Bom dia passoal, estou com esse erro em um script e não sei o que ue ppode ser. Se alguém ai puder ajudar.
Warning: Parameter 2 to Trigger_Default_FormValidation() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/bask/public_html/acesso1/includes/tng/tNG.class.php on line 107
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bask/public_html/acesso1/includes/tng/tNG.class.php:107) in /home/bask/public_html/acesso1/includes/common/ on line 386
segue os códigos abaixo
function KT_setServerVariables() {
if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && isset($_ENV['QUERY_STRING'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && isset($_ENV['PHP_SELF'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && isset($_ENV['REQUEST_URI'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && isset($_ENV['SERVER_NAME'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && isset($_ENV['HTTP_HOST'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && isset($_ENV['HTTPS'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && isset($_ENV['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && isset($_ENV['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && isset($_ENV['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && isset($_ENV['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']) && isset($_ENV['PATH_TRANSLATED'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']) && isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
$_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = str_replace("\\", "/", $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']);
$_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = str_replace('//', '/', $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']);
if (!isset($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']) && isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) && isset($_ENV['SERVER_PROTOCOL'])) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS'])) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS'])) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS'])) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS'])) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS'])) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_ENV_VARS'])) {
function KT_Rel2AbsUrl($pageUrl, $templateUrl, $relUrl, $makeAbsolut) {
$server = KT_getServerName();
if (!$makeAbsolut) {
$pageUrl = str_replace($server, '', $pageUrl);
$templateUrl = str_replace($server, '', $templateUrl);
$templateUrl = str_replace($pageUrl, '', $templateUrl);
$server = '';
if (substr($relUrl,0,1) == "/") {
return $server.$relUrl;
if (strpos($relUrl,"://") !== false) {
return $relUrl;
$arrTemplateUrl = explode('/', $templateUrl);
if (strpos($templateUrl,"://") !== false) {
$ret = implode('/', $arrTemplateUrl) . (count($arrTemplateUrl)>0?'/':'') . $relUrl;
} else {
$arrPageUrl = explode('/', $pageUrl);
$ret = implode('/', $arrPageUrl) . '/' . implode('/', $arrTemplateUrl) . (count($arrTemplateUrl)>0?'/':'') . $relUrl;
$ret = KT_CanonizeRelPath($ret);
return $ret;
function KT_CanonizeRelPath($relPath) {
if (strpos($relPath, "..") !== false || strpos($relPath, "/.") !== false) {
$parts = explode('/',$relPath);
$newParts = array();
for($i=0;$i<count($parts);$i++) {
if ($parts[$i] == '..') {
if (count($newParts) > 0 && $newParts[count($newParts) - 1] != '..') {
} else {
$newParts[] = $parts[$i];
} elseif ($parts[$i] != '.') {
$newParts[] = $parts[$i];
$ret = implode('/',$newParts);
} else {
$ret = $relPath;
return $ret;
function KT_TransformToUrlPath($path, $is_folder = true) {
$path = str_replace(array('\\', '/'), '/', $path);
if ($path != '' && $is_folder && substr($path, -1, 1) != '/') {
$path .= '/';
return $path;
function KT_transformsPaths($templateUrl, $text, $makeAbsolut) {
if ($templateUrl == "./" ) {
$templateUrl = "";
$scriptUrl = KT_getUri();
preg_match_all('/<(a|img|link|script|form|iframe|embed|applet)([^>]*)>/ims',$text, $matches);
foreach($matches[2] as $key=>$value) {
preg_match('/\s(href|src|action|codebase|archive)\s*=\s*(("((\\\"|[^"])+)")|(\'((\\\\\'|[^\'])+)\')|([^\s]+))?/ims' ,$value, $mmatch);
if (isset($mmatch[2])) {
if (preg_match("/\s*mailto\s*:/ims", $mmatch[2])) {
$mydelim = '';
if (substr($mmatch[2], 0, 1) == '\'' || substr($mmatch[2], 0, 1) == '"') {
$mydelim = substr($mmatch[2], 0, 1);
$mmatch[2] = substr($mmatch[2], 1, -1);
if (!($mmatch[1] == 'href' && strpos($mmatch[2], 'java script:') === 0)
&& !($mmatch[1] == 'href' && strpos($mmatch[2], '#') === 0)
&& !($mmatch[1] == 'href' && strpos($mmatch[2], 'mailto:') === 0)
&& !($mmatch[1] == 'action' && $mmatch[2] == "")) {
$text = preg_replace("/".$mmatch[1]."\s*=\s*".preg_quote($mydelim . $mmatch[2] . $mydelim, "/")."/ims", $mmatch[1].'="'.KT_Rel2AbsUrl($scriptUrl, $templateUrl, $mmatch[2], $makeAbsolut).'"', $text);
preg_match_all('/<input([^>]*)>/ims',$text, $matches);
foreach($matches[1] as $key=>$value) {
$sub_text = preg_replace('/\svalue\s*=\s*(("((\\\")+|[^"]+)")|(\'((\\\\\')+|[^\']+)\')|([^\s]+))?/ims', '', $value);
preg_match('/\ssrc\s*=\s*(("((\\\"|[^"])+)")|(\'((\\\\\'|[^\'])+)\')|([^\s]+))?/ims', $sub_text, $mmatch);
if (isset($mmatch[1])) {
$mydelim = '';
if (substr($mmatch[1], 0, 1) == '\'' || substr($mmatch[1], 0, 1) == '"') {
$mydelim = substr($mmatch[1], 0, 1);
$mmatch[1] = substr($mmatch[1], 1, -1);
$text = preg_replace("/src\s*=\s*".preg_quote($mydelim . $mmatch[1] . $mydelim, "/")."/ims", 'src="'.KT_Rel2AbsUrl($scriptUrl, $templateUrl, $mmatch[1], $makeAbsolut).'"', $text);
preg_match_all('/<param\s+name=(\'|")(movie|src|fileName)(\'|")([^>]*)>/ims',$text, $matches);
foreach($matches[4] as $key=>$value) {
preg_match('/\s(value)\s*=\s*(("((\\\"|[^"])+)")|(\'((\\\\\'|[^\'])+)\')|([^\s]+))?/ims' ,$value, $mmatch);
if (isset($mmatch[2])) {
$mydelim = '';
if (substr($mmatch[2], 0, 1) == '\'' || substr($mmatch[2], 0, 1) == '"') {
$mydelim = substr($mmatch[2], 0, 1);
$mmatch[2] = substr($mmatch[2], 1, -1);
$text = preg_replace("/".$mmatch[1]."\s*=\s*".preg_quote($mydelim . $mmatch[2] . $mydelim, "/")."/ims", $mmatch[1].'="'.KT_Rel2AbsUrl($scriptUrl, $templateUrl, $mmatch[2], $makeAbsolut).'"', $text);
if (preg_match("/UNI_navigateCancel/i", $text)) {
preg_match_all("/UNI_navigateCancel\(event, '([\.\/]*includes\/nxt\/back.php)'\)/ims",$text, $matches);
foreach($matches[1] as $key=>$value){
$text = str_replace($value, KT_Rel2AbsUrl($scriptUrl, $templateUrl, $value, $makeAbsolut), $text);
if (preg_match("/NEXT_ROOT=/i", $text)) {
preg_match_all("/NEXT_ROOT=\"([^\"]*)\"/ims",$text, $matches);
