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Alterando Um Caminho 2 (entrem Nesse!)



Bem galera, eu preciso alterar esse caminho, como eu não entendi a explicação do tópico anterior, eu resolvi postar mais detalhadamente.

<!--#include file="language_files/language_file_inc.asp" -->

Server.ScriptTimeout = 90
Session.Timeout = 20

Dim adoCon    'Database Connection Variable Object
Dim strCon   'Holds the string to connect to the db
Dim rsCommon   'Holds the configuartion recordset
Dim strSQL   'Holds the SQL query for the database
Dim lngLoggedInUserID  'Holds a logged in users ID number
Dim strLoggedInUsername  'Holds a logged in users username
Dim intGroupID   'Holds the group ID number the member is a group of
Dim strWebsiteName  'Holds the website name
Dim strMainForumName  'Holds the forum name
Dim strForumPath  'Holds the virtual path to the forum
Dim strForumEmailAddress 'Holds the forum e-mail address
Dim blnTextLinks  'Set to true if you want text links instead of the powered by logo
Dim blnRTEEditor  'Set to true if the Rich Text Editor(RTE) is enabled
Dim blnEmail   'Boolean set to true if e-mail is on
Dim strMailComponent  'Email coponent the forum useses
Dim strOutgoingMailServer 'Forums incomming mail server
Dim strLoggedInUserCode  'Holds the user code of the user
Dim blnLCode   'set to true
Dim blnAdmin   'set to true if the user is a forum admininstrator (Group ID 1)
Dim blnModerator  'Set to true if the user is a forum moderator
Dim blnGuest   'set to true for the Guest account (Group ID 2)
Dim blnActiveMember  'Set to false if the member is no longer allowed to post messages on the forum
Dim blnLoggedInUserEmail 'Set to true if the user has entered there e-mail
Dim blnLoggedInUserSignature 'set to true if the user has enetered a signature
Dim intTopicPerPage  'Holds the number of topics to show on each page
Dim strTitleImage  'Holds the path and name for the title image for the forum
Dim blnEmoticons  'Set to true if emoticons are turned on
Dim strDatabaseDateFunction 'Holds a different date function for Access or SQL server
Dim strDatabaseType  'Holds the type of database used
Dim blnGuestPost  'Set to true if guests can post
Dim blnAvatar   'Set to true if the forum can use avatars
Dim blnEmailActivation  'Set to true if the e-mail activation is turned on
Dim blnSendPost   'Set to true if post is sent with e-mail notification
Dim intNumHotViews  'Holds the number of how many views a topic has before it becomes a hot topic
Dim intNumHotReplies  'Holds the number of replies before a topic becomes a hot topic
Dim blnPrivateMessages  'Set to true if private messages are allowed
Dim intNumPrivateMessages 'Holds the number of private messages allowed by each user
Dim intThreadsPerPage  'Holds the number of threads shown per page
Dim strDbPathAndName  'Holds the path and name of the database
Dim intSpamTimeLimitSeconds 'Holds the number of secounds between posts
Dim intSpamTimeLimitMinutes 'Holds the number of minutes the user can post five posts in
Dim strDateFormat  'Holds the users date format
Dim strTimeOffSet  'Holds the users time offset in + or -
Dim intTimeOffSet  'Holds the users time offset
Dim blnReplyNotify  'Set to true if the user wants to be notified of replies to posts
Dim blnAttachSignature  'Set to true if the user always wants there signature attached
Dim blnWYSIWYGEditor  'Set to true if the user wants to use the IE WYSIWYG post editor
Dim intMaxPollChoices  'Holds the maximum allowed number of poll choices
Dim blnEmailMessenger  'Set to true if the email system is on
Dim blnActiveUsers  'Set to true if active users is enabled
Dim blnForumClosed  'Set to true of the forum is cloded for maintence
Dim blnShowEditUser  'Set to true if we are to show the username and time a post is edited
Dim blnShowProcessTime  'Set to true if we are to show how long the page took to be processed on the server
Dim dblStartTime  'Holds the start time for the page process
Dim blnClosedForumPage  'Set to true if we are looking at the closed forum page
Dim blnFlashFiles  'Set to true if Flash support is enabled
Dim strWebsiteURL   'Holds the URL to the sites homepage
Dim blnShowMod   'Set to true if mod groups are shown on the main forum page
Dim blnAvatarUploadEnabled 'Set to true if avatars are enabled
Dim blnRegistrationSuspeneded 'Set to true if new registrations are suspended
Dim strLoggedInUserEmail 'Holds the logged in users email address
Dim strImageTypes  'Holds the types of images allowed in the forum
Dim blnLongRegForm  'Set to true if the reg form is to be the long version
Dim blnLongSecurityCode  'Set to true if the security code feature is required when logging in
Dim blnUseApplicationVariables 'Set to true if application varibles are used

