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Ajuda script em perl para enviar emails.



#!/usr/bin/perl -w 
# ########################### ################ #
# Date    : July 16, 2012                                               #
# Purpose : Script to send out Nagios e-mails.\n";                      #
# Author  : Frank Migge (support at frank4dd dot com)                   #
# Help    :                            #
# Licence : GPL -                   #
#           Written for and verified with Nagios version 3.4.1          #
# Help    : ./ -h                               #
# Depends : perl-Mail-Sendmail (Mail::Sendmail)                         #
#           perl-MIME-tools (MIME::Base64)                              #
#           rrdtool-devel                                               #
#           libnetpbm (conversion png-to-jpg)                           #
#           netpbm (see above)                                          #
# ##################################################################### #
use Getopt::Long;
use Mail::Sendmail;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use MIME::Base64;
use File::Temp;
use RRDs;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw( $logo_id $graph_id $tmpfile $land $tbl $var
             %param_vars $elapse $tstamp $tstart $img_get);

# The version of this script
my $Version            ='1.7.3';
# the sender e-mail address to be seen by recipients
my $mail_sender        = "Nagios Monitoring <nagios\>";
# The Nagios CGI URL for integrated links
my $nagios_cgiurl      = "";
# Here we define a simple HTML stylesheet to be used in the HTML header.
my $html_style         = "body {text-align: center; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;}\n"
                       . "img.logo {float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px; vertical-align: middle}\n"
                       . "span {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;}\n"
                       . "table {text-align:center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}\n"
                       . "th {white-space: nowrap;}\n"
                       . "th.even {background-color: #D9D9D9;}\n"
                       . "td.even {background-color: #F2F2F2;}\n"
                       . "th.odd {background-color: #F2F2F2;}\n"
                       . "td.odd {background-color: #FFFFFF;}\n"
                       . "th,td {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; text-align:left;}\n"
                       . "th.customer {width: 600px; background-color: #004488; color: #ffffff;}";
my $table_size         = "600px";
my $header_size        = "180px";
my $data_size          = "420px";
my $debugtables        = "<br>\n";

# ########################################################################
# For tests using the -t/--test option, if we want to see Nagiosgraph
# graphs we need to set a valid host name and service name below.
# ########################################################################
my $test_host          = "susie114"; # existing host in Nagios

# ########################################################################
# Here we set the information where to pick up the RRD data files for the
# optional graph image generation, plus the graph size width x height px
# ########################################################################
my $ngraph_cgiurl      = "";
my $rrd_basedir        = "/srv/app/nagiosgraph/rrd";
my $graph_img_size     = "521x60";
my $graph_bgcolor      = "#F2F2F2";
my $graph_border       = "#999999";

# ########################################################################
# SMTP related data: If the commandline argument -H/--smtphost was not
# given, we use the provided value in $o_smtphost below as the default.
# If the mailserver requires auth, an example is further down the code.
# ########################################################################
my $o_smtphost         = "";
my $domain             = "\@yourdomain"; # only for -g group
my @listaddress        = ();

# ########################################################################
# This is the logo image file, the path must point to a valid JPG, GIF or
# PNG file, i.e. the nagios logo. Best size is rectangular up to 160x80px.
# example: [nagioshome]/share/images/NagiosEnterprises-whitebg-112x46.png
# ########################################################################
my $logofile = "/srv/www/std-root/";

# ########################################################################
# Because our mail system being Lotus Notes, which is not supporting PNG
# images, we must convert them from PNG to JPG before we can continue.
# Set $jpg_workaround = true if your mail client has the same trouble.
# ########################################################################
my $jpg_workaround = undef;

# ########################################################################
# Here I define the HTML color values for each Nagios notification type.
# There is one extra called TEST for sending a test e-mail from the cmdline
# outside of Nagios. The color values are used for highlighting the
# background of the notification type cell.
# ########################################################################
                       'FLAPPINGSTART'=>'#FF8080','FLAPPINGSTOP'=>'#80FF80',' FLAPPINGDISABLED'=>'FFFF80',

# ########################################################################
# language translated message text: $language{$land}{'A'}  (=Customer)
# You can simply add here your translation...
# ########################################################################
my %language = ('en' => { 'A' => 'Customer',
                          'B' => 'Notification Type',
                          'C' => 'Host Status',
                          'D' => 'Hostname',
                          'E' => 'Hostalias',
                          'F' => 'IP Address',
                          'G' => 'Hostgroup',
                          'H' => 'Event Time',
                          'I' => 'Host Output',
                          'J' => 'Author',
                          'K' => 'Comment',
                          'L' => 'Nagios Monitoring System Notification',
                          'M' => 'Generated by Nagios, the OpenSource monitoring solution' },
                'fr' => { 'A' => 'Utilisateur',
                          'B' => 'Type de notification',
                          'C' => 'Statut d\'hôte',
                          'D' => 'Nom d\'hôte',
                          'E' => 'Alias d\'hôte',
                          'F' => 'Adresse IP',
                          'G' => 'Groupe d\'hôte',
                          'H' => 'Heure de la notification',
                          'I' => 'Données',
                          'J' => 'Auteur',
                          'K' => 'Commentaire',
                          'L' => 'Notification de la surveillance Nagios',
                          'M' => 'Généré par Nagios, le système de surveillance OpenSource' },
                'de' => { 'A' => 'Anwender',
                          'B' => 'Nachrichtentyp',
                          'C' => 'Systemzustand',
                          'D' => 'Systemname',
                          'E' => 'Systemalias',
                          'F' => 'System IP Adresse',
                          'G' => 'Systemgruppe',
                          'H' => 'Meldungsdatum',
                          'I' => 'Systemnachricht',
                          'J' => 'Author',
                          'K' => 'Kommentar',
                          'L' => 'Nagios Überwachungssytem Meldung',
                          'M' => 'Erstellt mit Nagios, dem OpenSource Überwachungssytem' },
                'jp' => { 'A' => '顧客名',
                          'B' => '通知の種類',
                          'C' => 'ホストの状態',
                          'D' => 'ホスト名',
                          'E' => 'ホストの別名',
                          'F' => 'IPアドレス',
                          'G' => 'ホストグループ',
                          'H' => 'イベントの日付と時刻',
                          'I' => 'ホストデータ出力',
                          'J' => '投稿者',
                          'K' => 'コメント',
                          'L' => 'Nagios 監視システムの通知',
                          'M' => 'このメッセージはオープンソースの監視システムNagiosで生成されています。' });

####### Global Variables - No changes necessary below this line ##########
# Nagios notification type, i.e. PROBLEM
my $o_notificationtype = $ENV{NAGIOS_NOTIFICATIONTYPE};
# Nagios notification author (if avail.)
my $o_notificationauth = $ENV{NAGIOS_NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR};
# Nagios notification comment (if avail.)
my $o_notificationcmt  = $ENV{NAGIOS_NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT};
# Nagios monitored host name
my $o_hostname         = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTNAME};
# Nagios monitored host alias
my $o_hostalias        = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTALIAS};
# Nagios host group the host belongs to
my $o_hostgroup        = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTGROUPNAME};
# Nagios monitored host IP address
my $o_hostaddress      = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTADDRESS};
# Nagios monitored host state, i.e. DOWN
my $o_hoststate        = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTSTATE};
# Nagios monitored host check output data
my $o_hostoutput       = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTOUTPUT};
# Nagios date when the event was recorded
my $o_datetime         = $ENV{NAGIOS_LONGDATETIME};
# The recipients defined in $CONTACTEMAIL$
my $o_to_recipients    = $ENV{NAGIOS_CONTACTEMAIL};
# Modified by Robert Becht for using $CONTACTGROUPEMEMBERS$ in nagios.conf
my $recipient_group    = $ENV{NAGIOS_CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS};

# The next variables are provided through args
my $o_to_group         = undef; # this flag is only set with the -g option
my $o_cc_recipients    = undef; # The recipients defined in $CONTACTADDRESS1$
my $o_bcc_recipients   = undef; # The recipients defined in $CONTACTADDRESS2$
my $o_format           = "text";# The e-mail output format (default: text)
my $o_addurl           = undef; # flag to add Nagios GUI URLs to HTML e-mails
my $o_language         = undef; # The e-mail output language
my $o_lang_def         = "en";  # The e-mail output language default
my $o_customer         = undef; # Company name and contract number for service providers
my $o_help             = undef; # We want help
my $o_verb             = undef; # verbose mode
my $o_version          = undef; # print version
my $o_test             = undef; # generate a test message

# These variables are used in various subroutines
my $text_msg           = undef; # the plaintext notification
my $html_msg           = undef; # the HTML-formatted notification
my $graphfile          = undef; # if we generate graphs, the tmp file location
my $logo_img           = undef; # base64-encoded logo
my $logo_type          = undef; # logo image file format (jpg, gif, or png)
my $graph_img          = undef; # base64-encoded graph
my $graph_type         = undef; # graph image file format (jpg, gif, or png)
my $boundary           = undef; # unique string for multi-part emails
my %mail;

# $empty_img is a base64-encoded, white 1x1 pixel gif image, we
# use it if the logo or the Nagiosgraph data cannot be found.

# ########################################################################
# subroutine defintions below
# ########################################################################

# ########################################################################
# p_version returns the program version
# ########################################################################
sub p_version { print " version : $Version\n"; }

# ########################################################################
# print_usage returns the program usage
# ########################################################################
sub print_usage {
    print "Usage: $0 [-v] [-V] [-h] [-t] [-H <SMTP host>] [-p <customername>]
       [-r <to_recipients>] or -g <to_group>] [-c <cc_recipients>] [-b <bcc_recipients>]
       [-f <text|html|multi|graph>] [-u] [-l <en|jp|fr|de>(or other languages if added]\n";

# ########################################################################
# help returns the program help message
# ########################################################################
sub help {
   print "\nNagios e-mail notification script for host events, version ",$Version,"\n";
   print "This version was developed for inclusion of Nagiosgraph performance graphs.\n";
   print "GPL licence, (c)2012 Frank Migge\n\n";
   print <<EOT;

This script takes over Nagios e-mail notifications by receiving the Nagios state
information, formatting the e-mail and sending it out through an SMTP gateway.

-v, --verbose
   print extra debugging information 
-V, --version
   prints version number
-h, --help
   print this help message
-t, --test
   generates a test message together with -r, --to-recipients
-H, --smtphost=HOST
   name or IP address of SMTP gateway
-p, --customer="customer name and contract #"
  optionally, add the customer name and contract for service providers
-r, --to-recipients
   override the Nagios-provided \$CONTACTEMAIL\$ list of to: recipients
-g, --to-group-recipients in \$CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS\$
    instead of -r, use the list of contactgroup members and complete the mail
    address with the hard defined \$domain in this script. This is only possible
    when the contact name "abcd" works under the address "abcd\@domain".
-c, --cc-recipients
   the Nagios-provided \$CONTACTADDRESS1\$ list of cc: recipients
-b, --bcc-recipients
   the Nagios-provided \$CONTACTADDRESS2\$ list of bcc: recipients
-f, --format='text|html|multi|graph'
    the email format to generate: plain ASCII text, HTML, multipart S/MIME with
    a logo, or multipart S/MIME - adding the Nagiosgraph performance graph image
-u, --addurl
   this adds URL's to the Nagios web GUI for check status, host and hostgroup
   views into the html mail, requires -f html, multi or graph
-l, --language='en|jp|fr|de|(or what you defined in this script)'
    the prefered e-mail language. The content-type header is hard-coded to UTF-8.
    Check if your recipients require a different characterset encoding.

Extra: Additional debug output can be generated. Within Nagios, select a host
       and choose "Send custom host notification". Entering text, including the
       keyword "email-debug" into the "Comment" field will add additional tables
       containing a list of values for important Nagios and script variables.


# ########################################################################
# verb creates verbose output
# ########################################################################
sub verb { my $t=shift; print $t,"\n" if defined($o_verb) ; }

# ########################################################################
# unique content ID are needed for mulitpart messages with inline logos
# ########################################################################
sub create_content_id {
  my $unique_string  = rand(100);
  $unique_string  = $unique_string . substr(md5_hex(time()),0,23);
  $unique_string  =~ s/(.{5})/$1\./g;
  my $content_id  = qq(part.${unique_string}\@) . "MAIL";
  $unique_string  = undef;
  return $content_id;

# ########################################################################
# create_boundary creates the S/MIME multipart boundary strings
# ########################################################################
sub create_boundary {
  my $unique_string  = substr(md5_hex(time()),0,24);
  $boundary       = '======' . $unique_string ;
  $unique_string  = undef;

sub unknown_arg {
  exit -1;

# ########################################################################
# create_address adds the domain to the groupmembers list (Robert Becht)
# ########################################################################
sub create_address {
  my @mlist = split(",",$recipient_group);
  foreach (@mlist) {
    my $maddress = "$_"."$domain";
  $recipient_group = join(",",@listaddress);
  return ($recipient_group);

# ########################################################################
# check_options checks and processes the commandline options given
# ########################################################################
sub check_options {
  Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
      'v'     => \$o_verb,            'verbose'           => \$o_verb,
      'V'     => \$o_version,         'version'           => \$o_version,
      'h'     => \$o_help,            'help'              => \$o_help,
      't'     => \$o_test,            'test'              => \$o_test,
      'H:s'   => \$o_smtphost,        'smtphost:s'        => \$o_smtphost,
      'p:s'   => \$o_customer,        'customer:s'        => \$o_customer,
      'r:s'   => \$o_to_recipients,   'to-recipients:s'   => \$o_to_recipients,
      'g:s'   => \$o_to_group,      'to-group-recipients' => \$o_to_group,
      'c:s'   => \$o_cc_recipients,   'cc-recipients:s'   => \$o_cc_recipients,
      'b:i'   => \$o_bcc_recipients,  'bcc-recipients:s'  => \$o_bcc_recipients,
      'f:s'   => \$o_format,          'format:s'          => \$o_format,
      'u'     => \$o_addurl,          'addurl'            => \$o_addurl,
      'l:s'   => \$o_language,        'language:s'        => \$o_language,
  ) or unknown_arg();
  # Basic checks
  if (defined ($o_help) ) { help(); exit 0};
  if (defined($o_version)) { p_version(); exit 0};
  if ( ! defined($o_to_recipients) ) # no recipients provided
    { print "Error: no recipients have been provided\n"; print_usage(); exit -1}
  else {
    if (! defined($o_to_group)) {
      %mail = ( To     => $o_to_recipients,
                From   => $mail_sender,
                Sender => $mail_sender ); }
    else { 
      %mail = ( To     => $recipient_group,
                From   => $mail_sender,
                Sender => $mail_sender ); }

  if ( $o_format ne "text"  && $o_format ne "html"
    && $o_format ne "multi" && $o_format ne "graph") # wrong mail format
    { print "Error: wrong e-mail format.\n"; print_usage(); exit -1}

  if (defined($o_addurl) && $o_format eq "text")
    { print "Error: cannot add URL's to text.\n"; print_usage(); exit -1}
  if (defined($o_test)) { create_test_data(); };