foreach($matches[1] as $key=>$value){
$text = str_replace($value, KT_Rel2AbsUrl($scriptUrl, $templateUrl, $value, $makeAbsolut), $text);
if (preg_match('/\$MXW_relPath\s=\s/i', $text)) {
preg_match_all('/\$MXW_relPath\s=\s\'([^\']*)\';/is',$text, $matches);
foreach($matches[1] as $key=>$value){
$text = str_replace('$MXW_relPath = \'' . $value . '\';', '$MXW_relPath = \'' . KT_Rel2AbsUrl($scriptUrl, $templateUrl, $value, $makeAbsolut) . '\';', $text);
if (preg_match("/\"path\": \".*includes\/ktm\/\",/i", $text)) {
preg_match_all("/\"path\": \"(.*includes\/ktm\/)\",/ims",$text, $matches);
foreach($matches[1] as $key=>$value){
$text = preg_replace("/\"path\": \"" . preg_quote($value,"/") ."\"/ims", "\"path\": \"". KT_Rel2AbsUrl($scriptUrl, $templateUrl, $value, $makeAbsolut). "\"", $text);
// make absolute URLs for AC_FL_RunContent
if(preg_match_all('/AC_FL_RunContent\((.*)\);/Uims', $text, $matches)) {
foreach($matches[1] as $key=>$value) {
$arr = explode(',', $value);
// check for , in the file name
$offset = 0;
if(substr($arr[11], 0, 1) !== "'") {
$arr[10] = $arr[10] . "," . $arr[11];
if (isset($arr[17]) && substr($arr[17 + $offset], 0, 1) !== "'") {
$arr[16 + $offset] = $arr[16 + $offset] . "," . $arr[17 + $offset];
unset($arr[17 + $offset]);
$arr[10] = trim($arr[10]);
$arr[10] = "'" . KT_Rel2AbsUrl($scriptUrl, $templateUrl, substr($arr[10], 1, strlen($arr[10]) - 2), $makeAbsolut) . "'";
$arr[16 + $offset] = trim($arr[16 + $offset]);
$arr[16 + $offset] = "'" . KT_Rel2AbsUrl($scriptUrl, $templateUrl, substr($arr[16 + $offset], 1, strlen($arr[16 + $offset]) - 2), $makeAbsolut) . "'";
$text = str_replace($value, implode(',', $arr), $text);
return $text;
function KT_getServerName() {
$protocol = 'http';
if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '443') {
$protocol = 'https';
$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$baseUrl = $protocol . '://' . $host;
if (substr($baseUrl, -1)=='/') {
$baseUrl = substr($baseUrl, 0, strlen($baseUrl)-1);
return $baseUrl;
function KT_getPHP_SELF() {
$script = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if (strpos($script, '?') !== false) {
$pos = strpos($script, '?');
$script = substr($script, 0, $pos);
if (substr($script, -1) == '/' && substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -1) != '/') {
$file = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$script .= $file;
return $script;
function KT_getUri() {
$script = KT_getPHP_SELF();
if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] != '' && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] != $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) {
$script = substr($script, 0, strlen($script) - strlen($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']));
return KT_getServerName() . $script;
function KT_getUriFolder() {
$ret = KT_getUri();
if (substr($ret,-1,1) != '/') {
$ret = dirname($ret).'/';
return $ret;
function KT_getFullUri() {
$ret = KT_getUri();
if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') !== false) {
$pos = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?');
$query_string = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $pos);
if (trim($query_string) != '') {
$ret = $ret . $query_string;
return $ret;
function KT_addReplaceParam($qstring, $paramName, $paramValue=null) {
// extract the URI if any
if (strpos($qstring, "?") !== false) {
$uri = preg_replace("/\?.*$/", "?", $qstring);
$qstring = preg_replace("/^.*\?/", "", $qstring);
} else {
if (strpos($qstring, "=") !== false) {
$uri = "";
} else {
$uri = $qstring;
if ($paramValue !== null) {
$uri .= "?";
$qstring = "";
// the list of parameters
$arr = explode('&',$qstring);
// remove $paramName from the list
foreach($arr as $key=>$value) {
$tmpArr = explode('=',$value);
if (urldecode($tmpArr[0]) == $paramName) {
} else {
if (strpos($paramName, "/") === 0) {
if (preg_match($paramName, urldecode($tmpArr[0]))) {
// add $paramName to the list
if ($paramValue !== null) {
$arr[] = rawurlencode($paramName).'='.rawurlencode($paramValue);
$ret = implode('&',$arr);
$ret = preg_replace("/^&/", "", $ret);
// if no parameters, remove the trailing ? from the URI
if ($ret == '') {
$uri = preg_replace("/\?$/", "", $uri);
// merge the URI with the new list
$ret = $uri . $ret;
return $ret;
function KT_redir($url) {
$protocol = "http://";
$server_name = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
if ($server_name != '') {
$protocol = "http://";
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on")) {
$protocol = "https://";
if (preg_match("#^/#", $url)) {
$url = $protocol.$server_name.$url;
} else if (!preg_match("#^[a-z]+://#", $url)) {
$script = KT_getPHP_SELF();
if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] != '' && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] != $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) {
$script = substr($script, 0, strlen($script) - strlen($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']));
$url = $protocol.$server_name.(preg_replace("#/[^/]*$#", "/", $script)).$url;
$url = str_replace(" ","%20",$url);
if (KT_is_ajax_request()) {
header("Kt_location: ".$url);
echo "Redirecting to: " . $url;
} else {
header("Location: ".$url);
function KT_makeIncludedURL($url) {
$ret = $url;
if (isset($GLOBALS['KT_REL_PATH'])) {
if (!preg_match("#^/#", $ret) && !preg_match("#^[a-z]+://#", $ret)) {
$ret = $GLOBALS['KT_REL_PATH'] . $ret;
return $ret;
function KT_escapeAttribute($val) {
$val = str_replace(array('"',"<",">"), array(""","<",">"), $val);
return $val;
function KT_escapeJS($val) {
$val = addcslashes($val, "\t\r\n\'\\");
return $val;
function KT_getSiteRoot() {
$siteroot = dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) . '/../..';
$siteroot = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $siteroot);
$siteroot = KT_CanonizeRelPath($siteroot);
return $siteroot;
function KT_session_start() {
if (!session_id()) {
if (!session_id()) {
die('Your session is incorrectly defined and cannot be started. Check your php.ini configuration.');
$siteroot = md5(KT_getSiteRoot());
if (isset($_SESSION['KT_lastsiteroot'])) {
$lastsiteroot = $_SESSION['KT_lastsiteroot'];
if (isset($_SESSION[$lastsiteroot]) && is_array($_SESSION[$lastsiteroot])) {
foreach ($_SESSION[$lastsiteroot] as $key => $value) {
if ( isset($_SESSION[$siteroot]) && is_array($_SESSION[$siteroot]) ) {
foreach ($_SESSION[$siteroot] as $key => $value) {
$_SESSION[$key] = $value;
$_SESSION['KT_lastsiteroot'] = $siteroot;
function KT_setSessionVar($var) {
$siteroot = md5(KT_getSiteRoot());