'These are used for forum permissions
Dim blnRead
Dim blnPost
Dim blnReply
Dim blnEdit
Dim blnDelete
Dim blnPriority
Dim blnPollCreate
Dim blnVote
Dim blnAttachments
Dim blnImageUpload

'Initialise variables
Const strVersion = "7.7"
Const strRTEversion = "1.2c"
lngLoggedInUserID = 0
strLoggedInUsername = strTxtGuest
blnActiveMember = true
blnLoggedInUserEmail = false
blnLoggedInUserSignature = false
intGroupID = 2
lngLoggedInUserID = 2
blnAdmin = false
blnModerator = false
blnGuest = true
intTimeOffSet = 0
strTimeOffSet = "+"
blnWYSIWYGEditor = true
blnLongRegForm = true
blnLongSecurityCode = false

strDatabaseType = "SQLServer"

Const strDbTable = "tbl"
Const strDbProc = "wwfSp"
Const strCookieName = "WWF"

blnUseApplicationVariables = true

Const blnEncryptedPasswords = true 'True = Encrypted Passwords Enabled  -  Flase = Encrypted Passwords Disabled

Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

If strDatabaseType = "Access" Then

strDbPathAndName = Server.MapPath("admin/database/wwForum.mdb")  'This is the path of the database from this files location on the server
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & strDbPathAndName  'This one is for Access 2000/2002
strDatabaseDateFunction = "Now()"


%><!--#include file="admin/SQL_server_connection.asp" --><%

strDatabaseDateFunction = "GetDate()"
End If

adoCon.connectionstring = strCon


Set rsCommon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

If isEmpty(Application("blnConfigurationSet")) OR isNull(Application("blnConfigurationSet")) OR Application("blnConfigurationSet") = false OR blnUseApplicationVariables = false Then

If strDatabaseType = "SQLServer" Then
 strSQL = "EXECUTE " & strDbProc & "SelectConfiguration"
 strSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 " & strDbTable & "Configuration.* From " & strDbTable & "Configuration;"
End If

rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon

If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then
Eu me contactei com meu provedor, ele disse que eu não poderia me conectar pelo Server.MapPath, então me deram a seguinte adaptação:
"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=c:\home7\\dados\seubanco.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=;" 

Eu sou bastante novato, o amigo do tópico anterior pediu para que eu fizesse uma constante, eu até entendi mais ou menos, só que eu também não soube adaptar pela constante. O que eu faço? Esse é o arquivo common.asp do fórum em português da Web Wiz, que é o arquivo de conexao. Ele tava funcionando perfeitamente, porém depois que eu coloquei o arquivo do banco de dados dentro da pasta dados do provedor eu não soube adaptar.

Um abraço.

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Bem, seu codigo é MUITO enorme, hehe

então, vamos ver..

Primeiro posta aqui a string de conexao atual, que você esta utilizando.

Depois, coloca a string que você quer utilizar.

Daí a gente te mostra como ficaria..

É que com o Código enorme assim, é complicado interpretar


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