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Server Has Not Yet Been Opened

Guest - fernando -


Guest - fernando -

After to execute the last command occurs the following error: to "Server has not yet been opened". Already I looked at documentation, I downloaded packs of the crystal report and continues this error. Somebody knows as to correct?

CrReport := application1.NewReport;

cn := TADOConnection.Create(nil);


cn.ConnectionString:= 'DSN=SEVEN; uid=SEVEN; pwd=SEVEN';


comando := TADOCommand.Create(nil);

comando.Connection := cn;

comando.CommandText := 'SELECT * FROM BANCO';

CrReport.Database.AddADOCommand(OleVariant (cn.ConnectionObject), OleVariant(Comando.CommandObject));

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Althought I can fully understand English I dont understand why you used it here in a brazilian forum...

Dont know what these components are, so I guess that before you open the report (if it is conect with a database query component) you should make the query after the SELECT statement...


cn.Open or


(Dont really know if this will solve you problem, because I use Dbisam, and dont know others Databases)

Espero que tenha ajudado! Inté.... biggrin.gif

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