if ( !isset($_SESSION[$siteroot]) ) {
$_SESSION[$siteroot] = array();
if ( isset($_SESSION[$var]) ) {
$_SESSION[$siteroot][$var] = $_SESSION[$var];
function KT_unsetSessionVar($var) {
$siteroot = md5(KT_getSiteRoot());
if ( isset($_SESSION[$siteroot]) ) {
if ( isset($_SESSION[$siteroot][$var]) ) {
if ( count($_SESSION[$siteroot]) == 0 ) {
function KT_pathinfo($fileName) {
if ($fileName != "") {
$path_info = pathinfo($fileName);
if (!isset($path_info['extension'])) {
$path_info['extension'] = "";
$extSize = strlen($path_info['extension']);
if ($extSize != 0) {
$extSize = $extSize + 1;
$path_info['filename'] = substr($path_info['basename'], 0, strlen($path_info['basename']) - $extSize);
} else {
$path_info = array('dirname' => '', 'basename' => '','extension' => '', 'filename' => '');
return $path_info;
function KT_realpath($pathName, $isFolder = true) {
$isAbsolute = false;
if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'win') {
if (substr($pathName,1,1) == ":") {
$isAbsolute = true;
} else {
if (substr($pathName,0,1) == "/") {
$isAbsolute = true;
if ($isAbsolute) {
$realPath = $pathName;
} else {
$realPath = realpath($pathName);
if ($realPath === false) {
$realPath = realpath('.') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$realPath .= $pathName;
$realPath = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $realPath);
$realPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $realPath);
$realPath = str_replace('//', '/', $realPath);
if ($isFolder) {
if (substr($realPath, strlen($realPath)-1) != '/') {
$realPath .= '/';
$realPath = str_replace("/./", "/", $realPath);
$realPath = str_replace("/./", "/", $realPath);
$realPath = KT_CanonizeRelPath($realPath);
return $realPath;
function KT_getReplacementsFromMessage(&$string) {
$replacements = array();
if (preg_match_all('/\{([\w\d\.\s\(\)]+)\}/', $string, $matches)) {
if (isset($matches[1]) && is_array($matches[1])) {
$replacements = $matches[1];
return $replacements;
function KT_DynamicData($expression, $tNG, $escapeMethod = '', $useSavedData = false, $extraParams = array(), $errorIfNotFound = true) {
$PB = '{';
$PE = '}';
if (!is_string($expression)){
return $expression;
// DynamicData functions - use this to define more functions
$date_now = KT_convertDate(date('Y-m-d'), "yyyy-mm-dd", $GLOBALS['KT_screen_date_format']);
$date_dt_now = KT_convertDate(date('Y-m-d H:i'), "yyyy-mm-dd HH:ii", $GLOBALS['KT_screen_date_format'].' ' .$GLOBALS['KT_screen_time_format_internal']);
$date_t_now = KT_convertDate(date('H:i'), "HH:ii", $GLOBALS['KT_screen_time_format_internal']);
$dynamicDataFunctions = array(
'NOW()' => $date_now,
'now()' => $date_now,
'NOW' => $date_now,
'now' => $date_now,
'NOW_DT()' => $date_dt_now,
'now_dt()' => $date_dt_now,
'NOW_DT' => $date_dt_now,
'now_dt' => $date_dt_now,
'NOW_T()' => $date_t_now,
'now_t()' => $date_t_now,
'NOW_T' => $date_t_now,
'now_t' => $date_t_now,
'kt_referrer' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])?$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']:'',
$placeholdersArr = KT_getReplacementsFromMessage($expression);
$replacementsArr = array();
switch ($escapeMethod) {
case 'rawurlencode' :
case 'expression' :
case 'SQL' :
if (!isset($tNG)) {
$escapeMethod = false;
default :
$escapeMethod = false;
if ($useSavedData !== true) {
$useSavedData = false;
foreach ($placeholdersArr as $key => $placeholder) {
if (array_key_exists($placeholder, $extraParams)) {
// extra params have priority 1
$placeholderType = 'tng_ddextra';
$placeholderName = $placeholder;
} else {
// functions have priority 2
if (array_key_exists($placeholder, $dynamicDataFunctions)) {
$placeholderType = 'tNG_DDfunction';
$placeholderName = $placeholder;
} else {
$ptpos = strpos($placeholder, '.');
if (!$ptpos) {
// tng field
if (isset($tNG)) {
// attached to a tng, replace field with value
$placeholderType = 'tNG_tNGfield';
$placeholderName = $placeholder;
} else {
// no tng, leave as is
$placeholderType = 'tNG_tNGfieldLater';
$placeholderName = $placeholder;
} else {
$placeholderType = substr($placeholder, 0, $ptpos);
$placeholderName = substr($placeholder, $ptpos + 1);
$placeholder = $PB . $placeholder . $PE;
switch (strtolower($placeholderType)) {
case 'tng_ddfunction' :
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = $dynamicDataFunctions[$placeholderName];
case 'tng_ddextra' :
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = $extraParams[$placeholderName];
case 'tng_tngfield' :
if ($useSavedData) {
$placeholderValue = $tNG->getSavedValue($placeholderName);
} else {
if (isset($tNG->columns[$placeholderName]) || $placeholderName == $tNG->getPrimaryKey()) {
$placeholderValue = $tNG->getColumnValue($placeholderName);
$placeholderType = $tNG->getColumnType($placeholderName);
} else {
if ($errorIfNotFound == true) {
die('KT_DynamicData:<br />Column ' . $placeholderName . ' is not part of the current transaction.');
} else {
$placeholderValue = $placeholder;
if ($escapeMethod == 'SQL') {
$placeholderValue = KT_escapeForSql($placeholderValue, $placeholderType);
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = $placeholderValue;
case 'tng_tngfieldlater':
case 'get':
$myPlaceholderName = $placeholderName;
if (isset($tNG)) {
if (isset($tNG->multipleIdx)) {
$myPlaceholderName .= "_".$tNG->multipleIdx;
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = KT_getRealValue("GET",$myPlaceholderName);
if (!isset($replacementsArr[$placeholder])) {
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = KT_getRealValue("GET",$placeholderName);
case 'post':
$myPlaceholderName = $placeholderName;
if (isset($tNG)) {
if (isset($tNG->multipleIdx)) {
$myPlaceholderName .= "_".$tNG->multipleIdx;
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = KT_getRealValue("POST",$myPlaceholderName);
if (!isset($replacementsArr[$placeholder])) {
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = KT_getRealValue("POST",$placeholderName);
case 'cookie':
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = KT_getRealValue("COOKIE",$placeholderName);
case 'session':
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = KT_getRealValue("SESSION",$placeholderName);
case 'globals':
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = KT_getRealValue("GLOBALS",$placeholderName);
case 'request':
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = KT_getRealValue("GLOBALS",$placeholderName);
case 'server':
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = KT_getRealValue("SERVER",$placeholderName);
case 'application':
// CF only
case 'csv':
