASK) {
        index = 0;

    if (index) {
        if (!int_mode_find(mode_found, index, int_modelines))
            goto int_blit;

    // if no mode found retry with a different bit depth
    if (!mode_found) {
        unsigned* i;

        i = select;
        while (*i && !mode_found) {
            if (!int_mode_find(mode_found, *i, int_modelines))
                goto int_blit;

    if (!mode_found) {
        target_err("No video modes available for your current configuration.\n");
        goto int_blit;

    return true;

    return false;

void int_done()

bool int_set(double gamma, double brightness, unsigned idle_0, unsigned idle_0_rep, unsigned idle_1, unsigned idle_1_rep, bool backdrop_fast, unsigned translucency, bool disable_special)
    int_idle_time_current = time(0);
    int_idle_0 = idle_0;
    int_idle_1 = idle_1;
    int_idle_0_rep = idle_0_rep;
    int_idle_1_rep = idle_1_rep;
    int_idle_0_state = true;
    int_idle_1_state = true;
    int_wait_for_backdrop = !backdrop_fast;
    if (gamma < 0.1) gamma = 0.1;
    if (gamma > 10) gamma = 10;
    int_gamma = 1.0 / gamma;
    int_brightness = brightness;

    if (!int_key_init(disable_special)) {
        target_err("%s\n", error_get());
        goto err;

    if (!int_joystick_init()) {
        target_err("%s\n", error_get());
        goto err_key;

    if (!int_mouse_init()) {
        target_err("%s\n", error_get());
        goto err_joy;

    if (video_mode_set(&int_current_mode) != 0) {
        target_err("%s\n", error_get());
        goto err_mouse;

    video_alpha_flag = translucency != 255;
    video_alpha_color_def = color_def_make_rgb_from_sizelenpos(4, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 0); /* BGRA */
    video_alpha_bytes_per_pixel = color_def_bytes_per_pixel_get(video_alpha_color_def);

    color_setup(video_color_def(), video_alpha_color_def, translucency);

    if (!int_key_enable()) {
        target_err("%s\n", error_get());
        goto err_mouse;

    return true;
    return false;

void int_unplug()

void int_plug()
    if (joystickb_init() != 0)

    if (mouseb_init() != 0)

    if (keyb_enable(1) != 0) {

    if (mouseb_enable() != 0) {

    if (joystickb_enable() != 0) {

void int_unset(bool reset_video_mode)

    if (reset_video_mode) {
        if ((video_driver_flags() & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_OUTPUT_WINDOW)==0) {
            video_clear(0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), 0);
            video_write_unlock(0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y());
    } else {


bool int_enable(int fontx, int fonty, const string& font, unsigned orientation)
    int_orientation = orientation;
    unsigned font_size_x;
    unsigned font_size_y;

    if (fonty >= 5 && fonty <= 100)
        font_size_y = video_size_y() / fonty;
        font_size_y = video_size_y() / 45;
    if (fontx >= 5 && fontx <= 200)
        font_size_x = video_size_x() / fontx;
        font_size_x = font_size_y * video_size_x() * 3 / video_size_y() / 4;

    // load the font
    int_font = 0;
    if (font != "none" && font != "auto") {
        adv_fz* f = fzopen(font.c_str(), "rb");
        if (f) {
            int_font = adv_font_load(f, font_size_x, font_size_y);
    if (!int_font)
        int_font = adv_font_default(font_size_x, font_size_y, 0);

    // set the orientation
    adv_font_orientation(int_font, int_orientation);

    // compute font size
    int_font_dx = adv_font_sizex(int_font);
    int_font_dy = adv_font_sizey(int_font);

    video_buffer_pixel_size = video_bytes_per_pixel();
    video_buffer_line_size = video_size_x() * video_bytes_per_pixel();
    video_buffer_size = video_size_y() * video_buffer_line_size;
    video_foreground_buffer = (unsigned char*)operator new(video_buffer_size);
    video_background_buffer = (unsigned char*)operator new(video_buffer_size);
    video_foreground_bitmap = adv_bitmap_import_rgb(video_size_x(), video_size_y(), video_buffer_pixel_size, 0, 0, video_foreground_buffer, video_buffer_line_size);
    video_background_bitmap = adv_bitmap_import_rgb(video_size_x(), video_size_y(), video_buffer_pixel_size, 0, 0, video_background_buffer, video_buffer_line_size);

    memset(video_background_buffer, 0, video_buffer_size);
    memset(video_foreground_buffer, 0, video_buffer_size);

    int_updating_active = false;

    return true;

void int_disable()
    operator delete(video_foreground_buffer);
    operator delete(video_background_buffer);

 * Save the current video buffer and return a pointer at the copy.
void* int_save()
    void* buffer = operator new(video_buffer_size);

    memcpy(buffer, video_foreground_buffer, video_buffer_size);

    return buffer;

 * Restore a previously saved video buffer.
void int_restore(void* buffer)
    memcpy(video_foreground_buffer, buffer, video_buffer_size);

    operator delete(buffer);

static int fast_exit_handler(void)
    if (int_wait_for_backdrop)
        return 0;

    // update

    int key = event_peek();

    return key == EVENT_PGUP
        || key == EVENT_PGDN
        || key == EVENT_INS
        || key == EVENT_DEL
        || key == EVENT_HOME
        || key == EVENT_END
        || key == EVENT_UP
        || key == EVENT_DOWN
        || key == EVENT_LEFT
        || key == EVENT_RIGHT
        || key == EVENT_MODE;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cell Position

class cell_pos_t {
    // Position of the cell in the screen
    int x;
    int y;
    int dx;
    int dy;

    // Position of the cell in the screen, already rotated
    int real_x;
    int real_y;
    int real_dx;
    int real_dy;

    void compute_size(unsigned* rx, unsigned* ry, const adv_bitmap* bitmap, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, double aspect_expand);
    void draw_backdrop(const adv_bitmap* map, const adv_color_rgb& background);
    void draw_clip(const adv_bitmap* map, adv_color_rgb* rgb_map, unsigned rgb_max, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, double aspect_expand, const adv_color_rgb& background, bool clear);
    void clear(const adv_color_rgb& background);
    void redraw();
    void border(int width, const adv_color_rgb& color);

void cell_pos_t::redraw()

    video_stretch_direct(real_x, real_y, real_dx, real_dy, video_foreground_buffer + real_y * video_buffer_line_size + real_x * video_bytes_per_pixel(), real_dx, real_dy, video_buffer_line_size, video_bytes_per_pixel(), video_color_def(), 0);

    video_write_unlock(real_x, real_y, real_dx, real_dy);

void cell_pos_t::compute_size(unsigned* rx, unsigned* ry, const adv_bitmap* bitmap, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, double aspect_expand)
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
        unsigned t = aspectx;
        aspectx = aspecty;
        aspecty = t;