  # Modified by Robert Becht to support additional languages
  # if no language has been requested, try to determine default from OS
 if (! defined($o_language)) {
    # if environment $LANG is set, try to extract the first two country chars, i.e. "en|de|fr"
    if ($ENV{LANG} eq "C" || $ENV{LANG} eq "POSIX") { $land = "en"; }
    else { ($land, my $rem) = split('_',$ENV{LANG}, 2); }
  } else { $land = $o_language; }
  # Last resort: Set "English" if the requested language is not supported by our script
  if (! $language{$land}{'A'}) { $land = $o_lang_def; }

# ########################################################################
# if -t or --test, we need to create sample test data to for sending out.
# Most data is hardcoded. For graph generation, host and service names
# must be valid so the script can pick up data from Nagiosgraph.
# ########################################################################
sub create_test_data {
  if (! defined($o_customer)){         $o_customer         = "ACME Corporation";}
  if (! defined($o_notificationtype)){ $o_notificationtype = "TEST";}
  if (! defined($o_hoststate)){        $o_hoststate        = "UNKNOWN";}
  if (! defined($o_hostname)){         $o_hostname         = $test_host;}
  if (! defined($o_hostalias)){        $o_hostalias        = "Test host alias (placeholder)";}
  if (! defined($o_hostaddress)){      $o_hostaddress      = "";}
  if (! defined($o_hostgroup)){        $o_hostgroup        = "Linux Servers";}
  if (! defined($o_datetime)){         $o_datetime         = `date`;}
  if (! defined($o_hostoutput)){       $o_hostoutput       = "Test output for this host";}
  if (! defined($o_notificationauth)){ $o_notificationauth = "John Doe";}
  # Setting the keyword "email-debug" in the notification comment below triggers the creation of debug tables
  if (! defined($o_notificationcmt)){  $o_notificationcmt  = "Host notification test message including email-debug";}

# ########################################################################
# Create a plaintext message -> $text_msg
# ########################################################################
sub create_message_text {
  $text_msg = $language{$land}{'L'}."\n"
            . "=====================================\n\n";

  # if customer name was given for service providers, display it here
  if ( defined($o_customer)) {
    $text_msg .= $language{$land}{'A'} . ": $o_customer\n";

  $text_msg = $text_msg
            . $language{$land}{'B'} . ": $o_notificationtype\n"
            . $language{$land}{'C'} . ": $o_hoststate\n"
            . $language{$land}{'D'} . ": $o_hostname\n"
            . $language{$land}{'E'} . ": $o_hostalias\n"
            . $language{$land}{'F'} . ": $o_hostaddress\n"
            . $language{$land}{'G'} . ": $o_hostgroup\n"
            . $language{$land}{'H'} . ": $o_datetime\n"
            . $language{$land}{'I'} . ": $o_hostoutput\n\n";

  # if author and comment data has been passed from Nagios
  # and these variables have content, then we add two more columns
  if ( ( defined($o_notificationauth) && defined($o_notificationcmt) ) &&
       ( ($o_notificationauth ne "") && ($o_notificationcmt ne "") ) ) {
    $text_msg .= $language{$land}{'J'} . ": $o_notificationauth\n"
              . $language{$land}{'K'} . ": $o_notificationcmt\n\n";


  $text_msg .=  "-------------------------------------\n"
            . $language{$land}{'M'} . "\n";

# ########################################################################
# Create a HTML message -> $html_msg, per flags include URL's and IMG's
# ########################################################################
sub create_message_html {
  # Start HTML message definition
  $html_msg = "<html><head><style type=\"text/css\">$html_style</style></head><body>\n"
            . "<table width=$table_size><tr>\n";

  if ($o_format eq "multi" || $o_format eq "graph") {
    $logo_id   = create_content_id();
    $html_msg .= "<td><img class=\"logo\" src=\"cid:$logo_id\"></td>"
              .  "<td><span>$language{$land}{'L'}</span></td></tr><tr>\n";
  } else {
    $html_msg .= "<th colspan=2><span>$language{$land}{'L'}</span></th></tr><tr>\n"; }

  if ( defined($o_customer)) {
    $html_msg .= "<th colspan=2 class=customer>$o_customer</th></tr><tr>\n"; }

  $html_msg = $html_msg
            . "<th width=$header_size class=even>$language{$land}{'B'}:</th>\n"
            . "<td bgcolor=$NOTIFICATIONCOLOR{$o_notificationtype}>\n"
            . "$o_notificationtype</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'C'}:</th><td>$o_hoststate</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'D'}:</th><td class=even>\n";

  if (defined($o_addurl)) {
    $html_msg .= "<a href=\"$nagios_cgiurl/status.cgi?host=" . urlencode($o_hostname) ."&style=detail\">$o_hostname</a>";
  } else { $html_msg .= $o_hostname; }
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'E'}:</th><td>$o_hostalias</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'F'}:</th><td class=even>$o_hostaddress</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'G'}:</th><td>\n";
  if (defined($o_addurl)) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg
              . "<a href=\"$nagios_cgiurl/status.cgi?hostgroup=" . urlencode($o_hostgroup) ."&style=overview\">$o_hostgroup</a>";
  } else { $html_msg .= $o_hostgroup; }
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</td></tr>\n"
             . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'H'}:</th><td class=even>$o_datetime</td></tr>\n"
             . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'I'}:</th><td>\n";
  if (defined($o_addurl)) {

    $html_msg .=  "<a href=\"$nagios_cgiurl/status.cgi?type=1&host=" . urlencode($o_hostname) . "\">$o_hostoutput</a>\n";
    # If the graph image wasn't empty, We add an additional link for Nagiosgraph
    if ($o_format eq "graph" && $graph_type ne "gif") {
      $html_msg .=  ", see also <a href=\"$ngraph_cgiurl?host=" . urlencode($o_hostname) ."&service=check-host-alive&geom=". $graph_img_size ."\">Nagiosgraph</a>\n"; }
  } else { $html_msg = $html_msg . $o_hostoutput; }
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</td></tr>\n";

  # If the author and comment data has been passed from Nagios
  # and these variables have content, then we add two more columns
  if ( ( defined($o_notificationauth) && defined($o_notificationcmt) ) &&
       ( ($o_notificationauth ne "") && ($o_notificationcmt ne "") ) ) {
    $html_msg .=  "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'J'}:</th>\n"
              . "<td class=even>$o_notificationauth</td></tr>\n"
              . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'K'}:</th>\n"
              . "<td>$o_notificationcmt</td></tr>\n";

  $html_msg .= "</table><br>\n";

  # if we got the graph format and a image has been generated, we add it here
  if (defined($graph_img) && $o_format eq "graph") {
    $graph_id = create_content_id();
    $html_msg .= "<img src=\"cid:$graph_id\">\n";

  # add the Nagios footer tag line here
  $html_msg .= "<br><hr>\n$language{$land}{'M'}\n<hr>\n";

  # add the extra debugtables if verbose output had been requested,
  # or if the notification command contains the keyword "email-debug"
  if (defined($o_notificationcmt) && ($o_notificationcmt =~ m/email-debug/i)
  || defined($o_verb)) {
    $html_msg .= $debugtables;

  # End HTML message definition
  $html_msg .= "</body></html>\n";

# #######################################################################
# urlencode() URL encode a string
# #######################################################################
sub urlencode {
  my $urldata = $_[0];
  my $MetaChars = quotemeta( '-;,/?\|=+)(*&^%$#@!~`:');
  $urldata =~ s/([$MetaChars\"\'\x80-\xFF])/"%" . uc(sprintf("%2.2x",         ord($1)))/eg;
  $urldata =~ s/ /\+/g;
  return $urldata;

# ########################################################################
# b64encode_image(filename) converts a existing binary source image file
# into a base64-image string.
# ########################################################################
sub b64encode_img {
  my($inputfile) = @_;
  open (IMG, $inputfile) or verb("b64encode_img: Cannot read source image file: $inputfile - $!");
  binmode IMG; undef $/;
  my $b64encoded_img = encode_base64(<IMG>);
  close IMG;
  verb("b64encode_img: completed conversion of source image file: $inputfile - $!");
  return $b64encoded_img;

# #######################################################################
# hashcolor() Choose a color for the Nagiosgraph RRD service
# #######################################################################
sub hashcolor {
  my $c=0;
  my $i = 0;
  my $n = 0;
  my $m = 0;
  my @h=(51*int $c/36,51*int $c/6%6,51*($c%6));
  for$i(0..2){$m=$i if$h[$i]<$h[$m];$n=$i if$h[$i]>$h[$n]}
  return $c;
# #######################################################################
# dbfilelist() Get list of matching Nagiosgraph RRD files
# #######################################################################
sub dbfilelist {
  my($host,$service, $rrddir) = @_;
  my $hs;

  # New style, files inside a <hostname> directory
  $rrddir .=  "/" . $host;
  $hs = urlencode "$service" . "___";
  verb("sub dbfilelist: Checking files inside directory: ".$rrddir."/".$hs);

  my @rrd;
  opendir DH, $rrddir;
    @rrd = grep s/^${hs}(.+)\.rrd$/$1/, readdir DH;
  closedir DH;
  verb("sub dbfilelist: We found number of files: ".@rrd);
  return @rrd;

# #######################################################################
# graphinfo() Find graphs and values in Nagiosgraph
# #######################################################################
sub graphinfo {
  my($host,$service,$rrddir) = @_;

  $hs = $host . "/";
  $hs .= urlencode "$service" . "___";

  # Determine which files to read lines from
  @rrd = map {{ file=>$_ }}
           map { "${hs}${_}.rrd" }
           dbfilelist($host,$service, $rrddir);
  # we stop processing here if we could not find a file
  if (@rrd < 1) {
    verb("sub graphinfo: Could not find any graph file.");
    return undef;
  } else {
    verb("sub graphinfo: Listing $hs db files in $rrddir: "
           . join ', ', map { $_->{file} } @rrd);

  for $f ( @rrd ) {
    unless ( $f->{line} ) {
      $ds = RRDs::info "$rrddir/$f->{file}";
      verb("sub graphinfo: RRDs::info ERR " . RRDs::error) if RRDs::error;
      map { $f->{line}{$_} = 1}
      grep {!$H{$_}++}
      map { /ds\[(.*)\]/; $1 }
      grep /ds\[(.*)\]/,
      keys %$ds;
    verb("DS $f->{file} lines: " . join ', ', keys %{ $f->{line} } );
  return \@rrd;

# #######################################################################
# rrdline() Generate the Nagiosgraph RRD parameters to produce a graph
# #######################################################################
sub rrdline {
  my($host,$service,$geom,$G,$rrddir,$tmpfile) = @_;
  my $directory = $rrddir;

  @ds = ($tmpfile, '-a', 'PNG', '-t', $service);
  push @ds,  "--color=BACK$graph_bgcolor",

  # Identify where to pull data from and what to call it
  for $g ( @$G ) {
    $f = $g->{file};

    # Compute the longest label length
    my $longest = (sort map(length,keys(%{ $g->{line} })))[-1];

    for $v ( sort keys %{ $g->{line} } ) {
      $c = hashcolor($v);
      verb("sub rrdline: file=$f line=$v color=$c");
      my $sv = "$v";
      my $label = sprintf("%-${longest}s", $sv);
      push @ds , "DEF:$sv=$directory/$f:$v:AVERAGE"
               , "LINE2:${sv}#$c:$label";
      my $format = '%6.2lf%s';

      # Graph labels
      push @ds, "GPRINT:$sv:MAX:Max\\: $format"
              , "GPRINT:$sv:AVERAGE:Avg\\: $format"
              , "GPRINT:$sv:MIN:Min\\: $format"
              , "GPRINT:$sv:LAST:Cur\\: ${format}\\n";

  # Dimensions of graph if geom is specified
  if ( $geom ) {
    my($w,$h) = split 'x', $geom;
    push @ds, '-w', $w, '-h', $h;
  return @ds;

# #######################################################################
# create_graph_img() tries to create a base64-encoded performance graph
# image. It takes the hostname and servicename and tries to find a
# matching RRD file according to the Nagiosgraphs layout. If there is one,
# queries the RRD information and graphs the last 24 hours similar to
# Nagiosgraph.
# #######################################################################
sub create_graph_image {
  use FileHandle;
  my $G = undef;

  # Figure out the correct RRD db files and their line labels
  $G = graphinfo($o_hostname,"check-host-alive",$rrd_basedir);

  # if we could not find RRD data, we return the empty $graph_img
  if(! defined($G)) {
    verb("create_graph_image: Cannot generate the Nagiosgraph image file.");
    # In this case, we use the 1x1px empty image and return
    $graph_type = "gif";
    $graph_img = $empty_img;
    verb("create_graph_image: Returning empty image file, format: ".$graph_type."\n");
    return $graph_img;

  # generate temporary graph file
  my $fhandle = File::Temp->new(UNLINK =>1) or verb("import_pnp_graph: Cannot create temporary image file.");
  $tmpfile = $fhandle->filename;

  my @ds = rrdline($o_hostname,"check-host-alive",$graph_img_size,$G,$rrd_basedir,$tmpfile);
  verb("sub create_graph_image: RRDs::graph ". join ' ', @ds);

  verb("sub create_graph_image: RRDs::graph ERR " . RRDs::error) if RRDs::error;

  # Because our mail system being Lotus Notes, which is not supporting PNG
  # images, we must convert them from PNG to JPG before we can continue.
  # Set $jpg_workaround = true if your mail client has the same trouble.
  if (defined($jpg_workaround)) {
    my $tmpfile_new = $tmpfile.".jpg";
    `pngtopnm $tmpfile | pnmtojpeg >$tmpfile_new`;
    `mv $tmpfile_new $tmpfile`;
    $graph_type = "jpg";
  else { $graph_type = "png"; }

  # Since the graph images are raw png files, we need to encode them
  $graph_img = b64encode_img($tmpfile);
  verb("import_pnp_graph: Encoded Nagiosgraph image file, format: ".$graph_type."\n");

  return $graph_img;

# ########################################################################
# language translated email subject: $lang{$land}
# ########################################################################
sub set_subject {
  my $subject;
  my $b64_sub = "";