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = KT_getRealValue("CSV",$placeholderName);
default :
// recordset
if (isset($GLOBALS[$placeholderType])) {
$rs = $GLOBALS[$placeholderType];
if (is_resource($rs)) {
$placeholderValue = $GLOBALS["row_".$placeholderType][$placeholderName];
} elseif (is_object($rs)) {
$placeholderValue = $rs->Fields($placeholderName);
} else {
} else {
$placeholderValue = $placeholder;
$replacementsArr[$placeholder] = $placeholderValue;
if ($escapeMethod == 'rawurlencode') {
if (
!array_key_exists ("{kt_login_redirect}", $replacementsArr) &&
!array_key_exists ("{kt_referrer}", $replacementsArr) &&
!array_key_exists ("{KT_REFERRER}", $replacementsArr)
) {
$replacementsArr = array_map($escapeMethod, $replacementsArr);
} elseif ($escapeMethod == 'expression') {
$replacementsArr = array_map('KT_escapeExpression', $replacementsArr);
$newexpression = str_replace(array_keys($replacementsArr), array_values($replacementsArr), $expression);
/*if ($escapeMethod == 'expression') {
echo $newexpression."\n<br/>\n";
return $newexpression;
function KT_stripslashes($value, $key) {
$value = stripslashes($value);
function KT_getRealValue($method, $reference) {
$needStrip = false;
$ret = null;
switch($method) {
case 'GET':
if (isset($_GET[$reference])) {
$ret = $_GET[$reference];
$needStrip = true;
case 'POST':
if (isset($_POST[$reference])) {
$ret = $_POST[$reference];
$needStrip = true;
case 'COOKIE':
if (isset($_COOKIE[$reference])) {
$ret = $_COOKIE[$reference];
$needStrip = true;
case 'SESSION':
if (isset($_SESSION[$reference])) {
$ret = $_SESSION[$reference];
case 'GLOBALS':
if (isset($GLOBALS[$reference])) {
$ret = $GLOBALS[$reference];
case 'SERVER':
if (isset($_SERVER[$reference])) {
$ret = $_SERVER[$reference];
case 'FILES':
if (isset($_FILES[$reference])) {
$ret = @$_FILES[$reference]['name'];
case 'VALUE':
$ret = $reference;
case 'CURRVAL':
$ret = null;
case 'CSV':
if (isset($GLOBALS['KT_CSV'][$reference])) {
$ret = $GLOBALS['KT_CSV'][$reference];
case 'XML':
if (isset($GLOBALS['KT_XML'][$reference])) {
$ret = $GLOBALS['KT_XML'][$reference];
die('KT_getRealValue:<br />Unknown method: '.$method.'.');
if ($needStrip && !is_null($ret)) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() || (isset($GLOBALS['KT_serverModel']) && $GLOBALS['KT_serverModel'] == 'adodb')) {
if (is_array($ret)) {
array_walk($ret, 'KT_stripslashes');
} else {
$ret = stripslashes($ret);
return $ret;
function KT_convertDate($date, $inFmt, $outFmt) {
if (($inFmt == '') || ($outFmt == '') || ($inFmt == $outFmt)) {
return $date;
if (!isset($date) || $date == '') {
if (strpos($inFmt, '%') !== false) {
$inFmt = KT_format2newDF($inFmt);
if (strpos($outFmt, '%') !== false) {
$outFmt = KT_format2newDF($outFmt);
$inFmtRule = KT_format2rule($inFmt);
$outFmtRule = KT_format2rule($outFmt);
$dateArr = KT_applyDate2rule($date, $inFmtRule);
$outRule = KT_format2outRule($outFmt);
$outdate = KT_applyOutRule2date($dateArr, $outFmtRule, $outRule);
return $outdate;
function KT_format2newDF($dateformat) {
$dateformat = str_replace('%Y', 'yyyy', $dateformat);
$dateformat = str_replace('%m', 'mm', $dateformat);
$dateformat = str_replace('%d', 'dd', $dateformat);
$dateformat = str_replace('%H', 'HH', $dateformat);
$dateformat = str_replace('%M', 'ii', $dateformat);
$dateformat = str_replace('%S', 'ss', $dateformat);
return $dateformat;
function KT_format2rule($format) {
$rule = array();
$rulePieces = preg_split('/([-\/\[\]\(\)\s\*\|\+\.:=,])/', $format);
$count = count($rulePieces);
for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
$rulePiece = $rulePieces[$i];
switch ($rulePiece) {
case 'yyyy':
case 'yy':
case 'y':
$rule['y']['piece'] = $i;
$rule['y']['len'] = strlen($rulePiece);
case 'mm':
case 'm':
$rule['m']['piece'] = $i;
$rule['m']['len'] = strlen($rulePiece);
case 'dd':
case 'd':
$rule['d']['piece'] = $i;
$rule['d']['len'] = strlen($rulePiece);
case 'HH':
case 'H':
$rule['H']['piece'] = $i;
$rule['H']['len'] = strlen($rulePiece);
case 'hh':
case 'h':
$rule['h']['piece'] = $i;
$rule['h']['len'] = strlen($rulePiece);
case 'ii':
case 'i':
$rule['i']['piece'] = $i;
$rule['i']['len'] = strlen($rulePiece);
case 'ss':
case 's':
$rule['s']['piece'] = $i;
$rule['s']['len'] = strlen($rulePiece);
case 'tt':
case 't':
$rule['t']['piece'] = $i;
$rule['t']['len'] = strlen($rulePiece);
return $rule;
function KT_applyDate2rule($date, $rule) {
$dateArr = array();
$dateArr['y'] = '';
$dateArr['m'] = '';
$dateArr['d'] = '';
$dateArr['H'] = '00';
$dateArr['i'] = '00';
$dateArr['s'] = '00';
$datePieces = preg_split('/([-\/\[\]\(\)\s\*\|\+\.:=,])/', $date, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (is_array($datePieces) && count($datePieces)>0) {
foreach ($rule as $ruleKey => $ruleValue) {
$index = $ruleValue['piece'];
if (isset($datePieces[$index])) {
$dateArr[$ruleKey] = $datePieces[$index];
$ruleKeys = array_keys($rule);
if (in_array('h', $ruleKeys) && isset($dateArr['h'])) {
$dateArr['H'] = $dateArr['h'];
if (in_array('t', $ruleKeys)) {
$value = isset($dateArr['t'])?$dateArr['t']:'A';
if (strtoupper(substr($value, 0, 1)) == 'P') {
if ($dateArr['H'] < 12) {
$dateArr['H'] = $dateArr['H'] + 12;
} else {
if ($dateArr['H'] == 12) {
$dateArr['H'] = 0;
foreach (array('y', 'm', 'd', 'H', 'i', 's') as $key => $piece) {
if (strlen($dateArr[$piece]) == 1) {
$dateArr[$piece] = '0' . $dateArr[$piece];
if (strlen($dateArr['y']) == 2) {
if ($dateArr['y'] < 70) {
$dateArr['y'] = '20' . $dateArr['y'];
} else {
$dateArr['y'] = '19' . $dateArr['y'];
return $dateArr;
function KT_format2outRule($format) {
$format = str_replace('yyyy', 'y', $format);
$format = str_replace('yy', 'y', $format);
$format = str_replace('mm', 'm', $format);
$format = str_replace('dd', 'd', $format);
$format = str_replace('hh', 'h', $format);
$format = str_replace('HH', 'H', $format);
$format = str_replace('ii', 'i', $format);
$format = str_replace('ss', 's', $format);
$format = str_replace('tt', 't', $format);
return $format;
function KT_applyOutRule2date(&$dateArr, &$formatRule, &$outStringRule) {
$date = '';
$dateArrKeys = array_keys($dateArr);
$formatRuleKeys = array_keys($formatRule);
$preparedKeys = array_diff($formatRuleKeys, $dateArr);
if (count($preparedKeys) > 0) {
if (in_array('h', $preparedKeys)) {
$value = $dateArr['H'];
$dateArr['h'] = $value;
if ($value == 0) {
$dateArr['h'] = 12;
$dateArr['t'] = 'AM';
if ($value > 12 && $value < 24) {
$dateArr['h'] = $value - 12;
$dateArr['t'] = 'PM';
if (in_array('t', $preparedKeys)) {
$value = $dateArr['H'];
$dateArr['t'] = 'AM';
if ($value > 11) {
