Estou trabalhando com simulações no Ansys (AQWA) e estou tendo problemas para compilar uma DLL que exportará funções para a simulação. Estou usando o Visual Studio 2019, com um tamplate Biblioteca de Vínculo Dinâmico (DLL). Sou bem iniciante com este tipo de programação, pelo desculpas caso o erro seja muito tolo
Esses são os meus algortimos:
#include "user_force.h"
#include "pch.h"
#include <stdio.h>
__declspec(dllexport) void _stdcall USER_FORCE(int* Mode, int I_Control[100], float R_Control[100],
int* Nstruc, float* Time, float* TimeStep, int* Stage,
float Position[][6], float Velocity[][6], float Cog[][3],
float Force[][6], float Addmass[][6][6], int* ErrorFlag)
// *** Visual C++ Template
// -----------------------
// 1. Uses stdcall calling convention
// 2. Routine name MUST be in upper case
// 3. All parameters are passed as pointers
// Input Parameter Description:
// Mode int* - 0 = Initialisation. This routine is called once with mode 0
// before the simulation. All parameters are as described
// below except for STAGE, which is undefined. FORCES and
// ADDMAS are assumed undefined on exit.
// IERR if set to > 0 on exit will cause
// the simulation to stop.
// 1 = Called during the simulation. FORCE/ADDMAS output expected.
// 99 = Termination. This routine is called once with mode 99
// at the end of the simulation.
// I_Control[100] - User-defined integer control parameters input in .DAT file.
// (int*)
// R_Control[100] - User-defined real control parameters input in .DAT file.
// (float*)
// Nstruc int* - Number of structures in the the simulation
// Time float* - The current time (see Stage below)
// Timestep float* - The current timestep (DT, see Stage below)
// Stage int* - The stage of the integration scheme. AQWA time integration is
// based on a 2-stage predictor corrector method. This routine is
// therefore called twice at each timestep, once with STAGE=1 and
// once with STAGE=2. On stage 2 the position and velocity are
// predictions of the position and velocity at TIME+DT.
// e.g. if the initial time is 0.0 and the step 1.0 seconds then
// calls are as follows for the 1st 3 integration steps:
// Cog[Nstruc][3] - Position of the Centre of Gravity in the Definition axes.
// Position[Nstruc][6] - Position of the structure in the FRA - angles in radians
// (float*)
// Velocity[Nstruc][6] - Velocity of the structure in the FRA
// (float*) angular velocity in rad/s
// Output Parameter Description:
// Force[Nstruc][6] - Force on the Centre of gravity of the structure. NB: these
// (float) forces are applied in the Fixed Reference axis e.g.
// the surge(X) force is ALWAYS IN THE SAME DIRECTION i.e. in
// the direction of the X fixed reference axis.
// Addmass[Nstruc][6][6]
// (float) - Added mass matrix for each structure. As the value of the
// acceleration is dependent on FORCES, this matrix may be used
// to apply inertia type forces to the structure. This mass
// will be added to the total added mass of the structure at each
// timestep at each stage.
// Errorflag int* - Error flag. The program will abort at any time if this
// error flag is non-zero. The values of the error flag will
// be output in the abort message.
int i, j;
int struc = 1;
// MODE#0 - Initialise any summing variables/open/create files.
// This mode is executed once before the simulation begins.
if (*Mode == 0)
// MODE#1 - On-going - calculation of forces/mass
elseif (*Mode == 1)
for (struc = 0; struc < *Nstruc; struc++)
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Force[struc][i] = 2 * Velocity[struc][i];
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
Addmass[struc][j][i] = 0.0;
*ErrorFlag = 0;
// MODE#99 - Termination - Output/print any summaries required/Close Files
// This mode is executed once at the end of the simulation
elseif (*Mode == 99)
// dllmain.cpp : Define o ponto de entrada para o aplicativo DLL.
#include "pch.h"
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
return TRUE;
Depois de usar o comando dumpbin /exports na DLL gerada, esta é a mensagem:
Section contains the following exports for user_force64.dll
00000000 characteristics
FFFFFFFF time date stamp
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
1 number of functions
1 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
1 0 00011046 _USER_FORCE@52 = @ILT+65(_USER_FORCE@52)
1000 .00cfg
1000 .data
1000 .idata
1000 .msvcjmc
2000 .rdata
1000 .reloc
1000 .rsrc
6000 .text
10000 .textbss
E quando uso o mesmo comando em uma DLL funcional, este é o output
Dump of file user_force64.dll
File Type: DLL
Section contains the following exports for user_force64.dll
00000000 characteristics
5D3F15AA time date stamp Mon Jul 29 12:50:02 2019
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
1 number of functions
1 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
1 0 00001000 USER_FORCE
1000 .data
1000 .pdata
1000 .rdata
1000 .reloc
1000 .rsrc
1000 .text
Aparentemente errei alguma coisa na compilação, o que causou a diferença no nome da função exportada.
E ai Pessoal! Beleza?
Estou trabalhando com simulações no Ansys (AQWA) e estou tendo problemas para compilar uma DLL que exportará funções para a simulação. Estou usando o Visual Studio 2019, com um tamplate Biblioteca de Vínculo Dinâmico (DLL). Sou bem iniciante com este tipo de programação, pelo desculpas caso o erro seja muito tolo
Esses são os meus algortimos:
Depois de usar o comando dumpbin /exports na DLL gerada, esta é a mensagem:
E quando uso o mesmo comando em uma DLL funcional, este é o output
Aparentemente errei alguma coisa na compilação, o que causou a diferença no nome da função exportada.
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