    if (!aspectx || !aspecty) {
        aspectx = bitmap->size_x;
        aspecty = bitmap->size_y;

    if (!aspectx || !aspecty) {
        aspectx = 1;
        aspecty = 1;

    aspectx *= 3 * video_size_x();
    aspecty *= 4 * video_size_y();

    if (aspectx * real_dy > aspecty * real_dx) {
        *rx = real_dx;
        *ry = static_cast<unsigned>(real_dx * aspecty * aspect_expand / aspectx);
    } else {
        *rx = static_cast<unsigned>(real_dy * aspectx * aspect_expand / aspecty);
        *ry = real_dy;
    if (*rx > real_dx)
        *rx = real_dx;
    if (*ry > real_dy)
        *ry = real_dy;

static void gen_clear_raw(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, const adv_color_rgb& color)
    adv_pixel pixel = video_pixel_get(,,;

    adv_bitmap_clear(video_foreground_bitmap, x, y, dx, dy, pixel);

static void gen_clear_alpha(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, const adv_color_rgb& color)
    if (video_alpha_flag)
        adv_bitmap_clear_alphaback(video_foreground_bitmap, x, y, video_color_def(), video_background_bitmap, x, y, color, dx, dy);
        gen_clear_raw(x, y, dx, dy, color);

void cell_pos_t::draw_backdrop(const adv_bitmap* map, const adv_color_rgb& background)
    unsigned x0 = (real_dx - map->size_x) / 2;
    unsigned x1 = real_dx -  map->size_x - x0;
    unsigned y0 = (real_dy - map->size_y) / 2;
    unsigned y1 = real_dy -  map->size_y - y0;
    if (x0)
        gen_clear_alpha(real_x, real_y, x0, real_dy, background);
    if (x1)
        gen_clear_alpha(real_x + real_dx - x1, real_y, x1, real_dy, background);
    if (y0)
        gen_clear_alpha(real_x, real_y, real_dx, y0, background);
    if (y1)
        gen_clear_alpha(real_x, real_y + real_dy - y1, real_dx, y1, background);

    adv_bitmap_put(video_foreground_bitmap, real_x + x0, real_y + y0, map, 0, 0, map->size_x, map->size_y);

void cell_pos_t::clear(const adv_color_rgb& background)
    gen_clear_alpha(real_x, real_y, real_dx, real_dy, background);

void cell_pos_t::draw_clip(const adv_bitmap* bitmap, adv_color_rgb* rgb_map, unsigned rgb_max, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, double aspect_expand, const adv_color_rgb& background, bool clear)
    adv_pixel pixel = video_pixel_get(,,;

    // source range and steps
    unsigned char* ptr = bitmap->ptr;
    int dw = bitmap->bytes_per_scanline;
    int dp = bitmap->bytes_per_pixel;
    int dx = bitmap->size_x;
    int dy = bitmap->size_y;

    // set the correct orientation
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
        int t;
        t = dp;
        dp = dw;
        dw = t;
        t = dx;
        dx = dy;
        dy = t;
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) {
        ptr = ptr + (dx-1) * dp;
        dp = - dp;
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) {
        ptr = ptr + (dy-1) * dw;
        dw = - dw;

    // destination range
    unsigned dst_dx;
    unsigned dst_dy;
    unsigned dst_x;
    unsigned dst_y;
    dst_x = real_x;
    dst_y = real_y;
    dst_dx = real_dx;
    dst_dy = real_dy;

    // compute the size of the bitmap
    unsigned rel_dx;
    unsigned rel_dy;
    compute_size(&rel_dx, &rel_dy, bitmap, aspectx, aspecty, aspect_expand);

    // adjust the destination range if too big
    if (dst_dx > rel_dx) {
        unsigned pre_dx = (dst_dx - rel_dx) / 2;
        unsigned post_dx = (dst_dx - rel_dx + 1) / 2;

        if (clear) {
            gen_clear_alpha(dst_x, dst_y, pre_dx, dst_dy, background);
            gen_clear_alpha(dst_x + pre_dx + rel_dx, dst_y, post_dx, dst_dy, background);

        dst_x += pre_dx;
        dst_dx = rel_dx;
    if (dst_dy > rel_dy) {
        unsigned pre_dy = (dst_dy - rel_dy) / 2;
        unsigned post_dy = (dst_dy - rel_dy + 1) / 2;

        if (clear) {
            gen_clear_alpha(dst_x, dst_y, dst_dx, pre_dy, background);
            gen_clear_alpha(dst_x, dst_y + pre_dy + rel_dy, dst_dx, post_dy, background);

        dst_y += pre_dy;
        dst_dy = rel_dy;

    unsigned combine = VIDEO_COMBINE_Y_NONE;
    if (dst_dx < dx)
        combine |= VIDEO_COMBINE_X_MEAN;
    if (dst_dy < dy)
        combine |= VIDEO_COMBINE_Y_MEAN;

    struct video_pipeline_struct pipeline;


    video_pipeline_target(&pipeline, video_foreground_buffer, video_buffer_line_size, video_color_def());

    uint32 palette32[256];
    uint16 palette16[256];
    uint8 palette8[256];
    if (bitmap->bytes_per_pixel == 1) {
        for(unsigned i=0;i<rgb_max;++i) {
            adv_pixel p = video_pixel_get(rgb_map[i].red, rgb_map[i].green, rgb_map[i].blue);
            palette32[i] = p;
            palette16[i] = p;
            palette8[i] = p;
        video_pipeline_palette8(&pipeline, dst_dx, dst_dy, dx, dy, dw, dp, palette8, palette16, palette32, combine);
    } else {
        adv_color_def def = adv_png_color_def(bitmap->bytes_per_pixel);
        video_pipeline_direct(&pipeline, dst_dx, dst_dy, dx, dy, dw, dp, def, combine);

    video_pipeline_blit(&pipeline, dst_x, dst_y, ptr);


void cell_pos_t::border(int width, const adv_color_rgb& color)
    int x = real_x - width;
    int y = real_y - width;
    int dx = real_dx + width * 2;
    int dy = real_dy + width * 2;

    gen_clear_raw(x, y, dx, width, color);
    gen_clear_raw(x, y+dy-width, dx, width, color);
    gen_clear_raw(x, y+width, width, dy-2*width, color);
    gen_clear_raw(x+dx-width, y+width, width, dy-2*width, color);