$dateArr['t'] = 'PM';
$formatRuleKeys = array_keys($formatRule);
$count = count($formatRuleKeys);
for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
$key = $formatRuleKeys[$i];
$len = $formatRule[$key]['len'];
$value = $dateArr[$key];
// convert from less digits to more
// only for HH
if (strlen($value) < $len) {
if ($key == 'H') {
$dateArr[$key] = '0' . $value;
// convert from more digits to less
if (strlen($value) > $len) {
switch ($key) {
case 'm':
case 'd':
case 'i':
case 'h':
case 'H':
case 's':
if (substr($value, 0, 1) == '0') {
$dateArr[$key] = substr($value, 1);
case 'y':
if (strlen($value) == 4) {
$value = substr($value, 2);
if ($len == 1 && substr($value, 0, 1) == '0') {
$value = substr($value, 1);
$dateArr[$key] = $value;
case 't':
$dateArr[$key] = substr($value, 0, 1);
$date = str_replace(array_keys($dateArr), array_values($dateArr), $outStringRule);
$date = trim(preg_replace('/[-\/\[\]\(\)\s\*\|\+\.:=,]{2,}/', '', $date));
return $date;
* Validates a date array
* @param $dateArr the date array
* @return boolean the date is valid or not
function KT_isValidDate(&$dateArr, $fullDateTime = true) {
if ($fullDateTime == true) {
if (!isset($dateArr['y'])) {
return false;
if (isset($dateArr['m'])) {
if ($dateArr['m'] < 1 || $dateArr['m'] > 12) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
$maxday = KT_getDaysOfMonth($dateArr['m'], $dateArr['y']);
if (isset($dateArr['d'])) {
if ($dateArr['d'] < 1 || $dateArr['d'] > $maxday) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
if (isset($dateArr['H'])) {
if ($dateArr['H'] < 0 || $dateArr['H'] > 23) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
if (isset($dateArr['i'])) {
if ($dateArr['i'] < 0 || $dateArr['i'] > 59) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
if (isset($dateArr['s'])) {
if ($dateArr['s'] < 0 || $dateArr['s'] > 59) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Return the last day of the given month for the given year;
* @param string $month the month in a numeric format (ex. 01 );
* @param int $year the value of the year (ex. 2004)
* @return string the last day of the month (ex. 31 );
function KT_getDaysOfMonth($month, $year) {
$maxday = 1;
switch (intval($month)) {
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
case 7:
case 8:
case 10:
case 12:
$maxday = 31;
case 4:
case 6:
case 9:
case 11:
$maxday = 30;
case 2:
$maxday = 28;
if ((($year % 4 == 0) && ($year % 100 != 0)) || ($year % 400 == 0)) {
$maxday = 29;
return $maxday;
* Compares 2 date arrays
* @param array $dateArr1
* @param array $dateArr2
* @return integer -1, 1 or 0
function KT_compareDates(&$dateArr1, &$dateArr2) {
$time1 = $dateArr1['y'] . $dateArr1['m'] . $dateArr1['d'] . $dateArr1['H'] . $dateArr1['i'] . $dateArr1['s'];
$time2 = $dateArr2['y'] . $dateArr2['m'] . $dateArr2['d'] . $dateArr2['H'] . $dateArr2['i'] . $dateArr2['s'];
if (floatval($time1) > floatval($time2)) {
return -1;
if (floatval($time1) < floatval($time2)) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Strips empty values from time expressions
* @param string $date - datetime expression
* @return new datetime without 0's
function KT_stripTime($date) {
if ( strstr($date, ' ') && strstr($date, ':') && (strpos($date, ' ') < strpos($date, ':')) ) {
$dateArr = explode(' ', $date);
$timeArr = explode(':', $dateArr[1]);
for ($i = count($timeArr) - 1; $i >=0; $i--) {
if ($timeArr[$i] != '0' && $timeArr[$i] != '00') {
} else {
// remove time when [time format is hh:mm:ss tt] and [time value is 12 A(M)]
if ( count($timeArr) == 1 && trim($timeArr[0]) == '12' && count($dateArr) == 3 && (strtolower(trim($dateArr[2])) == 'a' || strtolower(trim($dateArr[2])) == 'am') ) {
$dateArr[1] = implode(':', $timeArr);
if ($dateArr[1] == '') {
$date = implode(' ', $dateArr);
return $date;
* Expands time expressions to full screen format
* @param string $date - datetime expression
* @return new datetime with full time part
function KT_expandTime($date) {
$dateArr = explode(' ', $date);
$timeArr = explode(':', $dateArr[1]);
$hour = $timeArr[0];
$min = '00';
$sec = '00';
if ( isset($timeArr[1]) ) {
$min = $timeArr[1];
if ( isset($timeArr[2]) ) {
$sec = $timeArr[2];
if ( isset($dateArr[2]) ) {
if ( preg_match('/p/i', $dateArr[2]) && $hour < 12 ) {
$hour += 12;
if ( preg_match('/a/i', $dateArr[2]) && $hour == 12 ) {
$hour = '00';
$date = $dateArr[0] . ' ' . KT_convertDate($hour . ':' . $min . ':' . $sec, 'HH:ii', $GLOBALS['KT_screen_time_format_internal']);
return $date;
* Wrapper for KT_convertDate
* For internal use
* @param string $date The date in input format
* @param string $toScreen if $toScreen == 'toscreen' the date will be outputed in screen format; otherwise in database format
* @return string the date in the new format
function KT_convertDateCall($date, $toScreen = '') {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['KT_screen_time_format_internal'])) {
if (!preg_match('/^([\d-\/\[\]\(\)\s\*\|\+\.:=,]|a|p|am|pm)+$/i', $date)) {
return $date;
$date = str_replace('1900-01-01 ', '', $date);
if (preg_match('/^\d+$/',$date)) {
if (strlen(trim($date)) == 14) {
$newDate = substr($date,0,4).'-'.substr($date,4,2).'-'.substr($date,6,2);
$newDate .= ' '.substr($date,8,2).':'.substr($date,10,2).':'.substr($date,12,2);
$date = $newDate;
$from = 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:ii';
$to = $GLOBALS['KT_screen_date_format'] . ' ' . $GLOBALS['KT_screen_time_format_internal'];
} else {
return $date;
if ( !preg_match('/^(\d+[-\/\[\]\(\)\s\*\|\+\.=,]\d+[-\/\[\]\(\)\s\*\|\+\.=,]\d+)+/i', $date) &&
!preg_match('/^\d+:\d+(:\d+|\s+a|\s+p|\s+am|\s+pm)/i', $date)
) {
return $date;
if ( $toScreen == '' && preg_match('/^\d+[-\/\[\]\(\)\s\*\|\+\.=,]\d+[-\/\[\]\(\)\s\*\|\+\.=,]\d+\s+\d+/i', $date) ) {
$date = KT_expandTime($date);
if ( strstr($date, ' ') && strstr($date, ':') && (strpos($date, ' ') < strpos($date, ':')) ) {
$from = $GLOBALS['KT_screen_date_format'] . ' ' . $GLOBALS['KT_screen_time_format_internal'];
$to = $GLOBALS['KT_db_date_format'] . ' ' . $GLOBALS['KT_db_time_format_internal'];
} elseif (strstr($date, ':')) {
$from = $GLOBALS['KT_screen_time_format_internal'];
$to = $GLOBALS['KT_db_time_format_internal'];
} else {
$from = $GLOBALS['KT_screen_date_format'];
$to = $GLOBALS['KT_db_date_format'];
if ($toScreen == 'toscreen') {
$tmp = $from;
$from = $to;
$to = $tmp;
$date = KT_convertDate($date, $from, $to);
if ($toScreen == 'toscreen') {
$date = KT_stripTime($date);
return $date;
* Converts mm to ii in time formats and sets globals
* For internal use
* maybe must be called from tng?
