sadadadse Postado Março 8, 2005 Denunciar Share Postado Março 8, 2005 Olá pessoal, eu estou fazendo uma página utilizando o pacote invision, eu está dando um erro na página de instalaçãoeu já não sei mais o que fazer e a quem recorrerPor meio desta mensagem eu gostaria de pedir a vocês q sacam tudo para me dar uma maozinha com esse problemas, pois sou leigo no assuntodeixo a disposição de vocês o meu MSN: sadadadse@hotmail.compor favor alguém entre em contatoestarei disposto a dar senhas se for preciso para a resolução deste pequeno problema,mais uma vez agradeço a compreenção de todos vocês, ObrigadoAndré Alves Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Gladisson Postado Março 8, 2005 Denunciar Share Postado Março 8, 2005 Vê qual é o erro que mostra lá e poste aqui...Com certeza deve ser de CHMOD, que você terá quer dar a alguns arquivos. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 sadadadse Postado Março 8, 2005 Autor Denunciar Share Postado Março 8, 2005 (editado) Script written by Matthew Mecham | > Date started: 19th March 2004 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ENTER YOUR PATH TO THE DIRECTORY THIS SCRIPT IS IN. //+------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Tips: // // If you are using Windows and Apache, do not // use backslashes, use normal forward slashes. // You may need to remove the drive letter also // Example: C:\apache\htdocs\ibforums\ will need // to be: /apache/htdocs/ibforums/ // // If you are using Windows and IIS, then you will // need to enter double backslashes. // // In all cases, please enter a trailing slash (or // trailing backslashes...) //+------------------------------------------------------------------------ define( 'THIS_ROOT_PATH', './' ); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ROOT TO REST OF IPB (SHOULD BE ABLE TO LEAVE AS-IS //+------------------------------------------------------------------------ define( 'ROOT_PATH', '../' ); //----------------------------------------------- // NO USER EDITABLE SECTIONS BELOW //----------------------------------------------- define( 'KERNEL_PATH', ROOT_PATH.'ips_kernel/' ); define( 'CACHE_PATH' , ROOT_PATH ); define ( 'SQL_DRIVER', 'mysql' ); define ( 'IN_IPB', 1 ); define ( 'IN_DEV', 0 ); define ( 'IPBVERSION', '2.0.0' ); define ( 'USE_SHUTDOWN', 0 ); define ( 'SAFE_MODE_ON', 0 ); //----------------------------------------------- // INIT CLASSES //----------------------------------------------- require_once( ROOT_PATH.'sources/functions.php' ); $template = new template; $std = new FUNC(); $ibforums = new info(); //----------------------------------------------- // PARSE INCOMING //----------------------------------------------- $VARS = $std->parse_incoming(); //+--------------------------------------- // What are we doing then? é? I'm talking to you! //+--------------------------------------- if ( file_exists( THIS_ROOT_PATH.'install.lock') ) { install_error("This installer is locked!Please (via FTP) remove the 'install/install.lock' file"); exit(); } switch($VARS['a']) { case '1': do_setup_form(); break; case '2': do_install(); break; case 'templates': do_templates(); break; case '3': do_finish(); break; default: do_intro(); break; } function do_finish() { global $std, $template, $root, $VARS, $DB, $ibforums; //----------------------------------- // IMPORT $INFO! //----------------------------------- $require = ROOT_PATH."conf_global.php"; if ( ! file_exists($require) ) { install_error("Could not locate '$require'. You may need to enter a value for the root path in this installer script, to do this, simply open up this script in a text editor and enter a value in \$root - remember to add a trailing slash. NT users will need to use double backslashes"); } include($require); $INFO['sql_driver'] = strtolower($INFO['sql_driver']); //----------------------------------- // Get SQL engine //----------------------------------- require ( KERNEL_PATH.'class_db_'.$INFO['sql_driver'].".php"); $DB = new db_driver(); $DB->obj['sql_database'] = $INFO['sql_database']; $DB->obj['sql_user'] = $INFO['sql_user']; $DB->obj['sql_pass'] = $INFO['sql_pass']; $DB->obj['sql_host'] = $INFO['sql_host']; $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']; $DB->obj['query_cache_file'] = ROOT_PATH.'sources/sql/'.$INFO['sql_driver'].'