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Backdrop

// Backdrop (already orientation corrected)
class backdrop_data {
    adv_bitmap* map;
    resource res;
    unsigned target_dx;
    unsigned target_dy;
    unsigned aspectx;
    unsigned aspecty;

    void icon_apply(adv_bitmap* bitmap, adv_bitmap* bitmap_mask, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, const adv_color_rgb& background);
    adv_bitmap* image_load(const resource& res, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, const adv_color_rgb& background);
    adv_bitmap* adapt(adv_bitmap* bitmap, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, unsigned dst_dx, unsigned dst_dy);

    backdrop_data(const resource& Ares, unsigned Atarget_dx, unsigned Atarget_dy, unsigned Aaspectx, unsigned Aaspecty);

    bool is_active() const { return map != 0; }
    const resource& res_get() const { return res; }
    const adv_bitmap* bitmap_get() const { return map; }

    unsigned target_dx_get() const { return target_dx; }
    unsigned target_dy_get() const { return target_dy; }
    unsigned aspectx_get() const { return aspectx; }
    unsigned aspecty_get() const { return aspecty; }

    void load(struct cell_pos_t* cell, const adv_color_rgb& background, double aspect_expand);

backdrop_data::backdrop_data(const resource& Ares, unsigned Atarget_dx, unsigned Atarget_dy, unsigned Aaspectx, unsigned Aaspecty)
    : res(Ares), target_dx(Atarget_dx), target_dy(Atarget_dy), aspectx(Aaspectx), aspecty(Aaspecty) {
    map = 0;

    if (map)

void backdrop_data::icon_apply(adv_bitmap* bitmap, adv_bitmap* bitmap_mask, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, const adv_color_rgb& background)
    unsigned index;
    if (*rgb_max == 256) {
        unsigned count[256];
        for(unsigned i=0;i<256;++i)
            count[i] = 0;

        for(unsigned y=0;y<bitmap->size_y;++y) {
            uint8* line = adv_bitmap_line(bitmap, y);
            for(unsigned x=0;x<bitmap->size_x;++x)

        index = 0;
        for(unsigned i=0;i<256;++i)
            if (count[i] < count[index])
                index = i;

        if (count[index] != 0) {
            unsigned substitute = 0;
            for(unsigned y=0;y<bitmap->size_y;++y) {
                uint8* line = adv_bitmap_line(bitmap, y);
                for(unsigned x=0;x<bitmap->size_x;++x)
                    if (line[x] == index)
                        line[x] = substitute;
    } else {
        index = *rgb_max;

    rgb[index].red =;
    rgb[index].green =;
    rgb[index].blue =;
    rgb[index].alpha = 0;

    for(unsigned y=0;y<bitmap->size_y;++y) {
        uint8* line = adv_bitmap_line(bitmap, y);
        uint8* line_mask = adv_bitmap_line(bitmap_mask, y);
        for(unsigned x=0;x<bitmap->size_x;++x) {
            if (!line_mask[x])
                line[x] = index;

adv_bitmap* backdrop_data::image_load(const resource& res, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, const adv_color_rgb& background)
    string ext = file_ext(res.path_get());

    if (ext == ".png") {
        adv_fz* f =;
        if (!f)
            return 0;

        adv_bitmap* bitmap = adv_bitmap_load_png(rgb, rgb_max, f);
        if (!bitmap) {
            return 0;

        return bitmap;

    if (ext == ".pcx") {
        adv_fz* f =;
        if (!f)
            return 0;

        adv_bitmap* bitmap = adv_bitmap_load_pcx(rgb, rgb_max, f);

        return bitmap;

    if (ext == ".ico") {
        adv_fz* f =;
        if (!f)
            return 0;

        adv_bitmap* bitmap_mask;
        adv_bitmap* bitmap = adv_bitmap_load_icon(rgb, rgb_max, &bitmap_mask, f);
        if (!bitmap) {
            return 0;

        icon_apply(bitmap, bitmap_mask, rgb, rgb_max, background);

        return bitmap;

    if (ext == ".mng") {
        adv_mng* mng;

        adv_fz* f =;
        if (!f)
            return 0;

        mng = adv_mng_init(f);
        if (mng == 0) {
            return 0;

        unsigned pix_width;
        unsigned pix_height;
        unsigned pix_pixel;
        unsigned char* dat_ptr;
        unsigned dat_size;
        unsigned char* pix_ptr;
        unsigned pix_scanline;
        unsigned char* pal_ptr;
        unsigned pal_size;
        unsigned tick;

        int r = adv_mng_read_done(mng, &pix_width, &pix_height, &pix_pixel, &dat_ptr, &dat_size, &pix_ptr, &pix_scanline, &pal_ptr, &pal_size, &tick, f);
        if (r != 0) {
            return 0;

        adv_bitmap* bitmap = adv_bitmap_import_palette(rgb, rgb_max, pix_width, pix_height, pix_pixel, dat_ptr, dat_size, pix_ptr, pix_scanline, pal_ptr, pal_size);
        if (!bitmap) {
            return 0;


        return bitmap;

    return 0;

adv_bitmap* backdrop_data::adapt(adv_bitmap* bitmap, adv_color_rgb* rgb, unsigned* rgb_max, unsigned dst_dx, unsigned dst_dy)
    // source range and steps
    unsigned char* ptr = bitmap->ptr;
    int dw = bitmap->bytes_per_scanline;
    int dp = bitmap->bytes_per_pixel;
    int dx = bitmap->size_x;
    int dy = bitmap->size_y;

    // set the correct orientation
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
        int t;
        t = dp;
        dp = dw;
        dw = t;
        t = dx;
        dx = dy;
        dy = t;
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) {
        ptr = ptr + (dx-1) * dp;
        dp = - dp;
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) {
        ptr = ptr + (dy-1) * dw;
        dw = - dw;

    unsigned combine = VIDEO_COMBINE_Y_NONE;
    if (dst_dx < dx)
        combine |= VIDEO_COMBINE_X_MEAN;
    if (dst_dy < dy)
        combine |= VIDEO_COMBINE_Y_MEAN;

    adv_bitmap* raw_bitmap = adv_bitmap_alloc(dst_dx, dst_dy, video_bytes_per_pixel());

    struct video_pipeline_struct pipeline;


    video_pipeline_target(&pipeline, raw_bitmap->ptr, raw_bitmap->bytes_per_scanline, video_color_def());

    uint32 palette32[256];
    uint16 palette16[256];
    uint8 palette8[256];
    if (bitmap->bytes_per_pixel == 1) {
        for(unsigned i=0;i<*rgb_max;++i) {
            adv_pixel p = video_pixel_get(rgb[i].red, rgb[i].green, rgb[i].blue);
            palette32[i] = p;
            palette16[i] = p;
            palette8[i] = p;
        video_pipeline_palette8(&pipeline, dst_dx, dst_dy, dx, dy, dw, dp, palette8, palette16, palette32, combine);
    } else {
        adv_color_def def = adv_png_color_def(bitmap->bytes_per_pixel);
        video_pipeline_direct(&pipeline, dst_dx, dst_dy, dx, dy, dw, dp, def, combine);

    video_pipeline_blit(&pipeline, 0, 0, ptr);


    return raw_bitmap;

void backdrop_data::load(struct cell_pos_t* cell, const adv_color_rgb& background, double aspect_expand)
    if (map)
        return; // already loaded

    adv_color_rgb rgb[256];
    unsigned rgb_max;

    adv_bitmap* bitmap = image_load(res_get(), rgb, &rgb_max, background);
    if (!bitmap)