* @return nothing
function KT_getInternalTimeFormat() {
$GLOBALS['KT_db_date_format'] = preg_replace("/[yY]/","y",$GLOBALS['KT_db_date_format']);
$GLOBALS['KT_db_date_format'] = preg_replace("/[mM]/","m",$GLOBALS['KT_db_date_format']);
$GLOBALS['KT_db_date_format'] = preg_replace("/[dD]/","d",$GLOBALS['KT_db_date_format']);
$GLOBALS['KT_screen_date_format'] = preg_replace("/[yY]/","y",$GLOBALS['KT_screen_date_format']);
$GLOBALS['KT_screen_date_format'] = preg_replace("/[mM]/","m",$GLOBALS['KT_screen_date_format']);
$GLOBALS['KT_screen_date_format'] = preg_replace("/[dD]/","d",$GLOBALS['KT_screen_date_format']);
$GLOBALS['KT_screen_time_format_internal'] = str_replace('m', 'i', $GLOBALS['KT_screen_time_format']);
$GLOBALS['KT_db_time_format_internal'] = str_replace('m', 'i', $GLOBALS['KT_db_time_format']);
* Converts a date/time/datetime from screen format to database format
* For internal use
* @param string $date The date in screen format
* returns string the date in database format
function KT_formatDate2DB($date) {
return KT_convertDateCall($date);
* Converts a date/time/datetime from database format to screen format
* Used for date display
* @param string $date The date in database format
* @return string the date in screen format
function KT_formatDate($date) {
return KT_convertDateCall($date, 'toscreen');
* Escape the expression for \ and ';
* @param string $expr the expression to be escaped;
* @return string escaped expression if not null or null;
function KT_escapeExpression($expr) {
if ($expr !== null) {
$expr = str_replace(array('\\','\''),array('\\\\','\\\''),$expr);
$expr = "'".$expr."'";
} else {
$expr = "null";
return $expr;
* Return a strip string (without html tags and no longer than $maxchars);
* @param string $value the string wich will be parsed;
* @param int $maxChars -1 or bigger then 0;
* @return string the last day of the month (ex. 31 );
function KT_FormatForList($value, $maxChars) {
$isBigger = false;
$value = preg_replace("/<head[^>]*>[\w\W]*?<\/head>[\n\r]*/i", '', $value);
$value = preg_replace("/<link[^>]*>[\n\r]*/i", '', $value);
$value = preg_replace("/<script[^>]*>[\w\W]*?<\/script>[\n\r]*/i", '', $value);
$value = preg_replace("/<style[^>]*>[\w\W]*?<\/style>[\n\r]*/i", '', $value);
$value = strip_tags($value);
if ($maxChars != -1) {
if (strlen(trim($value)) > $maxChars) {
$value = substr($value, 0, $maxChars);
$isBigger = true;
$value = str_replace(array("<", ">"), array("<", ">"), $value);
if ($value == "") {
$value = " ";
if ($isBigger) {
$value .= "...";
return $value;
* Set the database type and server model in $GLOBALS and return the database type;
* @param object $connection the connection object;
* @return string the type of the database;
function KT_setDbType($connection) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['KT_dataDbType'])) {
$cname = strtolower($connection->databaseType);
$GLOBALS['KT_dataDbType'] = $cname;
if (!isset($GLOBALS['KT_serverModel'])) {
$GLOBALS['KT_serverModel'] = 'adodb';
if (isset($connection->servermodel) && $connection->servermodel == 'mysql') {
$GLOBALS['KT_serverModel'] = 'mysql';
return $GLOBALS['KT_dataDbType'];
* Escapes a value against a specific type to be used in the transaction SQL
* Ex: value=ab'b and type=STRING, result=ab\'b (escapes slashes)
* @param object unknown $colValue The value to prepare
* @param string $colType The type (STRING_TYPE, NUMERIC_TYPE, etc)
* @param bool $forFakeRs if it should return values for an SQL query, or for an fake recordset
* @return object unknown The escaped value
* @access public
function KT_escapeForSql($colValue, $colType, $forFakeRs = false) {
$type2empty = array(
'NUMERIC_TYPE' => 'null',
'DOUBLE_TYPE' => 'null',
'DATE_TYPE' => 'null',
$type2quote = array(
'DOUBLE_TYPE' => '',
'DATE_TYPE' => '\'',
// fake rs empty values
if ($forFakeRs) {
$type2empty = array(
'DOUBLE_TYPE' => '',
'DATE_TYPE' => '',
if (is_null($colValue) || $colValue === '') {
$tmValue = $type2empty[$colType];
} else {
if ($colType == "NUMERIC_TYPE") {
$colValue = intval($colValue);
} elseif ($colType == "DOUBLE_TYPE") {
$colValue = str_replace(',', '.', $colValue);
$colValue = floatval($colValue);
if ($forFakeRs) {
$tmValue = $colValue;
} else {
$quote = $type2quote[$colType];
$tmValue = $quote . str_replace(array("'", "\\"), array("''", "\\\\"), $colValue) . $quote;
return $tmValue;
* Escapes a value of a field name to be used in the transaction SQL
* Ex: First Name gets translated into `First Name`
* @param string $colName The DataBase field name
* @return string The escaped field name
* @access public
function KT_escapeFieldName($colName) {
return $colName;
$startq = '"';
$endq = '"';
// if colname contains ., return as is
if (preg_match('/\./', $colName)) {
return $colName;
if (isset($GLOBALS['KT_dataDbType'])) {
if (strpos($GLOBALS['KT_dataDbType'],'mysql') !== FALSE) {
$startq = '`';
$endq = '`';
// if name is of the form `name`, quote it
if (preg_match('/^`(.+)`$/', $colName, $matches)) {
return $startq . $matches[1] . $endq;
return $startq . $colName . $endq;
return $startq . $colName . $endq;
* Add the URL to the $_SESSION['KT_backArr'] array if this array not exist;
* If the array $_SESSION['KT_backArr'] exist check if the last entry is identical with the argument;
* If this 2 url are identical the old one is replaced with the new one, if not the new one is append it.
