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Fórum Script Brasil
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Duvida Com servirdor

Igoh Bruno


Boa noite

Estou com um script aqui que ele tem esse arquivo de config para a área de administração

mais tou meio errolado nessa parte aqui:


$cfgServerHost = ''; // MySQL hostname

eu não uso localhost e sim o servidor

como faço para chamar esse serve na condição assim. REMOTE_ADDR

e meio enrrolado mais alguém pode mim ajudar?

Código Completo:


$cfgIndexpage = 'index.php';

// page to go to, if login is cancelled

// Example: if your main page is

// the value would be $cfgIndexpage = '/index.php'

$admEmail = '';

// E-mail adres of the site administrator

// (This is being showed to the users on an error, so you can be notified by the users)

$noDetailedMessages = true;

// Show detailed error messages (false) or give one single message for all errors (true).

// If set to 'false', the error messages shown to the user describe what went wrong.

// This is more user-friendly, but less secure, because it could allow someone to probe

// the system for existing users.

$passwordEncryptedWithMD5 = false; // Set this to true if the passwords are encrypted

// with the MD5 algorithm

// (not yet implanted, expect this in a next release)

$languageFile = 'brazil.php'; // Choose the language file

$bgImage = 'bg_lock.gif'; // Choose the background image

$bgRotate = false; // Rotate the background image from list

// (This overrides the $bgImage setting)

/****** Lists ******/

// List of backgrounds to rotate through

$backgrounds[]= 'bg_lock.gif';

$backgrounds[] = 'bg_lock2.gif';

$backgrounds[] = 'bg_gun.gif';

/****** Database ******/

$useDatabase = true; // choose between using a database or data as input

/* this data is necessary if a database is used */


$cfgServerHost = ''; // MySQL hostname

$cfgServerPort = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port

$cfgServerUser = 'salaopera'; // MySQL user

$cfgServerPassword = 'senha'; // MySQL password

$cfgDbDatabase = 'phpmy1_salao_com_br5ds45s4d'; // MySQL database name containing phpSecurePages table

} else {

$cfgServerHost = ''; // MySQL hostname

$cfgServerPort = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port

$cfgServerUser = 'salaopera'; // MySQL user

$cfgServerPassword = 'senha'; // MySQL password

$cfgDbDatabase = 'phpmy1_salao_com_br5ds45s4d'; // MySQL database name containing phpSecurePages table


$cfgDbTableUsers = 'users'; // MySQL table name containing phpSecurePages user fields

$cfgDbLoginfield = 'salaopera'; // MySQL field name containing login word

$cfgDbPasswordfield = 'senha'; // MySQL field name containing password

$cfgDbUserLevelfield = 'userlevel'; // MySQL field name containing user level

// Choose a number which represents the category of this users authorization level.

// Leave empty if authorization levels are not used.

// See readme.txt for more info.

$cfgDbUserIDfield = 'primary_key'; // MySQL field name containing user identification

// enter a distinct ID if you want to be able to identify the current user

// Leave empty if no ID is necessary.

// See readme.txt for more info.

/****** Database - PHP3 ******/

/* information below is only necessary for servers with PHP3 */

$cfgDbTableSessions = 'phpsp_sessions';

// MySQL table name containing phpSecurePages sessions fields

$cfgDbTableSessionVars = 'phpsp_sessionvars';

// MySQL table name containing phpSecurePages session variables fields

/****** Data ******/

$useData = false; // choose between using a database or data as input

/* this data is necessary if no database is used */

$cfgLogin[1] = 'salaopera'; // login word

$cfgPassword[1] = 'senha'; // password

$cfgUserLevel[1] = '1'; // user level

// Choose a number which represents the category of this users authorization level.

// Leave empty if authorization levels are not used.

// See readme.txt for more info.

$cfgUserID[1] = ''; // user identification

// enter a distinct ID if you want to be able to identify the current user

// Leave empty if no ID is necessary.

// See readme.txt for more info.

$cfgLogin[2] = '';

$cfgPassword[2] = '';

$cfgUserLevel[2] = '';

$cfgUserID[2] = '';

$cfgLogin[3] = '';

$cfgPassword[3] = '';

$cfgUserLevel[3] = '';

$cfgUserID[3] = '';


/* End of phpSecurePages Configuration */


// https support

if (getenv("HTTPS") == 'on') {

$cfgUrl = 'https://';

} else {

$cfgUrl = 'http://';


// getting other login variables

$cfgHtmlDir = $cfgProgDir;

if ($message) $messageOld = $message;

$message = false;

// Create a constant that can be checked inside the files to be included.

// This gives an indication if secure.php has been loaded correctly.

define("LOADED_PROPERLY", true);

// include functions and variables

function admEmail() {

// create administrators email link

global $admEmail;

return("<A HREF=mailto:$admEmail'>$admEmail</A>");


include($cfgProgDir . "lng/" . $languageFile);

include($cfgProgDir . "session.php");

// choose between login or logout

if ($logout && !($HTTP_GET_VARS["logout] || $HTTP_POST_VARS["logout"])) {

// logout

include($cfgProgDir . "logout.php");

} else {

// loading login check

include($cfgProgDir . "checklogin.php");


echo $HTTP_GET_VARS["logout"];


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/* this data is necessary if a database is used */
$cfgServerHost = ''; // MySQL hostname
$cfgServerPort = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
$cfgServerUser = 'salaopera'; // MySQL user
$cfgServerPassword = 'senha'; // MySQL password
$cfgDbDatabase = 'phpmy1_salao_com_br5ds45s4d'; // MySQL database name containing phpSecurePages table
} else {
$cfgServerHost = ''; // MySQL hostname
$cfgServerPort = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
$cfgServerUser = 'salaopera'; // MySQL user
$cfgServerPassword = 'senha'; // MySQL password
$cfgDbDatabase = 'phpmy1_salao_com_br5ds45s4d'; // MySQL database name containing phpSecurePages table
pelo que entendi do script esta parte que quer mudar é para se conectar ao mysql voce vai usar em dois servidores? se não pode remover isto, não precisa ficar repetindo os dados, e colocar só
$cfgServerHost = ''; // MySQL hostname
$cfgServerPort = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
$cfgServerUser = 'salaopera'; // MySQL user
$cfgServerPassword = 'senha'; // MySQL password
$cfgDbDatabase = 'phpmy1_salao_com_br5ds45s4d'; // MySQL database name containing phpSecurePages table

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