    // compute the size of the bitmap
    unsigned dst_dx;
    unsigned dst_dy;

    cell->compute_size(&dst_dx, &dst_dy, bitmap, aspectx, aspecty, aspect_expand);

    adv_bitmap* scaled_bitmap = adapt(bitmap, rgb, &rgb_max, dst_dx, dst_dy);


    if (!scaled_bitmap)

    map = scaled_bitmap;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Backdrop Cache

class backdrop_cache {
    unsigned max;
    list<backdrop_data*> bag;
    backdrop_cache(unsigned Amax);

    void reduce();
    void free(backdrop_data* data);
    backdrop_data* alloc(const resource& res, unsigned dx, unsigned dy, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty);

backdrop_cache::backdrop_cache(unsigned Amax)
    max = Amax;

    for(list<backdrop_data*>::iterator i=bag.begin();i!=bag.end();++i)
        delete *i;

// Reduce the size of the cache
void backdrop_cache::reduce()
    // limit the cache size
    while (bag.size() > max) {
        list<backdrop_data*>::iterator i = bag.end();
        backdrop_data* data = *i;
        delete data;

// Delete or insert in the cache the backdrop image
void backdrop_cache::free(backdrop_data* data)
    if (data) {
        if (data->is_active()) {
            // insert the image in the cache
            bag.insert(bag.begin(), data);
        } else {
            delete data;

backdrop_data* backdrop_cache::alloc(const resource& res, unsigned dx, unsigned dy, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty)
    // search in the cache
    for(list<backdrop_data*>::iterator i=bag.begin();i!=bag.end();++i) {
        if ((*i)->res_get() == res
            && dx == (*i)->target_dx_get()
            && dy == (*i)->target_dy_get()) {

            // extract from the cache
            backdrop_data* data = *i;

            // remove from the cache

            return data;

    return new backdrop_data(res, dx, dy, aspectx, aspecty);

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clip

class clip_data {
    bool active;
    bool running;
    bool waiting;
    resource res;
    adv_fz* f;
    target_clock_t wait;
    unsigned count;
    adv_mng* mng_context;

    clip_data(const clip_data&);

    clip_data(const resource& Ares);

    void start();
    void rewind();

    adv_bitmap* load(adv_color_rgb* rgb_map, unsigned* rgb_max);
    bool is_waiting();
    bool is_old();
    bool is_first();
    bool is_active();
    const resource& res_get() const { return res; }

clip_data::clip_data(const resource& Ares)
    f = 0;
    active = true;
    running = false;
    waiting = true;
    res = Ares;

    if (f) {

void clip_data::rewind()
    if (f) {
        f = 0;

    active = true;
    running = false;
    waiting = true;

void clip_data::start()
    waiting = false;

    if (!active)
    if (running)

    running = true;
    wait = target_clock(); // reset the start time

bool clip_data::is_first()
    return count == 1;

bool clip_data::is_waiting()
    return waiting;

bool clip_data::is_old()
    if (!active || !running)
        return false;

    if (!f || target_clock() > wait)
        return true;

    return false;

bool clip_data::is_active()
    return active && running;

adv_bitmap* clip_data::load(adv_color_rgb* rgb_map, unsigned* rgb_max)
    if (!active)
        return 0;

    if (!f) {
        // first load
        f =;
        if (!f) {
            active = false;
            f = 0;
            return 0;

        mng_context = adv_mng_init(f);
        if (mng_context == 0) {
            f = 0;
            active = false;
            return 0;

        wait = target_clock();
        count = 0;

    unsigned pix_width;
    unsigned pix_height;
    unsigned pix_pixel;
    unsigned char* dat_ptr;
    unsigned dat_size;
    unsigned char* pix_ptr;
    unsigned pix_scanline;
    unsigned char* pal_ptr;
    unsigned pal_size;
    unsigned tick;

    int r = adv_mng_read(mng_context, &pix_width, &pix_height, &pix_pixel, &dat_ptr, &dat_size, &pix_ptr, &pix_scanline, &pal_ptr, &pal_size, &tick, f);
    if (r != 0) {
        f = 0;
        running = false;
        return 0;

    double delay = tick / (double)adv_mng_frequency_get(mng_context);

    adv_bitmap* bitmap = adv_bitmap_import_palette(rgb_map, rgb_max, pix_width, pix_height, pix_pixel, dat_ptr, dat_size, pix_ptr, pix_scanline, pal_ptr, pal_size);
    if (!bitmap) {
        f = 0;
        active = false;
        return 0;


    wait += (target_clock_t)(delay * TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

    // limit the late time to 1/10 second
    if (target_clock() - wait > TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 10)
        wait = target_clock() - TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 10;


    return bitmap;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clip Cache

class clip_cache {
    unsigned max;
    list<clip_data*> bag;
    clip_cache(unsigned Amax);

    void reduce();
    void free(clip_data* data);
    clip_data* alloc(const resource& res);

clip_cache::clip_cache(unsigned Amax)
    max = Amax;

    for(list<clip_data*>::iterator i=bag.begin();i!=bag.end();++i) {
        clip_data* data = *i;
        delete data;

// Reduce the size of the cache
void clip_cache::reduce()
    // limit the cache size
    while (bag.size() > 0) {
        list<clip_data*>::iterator i = bag.end();
        clip_data* data = *i;
        delete data;

// Delete or insert in the cache the backdrop image
void clip_cache::free(clip_data* data)
    if (data) {
        if (max)
            bag.insert(bag.begin(), data);
            delete data;

clip_data* clip_cache::alloc(const resource& res)
    // search in the cache
    for(list<clip_data*>::iterator i=bag.begin();i!=bag.end();++i) {
        if ((*i)->res_get() == res) {

            // extract from the cache
            clip_data* data = *i;

            // remove from the cache

            return data;

    return new clip_data(res);

// Cell Manager

struct cell_t {
    cell_pos_t pos; ///< Position on the screen.
    backdrop_data* data; ///< Backdrop (already orientation corrected and resized).
    clip_data* cdata; ///< Clip.
    unsigned caspectx; ///< Clip aspect.
    unsigned caspecty;
    resource last; ///< Previous backdrop resource.
    bool highlight; ///< The backdrop has the highlight.
    bool redraw; ///< The backdrop need to be redrawn.