  # special base64 encoding is required for subject parts send in Japanese
  if ($land eq "jp") {
    $b64_sub = " =?utf-8?B?" . encode_base64("ホスト $o_hostname($o_hostgroup)は");
    chomp $b64_sub;
    $b64_sub = $b64_sub . "?= ";

  # special base64 encoding is required for subject parts send in French
  if ($land eq "fr") {
    $b64_sub = " =?utf-8?B?" . encode_base64("d\'hôte $o_hostname ($o_hostgroup) est");
    chomp $b64_sub;
    $b64_sub = $b64_sub . "?= ";

  my %lang =  ('en' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype Host $o_hostname ($o_hostgroup) is $o_hoststate",
               'de' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype System $o_hostname($o_hostgroup) ist $o_hoststate",
               'jp' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype" . $b64_sub . "$o_hoststate",
               'fr' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype" . $b64_sub . "$o_hoststate" );

  if (!defined($lang{$land})) { $subject = $lang{'en'}; }
  else { $subject = $lang{$land}; }

  return $subject;

# main
if (! defined ($o_notificationtype) && ! defined($o_test)) {
  print "\nError, no notification type available. Are you trying to send a test message?\n";
  print "For a manual test from the commandline, we need to give the -t option.\n";
  exit -1;

$mail{Cc}   = $o_cc_recipients if ($o_cc_recipients);
$mail{Bcc}  = $o_bcc_recipients if ($o_bcc_recipients);
$mail{smtp} = $o_smtphost;
$mail{subject} = set_subject();

# If the mail server requires authentication, try this line:
# $mail{auth} = {user => "<username>", password => "<mailpw>", method="">"LOGIN PLAIN", required=>1};

if ($o_format eq "graph") {
  verb("main: trying to create the Nagiosgraph image.");
  $graph_img = create_graph_image();

if ($o_format eq "multi" || $o_format eq "graph") {
  verb("main: Sending HTML email (language: $land) with inline logo.");

  # check if the logo file exists
  if (-e $logofile) {
    # In e-mails, images need to be base64 encoded, we encode the logo here
    $logo_img = b64encode_img($logofile);
    # extract the image format from the file extension
    $logo_type = ($logofile =~ m/([^.]+)$/)[0];
    verb("main: Converted logo data to base64 and set type to $logo_type.");
    # create the second boundary marker for the logo
  } else {
    verb("main: Could not find logo file at $logofile, setting empty logo.");
    # If the logo file cannot be found, we send a 1x1px empty logo image instead
    $logo_img = $empty_img;
    $logo_type = "gif";

  $mail{'content-type'} = qq(multipart/related; boundary="$boundary");
  $boundary = '--' . $boundary;

  # Here we define the mail content to be send
  my $mail_content = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n"
  # create the first boundary start marker for the main message
          . "$boundary\n"
          . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n"
          . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n"
          . "$html_msg\n";

  # create the second boundary marker for the logo image
  $mail_content = $mail_content . "$boundary\n"
          . "Content-Type: image/$logo_type; name=\"logo.$logo_type\"\n"
          . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"
          . "Content-ID: <$logo_id>\n"
          . "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"logo.$logo_type\"\n\n"
          . "$logo_img\n";

  # if we got the graph format and a image has been generated, we add it here
  # create the third boundary marker for the graph
  if (defined($graph_img) && $o_format eq "graph") {
    $mail_content = $mail_content . "\n"
                  . "$boundary\n"
                  . "Content-Type: image/$graph_type; name=\"graph.$graph_type\"\n"
                  . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"
                  . "Content-ID: <$graph_id>\n"
                  . "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"graph.$graph_type\"\n\n"
                  . "$graph_img\n";

   # create the final end boundary marker
   $mail_content = $mail_content . $boundary . "--\n";
   # put the completed message body into the mail
   $mail{body} = $mail_content ;
elsif ($o_format eq "html") {
  $mail{'content-type'} = qq(text/html; charset="utf-8");
  $mail{body} = $html_msg ;
} else {
  $mail{'content-type'} = qq(text/plain; charset="utf-8");
  $mail{body} = $text_msg ;

sendmail(%mail) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error;
verb("Sendmail Log says:\n$Mail::Sendmail::log\n");
exit 0;

# #######################################################################
# Create a debugging table to check on Nagios and script variables
# Added by Robert Becht to create a HTML table for debugging
# #######################################################################

sub create_debugtable() {
  my $varcount = 0;
  my $oddcheck = "odd";

  # Check if the following variables are defined
  my %param_vars = (
                'script'  => {  "title"                 =>  'Script debug data',
                                "o_verb"                =>  \$o_verb,
                                "o_version"             =>  \$o_version,
                                "o_help"                =>  \$o_help,
                                "o_smtphost"            =>  \$o_smtphost,
                                "o_customer"            =>  \$o_customer,
                                "o_to_recipients"       =>  \$o_to_recipients,
                                "o_to_group"            =>  \$o_to_group,
                                "o_cc_recipients"       =>  \$o_cc_recipients,
                                "o_bcc_recipients"      =>  \$o_bcc_recipients,
                                "o_format"              =>  \$o_format,
                                "o_addurl"              =>  \$o_addurl,
                                "o_language"            =>  \$o_language,
                                "o_test"                =>  \$o_test,
                                "o_smtphost"            =>  \$o_smtphost,
                                "domain"                =>  \$domain,
                                "land"                  =>  \$land,
                                "logo file"             =>  \$logofile,
                                "logo format"           =>  \$logo_type,
                                "temporary file"        =>  \$tmpfile,
                                "boundary"              =>  \$boundary },
                'nagios'  => {  "title"                 =>  'Nagios debug data',
                                "o_notificationtype"    =>  \$o_notificationtype,
                                "o_notificationauth"    =>  \$o_notificationauth,
                                "o_notificationcmt"     =>  \$o_notificationcmt,
                                "o_hoststate"           =>  \$o_hoststate,
                                "o_hostname"            =>  \$o_hostname,
                                "o_hostalias"           =>  \$o_hostalias,
                                "o_hostgroup"           =>  \$o_hostgroup,
                                "o_hostaddress"         =>  \$o_hostaddress,
                                "o_datetime"            =>  \$o_datetime,
                                "o_hostoutput"          =>  \$o_hostoutput,
                                "o_to_recipients"       =>  \$o_to_recipients,
                                "o_to_group"            =>  \$o_to_group },
             'nagiosgraph' => { "title"                 =>  'Nagiosgraph debug data',
                                "access URL"            =>  \$ngraph_cgiurl,
                                "rrd_basedir"           =>  \$rrd_basedir,
                                "graph_img_size"        =>  \$graph_img_size,
                                "graph_bgcolor"         =>  \$graph_bgcolor,
                                "graph_type"            =>  \$graph_type }  );

  # loop to display the script variable tables
  foreach $tbl (keys %param_vars) {
    $debugtables .= "<br>\n"
                 . "<table width=$table_size>\n"
                 . "<tr><th colspan=2 class=customer>$param_vars{$tbl}->{'title'}</th></tr>\n";

    $varcount = 0;
    # Data loop
    foreach $var (keys %{$param_vars{$tbl}}) {
      if ($var ne 'title') {
        if ($varcount%2) {$oddcheck = "odd";} else {$oddcheck = "even";}
        $debugtables .= "<tr><th class=$oddcheck>$var</th>";

        if ((! defined(${$param_vars{$tbl}->{$var}})) || (${$param_vars{$tbl}->{$var}} eq '')) {
          $debugtables .= "<td class=$oddcheck>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
        } else {
          $debugtables .= "<td class=$oddcheck>${$param_vars{$tbl}->{$var}}</td></tr>\n";
    $debugtables .= "</table>";
    $debugtables .="<br>\n";
# #################### End of ####################

Eu tenho script acima para enviar e-mails personalizados em HTML com alertas do Nagios referentes a hosts. Esse script funciona normalmente. Envia um email para cada contato do nagios.

Porém o script abaixo - com a mesma funcionalidade porém para enviar emails de alertas de serviços do Nagios - não funciona como deveria. Ele enviar mais de um email - dependendo da quantidade de contatos - Ex: Preciso enviar o alerta do nagios para 4 emails, então ele envia o alerta para cada um dos contatos 4 vezes, outro problema é que ele ao invês de pegar o endereço de email de cada contato, ele pega o nome do contato e adiciona o sufixo, ou seja, um usuário que o contato no nagios é joaojunior porém o email é, o script acaba enviando email para O script com problema está abaixo.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w 
# First we explicitly switch off the Nagios embbeded Perl Interpreter
# nagios: -epn
# ######################### ################ #
# Date    : Mar 18 2012                                                 #
# Purpose : Script to send out Nagios service e-mails.\n";              #
# Author  : Frank Migge (support at frank4dd dot com), Robert Becht     #
# Help    :                            #
# Licence : GPL -                   #
#           Written for and verified with Nagios version 3.2.3          #
# Help    : ./ -h                             #
#                                                                       #
# Version : 1.0 initial release                                         #
# Version : 1.1 add multipart MIME and logo                             #
# Version : 1.2 cleanup mail body generation code                       #
# Version : 1.3 use environment variables for Nagios data handoff       #
# Version : 1.4 add the performance graph image if available            #
#           this has been implemented for Nagiosgraph v0.9.1            #
# Version : 1.5 add -g for using $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$ macro            #
#           multi-language support for en|de|fr|jp, extendable          #
#           enhanced debug, version by Robert Becht                     #
#           the script now reads logo's from file                       #
#                                                                       #
# Depends : perl-Mail-Sendmail                                          #
#           perl-MIME-tools                                             #
#           rrdtool-devel                                               #
#           libnetpbm (if image conversion from PNG to JPG is required) #
#           netpbm (if image conversion from PNG to JPG is required)    #
# ##################################################################### #
use Getopt::Long;
use Mail::Sendmail;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use MIME::Base64;
use RRDs;
use File::Temp;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw( $o_verb $o_version $o_help $o_to_group
             $o_cc_recipients $o_bcc_recipients $o_addurl $inputfile $ftemp
             $logo_id $graph_id $rrdfile $tmpfile $land $debugtables $tbl $var %param_vars
	     $hs $G $elapse $tstamp $tstart $img_get $ds );

# The version of this script
my $Version            ='1.6';
my $authors	       = 'Frank Migge, Robert Becht';
# the sender e-mail address to be seen by recipients
my $mail_sender        = "Nagios Monitoring <nagiosadmin\@yourdomain>";
# The nagios CGI URL
my $nagios_cgiurl      = "";
# Modified by Robert Becht that to use PNP4Nagios links
# The PNP4Nagios URL : il not use, simply make to equal 'undef'.
my $nagios_pnpurl      = "";
my ($ra, $rb, $rc, $pnp_uri) = split('/',$nagios_pnpurl); # Otherwise you can set $pnp_uri manualy
# Here we define a simple HTML stylesheet to be used in the HTML header.
my $html_style         = "body {text-align: center; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;}\n"
                       . "img.logo {float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px; vertical-align: middle}\n"
                       . "span {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;}\n"
                       . "table {text-align:center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}\n"
                       . "th {white-space: nowrap;}\n"
                       . "th.even {background-color: #D9D9D9;}\n"
                       . "td.even {background-color: #F2F2F2;}\n"
                       . "th.odd {background-color: #F2F2F2;}\n"
                       . "td.odd {background-color: #FFFFFF;}\n"
                       . "th,td {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; text-align:left;}\n"
                       . "th.customer {width: 600px; background-color: #004488; color: #ffffff;}";
my $table_size         = "600px";
my $header_size        = "180px";
my $data_size          = "420px";
my $debugtables = "</br>\n";

# ########################################################################
# SMTP related data: If the commandline argument -H/--smtphost was not
# given, we use the provided value in $o_smtphost below as the default.
# ########################################################################
my $o_smtphost         = "";
my $domain 	       = "\@yourdomain";
my @listaddress        = ();

# ########################################################################
# This is the logo image file, the path must point to a valid JPG, GIF or
# PNG file, i.e. the nagios logo. Best size is rectangular up to 160x80px.
# example: [nagioshome]/share/images/NagiosEnterprises-whitebg-112x46.png
# ########################################################################
my $logofile = "/usr/lib64/nagios/local/logo_devsys.png";

# ########################################################################
# Here I define the HTML color values for each Nagios notification type.
# There is one extra called TEST for sending a test e-mail from the cmdline
# outside of Nagios. The color values are used for highlighting the
# background of the notification type cell.
# ########################################################################
                       'FLAPPINGSTART'=>'#FF8080','FLAPPINGSTOP'=>'#80FF80',' FLAPPINGDISABLED'=>'FFFF80',

# ########################################################################
# Here we set the information where to pick up the RRD data files for the
# optional graph image generation, plus the graph size width x height px
# ########################################################################
my $rrd_basedir        = "/var/nagios/perfdata";
my $graph_img_size     = "521x60";
my $graph_bgcolor      = "#F2F2F2";
my $graph_border       = "#999999";

# ########################################################################
# language translated message text: $language{$land}{'A'}  (=Customer)
# You can simply add here your translation...
# ########################################################################
my %language = ('en' => { 'A' => 'Customer',
                          'B' => 'Notification Type',
                          'C' => 'Service Name',
                          'D' => 'Service Status',
                          'E' => 'Service Group',
                          'F' => 'Service Data',
                          'G' => 'Hostname',
                          'H' => 'Hostalias',
                          'I' => 'IP Address',
                          'J' => 'Hostgroup',
                          'K' => 'Event Time',
                          'L' => 'Author',
                          'M' => 'Comment',
                          'N' => 'Nagios Monitoring System Notification',
                          'O' => 'Generated by Nagios, the OpenSource monitoring solution' },
                'fr' => { 'A' => 'Utilisateur',
                          'B' => 'Type de notification',
                          'C' => 'Nom du service',
                          'D' => 'Statut du service',
                          'E' => 'Groupe du service',
                          'F' => 'Données',
                          'G' => 'Nom d\'hôte',
                          'H' => 'Alias d\'hôte',
                          'I' => 'Adresse IP',
                          'J' => 'Groupe d\'hôte',
                          'K' => 'Heure de la notification',
                          'L' => 'Auteur',
                          'M' => 'Commentaire',
                          'N' => 'Notification de la surveillance Nagios',
                          'O' => 'Généré par Nagios, le système de surveillance OpenSource' },
                'de' => { 'A' => 'Anwender',
                          'B' => 'Nachrichtentyp',
                          'C' => 'Dienstname',
                          'D' => 'Dienstzustand',
                          'E' => 'Dienstgruppe',
                          'F' => 'Dienstinformationen',
                          'G' => 'Systemname',
                          'H' => 'Systemalias',
                          'I' => 'System IP Adresse',
                          'J' => 'Systemgruppe',
                          'K' => 'Meldungsdatum',
                          'L' => 'Author',
                          'M' => 'Kommentar',
                          'N' => 'Nagios Überwachungssytem Meldung',
                          'O' => 'Erstellt mit Nagios, dem OpenSource Überwachungssytem' },
                'jp' => { 'A' => '顧客名',
                          'B' => '通知の種類',
                          'C' => 'サービス名',
                          'D' => 'サービスの状態',
                          'E' => 'サービスグループ',
                          'F' => 'サービスデータ出力',
                          'G' => 'ホスト名',
                          'H' => 'ホストの別名',
                          'I' => 'IPアドレス',
                          'J' => 'ホストグループ',
                          'K' => 'イベントの日付と時刻',
                          'L' => '投稿者',
                          'M' => 'コメント',
                          'N' => 'Nagios 監視システムの通知',
                          'O' => 'このメーセジはオープンソースの監視システムNagiosで生成されています。' });