_admin_queries.php'; $DB->obj['use_shutdown'] = 0; //----------------------------------- // Required vars? //----------------------------------- if ( is_array( $DB->connect_vars ) and count( $DB->connect_vars ) ) { foreach( $DB->connect_vars as $k => $v ) { $DB->connect_vars[ $k ] = $INFO[ $k ]; } } //-------------------------------- // Get a DB connection //-------------------------------- $DB->connect(); //----------------------------------- // Get ACP library //----------------------------------- require_once( ROOT_PATH.'sources/admin/admin_cache_functions.php' ); $acp = new admin_cache_functions(); //----------------------------------- // Cache skins and shit //----------------------------------- $acp->_rebuild_all_caches( array(2) ); //------------------------------------------------------------- // Forum cache //------------------------------------------------------------- $ibforums->cache['forum_cache'] = array(); $DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'forums', 'order' => 'parent_id, position' ) ); $DB->simple_exec(); while( $fr = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $perms = unserialize(stripslashes($fr['permission_array'])); $fr['read_perms'] = $perms['read_perms']; $fr['reply_perms'] = $perms['reply_perms']; $fr['start_perms'] = $perms['start_perms']; $fr['upload_perms'] = $perms['upload_perms']; $fr['show_perms'] = $perms['show_perms']; unset($fr['permission_array']); $ibforums->cache['forum_cache'][ $fr['id'] ] = $fr; } $std->update_cache( array( 'name' => 'forum_cache', 'array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 1 ) ); //------------------------------------------------------------- // Group Cache //------------------------------------------------------------- $ibforums->cache['group_cache'] = array(); $DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => "*", 'from' => 'groups' ) ); $DB->simple_exec(); while ( $i = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $ibforums->cache['group_cache'][ $i['g_id'] ] = $i; } $std->update_cache( array( 'name' => 'group_cache', 'array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 1 ) ); //------------------------------------------------------------- // Systemvars //------------------------------------------------------------- $ibforums->cache['systemvars'] = array(); $result = $DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'select' => 'count(*) as cnt', 'from' => 'mail_queue' ) ); $ibforums->cache['systemvars']['mail_queue'] = intval( $result['cnt'] ); $ibforums->cache['systemvars']['task_next_run'] = time() + 3600; $std->update_cache( array( 'name' => 'systemvars', 'array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 1 ) ); //------------------------------------------------------------- // Stats //------------------------------------------------------------- $ibforums->cache['stats'] = array(); $ibforums->cache['stats']['total_replies'] = 0; $ibforums->cache['stats']['total_topics'] = 1; $ibforums->cache['stats']['mem_count'] = 1; $r = $DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'select' => 'id, name', 'from' => 'members', 'order' => 'id DESC', 'limit' => '0,1' ) ); $ibforums->cache['stats']['last_mem_name'] = $r['name']; $ibforums->cache['stats']['last_mem_id'] = $r['id']; $std->update_cache( array( 'name' => 'stats', 'array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 1 ) ); //------------------------------------------------------------- // Ranks //------------------------------------------------------------- $ibforums->cache['ranks'] = array(); $DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'id, title, pips, posts', 'from' => 'titles', 'order' => "posts DESC", ) ); $DB->simple_exec(); while ($i = $DB->fetch_row()) { $ibforums->cache['ranks'][ $i['id'] ] = array( 'TITLE' => $i['title'], 'PIPS' => $i['pips'], 'POSTS' => $i['posts'], ); } $std->update_cache( array( 'name' => 'ranks', 'array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 1 ) ); //------------------------------------------------------------- // SETTINGS //------------------------------------------------------------- $ibforums->cache['settings'] = array(); $DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'conf_settings', 'where' => 'conf_add_cache=1' ) ); $info = $DB->simple_exec(); while ( $r = $DB->fetch_row($info) ) { $ibforums->cache['settings'][ $r['conf_key'] ] = $r['conf_value'] != "" ? $r['conf_value'] : $r['conf_default']; } $std->update_cache( array( 'name' => 'settings', 'array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 1 ) ); //------------------------------------------------------------- // EMOTICONS //------------------------------------------------------------- $ibforums->cache['emoticons'] = array(); $DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'typed,image,clickable,emo_set', 'from' => 'emoticons' ) ); $DB->simple_exec(); while ( $r = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $ibforums->cache['emoticons'][] = $r; } $std->update_cache( array( 'name' => 'emoticons', 'array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 1 ) ); //------------------------------------------------------------- // LANGUAGES //------------------------------------------------------------- $ibforums->cache['languages'] = array(); $DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'ldir,lname', 'from' => 'languages' ) ); $DB->simple_exec(); while ( $r = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $ibforums->cache['languages'][] = $r; } $std->update_cache( array( 'name' => 'languages', 'array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 1 ) ); //------------------------------------------------------------- // ATTACHMENT TYPES //------------------------------------------------------------- $ibforums->cache['attachtypes'] = array(); $DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'atype_extension,atype_mimetype,atype_post,atype_photo,atype_img', 'from' => 'attachments_type', 'where' => "atype_photo=1 OR atype_post=1" ) ); $DB->simple_exec(); while ( $r = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $ibforums->cache['attachtypes'][ $r['atype_extension'] ] = $r; } $std->update_cache( array( 'name' => 'attachtypes', 'array' => 1, 'deletefirst' => 1 ) ); //----------------------------------- // Attempt to lock the install.. //----------------------------------- if ($FH = @fopen( THIS_ROOT_PATH.'install.lock', 'w' ) ) { @fwrite( $FH, 'bleh', 4 ); @fclose($FH); @chmod( THIS_ROOT_PATH.'install.lock', 0666 ); $template->print_top('Success!'); $msg=Although the installer is now locked (to re-install, remove the file 'install.lock'), for added security, please remove the index.php program before continuing.CLICK HERE TO LOG IN!"; } else { $template->print_top('Success!'); $msg = "PLEASE REMOVE THE INSTALLER ('index.php') BEFORE CONTINUING!Failure to do so will enable ANYONE to delete your board at any time!CLICK HERE TO LOG IN!"; } $template->contents .= "SuccessThe installation is now complete!$msg"; $template->output(); } //+--------------------------------------- // Install the template files, woohoo and stuff //+--------------------------------------- function do_templates() { global $std, $template, $root, $VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS; //----------------------------------- // IMPORT $INFO! //----------------------------------- $require = ROOT_PATH."conf_global.php"; if ( ! file_exists($require) ) { install_error("Could not locate '$require'. You may need to enter a value for the root path in this installer script, to do this, simply open up this script in a text editor and enter a value in \$root - remember to add a trailing slash. NT users will need to use double backslashes"); } include($require); //----------------------------------- // Attempt a DB connection.. //----------------------------------- require ( KERNEL_PATH.'class_db_'.$INFO['sql_driver].".php"); $DB = new db_driver(); $DB->obj['sql_database'] = $INFO['sql_database']; $DB->obj['sql_user'] = $INFO['sql_user']; $DB->obj['sql_pass'] = $INFO['sql_pass']; $DB->obj['sql_host'] = $INFO['sql_host']; $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']; $DB->obj['use_shutdown'] = 0; $DB->return_die = 1; //----------------------------------- // Required vars? //----------------------------------- if ( is_array( $DB->connect_vars ) and count( $DB->connect_vars ) ) { foreach( $DB->connect_vars as $k => $v ) { $DB->connect_vars[ $k ] = $INFO[ $k ]; } } if (! $DB->connect()) { install_error($DB->error); } //----------------------------------- // Get XML //----------------------------------- require_once( KERNEL_PATH.'class_xml.php' ); $xml = new class_xml(); //----------------------------------- // Get XML file (TEMPLATES) //----------------------------------- $xmlfile = ROOT_PATH.'ipb_templates.xml'; $setting_content = implode( "", file($xmlfile) ); //------------------------------- // Unpack the datafile (TEMPLATES) //------------------------------- $xml->xml_parse_document( $setting_content ); //------------------------------- // (TEMPLATES) //------------------------------- if ( ! is_array( $xml->xml_array['templateexport']['templategroup']['template'] ) ) { install_error("Error with ipb_templates.xml - could not process XML properly"); } foreach( $xml->xml_array['templateexport']['templategroup']['template'] as $id => $entry ) { $newrow = array(); $newrow['group_name'] = $entry[ 'group_name' ]['VALUE']; $newrow['section_content'] = $entry[ 'section_content' ]['VALUE']; $newrow['func_name'] = $entry[ 'func_name' ]['VALUE']; $newrow['func_data'] = $entry[ 'func_data' ]['VALUE']; $newrow['set_id'] = 1; $newrow['updated'] = time(); $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string($newrow); $query = "INSERT INTO ".$INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']."skin_templates (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"; if ( ! $DB->query($query) ) { install_error($query."".$DB->error); } } //------------------------------- // GET MACRO //------------------------------- $xmlfile = THIS_ROOT_PATH.'installfiles/ipb_macro.xml'; $setting_content = implode( "", file($xmlfile) ); //------------------------------- // Unpack the datafile (MACRO) //------------------------------- $xml->xml_parse_document( $setting_content ); //------------------------------- // (MACRO) //------------------------------- if ( ! is_array( $xml->xml_array['macroexport']['macrogroup']['macro'] ) ) { install_error("Error with ipb_macro.xml - could not process XML properly"); } foreach( $xml->xml_array['macroexport']['macrogroup']['macro'] as $id => $entry ) { $newrow = array(); $newrow['macro_value'] = $entry[ 'macro_value' ]['VALUE']; $newrow['macro_replace'] = $entry[ 'macro_replace' ]['VALUE']; $newrow['macro_set'] = 1; $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string($newrow); $query = "INSERT INTO ".$INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']."skin_macro (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"; if ( ! $DB->query($query) ) { install_error($query."".$DB->error); } } //------------------------------- // WRAPPER / CSS //------------------------------- require_once( THIS_ROOT_PATH.'installfiles/components.php' ); $wrapper_record = array( 'set_wrapper' => $WRAPPER, 'set_css' => $CSS, ); $str = $DB->compile_db_update_string($wrapper_record); $query = "UPDATE ".$INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']."skin_sets set ".$str." where set_skin_set_id=1"; if ( ! $DB->query($query) ) { install_error($query."".$DB->error); } //------------------------------- // ARE WE DONE? REALLY? COOL!! //------------------------------- $template->print_top('Success!'); $template->contents .= "SuccessTemplate files installed!The installation process is now complete.Click the link below to clean up the installer and build the required cachesCLICK HERE TO FINISH"; $template->output(); } //+--------------------------------------- function do_install() { global $std, $template, $VARS; //----------------------------------- // Ok, lets check for blankies... //----------------------------------- $DB = ""; $NEW_INFO = array(); $need = array('board_url','sql_host','sql_database','sql_user','adminname','adminpassword','adminpassword2','email'); foreach($need as $greed) { if ($VARS[ $greed ] == "") { install_error("You must complete all of the form with the sole exception of 'SQL Table prefix'"); } } //----------------------------------- // Get converge //----------------------------------- require_once( KERNEL_PATH.'class_converge.php' ); $converge = new class_converge( $DB ); //----------------------------------- // Get XML //----------------------------------- require_once( KERNEL_PATH.'class_xml.php' ); $xml = new class_xml(); //----------------------------------- // Get XML file //----------------------------------- $xmlfile = THIS_ROOT_PATH.'installfiles/ipb_settings.xml'; $setting_content = implode( "", file($xmlfile) ); //----------------------------------- // Fix up URL //----------------------------------- $VARS['board_url'] = preg_replace( "#/$#", "", $VARS['board_url'] ); if ($VARS['sql_tbl_prefix'] == "") { $VARS['sql_tbl_prefix'] = 'comunidade'; } $safe_mode = intval( $VARS['safe_mode'] ); //----------------------------------- // Did the admin passy and passy2 match? //----------------------------------- if ($VARS['adminpassword2'] != $VARS['adminpassword']) { install_error("Your passwords did not match"); } //----------------------------------- // Guess a path //----------------------------------- $root = THIS_ROOT_PATH; if ( $root == './') { $root = str_replace( '\\', '/', getcwd() ) . '/'; $root = str_replace( 'install/', '', $root ); } //----------------------------------- // Attempt to write the config file. //----------------------------------- $INFO = array( 'sql_driver' => $VARS['sql_driver'], 'sql_host' => $VARS['sql_host'], 'sql_database' => $VARS['sql_database'], 'sql_user' => $_POST['sql_user'], 'sql_pass' => $_POST['sql_pass'], 'sql_tbl_prefix' => $VARS['sql_tbl_prefix'], 'sql_debug' => 1, 'board_start' => time(), 'installed' => 1, 'php_ext' => 'php', 'safe_mode' => $safe_mode, 'board_url' => $VARS['board_url'], 'admin_group' => '4', 'guest_group' => '2', 'member_group' => '3', 'auth_group' => '1', ); //-------------------------------------------------- // Any "extra" configs required for this driver? //-------------------------------------------------- if ( file_exists( THIS_ROOT_PATH.'sql/'.$VARS['sql_driver'].'_install.php' ) ) { require_once( THIS_ROOT_PATH.'sql/'.$VARS['sql_driver'].'_install.php' ); $extra_install = new install_extra(); $extra_install->install_form_process(); if ( count( $extra_install->errors ) ) { install_error( "The following error(s) occured when checking the SQL information:".implode( "", $extra_install->errors ) ); } if ( is_array( $extra_install->info_extra ) and count( $extra_install->info_extra ) ) { foreach( $extra_install->info_extra as $k => $v ) { $INFO[ $k ] = $v; } } } //----------------------------------- // Attempt a DB connection.. //----------------------------------- require ( KERNEL_PATH.'class_db_'.$INFO['sql_driver'].".php"); $DB = new db_driver(); $DB->obj['sql_database'] = $INFO['sql_database']; $DB->obj['sql_user'] = $INFO['sql_user']; $DB->obj['sql_pass'] = $INFO['sql_pass']; $DB->obj['sql_host'] = $INFO['sql_host']; $DB->obj['sql_tbl_prefix'] = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']; $DB->obj['query_cache_file'] = ROOT_PATH.'sources/sql/'.$INFO['sql_driver'].'_admin_queries.php'; $DB->obj['use_shutdown'] = 0; $DB->return_die = 1; //----------------------------------- // Required vars? //----------------------------------- if ( is_array( $DB->connect_vars ) and count( $DB->connect_vars ) ) { foreach( $DB->connect_vars as $k => $v ) { $DB->connect_vars[ $k ] = $INFO[ $k ]; } } //----------------------------------- // Attempt a connect //----------------------------------- if ( ! $DB->connect() ) { install_error( "Connection error:".$DB->error ); } //----------------------------------- // Write to disk //----------------------------------- $file_string = " $v ) { $file_string .= '$INFO['."'".$k."'".']'."\t\t\t=\t'".$v."';\n"; } $file_string .= "\n".'?>'; if ( $fh = fopen( ROOT_PATH.'conf_global.php', 'w' ) ) { fputs($fh, $file_string, strlen($file_string) ); fclose($fh); } else { install_error("Could not write to 'conf_global.php'"); } //----------------------------------- // Require insert files //----------------------------------- require_once( THIS_ROOT_PATH.'sql/'.$INFO['sql_driver'].'_tables.php' ); require_once( THIS_ROOT_PATH.'sql/'.$INFO['sql_driver'].'_inserts.php' ); require_once( THIS_ROOT_PATH.'sql/'.$INFO['sql_driver'].'_fulltext.php' ); //----------------------------------- // Populate the database... //----------------------------------- foreach( $TABLE as $q ) { preg_match("/CREATE TABLE (\S+) \(/", $q, $match); if ($match[1]) { $DB->sql_drop_table( str_replace( 'comunidade', '', $match[1] ) ); } if ($VARS['sql_tbl_prefix'] != "comunidade") { $q = preg_replace("/comunidade(\S+?)([\s\.,]|$)/", $VARS['sql_tbl_prefix']."\\1\\2", $q); } if ( ! $DB->query($q) ) { install_error($q."".$DB->error); } } //----------------------------------- // Create the fulltext index... //----------------------------------- if ( $DB->sql_can_fulltext() ) { foreach( $INDEX as $q ) { if ($VARS['sql_tbl_prefix'] != "comunidade") { $q = preg_replace("/comunidade(\S+?)([\s\.,]|$)/", $VARS['sql_tbl_prefix']."\\1\\2", $q); } if ( ! $DB->query($q) ) { install_error($q."".$DB->error); } } } //----------------------------------- // Populate tables... //----------------------------------- foreach( $INSERT as $q ) { if ($VARS['sql_tbl_prefix'] != "comunidade") { $q = preg_replace("/comunidade(\S+?)([\s\.,]|$)/", $VARS['sql_tbl_prefix']."\\1\\2", $q); } $q = str_replace( "<%time%>", time(), $q ); if ( ! $DB->query($q) ) { install_error($q."".