#define CELL_MAX 512

class cell_manager {
    class backdrop_cache* int_backdrop_cache;
    class clip_cache* int_clip_cache;

    unsigned backdrop_mac;

    struct cell_t backdrop_map[CELL_MAX];

    // Color used for missing backdrop
    int_color backdrop_missing_color;

    // Color used for the lighting box backdrop
    int_color backdrop_box_color;

    unsigned backdrop_outline; // size of the backdrop outline
    unsigned backdrop_cursor; // size of the backdrop cursor

    double backdrop_expand_factor; // stretch factor

    bool multiclip;

    target_clock_t backdrop_box_last;

    bool idle_update(int index);

    unsigned idle_iterator;

    cell_manager(const int_color& Abackdrop_missing_color, const int_color& Abackdrop_box_color, unsigned Amac, unsigned Ainc, unsigned outline, unsigned cursor, double expand_factor, bool Amulticlip);

    unsigned size() const { return backdrop_mac; }

    void pos_set(int index, int x, int y, int dx, int dy);

    void backdrop_set(int index, const resource& res, bool highlight, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty);
    void backdrop_clear(int index, bool highlight);
    void backdrop_update(int index);
    unsigned backdrop_topline(int index);
    void backdrop_box();
    void backdrop_redraw_all();

    void clip_set(int index, const resource& res, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, bool restart);
    void clip_clear(int index);
    void clip_start(int index);
    bool clip_is_active(int index);

    void reduce();
    bool idle();

unsigned cell_manager::backdrop_topline(int index)
    return backdrop_map[index].pos.real_y - backdrop_outline;

cell_manager::cell_manager(const int_color& Abackdrop_missing_color, const int_color& Abackdrop_box_color, unsigned Amac, unsigned Ainc, unsigned outline, unsigned cursor, double expand_factor, bool Amulticlip)
    backdrop_box_last = 0;
    backdrop_missing_color = Abackdrop_missing_color;
    backdrop_box_color = Abackdrop_box_color;
    backdrop_outline = outline;
    backdrop_cursor = cursor;
    backdrop_expand_factor = expand_factor;
    backdrop_mac = Amac;

    int_backdrop_cache = new backdrop_cache(backdrop_mac*2 + Ainc + 1);

    multiclip = Amulticlip;
    if (multiclip)
        int_clip_cache = new clip_cache(backdrop_mac);
        int_clip_cache = new clip_cache(0);

    for(int i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
        backdrop_map[i].data = 0;
        backdrop_map[i].cdata = 0;
        backdrop_map[i].last = resource();
        backdrop_map[i].highlight = false;
        backdrop_map[i].redraw = true;

    idle_iterator = 0;

    for(int i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
        if (backdrop_map[i].data)
            delete backdrop_map[i].data;
        backdrop_map[i].data = 0;
        if (backdrop_map[i].cdata)
            delete backdrop_map[i].cdata;
        backdrop_map[i].cdata = 0;

    delete int_backdrop_cache;
    int_backdrop_cache = 0;

    delete int_clip_cache;
    int_clip_cache = 0;

void cell_manager::backdrop_redraw_all()
    for(int i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
        backdrop_map[i].redraw = true;

// Set the backdrop position and size
void cell_manager::pos_set(int index, int x, int y, int dx, int dy)
    assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);

    backdrop_map[index].data = 0;

    backdrop_map[index].cdata = 0;

    backdrop_map[index].last = resource();
    backdrop_map[index].highlight = false;
    backdrop_map[index].redraw = true;

    backdrop_map[index].pos.x = backdrop_map[index].pos.real_x = x + backdrop_outline;
    backdrop_map[index].pos.y = backdrop_map[index].pos.real_y = y + backdrop_outline;
    backdrop_map[index].pos.dx = backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dx = dx - 2*backdrop_outline;
    backdrop_map[index].pos.dy = backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dy = dy - 2*backdrop_outline;

    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
        swap(backdrop_map[index].pos.real_x, backdrop_map[index].pos.real_y);
        swap(backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dx, backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dy);
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X) {
        backdrop_map[index].pos.real_x = video_size_x() - backdrop_map[index].pos.real_x - backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dx;
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) {
        backdrop_map[index].pos.real_y = video_size_y() - backdrop_map[index].pos.real_y - backdrop_map[index].pos.real_dy;

// Select the backdrop
void cell_manager::backdrop_set(int index, const resource& res, bool highlight, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty)
    assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);


    backdrop_map[index].data = int_backdrop_cache->alloc(res, backdrop_map[index].pos.dx, backdrop_map[index].pos.dy, aspectx, aspecty);

    if (backdrop_map[index].last == res) {
        if (backdrop_map[index].highlight != highlight) {
            backdrop_map[index].highlight = highlight;
            backdrop_map[index].redraw = true;
    } else {
        backdrop_map[index].last = res;
        backdrop_map[index].highlight = highlight;
        backdrop_map[index].redraw = true;

// Clear the backdrop
void cell_manager::backdrop_clear(int index, bool highlight)
    assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);


    backdrop_map[index].data = 0;

    if (!backdrop_map[index].last.is_valid()) {
        if (backdrop_map[index].highlight != highlight) {
            backdrop_map[index].highlight = highlight;
            backdrop_map[index].redraw = true;
    } else {
        backdrop_map[index].last = resource();
        backdrop_map[index].highlight = highlight;
        backdrop_map[index].redraw = true;

static void box(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int width, const adv_color_rgb& color)
    adv_pixel pixel = video_pixel_get(,,;
    video_clear(x, y, dx, width, pixel);
    video_clear(x, y+dy-width, dx, width, pixel);
    video_clear(x, y+width, width, dy-2*width, pixel);
    video_clear(x+dx-width, y+width, width, dy-2*width, pixel);

void cell_manager::backdrop_box()
    if (!backdrop_cursor)

    for(int i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
        struct cell_t* back = backdrop_map + i;
        if (back->highlight) {
            unsigned x = back->pos.real_x - backdrop_outline;
            unsigned y = back->pos.real_y - backdrop_outline;
            unsigned dx = back->pos.real_dx + 2*backdrop_outline;
            unsigned dy = back->pos.real_dy + 2*backdrop_outline;

            box(x, y, dx, dy, backdrop_cursor, backdrop_box_color.foreground);
            video_write_unlock(x, y, dx, dy);

            adv_color_rgb c = backdrop_box_color.foreground;
            backdrop_box_color.foreground = backdrop_box_color.background;
            backdrop_box_color.background = c;