####### Global Variables - No changes necessary below this line ##########
# Nagios notification type, i.e. PROBLEM
my $o_notificationtype = $ENV{NAGIOS_NOTIFICATIONTYPE};
# Nagios notification author (if avail.)
my $o_notificationauth = $ENV{NAGIOS_NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR};
# Nagios notification comment (if avail.)
my $o_notificationcmt  = $ENV{NAGIOS_NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT};
# Nagios service description
my $o_servicedesc      = $ENV{NAGIOS_SERVICEDESC};
# Nagios service state
my $o_servicestate     = $ENV{NAGIOS_SERVICESTATE};
# Nagios service group the service belongs to
my $o_servicegroup     = $ENV{NAGIOS_SERVICEGROUPNAME};
# Nagios monitored host name
my $o_hostname         = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTNAME};
# Nagios monitored host alias
my $o_hostalias        = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTALIAS};
# Nagios host group the host belongs to
my $o_hostgroup        = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTGROUPNAME};
# Nagios monitored host IP address
my $o_hostaddress      = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTADDRESS};
# Nagios service check output data
my $o_serviceoutput    = $ENV{NAGIOS_SERVICEOUTPUT};
# Nagios date when the event was recorded
my $o_datetime         = $ENV{NAGIOS_LONGDATETIME};
# The recipients defined in $CONTACTEMAIL$
my $o_to_recipients    = $ENV{NAGIOS_CONTACTEMAIL};
# Modified by Robert Becht for using $CONTACTGROUPEMEMBERS$ in nagios.conf
my $o_to_group         = $ENV{NAGIOS_CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS};

# The next variables are provided through args
my $o_cc_recipients    = undef; # The recipients defined in $CONTACTADDRESS1$
my $o_bcc_recipients   = undef; # The recipients defined in $CONTACTADDRESS2$
my $o_format           = "text";# The e-mail output format (default: text)
my $o_addurl           = undef; # flag to add Nagios GUI URLs to HTML e-mails
my $o_language         = undef; # The e-mail output language
my $o_lang_def         = "en";  # The e-mail output language default
my $o_customer         = undef; # Company name and contract number for service providers
my $o_help             = undef; # We want help
my $o_verb             = undef; # verbose mode
my $o_version          = undef; # print version
my $o_test             = undef; # generate a test message

# These variables are used in various subroutines
my $text_msg           = undef; # the plaintext notification
my $html_msg           = undef; # the HTML-formatted notification
my $graphfile          = undef; # if we generate graphs, the tmp file location
my @rrd;
my $logo_img           = undef; # base64-encoded logo
my $graph_img          = undef; # base64-encoded graph
my $boundary           = undef; # unique string for multi-part emails
my %mail;

# ########################################################################
# subroutine defintions below
# ########################################################################

# ########################################################################
# p_version returns the program version
# ########################################################################
sub p_version { print "$0 version : $Version\n"; }

# ########################################################################
# print_usage returns the program usage
# ########################################################################
sub print_usage {
    print "Usage: $0 [-v] [-V] [-h] [-t] [-H <SMTP host>] [-p <customername>]
       [-r <to_recipients> or -g <to_group>] [-c <cc_recipients>] [-b <bcc_recipients>] 
       [-f <text|html|multi|graph>] [-u] [-l <en|jp|fr|de|(or other languages if added)]\n";

# ########################################################################
# help returns the program help message
# ########################################################################
sub help {
   print "\nNagios e-mail notification script for service events, version ",$Version,"\n";
   print "GPL licence, (c)2010 Frank Migge\n\n";
   print <<EOT;

This script takes over the Nagios e-mail notifications by receiving the Nagios state information,
formatting the e-mail and sending it out through an SMTP gateway.

-v, --verbose
    print extra debugging information 
-V, --version
    prints version number
-h, --help
    print this help message
-t, --test
    generates a test message together with -r, --to-recipients
-H, --smtphost=HOST
    name or IP address of SMTP gateway
-p, --customer="customer name and contract #"
  optionally, add the customer name and contract for service providers
-r, --to-recipients
    this option overrides the Nagios-provided \$CONTACTEMAIL\$ list of to: recipients
-g, --to-group-recipients \$CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS\$
    this option use the list of contactgroup and reconstitutes the mail address with the hard defined \$domain
    in this script. This is only possible when the contact name "abcd" works under the address "abcd\@domain".
-c, --cc-recipients
    the Nagios-provided \$CONTACTADDRESS1\$ list of cc: recipients
-b, --bcc-recipients
    the Nagios-provided \$CONTACTADDRESS2\$ list of bcc: recipients
-f, --format='text|html|multi|graph'
    the email format to generate: either plain text,, HTML, 
    multipart S/MIME and multipart adding the Nagiosgraph image
-u, --addurl
    this adds URL's to the Nagios web GUI for check status,
    host and hostgroup views into the html mail,
    requires -f html or -f multi
-l, --language='en|jp|fr|de|(or what you defined in this script)'
    the prefered e-mail language. The content-type header is currently is hard-coded to UTF-8.
    This might need to be changed if recipients require a different characterset encoding.

Extra: For useful debug output, go to Nagios, select a service and choose "Send custom service notification".
    Entering text including the word "email-debug" in the comment field will trigger the creation of additional
    tables with a list of Nagios and script variables.


# ########################################################################
# verb creates verbose output
# ########################################################################
sub verb {
  my $t=shift;
  print $t,"\n" if defined($o_verb);

# ########################################################################
# unique content ID are needed for multipart messages with inline logos
# ########################################################################
sub create_content_id {
  my $unique_string  = rand(100);
  $unique_string     = $unique_string . substr(md5_hex(time()),0,23);
  $unique_string     =~ s/(.{5})/$1\./g;
  my $content_id     = qq(part.${unique_string}\@) . "MAIL";
  $unique_string     = undef;
  return $content_id;

# ########################################################################
# create_boundary creates the S/MIME multipart boundary strings
# ########################################################################
sub create_boundary {
  my $unique_string  = substr(md5_hex(time()),0,24);
  $boundary          = '======' . $unique_string ;
  $unique_string     = undef;

sub unknown_arg {
  exit -1;

# ########################################################################
# create_address from the groupmembers list (Add by Robert Becht)
# ########################################################################
sub create_address {
  my @mlist = split(",",$o_to_group);
  foreach (@mlist) {
    my $maddress = "$_"."$domain";
    # Debugging
    #print "$maddress\n";
  $o_to_group = join(",",@listaddress);
  #print "$o_to_group\n";
  return ($o_to_group);

# ########################################################################
# check_options checks and processes the commandline options given
# ########################################################################
sub check_options {
  Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
      'v'     => \$o_verb,            'verbose'           => \$o_verb,
      'V'     => \$o_version,         'version'           => \$o_version,
      'h'     => \$o_help,            'help'              => \$o_help,
      't'     => \$o_test,            'test'              => \$o_test,
      'H:s'   => \$o_smtphost,        'smtphost:s'        => \$o_smtphost,
      'p:s'   => \$o_customer,        'customer:s'        => \$o_customer,
      'r:s'   => \$o_to_recipients,   'to-recipients:s'   => \$o_to_recipients,
      'g:s'   => \$o_to_group,	    'to-group-recipients' => \$o_to_group,
      'c:s'   => \$o_cc_recipients,   'cc-recipients:s'   => \$o_cc_recipients,
      'b:i'   => \$o_bcc_recipients,  'bcc-recipients:s'  => \$o_bcc_recipients,
      'f:s'   => \$o_format,          'format:s'          => \$o_format,
      'u'     => \$o_addurl,          'addurl'            => \$o_addurl,
      'l:s'   => \$o_language,        'language:s'        => \$o_language
  ) or unknown_arg();

  # Basic checks
  if (defined ($o_help)) { help(); exit 0};
  if (defined($o_version)) { p_version(); exit 0};
  if ((! defined($o_to_recipients)) && (! defined($o_to_group))) { # no recipients provided
    print "Error: no recipients have been provided\n"; print_usage(); exit -1}
  else {
    if (! defined($o_to_group)) {
      %mail = ( To     => $o_to_recipients,
                From   => $mail_sender,
                Sender => $mail_sender ); }
    else { &create_address;
      %mail = ( To     => $o_to_group,
                From   => $mail_sender,
                Sender => $mail_sender ); }

  if ( $o_format ne "text"  && $o_format ne "html"
    && $o_format ne "multi" && $o_format ne "graph") # wrong mail format
    { print "Error: wrong e-mail format.\n"; print_usage(); exit -1}

  if (defined($o_addurl) && $o_format eq "text")
    { print "Error: cannot add URL's to text.\n"; print_usage(); exit -1}
  if (defined($o_test)) { create_test_data(); };

  # Modified by Robert Becht to support additional languages
  # if no language has been requested, try to determine default from OS
 if (! defined($o_language)) {
    # if environment $LANG is set, try to extract the first two country chars, i.e. "en|de|fr"
    if ($ENV{LANG} eq "C" || $ENV{LANG} eq "POSIX") { $land = "en"; }
    else { ($land, my $rem) = split('_',$ENV{LANG}, 2); }
  } else { $land = $o_language; }
  # Last resort: Set "English" if the requested language is not supported by our script
  if (! $language{$land}{'A'}) { $land = $o_lang_def; }

# ########################################################################
# if -t or --test, we need to create sample test data to send out
# In order to successfully test a e-mail with performance graph generation
# set a valid hostname and servicedesc to be able to pick up a RRD file.
# ########################################################################
sub create_test_data {
  if (! defined($o_customer)){         $o_customer         = "ACME Corporation";}
  if (! defined($o_notificationtype)){ $o_notificationtype = "TEST";}
  if (! defined($o_servicestate)){     $o_servicestate     = "UNKNOWN";}
  if (! defined($o_hostname)){         $o_hostname         = "susie114";}
  if (! defined($o_hostalias)){        $o_hostalias        = " (LINUX)";}
  if (! defined($o_hostaddress)){      $o_hostaddress      = "";}
  if (! defined($o_hostgroup)){        $o_hostgroup        = "Linux Servers";}
  if (! defined($o_servicedesc)){      $o_servicedesc      = "os_cpu_load";}
  if (! defined($o_servicegroup)){     $o_servicegroup     = "performance checks";}
  if (! defined($o_datetime)){         $o_datetime         = `date`;}
# if (! defined($o_datetime))         {$o_datetime         = localtime time;}
  if (! defined($o_serviceoutput)){    $o_serviceoutput    = "Test output for this service";}
  if (! defined($o_notificationauth)){ $o_notificationauth = "John Doe";}
  # Setting the keyword "email-debug" in the notification comment below triggers the creation of debug tables
  if (! defined($o_notificationcmt)){  $o_notificationcmt  = "Test message for the service with email-debug";} 

# ########################################################################
# Create a plaintext message -> $text_msg
# ########################################################################
sub create_message_text {
  $text_msg = $language{$land}{'N'}."\n"
            . "=====================================\n\n";

  # if customer name was given for service providers, display it here
  if ( defined($o_customer)) {
    $text_msg = $text_msg . $language{$land}{'A'} . ": $o_customer\n";

  $text_msg = $text_msg
            . $language{$land}{'B'} . ": $o_notificationtype\n"
            . $language{$land}{'C'} . ": $o_servicedesc\n"
            . $language{$land}{'D'} . ": $o_servicestate\n"
            . $language{$land}{'E'} . ": $o_servicegroup\n"
            . $language{$land}{'F'} . ": $o_serviceoutput\n\n"
            . $language{$land}{'G'} . ": $o_hostname\n"
            . $language{$land}{'H'} . ": $o_hostalias\n"
            . $language{$land}{'I'} . ": $o_hostaddress\n"
            . $language{$land}{'J'} . ": $o_hostgroup\n"
            . $language{$land}{'K'} . ": $o_datetime\n\n";

  # if author and comment data has been passed from nagios
  # and these variables have content, then we add two more columns
  if ( ( defined($o_notificationauth) && defined($o_notificationcmt) ) &&
       ( ($o_notificationauth ne "") && ($o_notificationcmt ne "") ) ) {
    $text_msg = $text_msg . $language{$land}{'L'} . ": $o_notificationauth\n"
              . $language{$land}{'M'} . ": $o_notificationcmt\n\n";

  $text_msg = $text_msg . "-------------------------------------\n"
            . $language{$land}{'O'} . ".\n" . "(". $authors . ")\n" ;

# ########################################################################
# Create a simple HTML message -> $html_msg
# ########################################################################
sub create_message_html {
  # Start HTML message definition
  $html_msg = "<html><head><style type=\"text/css\">$html_style</style></head><body>\n"
            . "<table width=$table_size><tr>\n";

  if ($o_format eq "multi" || $o_format eq "graph") {
    $logo_id  = create_content_id();
    $html_msg = $html_msg . "<td><img class=\"logo\" src=\"cid:$logo_id\"></td>"
              . "<td><span>$language{$land}{'N'}</span></td></tr><tr>\n";
  } else {
    $html_msg = $html_msg 
              . "<th colspan=2><span>$language{$land}{'N'}</span></th></tr><tr>\n"; }

  if ( defined($o_customer)) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg 
              . "<th colspan=2 class=customer>$o_customer</th></tr><tr>\n"; }

  $html_msg = $html_msg
            . "<th width=$header_size class=even>$language{$land}{'B'}:</th>\n"
            . "<td bgcolor=$NOTIFICATIONCOLOR{$o_notificationtype}>\n"
            . "$o_notificationtype</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'C'}:</th><td>$o_servicedesc</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'E'}:</th><td class=even>\n";