* @param string $newUrl the url to be add to the array;
* @return nothing;
function KT_SessionKtBack($newUrl) {
$newUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($newUrl, 'KT_ajax_request');
if (!isset($_SESSION['KT_backArr'])) {
$_SESSION['KT_backArr'] = array();
} elseif (count($_SESSION['KT_backArr'])>0) {
$oldUrl = array_pop($_SESSION['KT_backArr']);
$toldUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($oldUrl, '/^pageNum_.*$/i');
$toldUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($toldUrl, '/^totalRows_.*$/i');
$toldUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($toldUrl, '/^sorter_.*$/i');
$toldUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($toldUrl, '/^show_all_.*$/i');
$toldUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($toldUrl, '/^show_filter_.*$/i');
$toldUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($toldUrl, '/^reset_filter_.*$/i');
$toldUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($toldUrl, 'isFlash');
$toldUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($toldUrl, session_name());
$tnewUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($newUrl, '/^pageNum_.*$/i');
$tnewUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($tnewUrl, '/^totalRows_.*$/i');
$tnewUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($tnewUrl, '/^sorter_.*$/i');
$tnewUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($tnewUrl, '/^show_all_.*$/i');
$tnewUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($tnewUrl, '/^show_filter_.*$/i');
$tnewUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($tnewUrl, '/^reset_filter_.*$/i');
$tnewUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($tnewUrl, 'isFlash');
$tnewUrl = KT_addReplaceParam($tnewUrl, session_name());
if ($tnewUrl != $toldUrl) {
} else {
* Set the the permissions for folder/file setted in GLOBALS['KT_folder_mode']/GLOBALS['KT_file_mode'];
* @fileName string $fileName the path;
* @isFolder boolean $isFolder;
* @return boolean true is;
function KT_setFilePermissions($fileName, $isFolder = false) {
$ret = false;
$tmp_perms = "";
if ($isFolder == true && isset($GLOBALS['KT_folder_mode'])) {
$tmp_perms = $GLOBALS['KT_folder_mode'];
} elseif (isset($GLOBALS['KT_file_mode'])){
$tmp_perms = $GLOBALS['KT_file_mode'];
if ($tmp_perms != "") {
if ($fileName != '' && file_exists($fileName)) {
$old_perms = @fileperms($fileName);
if ($old_perms !== false) {
$old_perms = decoct($old_perms);
$old_perms = substr($old_perms,-3,3);
$old_perms = octdec($old_perms);
$new_perms = $old_perms | octdec($tmp_perms);
$ret = @chmod($fileName, $new_perms);
} else {
$ret = false;
return $ret;
* return the type of request this page has been used
* @return boolean true if the request is and Ajax Request
function KT_is_ajax_request() {
return isset($_GET['KT_ajax_request']);
* Leave just ASCII chars (alpha-numeric) and _ . ,; () []
* @param string string to be parsed;
* @param string if equal folder let /;
* @return string;
* @access public
function KT_replaceSpecialChars($text, $what) {
if ($what == 'folder') {
return preg_replace("/[^\/0-9a-z\.,;\-_\(\)\[\]\s]/i", "_", $text);
} else {
return preg_replace("/[^0-9a-z\.,;\-_\(\)\[\]\s]/i", "_", $text);
* overwrite the Pragma: no-cache header which might have been sent by the server
* To mark a response as "never expires," an origin server sends an Expires date
* @param int number of seconds;
* @return nothing;
* @access public
function KT_sendExpireHeader($seconds) {
//overwrite the Pragma: no-cache header which might have been sent by the server
header('Pragma: cache', true);
// To mark a response as "never expires," an origin server sends an Expires date
//approximately one year from the time the response is sent.
// HTTP/1.1 servers SHOULD NOT send Expires dates more than one year in the future.
// the Date format is: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 10:09:26 GMT
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i \G\M\T', time() - $seconds), true);
header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i \G\M\T', time() + $seconds), true);
//Expires header is ignored by HTTP/1.1-compliant clients
header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $seconds, true);
* Remove denied tags.
* @param string text to be cleaned
* @param string denied tags
* @param string allowed tags
* @return cleaned text;
* @access public
function KT_cleanContent($text, $denied, $allowed) {
$arrDenied = explode(',', trim($denied));
$arrAllowed = explode(',', trim($allowed));
array_walk($arrDenied, 'trim');
array_walk($arrAllowed, 'trim');
if (trim($denied)!='' && count($arrDenied) > 0) {
preg_match_all('/<(\w+)[^>]*>/', $text, $contentTags);
if (isset($contentTags[1])) {
foreach($contentTags[1] as $k => $tag) {
if (in_array(strtolower($tag), $arrDenied)) {
$text = preg_replace('/<\/?' . $tag . '[^>]*>/i', '', $text);
} else if (trim($allowed) && count($arrAllowed) > 0) {
$allowed_tags_list = '<' . implode('>,<', $arrAllowed) . '>';
$text = strip_tags($text, $allowed_tags_list);
// remove script;
if (in_array('script', $arrDenied) || (count($arrAllowed)>0 && !in_array('script', $arrAllowed))) {
while(preg_match_all("/<[^\/][\w\W]*?((on[a-z]+\s*=\s*\"[\w\W]*?\")|(on[a-z]+\s*=\s*'[\w\W]*?')|(on[a-z]+\s*=\s*[^\s]*))[\w\W]*?>/ims", $text, $m)) {
for ($i=0; $i<count($m[0]); $i++) {
$re = str_replace($m[1][$i], '', $m[0][$i]);
$text = str_replace($m[0][$i], $re, $text);
if (preg_match_all("/<[^>]+>/ims", $text, $m)) {
for ($i=0; $i<count($m[0]); $i++) {
while (preg_match("/(\W\w+\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*j\s*a\s*v\s*a\s*s\s*c\s*r\s*i\s*p\s*t\s*:[^\"]*)\"+)|(\W\w+\s*=\s*'([^']*j\s*a\s*v\s*a\s*s\s*c\s*r\s*i\s*p\s*t\s*:[^']*)'+)|(\W\w+\s*=\s*j\s*a\s*v\s*a\s*s\s*c\s*r\s*i\s*p\s*t\s*[^\s>]*)/ims", $m[0][$i], $mm)) {
$re = str_replace($mm[count($m)-1], '', $m[0][$i]);
$text = str_replace($m[0][$i], $re, $text);
$m[0][$i] = $re;
// style
if (preg_match_all("/<\s*style[\w\W]*>([\s\S]*)<\/style>/ims", $text, $m)) {
for ($i=0; $i<count($m[0]); $i++) {
if (preg_match_all("/:\s*(expression)\s*\(/ims", $m[0][$i], $mm)) {
$re = str_replace($mm[1], '', $m[0][$i]);
$text = str_replace($m[0][$i], $re, $text);
//inline style
if (preg_match_all("/<(.*)style\s*=[^>]+>/ims", $text, $m)) {
for ($i=0; $i<count($m[0]); $i++) {
if (preg_match_all("/:\s*(expression)\s*\(/ims", $m[0][$i], $mm)) {
$re = str_replace($mm[1], '', $m[0][$i]);
$text = str_replace($m[0][$i], $re, $text);
return $text;
class tNG {
var $connection = null;
var $sql = "";
var $triggers = array();
var $started = false;
var $transactionType = "UNKNOWN";
var $exportRecordset = false;
