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Fórum Script Brasil
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Como Fazer Este Script



Há como fazer este script de slide de imagens exibir 6 imagens diferentes sem repitir?

é o seguite:

Tenho uma tabela com 6 colunas.

ela será aleatória, ou seja, ficará exibindo imagens.

este script muda a imagem na sequência que eu escolher, bem exemplificado abaixo.

Só que é mais de uma imagem, e em javscript eu faço a mínima idéia:

este é o código da tabela

<body onload=runSlideShow()>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="453" id="table6" height="47">
<td width="75">
<img src=001.jpg name=PictureBox width=73 height=50></td>
<td width="75">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="76">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="76">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="76">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="75">&nbsp;</td>
este é o script

// (C) 2002
// Free for all users, but leave in this header.

// ==============================
// Set the following variables...
// ==============================

// Set the slideshow speed (in milliseconds)
var SlideShowSpeed = 3000;

// Set the duration of crossfade (in seconds)
var CrossFadeDuration = 3;

var Picture = new Array(); // don't change this
var Caption = new Array(); // don't change this

// Specify the image files...
// To add more images, just continue
// the pattern, adding to the array below.
// To use fewer images, remove lines
// starting at the end of the Picture array.
// Caution: The number of Pictures *must*
// equal the number of Captions!

Picture[1]  = '001.jpg';
Picture[2]  = '002.jpg';
Picture[3]  = '003.jpg';
Picture[4]  = '004.jpg';
Picture[5]  = '005.jpg';

// Specify the Captions...
// To add more captions, just continue
// the pattern, adding to the array below.
// To use fewer captions, remove lines
// starting at the end of the Caption array.
// Caution: The number of Captions *must*
// equal the number of Pictures!

Caption[1]  = "This is the first caption.";
Caption[2]  = "This is the second caption.";
Caption[3]  = "This is the third caption.";
Caption[4]  = "This is the fourth caption.";
Caption[5]  = "This is the fifth caption.";

// =====================================
// Do not edit anything below this line!
// =====================================

var tss;
var iss;
var jss = 1;
var pss = Picture.length-1;

var preLoad = new Array();
for (iss = 1; iss < pss+1; iss++){
preLoad[iss] = new Image();
preLoad[iss].src = Picture[iss];}

function runSlideShow(){
if (document.all){"blendTrans(duration=2)";"blendTrans(duration=CrossFadeDuration)";
document.images.PictureBox.src = preLoad[jss].src;
if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById("CaptionBox").innerHTML= Caption[jss];
if (document.all) document.images.PictureBox.filters.blendTrans.Play();
jss = jss + 1;
if (jss > (pss)) jss=1;
tss = setTimeout('runSlideShow()', SlideShowSpeed);

e estas são as legendas:

<td id=CaptionBox align=center bgcolor=#fedcba>

This is the default caption.


agora é exibir as imagens na tabela de forma que elas não repitam! tem como?

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