$DB->error); } } //----------------------------------- // Insert the admin... //----------------------------------- $md5_once = trim(md5($VARS['adminpassword'])); $salt = $converge->generate_password_salt(5); $key = $converge->generate_auto_log_in_key(); $rpass = $converge->generate_compiled_passhash($salt, $md5_once); $salt = str_replace( '\\', "\\\\", $salt ); $time = time(); //$salt = preg_replace( "/'/", "\\'", $salt ); //----------------------------------- // Members... //----------------------------------- $member_record = array ( 'id' => 1, 'name' => $VARS['adminname'], 'mgroup' => 4, 'email' => $VARS['email'], 'joined' => $time, 'ip_address' => '', 'posts' => 0, 'title' => 'Administrator', 'last_visit' => $time, 'last_activity' => $time, 'member_login_key' => $key, ); $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string($member_record); $query = "INSERT INTO ".$VARS['sql_tbl_prefix']."members (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"; if ( ! $DB->query($query) ) { install_error($query."".$DB->error); } //----------------------------------- // Converge... //----------------------------------- $converge_record = array ( 'converge_email' => $VARS['email'], 'converge_joined' => $time, 'converge_pass_hash' => $rpass, 'converge_pass_salt' => $salt, ); $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string($converge_record); $query = "INSERT INTO ".$VARS['sql_tbl_prefix']."members_converge (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"; if ( ! $DB->query($query) ) { install_error($query."".$DB->error); } //----------------------------------- // Member Extra... //----------------------------------- $member_extra_record = array ( 'id' => 1, 'signature' => '', 'vdirs' => '', ); $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string($member_extra_record); $query = "INSERT INTO ".$VARS['sql_tbl_prefix']."member_extra (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"; if ( ! $DB->query($query) ) { install_error($query."".$DB->error); } //------------------------------- // Unpack the datafile //------------------------------- $xml->xml_parse_document( $setting_content ); //------------------------------- // pArse //------------------------------- $fields = array( 'conf_title', 'conf_description', 'conf_group', 'conf_type', 'conf_key', 'conf_value', 'conf_default', 'conf_extra', 'conf_evalphp', 'conf_protected', 'conf_position', 'conf_start_group', 'conf_end_group', 'conf_help_key', 'conf_add_cache' ); $known = array( 'email_in' => $VARS['email'], 'email_out' => $VARS['email'], 'base_dir' => $root, 'upload_dir' => $root."uploads", 'upload_url' => $VARS['board_url']."/uploads", ); if ( ! is_array( $xml->xml_array['settingexport']['settinggroup']['setting'] ) ) { install_error("Error with ipb_settings.xml - could not process XML properly"); } foreach( $xml->xml_array['settingexport']['settinggroup']['setting'] as $id => $entry ) { if ( ! $entry['conf_key']['VALUE'] ) { continue; } $newrow = array(); $entry['conf_value']['VALUE'] = ""; if ( in_array( $entry['conf_key']['VALUE'], array_keys( $known ) ) ) { $entry['conf_value']['VALUE'] = $known[ $entry['conf_key']['VALUE'] ]; } //----------------------------------- // Make PHP slashes safe //----------------------------------- $entry['conf_evalphp']['VALUE'] = str_replace( '\\', '\\\\', $entry['conf_evalphp']['VALUE'] ); foreach( $fields as $f ) { $newrow[$f] = $entry[ $f ]['VALUE']; } $db_string = $DB->compile_db_insert_string($newrow); $query = "INSERT INTO ".$VARS['sql_tbl_prefix']."conf_settings (" .$db_string['FIELD_NAMES']. ") VALUES (". $db_string['FIELD_VALUES'] .")"; if ( ! $DB->query($query) ) { install_error($query."".$DB->error); } } //----------------------------------- // ARE WE DONE? REALLY? COOL!! //----------------------------------- $template->print_top('Success!'); $template->contents .= "SuccessYour board has now been installed!The installation process is almost complete.The next step will install the templates into your databaseCLICK HERE TO CONTINUE"; $template->output(); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // SET UP FORM /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function do_setup_form() { global $std, $template; $template->print_top('Set Up form'); if ( ! is_dir(ROOT_PATH.'ips_kernel') ) { install_error("Cannot locate 'ips_kernel' directory. Please make sure you uploaded all the folders and files."); } //-------------------------------------------------- // DO WE HAVE A DB DRIVER SET? //-------------------------------------------------- $VARS['sql_driver'] = ( $VARS['sql_driver'] == "" ) ? $_REQUEST['sql_driver'] : $VARS['sql_driver']; if ( ! $VARS['sql_driver'] ) { //---------------------------------------------- // Test to see how many DB driver's we've got.. //---------------------------------------------- $drivers = array(); $dh = opendir( ROOT_PATH.'ips_kernel' ) or install_error("Cannot locate 'ips_kernel' directory for reading, please check all paths and permissions"); while ( $file = @readdir( $dh ) ) { if ( preg_match( "/^class_db_([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\.php/i", $file, $driver ) ) { $drivers[] = $driver[1]; } } @closedir( $dh ); //---------------------------------------------- // Got more than one? //---------------------------------------------- if ( count($drivers) > 1 ) { //------------------------------------------ // Show choice screen first... //------------------------------------------ $template->contents .= "Multiple SQL Drivers DetectedPlease which SQL engine you wish to use with your Invision Power BoardSQL Driver(Select the database engine you are using) "; $template->output(); exit(); } else { //------------------------------------------ // Use only driver installed //------------------------------------------ $VARS['sql_driver'] = $drivers[0]; } } //-------------------------------------------------- // If we're here, we have chosen a driver, so....... //-------------------------------------------------- $this_url = str_replace( "/install/index.php", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $this_url = str_replace( "/install/" , "", $this_url); $this_url = str_replace( "/install" , "", $this_url); $this_url = str_replace( "index.php" , "", $this_url); if ( ! $this_url ) { $this_url = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],0, -17); if ($this_url == '') { $this_url == '/'; } $this_url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$this_url; } $this_url = preg_replace( "#/$#", "", str_replace( '?a=1', "", $this_url ) ); //-------------------------------------------------- // Safe mode? //-------------------------------------------------- $safe_mode = 0; if ( get_cfg_var('safe_mode') ) { $safe_mode = get_cfg_var('safe_mode'); } $template->contents .= "Your Server EnvironmentThis section requires you to enter the paths and URL's for the board.IPB 'index.php' URLThis is the URL (must start with http://) to your main IPB directoryAn example might be: Safe Mode DetectedThe installer has detected that your PHP is running with safe mode enabled. If you know this is not correct, please adjust the setting. "; } $template->contents .= " "; if ( $safe_mode ) { $template->contents .= " Your SQL EnvironmentThis section requires you to enter your SQL information. If in doubt, please check with your webhost before asking for support. You may choose to enter an existing database name,if not - you must create a new database before continuing.SQL Driver You have chosen to use ".strtoupper($VARS['sql_driver])."SQL Host(localhost is usually sufficient) SQL Database Name SQL Username SQL Password SQL Table Prefix(You can leave this blank and IPB will use 'comunidade' as a default) Your Admin AccountThis section requires information to create your administration account. Please enter the data carefully!Username Password Re-type your password Email Address "; //-------------------------------------------------- // Any "extra" configs required for this driver? //-------------------------------------------------- if ( file_exists( THIS_ROOT_PATH.'sql/'.$VARS['sql_driver'].'_install.php' ) ) { require_once( THIS_ROOT_PATH.'sql/'.$VARS['sql_driver'].'_install.php' ); $extra_install = new install_extra(); $template->contents = str_replace( '', $extra_install->install_form_extra(), $template->contents ); } $template->output(); } //--------------------------------------- function do_intro() { global $std, $template, $root; $template->print_top('Welcome'); $template->contents .