  # The Servicegroup URL http://<nagios-web>/cgi-bin/status.cgi?servicegroup=$SERVICEGROUPNAME$&style=overview
  # This URL shows the service group table listing ofthe hosts that have this service
  if (defined($o_addurl)) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg
              . "<a href=\"$nagios_cgiurl/status.cgi?servicegroup=$o_servicegroup&style=overview\">$o_servicegroup</a>";
  } else { $html_msg  = $html_msg . $o_servicegroup; }

  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'D'}:</th><td>$o_servicestate</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'F'}:</th><td class=even>\n";

  # The ServiceOutput URL http://<nagios-web>/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$
  # This URL shows the full service details and commands for service management (ack, re-check, disable, etc)
  if (defined($o_addurl)) {
	      if ( $nagios_pnpurl eq '') {
		  $html_msg .= "<a href=\"$nagios_cgiurl/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=$o_hostname&service=$o_servicedesc\">$o_serviceoutput</a>\n";
		  } else {
			# Modified by Robert Becht for link to PNP4Nagios graph 
			$html_msg .= "<a href=\"$nagios_pnpurl/index.php/graph?host=$o_hostname&srv=$o_servicedesc\">$o_serviceoutput</a>\n"; } 
		} else{ $html_msg .= $o_serviceoutput; }
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'G'}:</th><td>\n";

  # The Hostname URL http://<nagios-web>/cgi-bin/status.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&style=detail
  # this URL shows the host and all services underneath it
  if (defined($o_addurl)) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg
              . "<a href=\"$nagios_cgiurl/status.cgi?host=$o_hostname&style=detail\">$o_hostname</a>";
  } else { $html_msg  = $html_msg . $o_hostname; }
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'H'}:</th><td class=even>$o_hostalias</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'I'}:</th><td>$o_hostaddress</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'J'}:</th><td class=even>\n";
  # The Hostgroup URL http://<nagios-web>/cgi-bin/status.cgi?hostgroup=$HOSTGROUPNAME$&style=overview
  # This URL shows the hostgroup table listing for all individual hosts that belong to it
  if (defined($o_addurl)) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg
              . "<a href=\"$nagios_cgiurl/status.cgi?hostgroup=$o_hostgroup&style=overview\">$o_hostgroup</a>";
  } else { $html_msg = $html_msg . $o_hostgroup; }
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'K'}:</th><td>$o_datetime</td></tr>\n";

  # If the author and comment data has been passed from nagios
  # and these variables have content, then we add two more columns
  if ( ( defined($o_notificationauth) && defined($o_notificationcmt) ) &&
       ( ($o_notificationauth ne "") && ($o_notificationcmt ne "") ) ) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'L'}:</th>\n"
              . "<td class=even>$o_notificationauth</td></tr>\n"
              . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'M'}:</th>\n"
              . "<td>$o_notificationcmt</td></tr>\n";

  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</table></br>\n";

  # if we got the graph format and a image has been generated, we add it here
  if (defined($graph_img) && $o_format eq "graph") {
    $graph_id = create_content_id();
    $html_msg = $html_msg . "<img src=\"cid:$graph_id\">\n";

  # add the Nagios footer tag line here
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</br><hr>\n$language{$land}{'O'}\n
	      .</br><em><font size=\"-1\" >(Authors:$authors)</font></em><hr>\n";

  # add the extra debugtables if verbose output had been requested,
  # or if the notification command contains the keyword "email-debug"
  if (defined($o_notificationcmt) && ($o_notificationcmt =~ m/email-debug/i)
  || defined($o_verb)) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg . $debugtables;

  # End HTML message definition
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</body></html>\n";

# #######################################################################
# urlencode() URL encode a string
# #######################################################################
sub urlencode {
  $_[0] =~ s/([\W])/"%" . uc(sprintf("%2.2x",ord($1)))/eg;
  return $_[0];

# #######################################################################
# hashcolor() Choose a color for service
# #######################################################################
sub hashcolor {
  my $c=0;
  my $i = 0;
  my $n = 0;
  my $m = 0;
  my @h=(51*int $c/36,51*int $c/6%6,51*($c%6));
  for$i(0..2){$m=$i if$h[$i]<$h[$m];$n=$i if$h[$i]>$h[$n]}
  return $c;

# #######################################################################
# dbfilelist() Get list of matching rrd files
# #######################################################################
sub dbfilelist {
  my($host,$service, $rrddir) = @_;
  my $hs;

  # New style, files inside a <hostname> directory
  $rrddir .=  "/" . $host;
  $hs = urlencode "$service" . "___";
  verb("sub dbfilelist: Checking files inside directory: ".$rrddir);

  my @rrd;
  opendir DH, $rrddir or verb("sub dbfilelist: Cannot open: ".$rrddir);
    @rrd = grep s/^${hs}(.+)\.rrd$/$1/, readdir DH;
  closedir DH;
  verb("sub dbfilelist: We found number of RRD files: ".@rrd);
  return @rrd;

# #######################################################################
# graphinfo() Find graphs and values
# #######################################################################
sub graphinfo {
  my($host,$service,$rrddir) = @_;

  $hs = $host . "/";
  $hs .= urlencode "$service" . "___";

  # Determine which files to read lines from
  @rrd = map {{ file=>$_ }}
         map { "${hs}${_}.rrd" }
         dbfilelist($host,$service, $rrddir);
  # we stop processing here if we could not find a file
  if (@rrd < 1) {
    verb("sub graphinfo: Could not find any graph file.");
    return undef;
  } else {
    verb("sub graphinfo: Listing $hs db files in $rrddir: "
           . join ', ', map { $_->{file} } @rrd);

  $rrdfile = $rrd[0]->{file};

  $ds = RRDs::info "$rrddir/$rrdfile";
  verb("sub graphinfo: RRDs::info ERR " . RRDs::error) if RRDs::error;
  map { $rrd[0]->{line}{$_} = 1}
  grep {!$H{$_}++}
  map { /ds\[(.*)\]/; $1 }
  grep /ds\[(.*)\]/,
  keys %$ds;

  verb("sub graphinfo: Found datasources: " . %$ds);

  return \@rrd;
# #######################################################################
# rrdline() Generate the rrd parameters to produce a graph
# #######################################################################
sub rrdline {
  my($host,$service,$geom,$G,$rrddir,$tmpfile) = @_;
  my $directory = $rrddir;

  @ds = ($tmpfile, '-a', 'PNG', '-t', $service);
  push @ds,  "--color=BACK$graph_bgcolor",

  # Identify where to pull data from and what to call it
  for $g ( @$G ) {
    $f = $g->{file};
    verb("sub rrdline: set filename: $f");

    # Compute the longest label length
    my $longest = (sort map(length,keys(%{ $g->{line} })))[-1];

    for $v ( sort keys %{ $g->{line} } ) {
      $c = hashcolor($v);
      verb("sub rrdline: file=$f line=$v color=$c");
      my $sv = "$v";
      my $label = sprintf("%-${longest}s", $sv);
      push @ds , "DEF:$sv=$directory/$f:$v:AVERAGE"
               , "LINE2:${sv}#$c:$label";
      my $format = '%6.2lf%s';

      # Graph labels
      push @ds, "GPRINT:$sv:MAX:Max\\: $format"
              , "GPRINT:$sv:AVERAGE:Avg\\: $format"
              , "GPRINT:$sv:MIN:Min\\: $format"
              , "GPRINT:$sv:LAST:Cur\\: ${format}\\n";

  # Dimensions of graph if geom is specified
  if ( $geom ) {
    my($w,$h) = split 'x', $geom;
    push @ds, '-w', $w, '-h', $h;
  return @ds;

# ########################################################################
# uuencode_image(filename) converts a existing binary source image file
# into a base64-image string.
# ########################################################################
sub uuencode_img {
  my($inputfile) = @_;
  open (IMG, $inputfile) or verb("uuencode_img: Cannot read source image file: $inputfile - $!");
  binmode IMG; undef $/;
  my $uuencoded_img = encode_base64(<IMG>);
  close IMG;
  verb("uuencode_img: completed conversion of source image file: $inputfile - $!");
  return $uuencoded_img;

# #######################################################################
# create_graph_img() tries to create a performance graph image file (PNG)
# Input is the hostname and servicename, then we try to find a matching
# RRD file according to NagiosGraph's filesystem layout. If there is one,
# it queries the RRD information and graphs the last 24 hours similar to
# Nagiosgraph.
# #######################################################################
sub create_graph_img {
  my $fhandle = undef;
  my $graph_img = undef;

  # Figure out db files and line labels
  my $G = graphinfo($o_hostname,$o_servicedesc,$rrd_basedir);

  # if we could not find RRD data, we return $img as undef
  if(! defined($G)) {
    verb("sub create_graph_img: No graph data for $o_hostname,$o_servicedesc was found.");
    return $graph_img;

  # generate temporary graph files for todays RRD data
  $fhandle = File::Temp->new() or verb("create_graph_img: Cannot create temporary image file.");
  my $tmpfile = $fhandle->filename;
    $ftemp = $tmpfile;
  my @ds = rrdline($o_hostname,$o_servicedesc,$graph_img_size,$G,$rrd_basedir,$tmpfile);
  verb("sub create_graph_img: RRDs::graph ". join ' ', @ds);

  verb("sub create_graph_img: RRDs::graph ERR " . RRDs::error) if RRDs::error;

  # because our mail system being Lotus Notes, which is not supporting PNG
  # images, we must convert them from PNG to JPG before we can continue.
  # comment out the next 3 lines if PNG images work with your mail clients

  # my $jpg_tmpfile = $tmpfile.".jpg";
  # `pngtopnm $tmpfile | pnmtojpeg >$jpg_tmpfile`;
  # `mv $jpg_tmpfile $tmpfile`;

  # In e-mails, images need to be base64 encoded, we uuencode here
  $graph_img = uuencode_img($tmpfile);

  return $graph_img;

# ########################################################################
# Added by Robert Becht for request an PNP4Nagios graph 
# ########################################################################
sub import_pnp_graph { 
  use LWP::Simple;
  $elapse = (1 * 3600); # This set 1 hour history
  $tstamp = time();
  $tstart = ($tstamp - $tstamp);
  $img_get = "$pnp_uri/image?host=$o_hostname&srv=$o_servicedesc&source=0&start=$tstart&end=$tstamp";

# generate temporary graph files for todays RRD data
   my $fhandle = File::Temp->new( UNLINK =>1, SUFFIX => '.png') or verb("create_graph_img: Cannot create temporary image file.");
   my $tmpfile = $fhandle->filename;
   $ftemp = $tmpfile;

# write the graphik file in $tmpfile  
   print $fhandle get("$img_get");

# This is for graph size
  my $pnmfile = `pngtopnm $tmpfile`;
  (my $xysize = $graph_img_size) =~ s/x/ /;
 `pamscale -xysize $xysize $pnmfile | pnmtopng >$img_get`; # or use pnmtojpeg if png not supported ...

  $graph_img = uuencode_img($tmpfile);
  return $graph_img;

# ########################################################################
# language translated email subject: $lang{$land}
# ########################################################################
sub set_subject {
  my $subject;

  my %lang =  ('en' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype service $o_servicedesc on $o_hostname ($o_hostgroup) is $o_servicestate",
               'de' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype $o_hostname($o_hostgroup) mit Dienst $o_servicedesc ist $o_servicestate",
               'jp' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype $o_hostname($o_hostgroup)のサービス $o_servicedesc $o_servicestate",
	       'fr' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype : le service $o_servicedesc sur $o_hostname ($o_hostgroup) est $o_servicestate" );

  if (!defined($lang{$land})) { $subject = $lang{'en'}; }
  else { $subject = $lang{$land}; }

  return $subject;

# #######################################################################
# main
# #######################################################################

$mail{Cc}   = $o_cc_recipients if ($o_cc_recipients);
$mail{Bcc}  = $o_bcc_recipients if ($o_bcc_recipients);
$mail{smtp} = $o_smtphost;
$mail{subject} = set_subject();

# If the mail server requires authentication, try this line:
# $mail{auth} = {user => "<username>", password => "<mailpw>", method="">"LOGIN PLAIN", required=>1};

if ($o_format eq "graph") {
    if ( ! defined $pnp_uri) {
	verb("main: trying to create the a graph image.");
	$graph_img = create_graph_img();
	} else { $graph_img = import_pnp_graph();}

if ($o_format eq "multi" || $o_format eq "graph") {
  verb("main: Sending HTML email (language: $land) with inline logo.");
  # In e-mails, images need to be base64 encoded, we uuencode here
  my $logo_img = uuencode_img($logofile);
  $mail{'content-type'} = qq(multipart/related; boundary="$boundary");
  $boundary = '--' . $boundary;

  # Here we define the mail content to be send
  my $mail_content = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n"
  # create the first boundary start marker for the main message
          . "$boundary\n"
          . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n"
          . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n"
          . "$html_msg\n";

  # create the second boundary marker for the logo
  $mail_content = $mail_content . "$boundary\n"
          . "Content-Type: image/gif; name=\"logo.gif\"\n"
          . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"
          . "Content-ID: <$logo_id>\n"
          . "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"logo.gif\"\n\n"
          . "$logo_img\n";

  # if we got the graph format and a image has been generated, we add it here
  # create the third boundary marker for the graph
  if (defined($graph_img) && $o_format eq "graph") {
    $mail_content = $mail_content . "\n"
                  . "$boundary\n"
                  . "Content-Type: image/jpg; name=\"graph.jpg\"\n"
                  . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"
                  . "Content-ID: <$graph_id>\n"
                  . "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"graph.jpg\"\n\n"
                  . "$graph_img\n";
   # create the final end boundary marker
   $mail_content = $mail_content . $boundary . "--\n";
   # put the completed message body into the mail
   $mail{body} = $mail_content ;
elsif ($o_format eq "html") {
  $mail{'content-type'} = qq(text/html; charset="utf-8");
  $mail{body} = $html_msg ;
} else {
  $mail{'content-type'} = qq(text/plain; charset="utf-8");
  $mail{body} = $text_msg ;

sendmail(%mail) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error;
verb("Sendmail Log says:\n$Mail::Sendmail::log\n");
exit 0;

# #######################################################################
# Create a debugging table to check on Nagios and script variables
# Added by Robert Becht to create a HTML table for debugging
# #######################################################################

sub create_debugtable() {
  my $varcount = 0;
  my $oddcheck = "odd";

