Pequei um portal na app mas não consigo faze-lo funcionar, a pagina aponta o erro:
Unable to connect to application database. This database is defined by the connection string located in the 'global.asa' file for this site.
Possible causes:
The syntax of the connection string is incorrect
A connection string attribute (ie; dsn, database, uid, pwd, etc..) is incorrect
The database server is temporarily unavailable
The 'global.asa' file must be located in the Web site (application) root (this may be separate from the other PortalApp files)
Open the 'global.asa' file to verify the cn_str assignment.
Olhei o Global.asa, mas parece estar em ordem, o que pode estar acontecendo?
<!-- place this file, or edit the exisiting "global.asa" file in the web site root folder -->
<object runat="server" scope="application" id="online_users" progid="scripting.dictionary"></object>
<script LANGUAGE=VBScript RUNAT=Server>
Sub Application_OnStart
':: app database connection string
application("cn_str") = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & server.MapPath("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\portal\data\8681.MDB") & ""
':: initilize application variables from database
set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open application("cn_str")
set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT * FROM AppSettings")
for each field in rs.Fields
application(field.Name) = field.Value
End Sub
Sub Session_OnStart
session.timeout = 20
End Sub
Sub Session_OnEnd
if isObject(online_users) then
on error resume next
online_users.remove (session.sessionid)
end if
End Sub
Pequei um portal na app mas não consigo faze-lo funcionar, a pagina aponta o erro:
Olhei o Global.asa, mas parece estar em ordem, o que pode estar acontecendo? Global.asa:Ajudem-me
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