var $transactionResult = null;
var $errObj = null;
var $dispatcher = null;
function tNG(&$connection) {
$this->connection = &$connection;
function setDispatcher(&$dispatcher) {
$this->dispatcher = &$dispatcher;
function &getDispatcher() {
return $this->dispatcher;
function exportsRecordset() {
return $this->exportRecordset;
function registerConditionalTrigger($condition, $triggerType, $callBackFunction, $priority) {
// check if the trigger type is valid
if (in_array($triggerType,array("STARTER","AFTER","BEFORE","END","ERROR"))) {
$params = array();
if (func_num_args() > 4) {
$params = array_slice(func_get_args(),4);
$this->triggers[$triggerType][] = array($condition, $callBackFunction,$priority,$params);
if ($callBackFunction == "Trigger_Default_FormValidation" && isset($this->dispatcher->UnivalProps) && $condition !== true) {
$this->dispatcher->UnivalProps = array();
} else {
$this->setError(new tNG_error('UNKNOWN_TRIGGER', array(), array($triggerType)));
function registerTrigger($triggerType,$callBackFunction,$priority) {
$params = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array(array(&$this, "registerConditionalTrigger"), $params);
function prepareSQL() {
function executeTransaction() {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'executeTransaction', 'begin');
if ($this->started) {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'executeTransaction', 'end');
return false;
//calling the starter triggers and terminate execution if we had an error
$ret = $this->executeTriggers("STARTER");
if (is_object($ret)) {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'executeTransaction', 'end');
return false;
if (!$this->started) {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'executeTransaction', 'end');
return false;
$ret = $this->doTransaction();
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'executeTransaction', 'end');
return $ret;
function executeTriggers($triggerType) {
if (isset($this->triggers[$triggerType]) && is_array($this->triggers[$triggerType])) {
foreach ($this->triggers[$triggerType] as $key => $trigger) {
$run = KT_DynamicData($trigger[0], $this, 'expression');
$runTrigger = false;
$ok = false;
@eval('$runTrigger = ('.$run.');$ok = true;');
if ($ok !== true) {
die('Internal Error.Invalid boolean expression: '.$run);
if ($runTrigger) {
$callBackFunction = $trigger[1];
$tempParam = array_reverse($trigger[3]);
$tempParam[] = &$this;
$tempParam = array_reverse($tempParam, true);
tNG_log::log($triggerType, $callBackFunction, 'begin');
if (is_string($callBackFunction) && function_exists($callBackFunction)) {
$ret = call_user_func_array($callBackFunction,$tempParam);
} else {
die('Internal Error. Trigger "'.$callBackFunction.'" does not exist.');
// call all triggers for ERROR and STARTER tiggers
if ($triggerType != "ERROR") {
if (is_object($ret)) {
tNG_log::log($triggerType, $callBackFunction, 'end');
return $ret;
tNG_log::log($triggerType, $callBackFunction, 'end');
return null;
function compareTriggers($tr1 , $tr2) {
if ($tr1[2] == $tr2[2]) {
return 0;
return ($tr1[2] < $tr2[2]) ? -1 : 1;
function getTransactionType() {
return $this->transactionType;
function isStarted() {
return $this->started;
function setStarted($started) {
$this->started = $started;
function setSQL($sql) {
$this->sql = $sql;
function postExecuteSql() {
return null;
function &parseSQLError($sql, $errorMsg) {
$sql = KT_escapeAttribute($sql);
$errObj = new tNG_error('SQL_ERROR', array($errorMsg), array($sql));
return $errObj;
function setError($errorObj) {
$this->errorObj = $errorObj;
function &getError() {
$ret = null;
$ret = &$this->errorObj;
return $ret;
function getErrorMsg() {
$ret_warning = '';
$ret_user = '';
$ret_devel = '';
$errObj = &$this->getError();
if ($errObj) {
$ret_user = $errObj->getDetails();
$ret_devel = $errObj->getDeveloperDetails();
return array($ret_warning, $ret_user, $ret_devel);
function doTransaction() {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'doTransaction', 'begin');
$tmp = $this->getError();
if (is_object($tmp)) {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'doTransaction', 'end');
return false;
//calling the before triggers and terminate execution if we had an error
$ret = $this->executeTriggers("BEFORE");
if (is_object($ret)) {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'doTransaction', 'end');
return false;
//process the SQL for eventual auto-generation
$ret = $this->prepareSQL();
if (is_object($ret)) {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'doTransaction', 'end');
return false;
$ret = $this->getError();
if (is_object($ret)) {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'doTransaction', 'end');
return false;
//executing the transaction
if ($this->sql != '') {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'executeTransaction', 'execute sql');
if (!is_array($this->sql)) {
$this->transactionResult = $this->connection->Execute($this->sql);
} else {
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->sql);$i++) {
$this->transactionResult = $this->connection->Execute($this->sql[$i], $this->connection);
if ($this->transactionResult === false) {
//check if the transaction has been done OK
if (!$this->transactionResult) {
$ret = $this->parseSQLError($this->sql, $this->connection->ErrorMsg());
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'doTransaction', 'end');
return false;
$ret = $this->postExecuteSql();
if (is_object($ret)) {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'doTransaction', 'end');
return false;
//if the SQL is a SELECT statement
if (is_object($this->transactionResult)) {
if ($this->transactionResult->RecordCount() == 0) {
$this->transactionResult = null;
//calling the after triggers
$ret = $this->executeTriggers("AFTER");
if (is_object($ret)) {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'doTransaction', 'end');
return false;
$ret = $this->executeTriggers("END");
if (is_object($ret)) {
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'doTransaction', 'end');
return false;
tNG_log::log('tNG' . $this->transactionType, 'doTransaction', 'end');
return true;
function rollBackTransaction(&$errorObj) {
Bom dia passoal, estou com esse erro em um script e não sei o que ue ppode ser. Se alguém ai puder ajudar.
Warning: Parameter 2 to Trigger_Default_FormValidation() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/bask/public_html/acesso1/includes/tng/tNG.class.php on line 107
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bask/public_html/acesso1/includes/tng/tNG.class.php:107) in /home/bask/public_html/acesso1/includes/common/ on line 386
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