  # Check if the following variables are defined
  my %param_vars = (
		'script'  => {	"title"			=>  'Script debug data',
				"o_verb"          	=>  \$o_verb,
				"o_version"       	=>  \$o_version,
				"o_help"          	=>  \$o_help,
				"o_smtphost"      	=>  \$o_smtphost,
				"o_customer"      	=>  \$o_customer,
				"o_to_recipients" 	=>  \$o_to_recipients,
				"o_to_group"      	=>  \$o_to_group,
				"o_cc_recipients" 	=>  \$o_cc_recipients,
				"o_bcc_recipients"	=>  \$o_bcc_recipients,
				"o_format"	 	=>  \$o_format,
				"o_addurl"	 	=>  \$o_addurl,
				"o_language"	 	=>  \$o_language,
				"o_test"		=>  \$o_test,
				"o_smtphost"	 	=>  \$o_smtphost,
				"domain"		=>  \$domain,
				"land"		 	=>  \$land, 
				"logo file"		=>  \$logofile,
				"temporary file"	=>  \$ftemp,
				"boundary"		=>  \$boundary },
		'nagios'  => {	"title"		   	=>  'Nagios debug data',
				"o_notificationtype"	=>  \$o_notificationtype,
				"o_notificationauth"	=>  \$o_notificationauth,
				"o_notificationcmt" 	=>  \$o_notificationcmt,
				"o_servicedesc"     	=>  \$o_servicedesc,
				"o_servicestate"    	=>  \$o_servicestate,
				"o_servicegroup"    	=>  \$o_servicegroup,
				"o_hostname"        	=>  \$o_hostname,
				"o_hostalias"       	=>  \$o_hostalias,
				"o_hostgroup"       	=>  \$o_hostgroup,
				"o_hostaddress"     	=>  \$o_hostaddress,
				"o_serviceoutput"   	=>  \$o_serviceoutput,
				"o_datetime"        	=>  \$o_datetime,
				"o_to_recipients"   	=>  \$o_to_recipients,
				"o_to_group"        	=>  \$o_to_group },
		'rrdbase' => {	"title"			=>  'RRD debug data',
				"rrd_basedir"		=>  \$rrd_basedir,
				"rrdfile"		=>  \$rrdfile,				
				"hs"			=>  \$hs,
				"rrdfile"		=>  \$rrdfile,
				"DS"			=>  \$ds,
				"labels"		=>  \$G },
		'pnp' 	  => {	"title"			=>  'PNP debug data',
				"PNP url"		=>  \$nagios_pnpurl,
				"PNP uri"		=>  \$pnp_uri,
				"img_get"		=>  \$img_get,
				"interval(s)"		=>  \$elapse,
				"time start"		=>  \$tstamp }  );

  # display the script variables
  # Tables loop
  foreach $tbl (keys %param_vars) {
  $debugtables .= "</br>\n"
               . "<table width=$table_size>\n"
               . "<tr><th colspan=2 class=customer>$param_vars{$tbl}->{'title'}</th></tr>\n";

      $varcount = 0;
      # Data loop
      foreach $var (keys %{$param_vars{$tbl}}) {
	  if ($var ne 'title') {
	      if ($varcount%2) {$oddcheck = "odd";
		  } else {$oddcheck = "even";} 

	      $debugtables .= "<tr><th class=$oddcheck>$var</th>";

	      if ((! defined(${$param_vars{$tbl}->{$var}})) || (${$param_vars{$tbl}->{$var}} eq '')) {     
		  $debugtables .= "<td class=$oddcheck>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
		  } else {
	      $debugtables .= "<td class=$oddcheck>${$param_vars{$tbl}->{$var}}</td></tr>\n";
# 	      # Debugging
#  	      print $var . "= " . ${$param_vars{$tbl}->{$var}} . "\n";
	      $debugtables .= "</table>"; 
	      $debugtables .="</br>\n";

#!/usr/bin/perl -w 
# First we explicitly switch off the Nagios embbeded Perl Interpreter
# nagios: -epn
# ######################### ################ #
# Date    : Mar 18 2012                                                 #
# Purpose : Script to send out Nagios service e-mails.\n";              #
# Author  : Frank Migge (support at frank4dd dot com), Robert Becht     #
# Help    :                            #
# Licence : GPL -                   #
#           Written for and verified with Nagios version 3.2.3          #
# Help    : ./ -h                             #
#                                                                       #
# Version : 1.0 initial release                                         #
# Version : 1.1 add multipart MIME and logo                             #
# Version : 1.2 cleanup mail body generation code                       #
# Version : 1.3 use environment variables for Nagios data handoff       #
# Version : 1.4 add the performance graph image if available            #
#           this has been implemented for Nagiosgraph v0.9.1            #
# Version : 1.5 add -g for using $CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS$ macro            #
#           multi-language support for en|de|fr|jp, extendable          #
#           enhanced debug, version by Robert Becht                     #
#           the script now reads logo's from file                       #
#                                                                       #
# Depends : perl-Mail-Sendmail                                          #
#           perl-MIME-tools                                             #
#           rrdtool-devel                                               #
#           libnetpbm (if image conversion from PNG to JPG is required) #
#           netpbm (if image conversion from PNG to JPG is required)    #
# ##################################################################### #
use Getopt::Long;
use Mail::Sendmail;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use MIME::Base64;
use RRDs;
use File::Temp;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw( $o_verb $o_version $o_help $o_to_group
             $o_cc_recipients $o_bcc_recipients $o_addurl $inputfile $ftemp
             $logo_id $graph_id $rrdfile $tmpfile $land $debugtables $tbl $var %param_vars
	     $hs $G $elapse $tstamp $tstart $img_get $ds );

# The version of this script
my $Version            ='1.6';
my $authors	       = 'Frank Migge, Robert Becht';
# the sender e-mail address to be seen by recipients
my $mail_sender        = "Nagios Monitoring <nagiosadmin\@yourdomain>";
# The nagios CGI URL
my $nagios_cgiurl      = "";
# Modified by Robert Becht that to use PNP4Nagios links
# The PNP4Nagios URL : il not use, simply make to equal 'undef'.
my $nagios_pnpurl      = "";
my ($ra, $rb, $rc, $pnp_uri) = split('/',$nagios_pnpurl); # Otherwise you can set $pnp_uri manualy
# Here we define a simple HTML stylesheet to be used in the HTML header.
my $html_style         = "body {text-align: center; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;}\n"
                       . "img.logo {float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px; vertical-align: middle}\n"
                       . "span {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;}\n"
                       . "table {text-align:center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}\n"
                       . "th {white-space: nowrap;}\n"
                       . "th.even {background-color: #D9D9D9;}\n"
                       . "td.even {background-color: #F2F2F2;}\n"
                       . "th.odd {background-color: #F2F2F2;}\n"
                       . "td.odd {background-color: #FFFFFF;}\n"
                       . "th,td {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; text-align:left;}\n"
                       . "th.customer {width: 600px; background-color: #004488; color: #ffffff;}";
my $table_size         = "600px";
my $header_size        = "180px";
my $data_size          = "420px";
my $debugtables = "</br>\n";

# ########################################################################
# SMTP related data: If the commandline argument -H/--smtphost was not
# given, we use the provided value in $o_smtphost below as the default.
# ########################################################################
my $o_smtphost         = "";
my $domain 	       = "\@yourdomain";
my @listaddress        = ();

# ########################################################################
# This is the logo image file, the path must point to a valid JPG, GIF or
# PNG file, i.e. the nagios logo. Best size is rectangular up to 160x80px.
# example: [nagioshome]/share/images/NagiosEnterprises-whitebg-112x46.png
# ########################################################################
my $logofile = "/usr/lib64/nagios/local/logo_devsys.png";

# ########################################################################
# Here I define the HTML color values for each Nagios notification type.
# There is one extra called TEST for sending a test e-mail from the cmdline
# outside of Nagios. The color values are used for highlighting the
# background of the notification type cell.
# ########################################################################
                       'FLAPPINGSTART'=>'#FF8080','FLAPPINGSTOP'=>'#80FF80',' FLAPPINGDISABLED'=>'FFFF80',

# ########################################################################
# Here we set the information where to pick up the RRD data files for the
# optional graph image generation, plus the graph size width x height px
# ########################################################################
my $rrd_basedir        = "/var/nagios/perfdata";
my $graph_img_size     = "521x60";
my $graph_bgcolor      = "#F2F2F2";
my $graph_border       = "#999999";

# ########################################################################
# language translated message text: $language{$land}{'A'}  (=Customer)
# You can simply add here your translation...
# ########################################################################
my %language = ('en' => { 'A' => 'Customer',
                          'B' => 'Notification Type',
                          'C' => 'Service Name',
                          'D' => 'Service Status',
                          'E' => 'Service Group',
                          'F' => 'Service Data',
                          'G' => 'Hostname',
                          'H' => 'Hostalias',
                          'I' => 'IP Address',
                          'J' => 'Hostgroup',
                          'K' => 'Event Time',
                          'L' => 'Author',
                          'M' => 'Comment',
                          'N' => 'Nagios Monitoring System Notification',
                          'O' => 'Generated by Nagios, the OpenSource monitoring solution' },
                'fr' => { 'A' => 'Utilisateur',
                          'B' => 'Type de notification',
                          'C' => 'Nom du service',
                          'D' => 'Statut du service',
                          'E' => 'Groupe du service',
                          'F' => 'Données',
                          'G' => 'Nom d\'hôte',
                          'H' => 'Alias d\'hôte',
                          'I' => 'Adresse IP',
                          'J' => 'Groupe d\'hôte',
                          'K' => 'Heure de la notification',
                          'L' => 'Auteur',
                          'M' => 'Commentaire',
                          'N' => 'Notification de la surveillance Nagios',
                          'O' => 'Généré par Nagios, le système de surveillance OpenSource' },
                'de' => { 'A' => 'Anwender',
                          'B' => 'Nachrichtentyp',
                          'C' => 'Dienstname',
                          'D' => 'Dienstzustand',
                          'E' => 'Dienstgruppe',
                          'F' => 'Dienstinformationen',
                          'G' => 'Systemname',
                          'H' => 'Systemalias',
                          'I' => 'System IP Adresse',
                          'J' => 'Systemgruppe',
                          'K' => 'Meldungsdatum',
                          'L' => 'Author',
                          'M' => 'Kommentar',
                          'N' => 'Nagios Überwachungssytem Meldung',
                          'O' => 'Erstellt mit Nagios, dem OpenSource Überwachungssytem' },
                'jp' => { 'A' => '顧客名',
                          'B' => '通知の種類',
                          'C' => 'サービス名',
                          'D' => 'サービスの状態',
                          'E' => 'サービスグループ',
                          'F' => 'サービスデータ出力',
                          'G' => 'ホスト名',
                          'H' => 'ホストの別名',
                          'I' => 'IPアドレス',
                          'J' => 'ホストグループ',
                          'K' => 'イベントの日付と時刻',
                          'L' => '投稿者',
                          'M' => 'コメント',
                          'N' => 'Nagios 監視システムの通知',
                          'O' => 'このメーセジはオープンソースの監視システムNagiosで生成されています。' });

####### Global Variables - No changes necessary below this line ##########
# Nagios notification type, i.e. PROBLEM
my $o_notificationtype = $ENV{NAGIOS_NOTIFICATIONTYPE};
# Nagios notification author (if avail.)
my $o_notificationauth = $ENV{NAGIOS_NOTIFICATIONAUTHOR};
# Nagios notification comment (if avail.)
my $o_notificationcmt  = $ENV{NAGIOS_NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT};
# Nagios service description
my $o_servicedesc      = $ENV{NAGIOS_SERVICEDESC};
# Nagios service state
my $o_servicestate     = $ENV{NAGIOS_SERVICESTATE};
# Nagios service group the service belongs to
my $o_servicegroup     = $ENV{NAGIOS_SERVICEGROUPNAME};
# Nagios monitored host name
my $o_hostname         = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTNAME};
# Nagios monitored host alias
my $o_hostalias        = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTALIAS};
# Nagios host group the host belongs to
my $o_hostgroup        = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTGROUPNAME};
# Nagios monitored host IP address
my $o_hostaddress      = $ENV{NAGIOS_HOSTADDRESS};
# Nagios service check output data
my $o_serviceoutput    = $ENV{NAGIOS_SERVICEOUTPUT};
# Nagios date when the event was recorded
my $o_datetime         = $ENV{NAGIOS_LONGDATETIME};
# The recipients defined in $CONTACTEMAIL$
my $o_to_recipients    = $ENV{NAGIOS_CONTACTEMAIL};
# Modified by Robert Becht for using $CONTACTGROUPEMEMBERS$ in nagios.conf
my $o_to_group         = $ENV{NAGIOS_CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS};

# The next variables are provided through args
my $o_cc_recipients    = undef; # The recipients defined in $CONTACTADDRESS1$
my $o_bcc_recipients   = undef; # The recipients defined in $CONTACTADDRESS2$
my $o_format           = "text";# The e-mail output format (default: text)
my $o_addurl           = undef; # flag to add Nagios GUI URLs to HTML e-mails
my $o_language         = undef; # The e-mail output language
my $o_lang_def         = "en";  # The e-mail output language default
my $o_customer         = undef; # Company name and contract number for service providers
my $o_help             = undef; # We want help
my $o_verb             = undef; # verbose mode
my $o_version          = undef; # print version
my $o_test             = undef; # generate a test message

# These variables are used in various subroutines
my $text_msg           = undef; # the plaintext notification
my $html_msg           = undef; # the HTML-formatted notification
my $graphfile          = undef; # if we generate graphs, the tmp file location
my @rrd;
my $logo_img           = undef; # base64-encoded logo
my $graph_img          = undef; # base64-encoded graph
my $boundary           = undef; # unique string for multi-part emails
my %mail;

# ########################################################################
# subroutine defintions below
# ########################################################################

# ########################################################################
# p_version returns the program version
# ########################################################################
sub p_version { print "$0 version : $Version\n"; }

# ########################################################################
# print_usage returns the program usage
# ########################################################################
sub print_usage {
    print "Usage: $0 [-v] [-V] [-h] [-t] [-H <SMTP host>] [-p <customername>]
       [-r <to_recipients> or -g <to_group>] [-c <cc_recipients>] [-b <bcc_recipients>] 
       [-f <text|html|multi|graph>] [-u] [-l <en|jp|fr|de|(or other languages if added)]\n";

# ########################################################################
# help returns the program help message
# ########################################################################
sub help {
   print "\nNagios e-mail notification script for service events, version ",$Version,"\n";
   print "GPL licence, (c)2010 Frank Migge\n\n";
   print <<EOT;

This script takes over the Nagios e-mail notifications by receiving the Nagios state information,
formatting the e-mail and sending it out through an SMTP gateway.

