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Fórum Script Brasil
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Car Game multiplayer



Boas, podem-me colocar 2 carros nesse tutorial? Eu já consegui colocar as teclas porém fazendo a cópia das camadas não funciona, alguém me poderá ajudar?

Esse código é com as teclas AWSD

function step(who) {
	//check to see if the li in question is controlled by the player1 or by the computer1
	if (_root["li"+who].code == "player1") {
		//we will constantly decrease speed by multiplying it with a number below 1
		if (this["speed"+who]>0.3) {
			this["speed"+who] *= _root.speedDecay;
		} else {
			this["speed"+who] = 0;
		//the li will react to certain keys
		if (Key.isDown(87) && this["speed"+who]<_root.maxSpeed) {
			this["speed"+who] += _root.acceleration;
		//brake (reverse)
		if (Key.isDown(83)) {
			this["speed"+who] -= _root.backSpeed;
		//steer left
		if (Key.isDown(65) && this["speed"+who]>0.3) {
			_root["li"+who]._rotation -= _root.rotationStep*(this["speed"+who]/_root.maxSpeed);
		//steer right
		if (Key.isDown(68) && this["speed"+who]>0.3) {
			_root["li"+who]._rotation += _root.rotationStep*(this["speed"+who]/_root.maxSpeed);
		this["rotation"+who] = _root["li"+who]._rotation;
		//we calculate the two components of speed (X axis and Y axis)
		this["speedx"+who] = Math.sin(this["rotation"+who]*(Math.PI/180))*this["speed"+who];
		this["speedy"+who] = Math.cos(this["rotation"+who]*(Math.PI/180))*this["speed"+who]*-1;
		//apply the components on the actual position of the li
		_root["li"+who]._x += this["speedx"+who];
		_root["li"+who]._y += this["speedy"+who];
		//position the shadow of the li
		_root["shadow"+who]._x = _root["li"+who]._x-4;
		_root["shadow"+who]._y = _root["li"+who]._y+2;
		_root["shadow"+who]._rotation = _root["li"+who]._rotation;
	if (_root["li"+who].code == "computer1") {

Editado por Sir.Lima
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