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Bom dia, agradeço desde já a ajuda e atenção do fórum.

Tenho um ótimo sistema de criação de provas que baixei da internet. E está funcionando perfeitamente aqui, porém quando é feito a consulta para realizar a prova, ela sempre retorna na mesma ordem, eu poderia alterar a consulta para ORDER BY RAND()? se sim onde poderia alterar no código? obrigado!!



Arquivos do projeto com o banco Sql: (nome do banco "simple-quiz")!AnjqSMTquWHHhyK2CMpYVfgNDnvF






namespace SimpleQuiz\Utils;

use SimpleQuiz\Utils\Base\User;
use Slim\Helper\Set;

class Quiz implements Base\IQuiz {

protected $_id;
protected $_name;
protected $_description;
protected $_category;
protected $_active;
protected $_answers = array();
protected $_questions;
protected $_question;
protected $_users;
protected $_leaderboard;

* @param Set $container
public function __construct(Set $container)
$this->_leaderboard = $container->leaderboard;
$this->_questions = new QuestionStorage();

* @param $id
* @return bool
public function setId($id)
$quizobj = \ORM::for_table('quizzes')->join('categories', array('quizzes.category', '=', ''))->select_many('', 'quizzes.description', array('category' => ''),'')->find_one($id);

if ($quizobj) {
$this->_id = $id;
$this->_name = $quizobj->name;
$this->_description = $quizobj->description;
$this->_category = $quizobj->category;
$this->_active = $quizobj->active;

return true;

return false;

* @return int
public function getId()
return (int) $this->_id;

* @return string
public function getName()
return ucwords($this->_name);

* @return mixed
public function getDescription()
return $this->_description;

* @return bool
public function isActive()
return $this->_active == 1 ? true : false;

* @param $questionid
* @return bool
public function getAnswers($questionid)
if ($questionid)
return $this->getQuestion($questionid)->getAnswers();
else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("You must supply a question id");

return false;

* @return array
public function getAllAnswersGroupedByQuestion()
//pull all answers from db grouped by question
$obj = \ORM::for_table('answers')->raw_query("SELECT group_concat( a.text ORDER BY a.correct DESC SEPARATOR '~' ) as grouped FROM answers a where a.quiz_id = :quizid GROUP BY a.question_num", array('quizid' => $this->_id) )->find_array();
foreach ($obj as $answers)
$answerarray = explode('~', $answers['grouped']);

return $this->_answers;

* @param array $answers
* @param $questionid
* @return bool
public function updateAnswers(Array $answers, $questionid)

return true;

* @param $questionid
* @return bool
public function deleteAnswers($questionid)
return true;

* @param $questionid
* @param array $answers
* @return bool
public function addAnswers($questionid, Array $answers)

* @param $text
* @param $type
* @param array $answers
* @return bool
public function addQuestion($text, $type, Array $answers)
$max = \ORM::for_table('questions')->where('quiz_id', $this->_id)->max('num');
$num = $max + 1;

//insert new question
$newquestion = \ORM::for_table('questions')->create(
'num' => $num,
'quiz_id' => $this->_id,
'text' => $text
//save the new question in db then add to the question storage
if ($newquestion->save())
//create a question of desired type
$questionType = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . ucfirst($type) . 'Question';
//create a new Question instance
$this->_question = new $questionType($newquestion->id(),$num, $this->_id, $text);

return true;

return false;

* @param $questionid
* @param $text
* @return bool
public function updateQuestion($questionid, $text)

return true;

* @param $questionid
* @return bool
public function deleteQuestion($questionid)
//foreign_key constraints take care of deleting related answers
$q = \ORM::for_table('questions')->where('quiz_id', $this->_id)->where('num', $questionid)->find_one();

//reorder the num column in questions table
//foreign_key constraints take care of updating related answers
$toupdate = \ORM::for_table('questions')->where('quiz_id', $this->_id)->where_gt('num', $questionid)->find_many();
foreach ($toupdate as $question) {
$question->num = $question->num - 1;

return $toupdate->save();

* @param $questionid
* @return bool|mixed|object
public function getQuestion($questionid)
return $this->_questions->getById($questionid);

public function getQuestions()
return $this->_questions;

* @return int
public function countQuestions()
return count($this->_questions);

* @return mixed
public function getCategory()
return $this->_category;

* @return $this
public function populateQuestions()
$quizquestions = \ORM::for_table('questions')->where('quiz_id', $this->_id)->order_by_asc('num')->find_array();

foreach ($quizquestions as $question)
* @todo make the instance name dynamic
$questionObject = new RadioQuestion($question['id'], $question['num'], $this->_id, $question['text']);

return $this;

//following 2 methods to be combined
public function populateUsers()
$this->_users = $this->_leaderboard->getMembers($this->_id);

* @return mixed
public function getUsers()
return $this->_users;

* @param $num
* @return mixed
public function getLeaders($num)
return $this->_leaderboard->getMembers($this->_id, $num);

* @param User $user
* @param $score
* @param $start
* @param $end
* @param $timetaken
* @return bool
public function addQuizTaker(User $user,$score,$start,$end,$timetaken)
return $this->_leaderboard->addMember($this->_id, $user,$score,$start,$end,$timetaken);

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Você pode usar o RAND(nomedocampo) para retornar uma ordem aleatória.

Creio que o ponto de modificação está neste trecho :

public function populateQuestions()
$quizquestions = \ORM::for_table('questions')->where('quiz_id', $this->_id)->order_by_asc('num')->find_array();

Mas não sei se você pode alterá-lo, pois ele parece ser o método de algum objeto.

Vou transferir este tópico para o fórum de PHP e eles poderão ajudá-lo melhor.

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