-v, --verbose
    print extra debugging information 
-V, --version
    prints version number
-h, --help
    print this help message
-t, --test
    generates a test message together with -r, --to-recipients
-H, --smtphost=HOST
    name or IP address of SMTP gateway
-p, --customer="customer name and contract #"
  optionally, add the customer name and contract for service providers
-r, --to-recipients
    this option overrides the Nagios-provided \$CONTACTEMAIL\$ list of to: recipients
-g, --to-group-recipients \$CONTACTGROUPMEMBERS\$
    this option use the list of contactgroup and reconstitutes the mail address with the hard defined \$domain
    in this script. This is only possible when the contact name "abcd" works under the address "abcd\@domain".
-c, --cc-recipients
    the Nagios-provided \$CONTACTADDRESS1\$ list of cc: recipients
-b, --bcc-recipients
    the Nagios-provided \$CONTACTADDRESS2\$ list of bcc: recipients
-f, --format='text|html|multi|graph'
    the email format to generate: either plain text,, HTML, 
    multipart S/MIME and multipart adding the Nagiosgraph image
-u, --addurl
    this adds URL's to the Nagios web GUI for check status,
    host and hostgroup views into the html mail,
    requires -f html or -f multi
-l, --language='en|jp|fr|de|(or what you defined in this script)'
    the prefered e-mail language. The content-type header is currently is hard-coded to UTF-8.
    This might need to be changed if recipients require a different characterset encoding.

Extra: For useful debug output, go to Nagios, select a service and choose "Send custom service notification".
    Entering text including the word "email-debug" in the comment field will trigger the creation of additional
    tables with a list of Nagios and script variables.


# ########################################################################
# verb creates verbose output
# ########################################################################
sub verb {
  my $t=shift;
  print $t,"\n" if defined($o_verb);

# ########################################################################
# unique content ID are needed for multipart messages with inline logos
# ########################################################################
sub create_content_id {
  my $unique_string  = rand(100);
  $unique_string     = $unique_string . substr(md5_hex(time()),0,23);
  $unique_string     =~ s/(.{5})/$1\./g;
  my $content_id     = qq(part.${unique_string}\@) . "MAIL";
  $unique_string     = undef;
  return $content_id;

# ########################################################################
# create_boundary creates the S/MIME multipart boundary strings
# ########################################################################
sub create_boundary {
  my $unique_string  = substr(md5_hex(time()),0,24);
  $boundary          = '======' . $unique_string ;
  $unique_string     = undef;

sub unknown_arg {
  exit -1;

# ########################################################################
# create_address from the groupmembers list (Add by Robert Becht)
# ########################################################################
sub create_address {
  my @mlist = split(",",$o_to_group);
  foreach (@mlist) {
    my $maddress = "$_"."$domain";
    # Debugging
    #print "$maddress\n";
  $o_to_group = join(",",@listaddress);
  #print "$o_to_group\n";
  return ($o_to_group);

# ########################################################################
# check_options checks and processes the commandline options given
# ########################################################################
sub check_options {
  Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
      'v'     => \$o_verb,            'verbose'           => \$o_verb,
      'V'     => \$o_version,         'version'           => \$o_version,
      'h'     => \$o_help,            'help'              => \$o_help,
      't'     => \$o_test,            'test'              => \$o_test,
      'H:s'   => \$o_smtphost,        'smtphost:s'        => \$o_smtphost,
      'p:s'   => \$o_customer,        'customer:s'        => \$o_customer,
      'r:s'   => \$o_to_recipients,   'to-recipients:s'   => \$o_to_recipients,
      'g:s'   => \$o_to_group,	    'to-group-recipients' => \$o_to_group,
      'c:s'   => \$o_cc_recipients,   'cc-recipients:s'   => \$o_cc_recipients,
      'b:i'   => \$o_bcc_recipients,  'bcc-recipients:s'  => \$o_bcc_recipients,
      'f:s'   => \$o_format,          'format:s'          => \$o_format,
      'u'     => \$o_addurl,          'addurl'            => \$o_addurl,
      'l:s'   => \$o_language,        'language:s'        => \$o_language
  ) or unknown_arg();

  # Basic checks
  if (defined ($o_help)) { help(); exit 0};
  if (defined($o_version)) { p_version(); exit 0};
  if ((! defined($o_to_recipients)) && (! defined($o_to_group))) { # no recipients provided
    print "Error: no recipients have been provided\n"; print_usage(); exit -1}
  else {
    if (! defined($o_to_group)) {
      %mail = ( To     => $o_to_recipients,
                From   => $mail_sender,
                Sender => $mail_sender ); }
    else { &create_address;
      %mail = ( To     => $o_to_group,
                From   => $mail_sender,
                Sender => $mail_sender ); }

  if ( $o_format ne "text"  && $o_format ne "html"
    && $o_format ne "multi" && $o_format ne "graph") # wrong mail format
    { print "Error: wrong e-mail format.\n"; print_usage(); exit -1}

  if (defined($o_addurl) && $o_format eq "text")
    { print "Error: cannot add URL's to text.\n"; print_usage(); exit -1}
  if (defined($o_test)) { create_test_data(); };

  # Modified by Robert Becht to support additional languages
  # if no language has been requested, try to determine default from OS
 if (! defined($o_language)) {
    # if environment $LANG is set, try to extract the first two country chars, i.e. "en|de|fr"
    if ($ENV{LANG} eq "C" || $ENV{LANG} eq "POSIX") { $land = "en"; }
    else { ($land, my $rem) = split('_',$ENV{LANG}, 2); }
  } else { $land = $o_language; }
  # Last resort: Set "English" if the requested language is not supported by our script
  if (! $language{$land}{'A'}) { $land = $o_lang_def; }

# ########################################################################
# if -t or --test, we need to create sample test data to send out
# In order to successfully test a e-mail with performance graph generation
# set a valid hostname and servicedesc to be able to pick up a RRD file.
# ########################################################################
sub create_test_data {
  if (! defined($o_customer)){         $o_customer         = "ACME Corporation";}
  if (! defined($o_notificationtype)){ $o_notificationtype = "TEST";}
  if (! defined($o_servicestate)){     $o_servicestate     = "UNKNOWN";}
  if (! defined($o_hostname)){         $o_hostname         = "susie114";}
  if (! defined($o_hostalias)){        $o_hostalias        = " (LINUX)";}
  if (! defined($o_hostaddress)){      $o_hostaddress      = "";}
  if (! defined($o_hostgroup)){        $o_hostgroup        = "Linux Servers";}
  if (! defined($o_servicedesc)){      $o_servicedesc      = "os_cpu_load";}
  if (! defined($o_servicegroup)){     $o_servicegroup     = "performance checks";}
  if (! defined($o_datetime)){         $o_datetime         = `date`;}
# if (! defined($o_datetime))         {$o_datetime         = localtime time;}
  if (! defined($o_serviceoutput)){    $o_serviceoutput    = "Test output for this service";}
  if (! defined($o_notificationauth)){ $o_notificationauth = "John Doe";}
  # Setting the keyword "email-debug" in the notification comment below triggers the creation of debug tables
  if (! defined($o_notificationcmt)){  $o_notificationcmt  = "Test message for the service with email-debug";} 

# ########################################################################
# Create a plaintext message -> $text_msg
# ########################################################################
sub create_message_text {
  $text_msg = $language{$land}{'N'}."\n"
            . "=====================================\n\n";

  # if customer name was given for service providers, display it here
  if ( defined($o_customer)) {
    $text_msg = $text_msg . $language{$land}{'A'} . ": $o_customer\n";

  $text_msg = $text_msg
            . $language{$land}{'B'} . ": $o_notificationtype\n"
            . $language{$land}{'C'} . ": $o_servicedesc\n"
            . $language{$land}{'D'} . ": $o_servicestate\n"
            . $language{$land}{'E'} . ": $o_servicegroup\n"
            . $language{$land}{'F'} . ": $o_serviceoutput\n\n"
            . $language{$land}{'G'} . ": $o_hostname\n"
            . $language{$land}{'H'} . ": $o_hostalias\n"
            . $language{$land}{'I'} . ": $o_hostaddress\n"
            . $language{$land}{'J'} . ": $o_hostgroup\n"
            . $language{$land}{'K'} . ": $o_datetime\n\n";

  # if author and comment data has been passed from nagios
  # and these variables have content, then we add two more columns
  if ( ( defined($o_notificationauth) && defined($o_notificationcmt) ) &&
       ( ($o_notificationauth ne "") && ($o_notificationcmt ne "") ) ) {
    $text_msg = $text_msg . $language{$land}{'L'} . ": $o_notificationauth\n"
              . $language{$land}{'M'} . ": $o_notificationcmt\n\n";

  $text_msg = $text_msg . "-------------------------------------\n"
            . $language{$land}{'O'} . ".\n" . "(". $authors . ")\n" ;

# ########################################################################
# Create a simple HTML message -> $html_msg
# ########################################################################
sub create_message_html {
  # Start HTML message definition
  $html_msg = "<html><head><style type=\"text/css\">$html_style</style></head><body>\n"
            . "<table width=$table_size><tr>\n";

  if ($o_format eq "multi" || $o_format eq "graph") {
    $logo_id  = create_content_id();
    $html_msg = $html_msg . "<td><img class=\"logo\" src=\"cid:$logo_id\"></td>"
              . "<td><span>$language{$land}{'N'}</span></td></tr><tr>\n";
  } else {
    $html_msg = $html_msg 
              . "<th colspan=2><span>$language{$land}{'N'}</span></th></tr><tr>\n"; }

  if ( defined($o_customer)) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg 
              . "<th colspan=2 class=customer>$o_customer</th></tr><tr>\n"; }

  $html_msg = $html_msg
            . "<th width=$header_size class=even>$language{$land}{'B'}:</th>\n"
            . "<td bgcolor=$NOTIFICATIONCOLOR{$o_notificationtype}>\n"
            . "$o_notificationtype</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'C'}:</th><td>$o_servicedesc</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'E'}:</th><td class=even>\n";

  # The Servicegroup URL http://<nagios-web>/cgi-bin/status.cgi?servicegroup=$SERVICEGROUPNAME$&style=overview
  # This URL shows the service group table listing ofthe hosts that have this service
  if (defined($o_addurl)) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg
              . "<a href=\"$nagios_cgiurl/status.cgi?servicegroup=$o_servicegroup&style=overview\">$o_servicegroup</a>";
  } else { $html_msg  = $html_msg . $o_servicegroup; }

  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'D'}:</th><td>$o_servicestate</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'F'}:</th><td class=even>\n";

  # The ServiceOutput URL http://<nagios-web>/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$
  # This URL shows the full service details and commands for service management (ack, re-check, disable, etc)
  if (defined($o_addurl)) {
	      if ( $nagios_pnpurl eq '') {
		  $html_msg .= "<a href=\"$nagios_cgiurl/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=$o_hostname&service=$o_servicedesc\">$o_serviceoutput</a>\n";
		  } else {
			# Modified by Robert Becht for link to PNP4Nagios graph 
			$html_msg .= "<a href=\"$nagios_pnpurl/index.php/graph?host=$o_hostname&srv=$o_servicedesc\">$o_serviceoutput</a>\n"; } 
		} else{ $html_msg .= $o_serviceoutput; }
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'G'}:</th><td>\n";

  # The Hostname URL http://<nagios-web>/cgi-bin/status.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&style=detail
  # this URL shows the host and all services underneath it
  if (defined($o_addurl)) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg
              . "<a href=\"$nagios_cgiurl/status.cgi?host=$o_hostname&style=detail\">$o_hostname</a>";
  } else { $html_msg  = $html_msg . $o_hostname; }
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'H'}:</th><td class=even>$o_hostalias</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'I'}:</th><td>$o_hostaddress</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'J'}:</th><td class=even>\n";
  # The Hostgroup URL http://<nagios-web>/cgi-bin/status.cgi?hostgroup=$HOSTGROUPNAME$&style=overview
  # This URL shows the hostgroup table listing for all individual hosts that belong to it
  if (defined($o_addurl)) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg
              . "<a href=\"$nagios_cgiurl/status.cgi?hostgroup=$o_hostgroup&style=overview\">$o_hostgroup</a>";
  } else { $html_msg = $html_msg . $o_hostgroup; }
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</td></tr>\n"
            . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'K'}:</th><td>$o_datetime</td></tr>\n";

  # If the author and comment data has been passed from nagios
  # and these variables have content, then we add two more columns
  if ( ( defined($o_notificationauth) && defined($o_notificationcmt) ) &&
       ( ($o_notificationauth ne "") && ($o_notificationcmt ne "") ) ) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg . "<tr><th class=even>$language{$land}{'L'}:</th>\n"
              . "<td class=even>$o_notificationauth</td></tr>\n"
              . "<tr><th class=odd>$language{$land}{'M'}:</th>\n"
              . "<td>$o_notificationcmt</td></tr>\n";

  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</table></br>\n";

  # if we got the graph format and a image has been generated, we add it here
  if (defined($graph_img) && $o_format eq "graph") {
    $graph_id = create_content_id();
    $html_msg = $html_msg . "<img src=\"cid:$graph_id\">\n";

  # add the Nagios footer tag line here
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</br><hr>\n$language{$land}{'O'}\n
	      .</br><em><font size=\"-1\" >(Authors:$authors)</font></em><hr>\n";

  # add the extra debugtables if verbose output had been requested,
  # or if the notification command contains the keyword "email-debug"
  if (defined($o_notificationcmt) && ($o_notificationcmt =~ m/email-debug/i)
  || defined($o_verb)) {
    $html_msg = $html_msg . $debugtables;

  # End HTML message definition
  $html_msg = $html_msg . "</body></html>\n";

# #######################################################################
# urlencode() URL encode a string
# #######################################################################
sub urlencode {
  $_[0] =~ s/([\W])/"%" . uc(sprintf("%2.2x",ord($1)))/eg;
  return $_[0];

# #######################################################################
# hashcolor() Choose a color for service
# #######################################################################
sub hashcolor {
  my $c=0;
  my $i = 0;
  my $n = 0;
  my $m = 0;
  my @h=(51*int $c/36,51*int $c/6%6,51*($c%6));
  for$i(0..2){$m=$i if$h[$i]<$h[$m];$n=$i if$h[$i]>$h[$n]}
  return $c;

# #######################################################################
# dbfilelist() Get list of matching rrd files
# #######################################################################
sub dbfilelist {
  my($host,$service, $rrddir) = @_;
  my $hs;