// Update the backdrop image
void cell_manager::backdrop_update(int index)
    struct cell_t* back = backdrop_map + index;

    assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);

    if (back->data) {
        if (!fast_exit_handler())
            back->data->load(&back->pos, backdrop_missing_color.background, backdrop_expand_factor);

    if (back->redraw) {
        if (back->data) {
            if (back->data->bitmap_get()) {
                back->redraw = false;
                back->pos.draw_backdrop(back->data->bitmap_get(), backdrop_missing_color.background);
            } else {
                // the image need to be update when loaded
        } else {
            back->redraw = false;

        if (backdrop_outline)
            back->pos.border(backdrop_outline, backdrop_missing_color.foreground);

void cell_manager::reduce()
    if (int_backdrop_cache)
    if (int_clip_cache)

// Define to update the video in one whole time for multiclip

bool cell_manager::idle_update(int index)
    adv_color_rgb rgb_map[256];
    unsigned rgb_max;

    cell_t* cell = backdrop_map + index;

    clip_data* clip = cell->cdata;
    if (!clip)
        return false;

    if (!clip->is_old())
        return false;

    adv_bitmap* bitmap = clip->load(rgb_map, &rgb_max);

    if (!bitmap) {
        cell->redraw = true; // force the redraw


        if (!multiclip)

        return false;

    cell->pos.draw_clip(bitmap, rgb_map, rgb_max, cell->caspectx, cell->caspecty, backdrop_expand_factor, backdrop_missing_color.background, clip->is_first());

    if (!multiclip)


    // ensure to fill the audio buffer

    return true;

bool cell_manager::idle()
    if (multiclip) {
        int highlight_index = -1;

        target_clock_t start = target_clock();
        target_clock_t stop = start + TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 100; // limit update for 10 ms

        // search the highlight clip
        for(unsigned i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
            if (backdrop_map[i].highlight) {
                highlight_index = i;

        // always display the highlight clip
        if (highlight_index >= 0) {

        // update all the clip
        for(unsigned i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
            target_clock_t backdrop_box_new = target_clock();
            if (backdrop_box_new >= backdrop_box_last + TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC/20) {
                backdrop_box_last = backdrop_box_new;

            // increment the iterator
            if (idle_iterator >= backdrop_mac)
                idle_iterator = 0;

            if (idle_iterator != highlight_index) {

                // don't wait too much
                if (target_clock() > stop)

        video_stretch(0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), video_foreground_buffer, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), video_buffer_line_size, video_bytes_per_pixel(), video_color_def(), 0);
        video_write_unlock(0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y());

    } else {
        for(unsigned i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {

        target_clock_t backdrop_box_new = target_clock();
        if (backdrop_box_new >= backdrop_box_last + TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC/20) {
            backdrop_box_last = backdrop_box_new;

    // recheck if some clip is already old
    for(unsigned i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
        cell_t* cell = backdrop_map + i;
        clip_data* clip = cell->cdata;
        if (clip && clip->is_old())
            return false;

    return true;

void cell_manager::clip_set(int index, const resource& res, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, bool restart)
    assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);


    backdrop_map[index].cdata = int_clip_cache->alloc(res);
    backdrop_map[index].caspectx = aspectx;
    backdrop_map[index].caspecty = aspecty;

    if (backdrop_map[index].cdata) {
        if (restart)

void cell_manager::clip_clear(int index)
    assert(index >= 0 && index < backdrop_mac);


    backdrop_map[index].cdata = 0;

void cell_manager::clip_start(int index)
    assert(index >= 0);

    for(unsigned i=0;i<backdrop_mac;++i) {
        if (backdrop_map[i].cdata
            && (i == index || backdrop_map[i].cdata->is_waiting())) {

bool cell_manager::clip_is_active(int index)
    assert(index >= 0);

    if (index >= backdrop_mac) {
        return false;

    if (backdrop_map[index].cdata) {
        return backdrop_map[index].cdata->is_active();
    } else {
        return false;

static class cell_manager* int_cell; // global cell manager

// Backgrop/Clip Interface

void int_backdrop_init(const int_color& back_color, const int_color& back_box_color, unsigned Amac, unsigned Ainc, unsigned Aoutline, unsigned Acursor, double expand_factor, bool multiclip)
    int_cell = new cell_manager(back_color, back_box_color, Amac, Ainc, Aoutline, Acursor, expand_factor, multiclip);

void int_backdrop_done()
    delete int_cell;
    int_cell = 0;

void int_backdrop_pos(int index, int x, int y, int dx, int dy)
    int_cell->pos_set(index, x, y, dx, dy);

void int_backdrop_set(int index, const resource& res, bool highlight, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty)
    int_cell->backdrop_set(index, res, highlight, aspectx, aspecty);

void int_backdrop_redraw_all()
    if (int_cell)

void int_backdrop_clear(int index, bool highlight)
    int_cell->backdrop_clear(index, highlight);

void int_clip_set(int index, const resource& res, unsigned aspectx, unsigned aspecty, bool restart)
    int_cell->clip_set(index, res, aspectx, aspecty, restart);

void int_clip_clear(int index)

void int_clip_start(int index)
    if (int_cell)

bool int_clip_is_active(int index)
    if (int_cell)
        return int_cell->clip_is_active(index);
        return true;

// Put Interface

unsigned int_put_width(char c)
    adv_bitmap* src = int_font->data[(unsigned char)c];
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
        return src->size_y;
        return src->size_x;

unsigned int_put_width(const string& s)
    unsigned size = 0;
    for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i)
        size += int_put_width(s[i]);
    return size;

void int_put(int x, int y, char c, const int_color& color)
    if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x+int_put_width(c)<=int_dx_get() && y+int_font_dy_get()<=int_dy_get()) {
        adv_bitmap* src = int_font->data[(unsigned char)c];

        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
            swap(x, y);
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
            x = video_size_x() - src->size_x - x;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
            y = video_size_y() - src->size_y - y;

        assert(x>=0 && y>=0 && x+src->size_x<=video_size_x() && y+src->size_y<=video_size_y());

        adv_font_put_char_map(int_font, video_foreground_bitmap, x, y, c, color.opaque);

void int_put_alpha(int x, int y, char c, const int_color& color)
    if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x+int_put_width(c)<=int_dx_get() && y+int_font_dy_get()<=int_dy_get()) {
        adv_bitmap* src = int_font->data[(unsigned char)c];

        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY)
            swap(x, y);
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
            x = video_size_x() - src->size_x - x;
        if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
            y = video_size_y() - src->size_y - y;

        assert(x>=0 && y>=0 && x+src->size_x<=video_size_x() && y+src->size_y<=video_size_y());

        if (video_alpha_flag) {
            adv_bitmap* flat = adv_bitmap_alloc(src->size_x, src->size_y, video_alpha_bytes_per_pixel);

            adv_font_put_char_map(int_font, flat, 0, 0, c, color.alpha);

            adv_bitmap_put_alphaback(video_foreground_bitmap, x, y, video_color_def(), video_background_bitmap, x, y, flat, 0, 0, flat->size_x, flat->size_y, video_alpha_color_def);

