Do Until Planilha1.Cells(Lin, 2) = ""
Contato = Planilha1.Cells(Lin, 2)
Texto = Planilha1.Cells(Lin, 3)
With Application
.SendKeys "{TAB}"
.SendKeys "{TAB}"
.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
.SendKeys Contato
.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
.SendKeys "~"
.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
.SendKeys Texto
.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
.SendKeys "~"
.SendKeys "{TAB}"
.SendKeys "{TAB}"
.SendKeys "{TAB}"
End With
Lin = Lin + 1
End Sub
On this srcipt i'm facing on truly challenge: to concate and create a link to send text messages on Whatsapp.
My question is: how can I concate this string <""> with a colunm where there's all the phones numbers that I wish to contact?
Bruno Couto
Hi. I've got this script on VBA
Sub disparo_wpp()
Dim Lin As Integer
Dim Contato As String
Dim Texto As String
Lin = 6
Shell "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" & ""
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:15")
Do Until Planilha1.Cells(Lin, 2) = ""
Contato = Planilha1.Cells(Lin, 2)
Texto = Planilha1.Cells(Lin, 3)
With Application
.SendKeys "{TAB}"
.SendKeys "{TAB}"
.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
.SendKeys Contato
.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
.SendKeys "~"
.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
.SendKeys Texto
.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
.SendKeys "~"
.SendKeys "{TAB}"
.SendKeys "{TAB}"
.SendKeys "{TAB}"
End With
Lin = Lin + 1
End Sub
On this srcipt i'm facing on truly challenge: to concate and create a link to send text messages on Whatsapp.
My question is: how can I concate this string <""> with a colunm where there's all the phones numbers that I wish to contact?
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