  # New style, files inside a <hostname> directory
  $rrddir .=  "/" . $host;
  $hs = urlencode "$service" . "___";
  verb("sub dbfilelist: Checking files inside directory: ".$rrddir);

  my @rrd;
  opendir DH, $rrddir or verb("sub dbfilelist: Cannot open: ".$rrddir);
    @rrd = grep s/^${hs}(.+)\.rrd$/$1/, readdir DH;
  closedir DH;
  verb("sub dbfilelist: We found number of RRD files: ".@rrd);
  return @rrd;

# #######################################################################
# graphinfo() Find graphs and values
# #######################################################################
sub graphinfo {
  my($host,$service,$rrddir) = @_;

  $hs = $host . "/";
  $hs .= urlencode "$service" . "___";

  # Determine which files to read lines from
  @rrd = map {{ file=>$_ }}
         map { "${hs}${_}.rrd" }
         dbfilelist($host,$service, $rrddir);
  # we stop processing here if we could not find a file
  if (@rrd < 1) {
    verb("sub graphinfo: Could not find any graph file.");
    return undef;
  } else {
    verb("sub graphinfo: Listing $hs db files in $rrddir: "
           . join ', ', map { $_->{file} } @rrd);

  $rrdfile = $rrd[0]->{file};

  $ds = RRDs::info "$rrddir/$rrdfile";
  verb("sub graphinfo: RRDs::info ERR " . RRDs::error) if RRDs::error;
  map { $rrd[0]->{line}{$_} = 1}
  grep {!$H{$_}++}
  map { /ds\[(.*)\]/; $1 }
  grep /ds\[(.*)\]/,
  keys %$ds;

  verb("sub graphinfo: Found datasources: " . %$ds);

  return \@rrd;
# #######################################################################
# rrdline() Generate the rrd parameters to produce a graph
# #######################################################################
sub rrdline {
  my($host,$service,$geom,$G,$rrddir,$tmpfile) = @_;
  my $directory = $rrddir;

  @ds = ($tmpfile, '-a', 'PNG', '-t', $service);
  push @ds,  "--color=BACK$graph_bgcolor",

  # Identify where to pull data from and what to call it
  for $g ( @$G ) {
    $f = $g->{file};
    verb("sub rrdline: set filename: $f");

    # Compute the longest label length
    my $longest = (sort map(length,keys(%{ $g->{line} })))[-1];

    for $v ( sort keys %{ $g->{line} } ) {
      $c = hashcolor($v);
      verb("sub rrdline: file=$f line=$v color=$c");
      my $sv = "$v";
      my $label = sprintf("%-${longest}s", $sv);
      push @ds , "DEF:$sv=$directory/$f:$v:AVERAGE"
               , "LINE2:${sv}#$c:$label";
      my $format = '%6.2lf%s';

      # Graph labels
      push @ds, "GPRINT:$sv:MAX:Max\\: $format"
              , "GPRINT:$sv:AVERAGE:Avg\\: $format"
              , "GPRINT:$sv:MIN:Min\\: $format"
              , "GPRINT:$sv:LAST:Cur\\: ${format}\\n";

  # Dimensions of graph if geom is specified
  if ( $geom ) {
    my($w,$h) = split 'x', $geom;
    push @ds, '-w', $w, '-h', $h;
  return @ds;

# ########################################################################
# uuencode_image(filename) converts a existing binary source image file
# into a base64-image string.
# ########################################################################
sub uuencode_img {
  my($inputfile) = @_;
  open (IMG, $inputfile) or verb("uuencode_img: Cannot read source image file: $inputfile - $!");
  binmode IMG; undef $/;
  my $uuencoded_img = encode_base64(<IMG>);
  close IMG;
  verb("uuencode_img: completed conversion of source image file: $inputfile - $!");
  return $uuencoded_img;

# #######################################################################
# create_graph_img() tries to create a performance graph image file (PNG)
# Input is the hostname and servicename, then we try to find a matching
# RRD file according to NagiosGraph's filesystem layout. If there is one,
# it queries the RRD information and graphs the last 24 hours similar to
# Nagiosgraph.
# #######################################################################
sub create_graph_img {
  my $fhandle = undef;
  my $graph_img = undef;

  # Figure out db files and line labels
  my $G = graphinfo($o_hostname,$o_servicedesc,$rrd_basedir);

  # if we could not find RRD data, we return $img as undef
  if(! defined($G)) {
    verb("sub create_graph_img: No graph data for $o_hostname,$o_servicedesc was found.");
    return $graph_img;

  # generate temporary graph files for todays RRD data
  $fhandle = File::Temp->new() or verb("create_graph_img: Cannot create temporary image file.");
  my $tmpfile = $fhandle->filename;
    $ftemp = $tmpfile;
  my @ds = rrdline($o_hostname,$o_servicedesc,$graph_img_size,$G,$rrd_basedir,$tmpfile);
  verb("sub create_graph_img: RRDs::graph ". join ' ', @ds);

  verb("sub create_graph_img: RRDs::graph ERR " . RRDs::error) if RRDs::error;

  # because our mail system being Lotus Notes, which is not supporting PNG
  # images, we must convert them from PNG to JPG before we can continue.
  # comment out the next 3 lines if PNG images work with your mail clients

  # my $jpg_tmpfile = $tmpfile.".jpg";
  # `pngtopnm $tmpfile | pnmtojpeg >$jpg_tmpfile`;
  # `mv $jpg_tmpfile $tmpfile`;

  # In e-mails, images need to be base64 encoded, we uuencode here
  $graph_img = uuencode_img($tmpfile);

  return $graph_img;

# ########################################################################
# Added by Robert Becht for request an PNP4Nagios graph 
# ########################################################################
sub import_pnp_graph { 
  use LWP::Simple;
  $elapse = (1 * 3600); # This set 1 hour history
  $tstamp = time();
  $tstart = ($tstamp - $tstamp);
  $img_get = "$pnp_uri/image?host=$o_hostname&srv=$o_servicedesc&source=0&start=$tstart&end=$tstamp";

# generate temporary graph files for todays RRD data
   my $fhandle = File::Temp->new( UNLINK =>1, SUFFIX => '.png') or verb("create_graph_img: Cannot create temporary image file.");
   my $tmpfile = $fhandle->filename;
   $ftemp = $tmpfile;

# write the graphik file in $tmpfile  
   print $fhandle get("$img_get");

# This is for graph size
  my $pnmfile = `pngtopnm $tmpfile`;
  (my $xysize = $graph_img_size) =~ s/x/ /;
 `pamscale -xysize $xysize $pnmfile | pnmtopng >$img_get`; # or use pnmtojpeg if png not supported ...

  $graph_img = uuencode_img($tmpfile);
  return $graph_img;

# ########################################################################
# language translated email subject: $lang{$land}
# ########################################################################
sub set_subject {
  my $subject;

  my %lang =  ('en' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype service $o_servicedesc on $o_hostname ($o_hostgroup) is $o_servicestate",
               'de' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype $o_hostname($o_hostgroup) mit Dienst $o_servicedesc ist $o_servicestate",
               'jp' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype $o_hostname($o_hostgroup)のサービス $o_servicedesc $o_servicestate",
	       'fr' => "Nagios: $o_notificationtype : le service $o_servicedesc sur $o_hostname ($o_hostgroup) est $o_servicestate" );

  if (!defined($lang{$land})) { $subject = $lang{'en'}; }
  else { $subject = $lang{$land}; }

  return $subject;

# #######################################################################
# main
# #######################################################################

$mail{Cc}   = $o_cc_recipients if ($o_cc_recipients);
$mail{Bcc}  = $o_bcc_recipients if ($o_bcc_recipients);
$mail{smtp} = $o_smtphost;
$mail{subject} = set_subject();

# If the mail server requires authentication, try this line:
# $mail{auth} = {user => "<username>", password => "<mailpw>", method="">"LOGIN PLAIN", required=>1};

if ($o_format eq "graph") {
    if ( ! defined $pnp_uri) {
	verb("main: trying to create the a graph image.");
	$graph_img = create_graph_img();
	} else { $graph_img = import_pnp_graph();}

if ($o_format eq "multi" || $o_format eq "graph") {
  verb("main: Sending HTML email (language: $land) with inline logo.");
  # In e-mails, images need to be base64 encoded, we uuencode here
  my $logo_img = uuencode_img($logofile);
  $mail{'content-type'} = qq(multipart/related; boundary="$boundary");
  $boundary = '--' . $boundary;

  # Here we define the mail content to be send
  my $mail_content = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n"
  # create the first boundary start marker for the main message
          . "$boundary\n"
          . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n"
          . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n"
          . "$html_msg\n";

  # create the second boundary marker for the logo
  $mail_content = $mail_content . "$boundary\n"
          . "Content-Type: image/gif; name=\"logo.gif\"\n"
          . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"
          . "Content-ID: <$logo_id>\n"
          . "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"logo.gif\"\n\n"
          . "$logo_img\n";

  # if we got the graph format and a image has been generated, we add it here
  # create the third boundary marker for the graph
  if (defined($graph_img) && $o_format eq "graph") {
    $mail_content = $mail_content . "\n"
                  . "$boundary\n"
                  . "Content-Type: image/jpg; name=\"graph.jpg\"\n"
                  . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"
                  . "Content-ID: <$graph_id>\n"
                  . "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"graph.jpg\"\n\n"
                  . "$graph_img\n";
   # create the final end boundary marker
   $mail_content = $mail_content . $boundary . "--\n";
   # put the completed message body into the mail
   $mail{body} = $mail_content ;
elsif ($o_format eq "html") {
  $mail{'content-type'} = qq(text/html; charset="utf-8");
  $mail{body} = $html_msg ;
} else {
  $mail{'content-type'} = qq(text/plain; charset="utf-8");
  $mail{body} = $text_msg ;

sendmail(%mail) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error;
verb("Sendmail Log says:\n$Mail::Sendmail::log\n");
exit 0;

# #######################################################################
# Create a debugging table to check on Nagios and script variables
# Added by Robert Becht to create a HTML table for debugging
# #######################################################################

sub create_debugtable() {
  my $varcount = 0;
  my $oddcheck = "odd";

  # Check if the following variables are defined
  my %param_vars = (
		'script'  => {	"title"			=>  'Script debug data',
				"o_verb"          	=>  \$o_verb,
				"o_version"       	=>  \$o_version,
				"o_help"          	=>  \$o_help,
				"o_smtphost"      	=>  \$o_smtphost,
				"o_customer"      	=>  \$o_customer,
				"o_to_recipients" 	=>  \$o_to_recipients,
				"o_to_group"      	=>  \$o_to_group,
				"o_cc_recipients" 	=>  \$o_cc_recipients,
				"o_bcc_recipients"	=>  \$o_bcc_recipients,
				"o_format"	 	=>  \$o_format,
				"o_addurl"	 	=>  \$o_addurl,
				"o_language"	 	=>  \$o_language,
				"o_test"		=>  \$o_test,
				"o_smtphost"	 	=>  \$o_smtphost,
				"domain"		=>  \$domain,
				"land"		 	=>  \$land, 
				"logo file"		=>  \$logofile,
				"temporary file"	=>  \$ftemp,
				"boundary"		=>  \$boundary },
		'nagios'  => {	"title"		   	=>  'Nagios debug data',
				"o_notificationtype"	=>  \$o_notificationtype,
				"o_notificationauth"	=>  \$o_notificationauth,
				"o_notificationcmt" 	=>  \$o_notificationcmt,
				"o_servicedesc"     	=>  \$o_servicedesc,
				"o_servicestate"    	=>  \$o_servicestate,
				"o_servicegroup"    	=>  \$o_servicegroup,
				"o_hostname"        	=>  \$o_hostname,
				"o_hostalias"       	=>  \$o_hostalias,
				"o_hostgroup"       	=>  \$o_hostgroup,
				"o_hostaddress"     	=>  \$o_hostaddress,
				"o_serviceoutput"   	=>  \$o_serviceoutput,
				"o_datetime"        	=>  \$o_datetime,
				"o_to_recipients"   	=>  \$o_to_recipients,
				"o_to_group"        	=>  \$o_to_group },
		'rrdbase' => {	"title"			=>  'RRD debug data',
				"rrd_basedir"		=>  \$rrd_basedir,
				"rrdfile"		=>  \$rrdfile,				
				"hs"			=>  \$hs,
				"rrdfile"		=>  \$rrdfile,
				"DS"			=>  \$ds,
				"labels"		=>  \$G },
		'pnp' 	  => {	"title"			=>  'PNP debug data',
				"PNP url"		=>  \$nagios_pnpurl,
				"PNP uri"		=>  \$pnp_uri,
				"img_get"		=>  \$img_get,
				"interval(s)"		=>  \$elapse,
				"time start"		=>  \$tstamp }  );

  # display the script variables
  # Tables loop
  foreach $tbl (keys %param_vars) {
  $debugtables .= "</br>\n"
               . "<table width=$table_size>\n"
               . "<tr><th colspan=2 class=customer>$param_vars{$tbl}->{'title'}</th></tr>\n";

      $varcount = 0;
      # Data loop
      foreach $var (keys %{$param_vars{$tbl}}) {
	  if ($var ne 'title') {
	      if ($varcount%2) {$oddcheck = "odd";
		  } else {$oddcheck = "even";} 

	      $debugtables .= "<tr><th class=$oddcheck>$var</th>";

	      if ((! defined(${$param_vars{$tbl}->{$var}})) || (${$param_vars{$tbl}->{$var}} eq '')) {     
		  $debugtables .= "<td class=$oddcheck>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
		  } else {
	      $debugtables .= "<td class=$oddcheck>${$param_vars{$tbl}->{$var}}</td></tr>\n";
# 	      # Debugging
#  	      print $var . "= " . ${$param_vars{$tbl}->{$var}} . "\n";
	      $debugtables .= "</table>"; 
	      $debugtables .="</br>\n";


A parte do script que é responsável por montar os endereços de email é essa:

# Basic checks
  if (defined ($o_help)) { help(); exit 0};
  if (defined($o_version)) { p_version(); exit 0};
  if ((! defined($o_to_recipients)) && (! defined($o_to_group))) { # no recipients provided
    print "Error: no recipients have been provided\n"; print_usage(); exit -1}
  else {
    if (! defined($o_to_group)) {
      %mail = ( To     => $o_to_recipients,
                From   => $mail_sender,
                Sender => $mail_sender ); }
    else { &create_address;
      %mail = ( To     => $o_to_group,
                From   => $mail_sender,
                Sender => $mail_sender ); }

Porém ela é a mesma nos dois scripts, porém funciona apenas em um.

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