        } else {
            adv_font_put_char_map(int_font, video_foreground_bitmap, x, y, c, color.opaque);

void int_put_filled(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
    for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
        if (int_put_width(s[i]) <= dx) {
            int_put(x, y, s[i], color);
            x += int_put_width(s[i]);
            dx -= int_put_width(s[i]);
        } else
    if (dx)
        int_clear(x, y, dx, int_font_dy_get(), color.background);

void int_put_filled_alpha(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
    for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
        if (int_put_width(s[i]) <= dx) {
            int_put_alpha(x, y, s[i], color);
            x += int_put_width(s[i]);
            dx -= int_put_width(s[i]);
        } else
    if (dx)
        int_clear_alpha(x, y, dx, int_font_dy_get(), color.background);

void int_put_special(bool& in, int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& c0, const int_color& c1, const int_color& c2)
    for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
        if (int_put_width(s[i]) <= dx) {
            if (s[i]=='(' || s[i]=='[')
                in = true;
            if (!in && isupper(s[i])) {
                int_put(x, y, s[i], c0);
            } else {
                int_put(x, y, s[i], in ? c1 : c2);
            x += int_put_width(s[i]);
            dx -= int_put_width(s[i]);
            if (s[i]==')' || s[i]==']')
                in = false;
        } else
    if (dx)
        int_clear(x, y, dx, int_font_dy_get(), c0.background);

void int_put_special_alpha(bool& in, int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& c0, const int_color& c1, const int_color& c2)
    for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
        if (int_put_width(s[i]) <= dx) {
            if (s[i]=='(' || s[i]=='[')
                in = true;
            if (!in && isupper(s[i])) {
                int_put_alpha(x, y, s[i], c0);
            } else {
                int_put_alpha(x, y, s[i], in ? c1 : c2);
            x += int_put_width(s[i]);
            dx -= int_put_width(s[i]);
            if (s[i]==')' || s[i]==']')
                in = false;
        } else

    if (dx)
        int_clear_alpha(x, y, dx, int_font_dy_get(), c0.background);

void int_put(int x, int y, const string& s, const int_color& color)
    for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
        int_put(x, y, s[i], color);
        x += int_put_width(s[i]);

void int_put_alpha(int x, int y, const string& s, const int_color& color)
    for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
        int_put_alpha(x, y, s[i], color);
        x += int_put_width(s[i]);

unsigned int_put(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
    for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
        int width = int_put_width(s[i]);
        if (width > dx)
            return i;
        int_put(x, y, s[i], color);
        x += width;
        dx -= width;
    return s.length();

unsigned int_put_alpha(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
    for(unsigned i=0;i<s.length();++i) {
        int width = int_put_width(s[i]);
        if (width > dx)
            return i;
        int_put(x, y, s[i], color);
        x += width;
        dx -= width;
    return s.length();

unsigned int_put_right(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
    unsigned size = int_put_width(s);
    return int_put(x + dx - size, y, dx, s, color);

unsigned int_put_right_alpha(int x, int y, int dx, const string& s, const int_color& color)
    unsigned size = int_put_width(s);
    return int_put_alpha(x + dx - size, y, dx, s, color);

void int_clear(const adv_color_rgb& color) 
    adv_pixel background = video_pixel_get(,,;
    adv_pixel overscan;

    // clear the whole bitmap using the overscan color
    if ((video_driver_flags() & VIDEO_DRIVER_FLAGS_OUTPUT_WINDOW)!=0
        && video_buffer_pixel_size > 1) {
        // fill with white in a window manager environment
        overscan = video_pixel_get(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
    } else {
        // fill with black in a full screen environment
        overscan = video_pixel_get(0, 0, 0);

    adv_bitmap_clear(video_foreground_bitmap, 0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), overscan);
    adv_bitmap_clear(video_background_bitmap, 0, 0, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), background);

void int_box(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int width, const adv_color_rgb& color)
    int_clear(x, y, dx, width, color);
    int_clear(x, y+dy-width, dx, width, color);
    int_clear(x, y+width, width, dy-2*width, color);
    int_clear(x+dx-width, y+width, width, dy-2*width, color);

void int_clear(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, const adv_color_rgb& color)
    // clip
    if (x < 0) {
        dx += x;
        x = 0;
    if (y < 0) {
        dy += y;
        y = 0;
    if (x + dx > int_dx_get()) {
        dx = int_dx_get() - x;
    if (y + dy > int_dy_get()) {
        dy = int_dy_get() - y;
    if (dx <= 0 || dy <= 0)

    // rotate
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
        swap(x, y);
        swap(dx, dy);
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
        x = video_size_x() - dx - x;
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
        y = video_size_y() - dy - y;

    gen_clear_raw(x, y, dx, dy, color);

void int_clear_alpha(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, const adv_color_rgb& color)
    // clip
    if (x < 0) {
        dx += x;
        x = 0;
    if (y < 0) {
        dy += y;
        y = 0;
    if (x + dx > int_dx_get()) {
        dx = int_dx_get() - x;
    if (y + dy > int_dy_get()) {
        dy = int_dy_get() - y;
    if (dx <= 0 || dy <= 0)

    // rotate
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_XY) {
        swap(x, y);
        swap(dx, dy);
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
        x = video_size_x() - dx - x;
    if (int_orientation & ADV_ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
        y = video_size_y() - dy - y;

    gen_clear_alpha(x, y, dx, dy, color);

bool int_clip(const string& file, bool loop)
    unsigned aspectx = int_dx_get();
    unsigned aspecty = int_dy_get();
    resource res = path_import(file);

    bool wait = true;

    int_backdrop_init(COLOR_MENU_BACKDROP, COLOR_MENU_BACKDROP, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, false);

    int_backdrop_pos(0, 0, 0, int_dx_get(), int_dy_get());

    if (file.find(".mng") != string::npos) {
        int_clip_set(0, res, aspectx, aspecty, false);



        while (!int_event_waiting() && int_clip_is_active(0)) {


        if (loop)
            wait = false;
    } else {
        int_backdrop_set(0, res, false, aspectx, aspecty);


    while (int_event_waiting()) {
        wait = false;


    return wait;

bool int_image(const string& file, unsigned& scale_x, unsigned& scale_y)
    adv_fz* f;
    f = fzopen(file.c_str(), "rb");
    if (!f) {
        log_std(("ERROR:text: error opening file %s\n", file.c_str()));
        return false;

    adv_color_rgb rgb_map[256];
    unsigned rgb_max;
    adv_bitmap* bitmap;

    if (file.find(".mng") != string::npos) {
        adv_mng* mng;

        mng = adv_mng_init(f);
        if (mng == 0) {
            return false;

        unsigned pix_width;
        unsigned pix_height;
        unsigned pix_pixel;
        unsigned char* dat_ptr;
        unsigned dat_size;
        unsigned char* pix_ptr;
        unsigned pix_scanline;
        unsigned char* pal_ptr;
        unsigned pal_size;
        unsigned tick;

        int r = adv_mng_read_done(mng, &pix_width, &pix_height, &pix_pixel, &dat_ptr, &dat_size, &pix_ptr, &pix_scanline, &pal_ptr, &pal_size, &tick, f);
        if (r != 0) {
            return false;

        bitmap = adv_bitmap_import_palette(rgb_map, &rgb_max, pix_width, pix_height, pix_pixel, dat_ptr, dat_size, pix_ptr, pix_scanline, pal_ptr, pal_size);
        if (!bitmap) {
            return false;

