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E aê galera beleza.

Sou novo na área do forum...

Tenho uma dúvida.. e gostaria de saber se vocês saberiam me ajudar.

Tenho uma página em html.. e criei um botão search.. e tenho um engenho de busca em js.. só q como faço para que o botão q criei chame o engenho?

Grato pela ajuda pessoal.


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Lá tem o engenho tmb... o script é o seguinte:

Agora estou com dúvida de como o meu botão chamar esse engenho.





<!-- My JavaScripted Search Engine (I programmed this-->

<!-- I am most proud of it, I, Adam ALLEN programmed -->

<!-- this! -->

<BODY BACKGROUND="back.jpg" BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#000080" VLINK="#800040" ALINK="#FF0000">

<FORM NAME="form1">

<B><U>Por favor digite o nome do desenho que gostaria de localizar</u></B>

<input type="text" name="searchfor" value="" size=20>

<input type="button" value="Procura." onClick="checkDatabase()" name="button">



<!-- End Of File -->




<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

<!-- Hide Script from Old Browsers


Java Search Engine

©1997 Adam ALLEN.

Version 2.0

You may use this search engine on your page, but keep this

notice intact, and at the bottom of leave the Copyright notice at

the bottom of this page.

This scripts is my property, so please honnour my requests,

If you do so, you may freely copy, distribute, give this scripts


This is the first Java Script that I have wrote, and am proud of it,

I feel pleased that I can contribute back to the bank of JavaScripts

that I have used on my page from other people, AN EYE FOR AN EYE!


// Obviously the more enteries you have the more time it will take to

// load the document, but the seek time reamins very quick, I would

// say with about 500 entries you would be quicker than YAHOO!

// at least with this there are no CGI Scripts to load, once the main

// page is in that's it!!!!

// Define Database Options

Keyword = new Object();

Descrip = new Object();

Address = new Object();

// Keyword[0] = n (where n is the number of keywords which can be searched

Keyword[0] = 6

// Each entry is split into

// Keyword[n] = text (where text is the keyword of which the entry is to

// be searched by (type Keywords in lowercase)

// Descrip[n] = text (where text is the description associated to this entry

// Address[n] = text (where text is the URL associated to the entry

// n is the entry number.

Keyword[1] = "hotmail"

Descrip[1] = "Search the BEST engine on the internet."

Address[1] = ""

Keyword[2] = "yahoo"

Descrip[2] = "Search the BEST engine on the internet."

Address[2] = ""

Keyword[3] = "yahoo"

Descrip[3] = "teste."

Address[3] = ""

Keyword[4] = "free"

Descrip[4] = "Free webpages at Geocities."

Address[4] = ""

Keyword[5] = "free"

Descrip[5] = "Free webpages at Tripod"

Address[5] = ""

Keyword[6] = "free"

Descrip[6] = "Free JavaScript at JavaScript World"

Address[6] = ""

function checkDatabase() {

var Found = false

var Item = document.forms[0].searchfor.value.toLowerCase();


stats += 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'

MsgBox = ("","msgWindow",stats)

MsgBox.document.write("<head><title>Feche esta janela e retorne para a Página da Coleção</title></head>");

MsgBox.document.write ("<BODY BACKGROUND=back.jpg BGCOLOR=#C0C0C0 TEXT=#000000 LINK=#000080 VLINK=#800040 ALINK=#FF0000><H2><CENTER>Resultados da Procura</CENTER></H2>")

MsgBox.document.write ("<H3>Palavra Chave: "+Item+"<HR>");

for (var i=1; i <= Keyword[0]; i++) {

if(Item == Keyword) {

Found = true;

MsgBox.document.write ("<H4>"+Descrip+"<BR><A HREF="+Address+">Clique aqui para ver este Desenho</A></H4>")




MsgBox.document.write ("<H4>Nada Encontrado</H4>")

// Leave the line below intact if you want to legally use this script

MsgBox.document.write ("<H6>by Adam ALLEN ©1997 All Rights Reserved<BR></A></H6>")

// There must be my notice above if you are to use this script legally.

// It took many hours work, fairs is fair, I just want that little line in

// and you get a fully working Search ENGINE, for FREE, on your site

// In Java Scripts aswell, and not crap JAVA!

// Also a copyright notice MUST appear with the form.

MsgBox.document.write ("<FORM><CENTER>")

MsgBox.document.write ("<INPUT type='button' value='Fechar' onClick = 'self.close()'>")

MsgBox.document.write ("</CENTER></FORM>") }

// -->



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