= "Intro Welcome to IPBBefore we go any further, please ensure that all the files have been uploaded, and that the file 'conf_global.php' has suitable permissions to allow this script to write to it ( 0666 should be sufficient ).IPB ".IPBVERSION." requires PHP 4.1.0 or better and an SQL database.You will also need the following information that your webhost can provide: * Your SQL database name * Your SQL username * Your SQL password * Your SQL host address (usually localhost)Once you have clicked on proceed, you will be taken to a form to enter information the installer needs to set up your board.PLEASE NOTE: USING THIS INSTALLER WILL DELETE ANY CURRENT INVISION POWER BOARD DATABASE IF YOU ARE USING THE SAME TABLE PREFIX "; //--------------------------------------- // Check to make sure that the config file // is there and it's got suitable permissions to write to: //--------------------------------------- $file = ROOT_PATH."conf_global.php"; $templates = THIS_ROOT_PATH."installfiles/ipb_templates.xml"; $warnings = array(); $checkfiles = array( ROOT_PATH ."ipb_templates.xml", THIS_ROOT_PATH."installfiles/components.php", THIS_ROOT_PATH."installfiles/ipb_macro.xml", THIS_ROOT_PATH."installfiles/ipb_settings.xml", THIS_ROOT_PATH."sql", KERNEL_PATH ."class_converge.php", KERNEL_PATH ."class_xml.php", KERNEL_PATH ."class_db_".SQL_DRIVER.".php", ROOT_PATH ."conf_global.php", ); $writeable = array( ROOT_PATH."conf_global.php", ROOT_PATH."skin_cache/" ); foreach ( $checkfiles as $cf ) { if ( ! file_exists($cf) ) { $warnings[] = "Cannot locate the file '$cf'."; } } foreach ( $writeable as $cf ) { if ( ! is_writeable($cf) ) { $warnings[] = "Cannot write to the file '$cf'. Please CHMOD to 0777."; } } $phpversion = phpversion(); //---------------------------------- // CHECK BASICS //---------------------------------- if ($phpversion < '4.1.0') { $warnings[] = "You cannot install Invision Power Board. Invision Power Board requires PHP Version 4.1.0 or better."; } if ( ! function_exists('get_cfg_var') ) { $warnings[] = "You cannot install Invision Power Board. Your PHP installation isn't sufficient to run IPB."; } if ( ! function_exists('xml_parse_into_struct') ) { $warnings[] = "You cannot install Invision Power Board. IPB requires that the XML functions in PHP are enabled, please ask your host to enable XML."; } //---------------------------------- // Got error? //---------------------------------- if ( count($warnings) > 0 ) { $err_string = '·'.implode( "·", $warnings ); $template->contents .= "Warning! The following errors must be rectified before continuing!$err_string"; } else { $template->contents .= "proceed"; } $template->contents .= ""; $template->output(); } function install_error($msg="") { global $std, $template, $root; $template->print_top('Warning!'); $template->contents .= "Warning!The following errors must be rectified before continuing!Please go back and try again!$msg"; $template->output(); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASSES //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class info { function info() { global $INFO; $ibforums->vars = $INFO; } } class template { var $contents = ""; function output() { echo $this->contents; echo "Invision Power Board © 2004 Invision Power Services, Inc."; exit(); } //-------------------------------------- function print_top($title="") { $this->contents = "Invision Power Board Installer "; } } ?> Editado Março 8, 2005 por Gladisson Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Gladisson Postado Março 8, 2005 Denunciar Share Postado Março 8, 2005 Caracas... isso é o erro? eu acho que isso é o código.Fale somente qual o erro na tela ou me mande uma pm informando o site, para dar uma olhada. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 sadadadse Postado Março 8, 2005 Autor Denunciar Share Postado Março 8, 2005 consegui passar pelo primeiro erro q dava, agora quando inicio a instalação dá erro de prefix - eu pensei q era para deixar em branco... alguém sabe o que está acontecendo??esse é o erro: Warning! The following errors must be rectified before continuing!Please go back and try again! You must complete all of the form with the sole exception of 'SQL Table prefix' Help-me, PleaseThanks very much Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Gladisson Postado Março 8, 2005 Denunciar Share Postado Março 8, 2005 Eu juntei os tópicos, pois fica melhor para entender tudo.Bom... eu tentei acessar o site mais não consegui. Citar Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
Olá pessoal,
eu estou fazendo uma página utilizando o pacote invision, eu está dando um erro na página de instalação
eu já não sei mais o que fazer e a quem recorrer
Por meio desta mensagem eu gostaria de pedir a vocês q sacam tudo para me dar uma maozinha com esse problemas, pois sou leigo no assunto
deixo a disposição de vocês o meu MSN:
por favor alguém entre em contato
estarei disposto a dar senhas se for preciso para a resolução deste pequeno problema,
mais uma vez agradeço a compreenção de todos vocês, Obrigado
André Alves
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