    } else {
        bitmap = adv_bitmap_load_png(rgb_map, &rgb_max, f);
    if (!bitmap) {
        log_std(("ERROR:text: error reading file %s\n", file.c_str()));
        return false;


    scale_x = bitmap->size_x;
    scale_y = bitmap->size_y;

    struct video_pipeline_struct pipeline;


    video_pipeline_target(&pipeline, video_background_buffer, video_buffer_line_size, video_color_def());

    uint32 palette32[256];
    uint16 palette16[256];
    uint8 palette8[256];
    if (bitmap->bytes_per_pixel == 1) {
        for(unsigned i=0;i<rgb_max;++i) {
            adv_pixel p = video_pixel_get(rgb_map[i].red, rgb_map[i].green, rgb_map[i].blue);
            palette32[i] = p;
            palette16[i] = p;
            palette8[i] = p;
        video_pipeline_palette8(&pipeline, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), bitmap->size_x, bitmap->size_y, bitmap->bytes_per_scanline, bitmap->bytes_per_pixel, palette8, palette16, palette32, combine);
    } else {
        adv_color_def def = adv_png_color_def(bitmap->bytes_per_pixel);
        video_pipeline_direct(&pipeline, video_size_x(), video_size_y(), bitmap->size_x, bitmap->size_y, bitmap->bytes_per_scanline, bitmap->bytes_per_pixel, def, combine);

    video_pipeline_blit(&pipeline, 0, 0, bitmap->ptr);



    // copy also into the foreground
    memcpy(video_foreground_buffer, video_background_buffer, video_buffer_size);

    // invalidate all the backdrop if any

    return true;

// Update Interface

static void int_copy_partial(unsigned y0, unsigned y1)

    unsigned char* buffer = video_foreground_buffer + y0 * video_buffer_line_size;
    for(unsigned y=y0;y<y1;++y) {
        memcpy(video_write_line(y), buffer, video_buffer_line_size);
        buffer += video_buffer_line_size;

    video_write_unlock(0, y0, video_size_x(), y1 - y0);

unsigned int_update_pre(bool progressive)
    int_updating_active = false;


    int y = 0;

    if (int_cell) {
        for(int i=0;i<int_cell->size();++i) {

            // this trick works only if the backdrops positioned are from top to down
            if (int_orientation == 0 && progressive) {
                // update progressively the screen
                int yl = int_cell->backdrop_topline(i);
                if (yl > y) {
                    int_copy_partial(y, yl);
                    y = yl;



    return y;

void int_update_post(unsigned y)

    int_copy_partial(y, video_size_y());

    if (int_cell) {


    int_updating_active = true;

void int_update(bool progressive)

static void key_poll()
    if (os_is_quit()) {


void int_idle_time_reset()
    int_idle_time_current = time(0);
    int_last = EVENT_NONE;

void int_idle_0_enable(bool state)
    int_idle_0_state = state;

void int_idle_1_enable(bool state)
    int_idle_1_state = state;

static void int_idle()
    time_t now = time(0);
    time_t elapsed = now - int_idle_time_current;

    if (int_idle_0_state) {
        if (int_idle_0_rep != 0
            && int_last == EVENT_IDLE_0
            && elapsed > int_idle_0_rep
        ) {
            log_std(("text: push IDLE_0 repeat\n"));
        } else if (int_idle_0 != 0
            && elapsed > int_idle_0
        ) {
            log_std(("text: push IDLE_0\n"));

    if (int_idle_1_state) {
        if (int_idle_1_rep != 0
            && int_last == EVENT_IDLE_1
            && elapsed > int_idle_1_rep
        ) {
            log_std(("text: push IDLE_1 repeat\n"));
        } else if (int_idle_1 != 0
            && elapsed > int_idle_1
        ) {
            log_std(("text: push IDLE_1\n"));

    if (event_peek() == EVENT_NONE) {
        if (int_updating_active) {
            if (int_cell) {
                // idle only if there is time
                if (int_cell->idle()) {
                } else {
                    // we are late, allow to allocate 100% CPU
            } else {


bool int_event_waiting()
    static target_clock_t key_pressed_last_time = 0;

    // low level mute/unmute management
    while (event_peek() == EVENT_MUTE) {

    if (event_peek() != EVENT_NONE)
        return 1;

    target_clock_t now = target_clock();

    // if you ask for keypress, assume a not CPU intensive state

    // don't check too frequently
    if (now - key_pressed_last_time >= TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 25) {
        key_pressed_last_time = now;


    // low level mute/unmute management
    while (event_peek() == EVENT_MUTE) {

    if (event_peek() != EVENT_NONE)
        return 1;

    return 0;

unsigned int_event_get(bool update_background)
    if (update_background)

    // wait for a keypress, internally a idle call is already done
    while (!int_event_waiting()) {

    int_idle_time_current = time(0);

#if 0 /* OSDEF: Save interface image, only for debugging. */
    if (event_peek() == EVENT_INS) {
        char name[256];
        static int ssn = 0;

        snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "im%d.png", ssn);
        adv_fz* f = fzopen(name, "wb");
        if (f) {
            adv_png_write_def(video_size_x(), video_size_y(), video_color_def(), video_foreground_buffer, video_buffer_pixel_size, video_buffer_line_size, 0, 0, 0, f, 0);

    return int_last = event_pop();

void mostra_tooltip(const string& s) //branco
    int x = int_dx_get() / 2;
    int y = 10;
    int dy = int_font_dy_get();
    int border = int_font_dx_get()/4;
    unsigned w1;
    unsigned dx;
    //char b[100];
    w1 = int_font_dx_get(s);
    dx = w1;
    int_box(x-2*border-dx/2, y-border, dx+4*border, dy+border+1, 1, COLOR_CHOICE_NORMAL.foreground);
    int_clear(x-2*border-dx/2+1, y-border+1, dx+4*border-2, dy+border-2, COLOR_CHOICE_NORMAL.background);
    int_put(x-w1/2, y, w1, s, COLOR_CHOICE_NORMAL);
    y += int_font_dy_get();

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